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Posts tagged ‘ice’


Macro shot of an ice crystal,,… by Dan Cadieux https://www.instagram.com/dancadphotography/

Good morning, yesterday I mentioned how sometimes it is hard to step out of the “past” and “let go” so that we can move on, relearn to live and begin new “adventures”. Dan who usually does a lot of wildlife photography also has a love of the inner beauty of “ice”…. In delighting in his “captures” the other day, I saw a couple of the macro shots he took of ice.

This one reminded me of a star burst against a midnight sky, In prayer/meditations of late, I have prayed on the memory /reflection of how so many “friends ” have come and gone over the years, Altho’ they are not physically here, I can’t just call up and come by or /drop over for a visit… the many hours we did have of sharing/ the laughter/ the anxieties as we coped with life, all come flooding back. Their imprint on my life lives on.

One of the positives I liked about photography was the ability to not just see the “surface” but with a good lens, patience and a steady hand, we could actually see beyond what the naked eye can/could take in, IF we took the time to “see” beyond the moment, and really look and immerse one’s self in the total connection we discover new realities. Even as we enjoy the crystals that formed that one piece of ice, it was in the process of changing, and that moment in time in seconds will/would be gone never to return.

Don’t be swayed by the past; It’s what you do from now on that counts. Your failures as well as your successes are now in the past. Always look towards the future and start with a fresh outlook.

Perfect Liberty 2015,9
this weasel was on a mission, visit Dan’s site to see what he was up to, see link above.

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning point.

Happy HO HO

I wanted to put a little santa hat on him, but he wasn’t having anything to do with that idea. Still .. he is my emissary today.. I’m off to feed he and his fellow woodland friends their holiday breakfast. Much joy and happiness in all you do today. Make lots of memories!

Smiles are the world’s Treasure. Do everything with a Prayerful Mind.

Precept #1 Life is Art


Beautiful snow covered landscape is so pretty .. that is what it looks like out there at the moment, temperatures dropped, so snow fell over the treacherous black ice/ & plain frozen over rain from yesterdays downpour. Temperatures dropped overnight to the mid twenties and are expected to stay below freezing for most of the day. Though precipitation is expected to stop sometimes this morning and from then it will be sunny… till maybe Saturday..

It can’t be stressed enough if you are going to come out to the woodlands … if you have them, wear cleats. Walking will be dangerous, Falls at this time of year can be “painful”.

Flexibly adapt to changes. The world around you changes, and so do you. Enjoy the transformations and deal with them flexibly.

Perfect Liberty 2015.31

Will give you some colour to begin your day..


April 11.

It is all about the ice, the ice … it is all about the ice, the ice.

It can be so decorative, so beautiful, just a pain to drive or try to walk on.

You ever wondered .. or asked yourself… how come you can never see your head, (only through a mirror)? or how you look from the back when you are walking away.?

The past leads to now and now leads to the future. Life is an accumulation of moments … cherish each one.

Perfect Liberty 2021.11

Sandhill Crane, heard my first one yesterday at Mer Bleue.


when white is the colour of the day

choice – spend time outside or inside
snow is pristine and beautiful against the contrasting bark on the trees

I wrote this back in the late 70’s… found it today while looking for something else.

Freedom is – a state of mind

Through each moment of the day

We experience, joy, happiness, sadness, anticipation and frustrations.

Emotions, are part of our core

With each breath comes an emotion

How we cope and accept, encounters and interactions with others…

is how much freedom we allow ourselves …

in our journey through life.

To see fragments of life shatter before you

in a glittering array – transcending joy

a new dawning.

thoughts taken from a page of a book I’d stored visual artwork and thoughts such as the above.

It is interesting to see how I captured my thoughts then, & to reflect on them, I think I still see life much the same way… will have to give it more thought though,

I like the contrast of the snow and the quiet moment of reflection in my beach house .. in the virtual world, the weather is always comfortable no matter where we visit, or the terrain we travel. In this world of constant change, we are gifted with new adventures and back drops for our “stories” and “travels”… the newness, the constant discoveries of what IS… makes for a world of wonder. Ours to discover !!!

follow your heart

mar 3

Wow.. a barely in focus picture of a wall with ice. Yet this is what struck me yesterday as thought-provoking.  I was going through a McDonald’s drive through.  When the bigger of the lot had me reaching for the camera.  Of course I had one eye on the line ahead of me .. while fumbling for the iPhone in my cluttered backpack.

march 3 mcDonalds InnisCan you see the little eye and the bird’s head peeking out at the bottom…  Yesterday the whole ice sculpture made me smile and gasp in pleasure.. (I know, I don’t get out much)

All this to say, “to each his/her own” we are all so different and unique from one another.  Truth be told, often even to ourselves.

I even had the ice on the left, wanting to be with the others that hung in a group further along the wall.  imagination is wonderful.

You have all heard me say time and time again, I like being “happy”

A lesson I am learning especially since my husband passed away, is that happiness is where you find it, and is at times redefining itself.  That joy of turning to your partner and without a word, you both know, one of you just had a burst of “happy” or an inspiration, is gone, only the memory remains.  Time, love and faith, will heal these moments, but for now….   What is, is.

PL Calendar day 4

Follow your heart while also thinking about the happiness of others

Always be true to yourself in your words and actions.  Strive to make others happy with a sincere heart


“life is like an onion you peel it off one layer at a tie and sometimes you weep” Carl Sandburg

the art of Ice



here today, gone tomorrow

to be there when the sunshine is so strong

the ice turns to crystal liquid

flowing happily


down into the ground

Now, the ice is in suspended art form

waiting for the temperatures to raise

then like glistening liquid fire

it will flow

to the earth below


snow and ice

snow and ice

as seen under a sky

of faded blue and powder gray

such beauty

in the stillness of the day

captured my heart

and stole it away


click on the pictures to see the beauty

that even now

holds me captive to its charm


Life – Nature is ART



today’s lessons

hawksbury ice

This is what ice and cold can do to a perfectly good wharf over a winter season.  In my journey west of the city yesterday, the ice and snow was gone.  Today my travels were taking me towards Montreal, on the old hwy.  After a stop for some supplies in the town of Alfred (famous for its fries, and small bakery) we decided to return home via Hawksbury.  Already as we had been making our way east, we saw how there was still snow in the fields.


It had been such a mild day yesterday, with the sun so bright today, I was ill prepared for how cold it was by the water. Like duh… look at the ice, it is still in chunks and plenty of it. Never-the-less I had a great day, the dogs got to walk in new territory, I got to browse and peruse two floors of supplies for my card making.  I decided to try the Motorola cell phone to take some of the pictures, I usually use my all-purpose iPhone when wandering.


Thought I’d do a colour and clarity test.  I had been very happy with the Motorola till I went back to using my iPhone for my one and only means of communication (phone/cell) we did away with our land line.


Sometimes, the mind just wants to try something different, and needs to experiment and be creative.  One of my “lessons” in life is to try to be less lazy.  Yes I said lazy.  I was going to bring my “wellies” but didn’t because it would have meant going back in the house and carrying them out to the car.  that meant, when I wanted to get a good picture of the above tractor, I had to stay in the truck because the ground around was simply too muddy and wet for my “expensive dress shoes”  You might as well get the tissue box out, there is more.


There was some wonderful old wall paper (cornflowers) in the old house.  The door was wide open, I could see inside.  Because I didn’t have the proper footwear, I had to stay on the road, for this picture.  So I can only tell you how pretty it was, even stained and aged.  It sent my mind into story telling mode, I wanted to write about what it must have been like living in the old house when it was young and vibrant.  We drove on with the passing miles so did the mood.  I was looking forward to seeing the pictures that I did get.



There are repercussions to actions we take or don’t make time for.  Here is how it goes, I took great pictures with the Motorola, when we got home I was keen to see them, they looked great. BUT when I came to send them to the computer (desktop) they wouldn’t load.  I tried to hook the cell phone up to the hard drive, so that I could copy the files from the phone to my PC, that wouldn’t work either, I kept getting an empty message.

Grrrr I had in mind what I wanted to write about and the pictures I wanted to use.  This is where PL Precept # 4 Being Annoyed limits your Expression..  comes in mighty handy.  I spent a long time, trying everything I could think of, I realized that to move the pictures I might have to figure out how to resize the pictures, one by one.  Then I thought to send them to my Flickr page, but that didn’t work because for some reason, I couldn’t log in.

I got out the Pl Principles and looked for positive support, PL Principle #1 is I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do.  Right away, I knew that I had not been applying that to my actions during the day.  I was enjoying myself yes, but I did things without thinking through or considering the consequences. PL Principle #8. I will not have a mind to be greedy.  and yes, I was wanting to do this, this and this.. I was not taking time to appreciate what I was doing I was just reacting to my “wants”.

PL Principle # 3   I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

Like the frozen ice, and the effects it had on the material objects around it, when it froze, thawed, and froze up again, nothing stayed the same, with each change the water/ice/snow went through, there was a change to the inanimate objects around and on it.

Siberia, Russia

I did get some of the pictures, but others are lost to me at the moment, this last picture was taken in Siberia (photographer unknown) I think my mind spent some time astral traveling today, it was a good day, a lot of exciting moments, and for sure some good lessons for me to consider and work on.

One of the reasons I love life so much, is that everyday is a new beginning.  Having wonderful friends, and an ongoing communication with God, means that the blessings are always there, we need only recognize them, appreciate them and grow in LOVE.

Namaste        –       Oyashikiri

PL Precept #11  Always be with God

first sentence in PL Principle # 14

I will not have a mind to be lazy

last picture is from Pinterest

others are my own

mes plaisirs -my pleasures =^_^=


I drove by and had to stop

your beauty caught my breath

…. I just knew … I wanted more

parking the truck,

I carefully got out and walked across the  layers of

crystalized ice that lay on the path

would I get to you in time

or would the bright noon day sunlight  ..

soon….temporarily be covered by a cloud


I am closer now,  and I can see that the mantle of glistening ice

every little space has been

covered by frozen droplets of ice

not so nice to walk on

but it certainly has graced your outline

with a gem like brilliance …

… be assured that I will share

 this moment in the sun

for unlike many others

I do not see you as menace

but rather …  a mischievous winter elf

who threw diamond droplets

into the frigid air

giving us a glimpse of

a miniature  wonderland

where wee folk enjoy their winter play

Note – when I first saw this snow, I was driving in so I saw it from a different angle,  when I parked I had to go further into the lot.   Walking back to the  “sight that caught my eye”  I was struck by how beautiful it was from this direction too.  In drawing closer, the highly defined shapes I had seen driving in, were not the same, so I tried to walk around to see what I had seen on driving in,

Fact… the moment had passed.  for me to get the exact picture, I should have stopped the truck, right then and there, either put the passenger window down and tried to capture it then, BUT  had I gotten out of the truck it wouldn’t have worked either because my sight line was at a different level. Don’t you love the BUT moments.


All said and done.  I took my pictures, and checked them out when I got home.. What you see when you are standing right there.. at that moment… is not always what your camera captures.  In this case… almost, but not quite.. why.. because the actually brilliance and shading that were true to my naked eye, did not or were not picked up in the same way by the camera’s lens

LIFE is ART….   PL Precept #1   Life is Art.     

The situations we find ourselves in, every day, are much like I described above. No two people will ever see the exact same thing.. they may on an overall big picture, show and tell.  But each person responds to the stimuli in her/his own way.  If they were both able to capture it in a photo, the two photos would not be exactly the same.

We accept these difference in every day, situations, why do we have such a hard time, accepting when friends or loved ones, “see” life’s experiences in a different way than ours.  “Food for thought”

venez vibrer au rythme de vie

come vibrate to the rhythms of life

let us a create a melody of 

peaceful harmony

You – Me


namaste      –       oyashikiri

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