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Posts tagged ‘birds’


Who knew! yesterday I heard a Cackling Goose, hmmm looked to me like the Canada Goose, but no… I eventually had time to look it up, Sorry I had to take a screen shot during a video to get this shot to share with you. It was migrating !!! and I got to hear it. Now I’m wondering if that is the bird I’m seeing with the Sand Crane some mornings.

Again I’m remined one should not take it for granted when we see a bird at a distance that it is not be dismissed as just another XYZ. I’m relatively new to the world of birds.. it is an adventure in learning.

I have been watching the growth of a red trillium… such a little beauty, I didn’t get to see one last year.. and this year it is my first find.

can’t wait to see how she is doing today!!!

PL Precept # 16 all things Progress and Develop

Everything that happens to you is material for growth. Approach everything with a firm belief that, “It will turn out for the best” Anything can be used as material for progress and development, PL 2015.4



A thankful heart leads to happiness. When we really pay attention, we are surrounded by many things we can be thankful for, the society we live in, the kindness shown to us by others. You will be able to find true happiness when you can see and appreciate these things,

As spring slowly opens up to us, we can feel the newness in the air. Small buds are appearing on winter weary branches. There are even brave spring blooms opening their faces and arms to the warming spring sunshine.

There is something so soothing when you are treated to the sound of birds calling out to each other in cheerful greetings. Males are chirping,, pick me pick me… while the female coyly murmur soft replies. Ahhhh ….Spring when romance fills the air…… Wishing you a joy filled day!


Yes… the sandhill cranes are around… their morning calls are so beautiful… the variety of sparrows and finches …willing pose a second or two before flying off again. Even the cowbird yesterday was dashing with the sunlight on his feathers. The sneak was trying to friend a red wing blackbird.

Services today. 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.


Be a messenger of Peace. Always think “for the sake of others and society” and express yourself for the happiness of all people,

Perfect Liberty 2022.1

Day of Peace ceremony 10 a.m. this morning.


I have seen a lot of robins of late… they are busy picking out worms.. the red wing blackbirds had a new friend hanging out with them yesterday.



Today is a brand new day. If you think, “it’s just another day” your life will simply be stagnant and unchanging. You are in fact given this unique day, unlike any other, so live it to the fullest.

Perfect Liberty 2017.3

I like to think of myself as always being creative and able to adapt. Surprise, I uses and avatar to navigate and get around in a virtual world. Over the years, she has changed as the technology has changed, so I was really surprised when I was not forced to, but it was time for an update and I made changes by updating to a more “today” head. The technology of the world around me in the virtual world has been changing in leaps and bounds, and I was still years behind in the technology I was using to get around.

It was a shock to see the transformation, and to realize that the face looking back at me, was me, but she wasn’t. Kind of like looking in a mirror and realizing the face and body you see is not what you remember it to be. In talking to others who have undergone the same “changes” it seems that it is not a quick fix, but one I’ll be adjusting to over the next while.

Like life really, I think and feel like me, but when I see myself in a mirror or pass a shop window, I’m always taken by surprise that there is someone else with me.

For you who follow my adventure in the “woods” I walked one of the trails yesterday, So I covered over a mile over snow packed down by snowshoes/X-country skiis, and hikers. The snow is a hard crust but beware in many places it was soft under the ice, and you could drop a good foot or more before hitting a hard surface. I was glad I had my poles with me. For sure it would have been disaster in places had I not also been wearing cleats. Also. note if you venture out and .. if you are not familiar with the trails, stay on the main one if you can determine which one it is.. landmarks are very different or non existent with all the snow and fallen trees.

On the plus side, the woods the last week or so have been filled with the singing of birds. Lots of birds. Days are getting longer, and we have had ”mostly” a mild winter, If you love the happy chirping of birds… take a walk in the woods.. Pure awesomeness.



Always think that everything will work out. When you allow yourself to be pessimistic, your thought and actions become sluggish. Approach everything optimistically without hesitating.

Perfect Liberty 2020.2

Good Morning. sharing a picture taken the other day at the breakfast buffet. This is only a small number of the guests. They interact and share in almost an orderly fashion, it does get loud tho’… I think they invite all their “clan” for miles around.

Have a great week-end.



Soon I can tramp through the wilderness to meet up with “old friends” In chatting with fellow “birders” yesterday I was reminded of my trek along the river bank in a secluded area, when I came across this beauty. It was snowing yesterday, with a chill wind, but that didn’t stop one of the “gals” from chasing after a minx who teased us by running past us in a great hurry to “?” Life is a wonderful adventure, each day is a new chapter…. Enjoy whatever you get up to today!

Whether you are happy or not depends on your perspective. The things that happen in your life are neither good nor bad. It is your perspective that determines whether the outcome is good or unfortunate,

Perfect Liberty 2024.17

PL Principle #3 I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

Till soon!


Good morning world.. A lot can happen in a few hours. picture #1, my backyard was without snow, none to be seen. Picture #2 is what I see when I open my side door to get to my car, the contractor has been by to clear my steps and in front of the garage, the plow will come and clear the lane.. It was done twice last evening, what you see is what fell with the freezing rain pellets in the wee hours. Picture 3 shows you what I see from my back door. I had already cleared a path twice for Keeper to get off the deck to the back .. my last attempt was around 11:30pm.. you can see to the left, the accumulation. This is winter weather in these parts,, we have had it easy, December was one of the warmest months ever. and what snow fell was gone within days.

I saw the poster on the right when I was trying to find a picture without snow of my backyard.. Gave me chuckle, I love where I live, I enjoy the four seasons, and all that goes with it. However from the grumbling I’m hearing on the radio.. there are a lot of unhappy campers out there, We did get spoiled with the clear highways in December. Just means, the birds will be wanting their feeders cleared of snow, the Jays will hope for extra helping of peanuts, and the crows.. well.. they are in for a treat… I had check wings for supper, they get to pick the bones and enjoy the wonton wrappers I didn’t eat.. (I cheat, I like the shrimp or meat inside the wontons.. and save the skins for them…)

It is easier to adapt to something when we find it interesting. No matter how enjoyable a situation is, a slight change in our attitude can make it boring. Let’s face any situation with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Perfect Liberty 2022. 10

If you are driving out there, be careful, seems some parts of the highway are like skating rinks, lots of water and under the water could be black ice. If you live where the sun is shining and the roads are bare and dry, offer a thank you.. and send positive thoughts out to people living under different skies.

I’m going to have Thai coconut chicken soup for breakfast!! yum!


Thai Coconut Chicken soup, Ann’s Table, Costco


Good morning, thought I’d share my “gym” with you today. I thought it could be a squirrel, but look at his little hands, I now believe him/her to be innocent of thieving. I arrived one morning to find that one of the cylinder feeders was missing from its placement, I was perplexed, I had (I thought) secured it rather well to the tree with rubber coated wire. (this protects the tree bark)… On inspection I saw the green feeder under the bramble in the bush .. see bottom right picture. I could see it but to get to it I had to maneuver the big trunks …The first time it happened, Tanya arrived for her daily hike, … and helped me retrieve it. For her, younger and more agile she went along the side of the big limbs squeezing along between (see picture to the left of the one you just looked at….. She took her time and the feeder was retrieved. 

The next day, the feeder was missing again. And again, I saw the animal had tried to drag it under the trunks into the bramble ,. likely to its place of residence. This time there was no one to help… after a bit of waiting, I tackled the situation myself.. YES I was successful, was most pleased with myself, I used one of my walking poles, climbed up and lay over the limbs extending myself forward till I was able to hook the feeder. Took some time and I did get a work out.. but it was a success.

This morning I will return to see if the (I think it could be a raccoon(s)) had another go at the feeder.

Your smile is what’s needed. A smile invites happiness and cheer and is essential to energize others as well as yourself.

Perfect Liberty 2022.3

Remember .. where there is “will”, there is a way, Be safe on your adventures of today, enjoy and be happy.



Good morning,, remember this little guy, he came by like clockwork during the feedings late summer and into the fall. He would gather up all the peanuts he could and would scurry across the parking lot, way across into the trees in the distance. Now of course, he and his mates are “in” for the winter. When I’m feeding the morning diners now,,,. it is the red squirrels that are gathering, chattering and nattering at each other.. what a noisy crew.

With the dip in the weather again, the other day I had to have had two dozen or more Blue Jays raining down on me when I finally arrived with breakfast. This sound of that many flapping feathers zooming past me and around me, is rather “addictive” once you used to it. They actually dive bomb, with precision. It is something…. they come from all sides and angles, never an accident … I wonder if they have a way of communicating .. or is it, the fasted one to the target is the winner.

The lay out of the other Feeding area is of course different, so the jays there have a different method. What is truly amazing to me at this location is that some watch from perches really high up in the taller trees … The jays at the second location are also .. I think a tad smaller. For me its like being in Grand Central Station watching the events unfold from all directions, and at various level. The red squirrels can lead a merry chase,,, while the Jays zoom in with a purpose, the little reds chase each other while carrying on a verbal barrage of scolding and warnings… that go unheeded by the bigger black and silver fox coloured squirrels.

Meanwhile if I get to serve up the meals properly the woodpeckers and the smaller birds blissfully go about enjoying their breakfast while the ground activity bustles on. Didn’t see the Merlin the last couple of days, maybe he’s found a quieter patch. I have a rogue Raven who has been patrolling the area… and he is very vocal…

Today’s message … PL 2022.2

Discover Each Person’s Unique Qualities. When we approach people with respect, we can understand them better and see their special qualities.

It’s cold, bundle up. Have a great day whatever you get up to.



Rust was the colour of the world yesterday, not monotone, just different shades of rust. If I could have put down an abandoned, rusted vintage chevy truck with pumpkins and wood for the fireplace in the back it would have been perfect. The new is creeping in on us… won’t be long!!!

Develop new ideas through your imagination – softly and flexibly. If you could find a way to add a twist, you will have more joy.

Perfect Liberty 2023.28

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