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Posts tagged ‘dishonesty’


Can we learn from dishonesty?

When someone is dishonest, and it involves you, are you affected by their dishonesty?

It happens, we forget to listen carefully to what is being said, we allow feelings to get in the way. Or the perceived friendship that we think we are having is really not what we think it is at all.  Really I believe that there is a part of us that recognizes the lie we are living, but for the most part, it seems to take a long time to really register.

e940582557c689147356445c9fe16e69Is the lie ours for not listening to our inner voice, or to the person who deceived us with their untruths.  A conundrum for sure.  It takes two people for a relationship to work, and when one is left to try to manage on one’s own, then it is no longer a relationship.  I’m not talking of a social friendship, where one supports a friend, and is there for them through thick and thin.  I’m talking about a special relationship where two people have agreed to share a common interest/goal or objective. the parameters are spelled out and they progress into the adventure.  When one person changes the rules and brings lies into the equation, it isn’t long before the gulf begins to widen.

Canopy walkway-boomslang(newsferret). Some pathways are well-defined, and we know if we step off we are in for a big fall.  We take our time and enjoy the view, but the world around us is not really part of the path, rather our path is traveling through the world around us..

The railings keep us from seeing what is down below, we see only what is within sight of where we are being directed.

Same applies in relationships, no matter how we try, when we are walking through life on a constructed and laid out surface, we don’t go beyond the limits placed on us.

“Tena sentimiento de aprender de todas las personas.  Los conocimientos y las experiencias de uno mismo son limitados.  Eschuche con docilidad las opiniones ajenas. (Spanish) (English) You can Learn from Anyone.  There is a limitation to our own knowledge and experiences.  Listen carefully and sincerely to other’s opinions.” PL lesson for the day.


Dishonesty, deceiving, lying, cheating, these are all activities that will come back to haunt you.  When we lie or create false truths, we are deviating from nature, from what really is.  We not only deceive the other person, we deceive ourselves. Happiness can not last when it is based on lies.  In life, we take more winding paths than we do straight roads.  We are also responsible for the choices we make.

747b2758989756743cbf0ca7cf6b48c4We may stand physically alone, but we are never alone.Nature, surrounds us and permeates are very being, with all that is real, the Universe is real,  God is real.  You and I with God, we are ONE.

To lie is a waste of time and energy, to lie and accept living a lie, is not being in Harmony with Nature. My choice, will always be to Love.and live in harmony with life/UNIVERSE

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

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