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Posts tagged ‘Ireland’

December 2

IMG_1644 ireland.9.2018

Here we go.  Tim Horton’s in Ireland. No more can we say, “only in Canada” the world has changed so much over the years.  What hasn’t changed is the bond of friendship that is ongoing, and is built and groomed with unconditional love.  Acceptance, and respect.

Yesterday in PL, being the first of the month, we celebrated with the PL service of Peace.  Every month, on the 1st day of the month. at 10 a.m. all over the world where there is a church,  or a member of  PL, time is made to pray for world peace.  Through the service at the church we pray for World Peace and rededicate ourselves to live as a peaceful human being, in our own worlds, which includes, our home, school, work and communities.

When we love with makoto “sincerity” and dedication of purpose, we are blessed with love in our lives that continues to shine, forever and always.  It is not measured in earthly ways, days, months, years, it is, simply life itself. Like breathing in and out. we don’t count how often we breathe in and out during our days and nights, we just Breathe …. Love should be in our action, words and hearts.  Always.

Life is Art.  PL Precept #1

Harmony leads to world peace



reminder. Pick up your 2019 calendar at the church, if you are unable to get to the church and would like one, contact me  thank you, obrigada/o



Can we learn from dishonesty?

When someone is dishonest, and it involves you, are you affected by their dishonesty?

It happens, we forget to listen carefully to what is being said, we allow feelings to get in the way. Or the perceived friendship that we think we are having is really not what we think it is at all.  Really I believe that there is a part of us that recognizes the lie we are living, but for the most part, it seems to take a long time to really register.

e940582557c689147356445c9fe16e69Is the lie ours for not listening to our inner voice, or to the person who deceived us with their untruths.  A conundrum for sure.  It takes two people for a relationship to work, and when one is left to try to manage on one’s own, then it is no longer a relationship.  I’m not talking of a social friendship, where one supports a friend, and is there for them through thick and thin.  I’m talking about a special relationship where two people have agreed to share a common interest/goal or objective. the parameters are spelled out and they progress into the adventure.  When one person changes the rules and brings lies into the equation, it isn’t long before the gulf begins to widen.

Canopy walkway-boomslang(newsferret). Some pathways are well-defined, and we know if we step off we are in for a big fall.  We take our time and enjoy the view, but the world around us is not really part of the path, rather our path is traveling through the world around us..

The railings keep us from seeing what is down below, we see only what is within sight of where we are being directed.

Same applies in relationships, no matter how we try, when we are walking through life on a constructed and laid out surface, we don’t go beyond the limits placed on us.

“Tena sentimiento de aprender de todas las personas.  Los conocimientos y las experiencias de uno mismo son limitados.  Eschuche con docilidad las opiniones ajenas. (Spanish) (English) You can Learn from Anyone.  There is a limitation to our own knowledge and experiences.  Listen carefully and sincerely to other’s opinions.” PL lesson for the day.


Dishonesty, deceiving, lying, cheating, these are all activities that will come back to haunt you.  When we lie or create false truths, we are deviating from nature, from what really is.  We not only deceive the other person, we deceive ourselves. Happiness can not last when it is based on lies.  In life, we take more winding paths than we do straight roads.  We are also responsible for the choices we make.

747b2758989756743cbf0ca7cf6b48c4We may stand physically alone, but we are never alone.Nature, surrounds us and permeates are very being, with all that is real, the Universe is real,  God is real.  You and I with God, we are ONE.

To lie is a waste of time and energy, to lie and accept living a lie, is not being in Harmony with Nature. My choice, will always be to Love.and live in harmony with life/UNIVERSE

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

wonders of..

wonders of the world

Plodding along on a hiking trail in Ireland, and …. hello……… The Valley of Love in Ireland, ….almost a mile long and over a half a mile high, it is said to be 3000 years older than the Pyramids. I will have to do more research on this, but it sure would stop me in my tracks.  I’m filled with questions, on how it was built, and why?  especially thousands of years ago, when there wasn’t the technology that is around today.  How did the craftsman, or men, work and maintain perspective.  I wondered if it was  even real, then I found it posted on a site that featured, all the world’s best wonders… allworldbest.blogspot.com   wonders 2

In today’s world, with information made available to us from all quarters of the world, what we hear about and see on the telly,news stations and print media, is usually about all the negatives that humans seem to delight on inflicting on others..  Is this what we want to be remembered for.

wonders 3

These ruins, remnants of a past civilization, are beautiful and certainly a testament to what a human is capable of.  What happened to the people? where did they go? and why did they go?. Scholars have been studying and writing papers and books about this for years.wonders 4 - Brazil

Brazil a city with passion and a lot of problems, will this also one day be a monument of wonder surrounded by ruins and a vacated city? With human minds wondering what went wrong, and why did the people leave.  No longer can one sit in front of a television set to be entertained with music and song, theatre and art, now we are asked to pay and pay again, for viewing that is more to our taste.  What we are given for basic television, is the news coverage of all the horrors in the world, the crime, the shooting, the drama of cheating husbands and wives, agents that kill and spy on us, we have made room in our homes for the savage nature in the human mind.wonders 5

Our rivers are being polluted, majestic tress are being cut, whole sections of century old forest are being laid bare, many species of animals are becoming extinct, weather changes are severe, and still we heed not the warnings.  We seem obsessed with material wealth, superficial wants, and sordid passions that leave a soul empty and bleeding.

wonders,satue of Liberty

Most of  us know this wonder, the statue of Liberty in the United States, besides a tourist attraction, do you know what she stands for…..  ????  The greatest wonder of all, is that Universe we live in, yet we disrespect it from morning to night. The Universe we live in is not aside from us, it is part of us, we are part of the Universe…. no more… no less…

Cherish the being in YOU, love the world and all that it is… only you can help with changing what the world is today, it is we, you and I as a unit that will give strength to living in a world of peace.

PL Precept #21 Live In Perfect Liberty

PL Precept # 1   Life is Art

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri


help the world peace movement grow.. share this blog, thank you!


are we learning

Panda,Kunming,China @wong campion newsroom Reuters

How we adapt and adjust to the changes around us says a lot about how we manage/cope in life.  This Panda was not deterred by a bit of snow.

orses peak through snow in Londonderry Northern Ireland 1.14.15

These roses were spotted by a photographer (@Reuters/Cathal McNaughton) pushing through the snow after a storm in a city cemetery in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, 1.14.15

snow, Pitlochry, Scotland  1.14.15With the snow came promises of a toboggan ride, it was a great adventure, building snow forts, snowmen, skating, in the young there is just the innocence of a new adventure. (Pitlochry, central Scotland 1.14.15) (Reuters,Russell Cheyne)

Snow,pyeongchang-gun,south korea, @Getty Images


Even grown ups can have a good time, how we see and perceive the day is how we will proceed.  Our perspective determines the outcome of our day/nights. These men are enjoying their fun in Pyeongchang-gun,South Korea (Getty Images)

Ireland, Carndonagh after heavy snow j.13.15

This of course is would could be in store if we are not focused and being aware of the road we are traveling during or after a winter storm has descended on us. (Reuters,cathal McNaughton, Ireland)



This is all that could be seen of buildings  and cars during a heavy smog day from an observatory tower in Beijing, I’d heard of the smog there, but not seen just how heavy and dense it is.


Is this how we want to live our lives, do we want to wear face masks when we step outside our doors.   This is how people in Beijing have to protect their lungs during polluted days in their city.

Alabama - Jan 8 15

This beautiful picture was taken in Tuscaloosa, Alabama after winter weather plunged the area into a deep freeze and broke records Jan.8.2015. note the clear blue skies, and how the light makes the ice and snow look picture pretty. (Michelle Lepianka Carter/Tuscaloosa News/AP Photo)

PL. Precept # 7    Everything Exists in Relativity

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

1000 years

yew tree 1000years old

This is a picture of a 1000  year-old Yew Tree, in west Wales/Pintast  can you imagine walking under the canopy of these branches.  I have such appreciation for the natural wonders in this world.  You have only to walk up to any tree and take a close look at its bark, or the way it reaches to the sky, open and trusting.

“It is time for a worldwide moratorium  on logging all remaining ancient forests” Dr.Reese Halter-Broadcaster, conservation, and Educator.  It was appalling to learn that Tasmania’s World Heritage Wilderness could lose 44%  or 165,000 acres of its 389,000 acres.  “Foresters have more than enough denuded lands to grow plantations and practice the art and science of forestry”  Harmony Witherspoon.   The Huffington Post headline  read, Delisting Tasmanian Wilderness Impoverishes Australia.a9cc912d006b391dbff302468d8eff34

Australia is not alone fighting to save its forests. Even in the cities, we see people cutting down trees so that they can have more parking lots, or sprawling shopping malls, while not so old shopping areas, go dormant and become concrete run down buildings. left to die slow deaths.  Houses that once had nice landscapes, go from one home, to 2, maybe 3 on that very same lot, with no green space or room for a tree at all.

the old road, Ballynoe, Ireland

This old road leads to an ancient stone circle, in Ballynoe, Co. Down, Ireland, this didn’t happen overnight, it took years for the trees to grow into one another and form the welcoming trail that welcomes the visitor to  enter and discover a magical place.

PL Principle # 3    I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.


Namaste    –    Oyashikiri



*** The old Road -Cat-Art on flickr



Ancestor’s Day

Ireland, found on Crosshaven - by twowhhhheelsonly on flickr

Today in PL (Perfect Liberty) we will celebrate Ancestors Day in a ceremony at 10 a.m. in the church.  This ceremony is performed every month on the 11th. 10:a.m.

Through this ceremony, we express our gratitude for the love and virtues of our ancestors. The word “ancestors” applies not only to family but to people who have influenced our lives, helped  and guided us to live the  PL   WAY.


What do we teach the  youth of today. What values do we impart.  These are not questions requiring an immediate answer, these are the thoughts to reflect on while living our daily lives.   With all due respect, I wish you all the blessing of a life filled with love, awareness and caring for your fellow man.

Namaste             –               Oyashikiri


* Ireland,old graveyard, by Twowheelsonly on Flickr

** found on boredpanda.com (Pascal Champagne)


Good Morning Everyone! Bom dia!

trails, Shenandoagh rocky trail via jdynbttn

Some  trails are rockier than others.  Some challenges are just not a simple fix.  Some challenges require a lot of faith.  If you are bent on achieving your goal, you have to continually put one foot in front of the other.  Sometimes along the way, you may have to stop, rest, regroup, but… then you begin again.  One foot in front of the  other.

trails, hiking boot Montrail Torre GTX


Having the proper footwear will help greatly in the way you progress over the rocks and obstacles along the way. You faith in God, your inner strength, your ability to connect with the knowledge you’ve acquired to combat the various terrien you will find along your journey is important, paramount actually to your success.  There is no such thing as failure, only lessons learned along the way.  Success is a state of mind.  Makoto (sincerity) and dedication (sticking to your goal) will see you through the rough patches. 

Ireland, Great Skellig

Ireland > Great Skellig > Skellig Michael Perfectly preserved ancient monastery in an impossibly dramatic location on a rocky island in the Atlantic. “An incredible, impossible, mad place. I tell you the thing does not belong to any world that you and I have lived and worked in; it is part of our dream world.” — George Bernard Shaw

 Namaste – Oyashikiri



picture * Shenandoah rocky trail, jdnbttn -Pinterest

** Montrail Torre GTX boots

*** found on atlasobscura.com (Michale Schnoonover,Pinterest)

Funny how time slips away

places time forgot -monica roberts Pinterest (central coast)

This picture* was taken somewhere along the Central Coast, farmland,ocean, ocean, farmland with some nice mountains thrown in along the way for good measure.  I talk a lot about quiet, contemplation and the living life as it it presented to you.  Being unique each and every one of us, experiences life in a different way.  No matter how grown up I get,I never cease to be amazed at how much I am touched by another human beings courage, or determination in the face of challenging news or obstacles that are put in their paths.

places time forgot 2 peter young1 flickr

No matter how difficult today seems, when you have that piercing moment of stabbing pain and doubt, remember that it is only a passing segment in you life, and that tomorrow will be another day.  Actually in an hours time, this moment will be part of history.

LOL how often of late do I hear, darn I forgot what I came in to do, or I know I left my glasses somewhere, for me its my car keys, they turn up, inanimate objects get put down, or left behind when something new (thought/phone call/distraction) comes along.

places time forgot - found on 28dayslater.co.uk

In PL, there is a Principle that I have to work hard at everyday to do my best to live in this way.  It is PL Principle #2, I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather. Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.   Principle #6 – I will not be stubborn, being captured by my own thoughts.  There are only 21 principles in PL (Perfect Liberty) but by golly, each one packs a mitt full of lessons to work on …  My challenge every day is to try and bring each one into my life as my journey through the day progresses.

It helps me to be reminded to leave the past in the past, and to remember that what is important is what I am doing right now, this very moment. ( I smile thinking of you as I write this knowing that you will be reading my words sometime later today.)  A friend asked me who I am speaking to when I get personal … I’m speaking to each and ever pair of eyes that wander through my thoughts with me. I feel very blessed to have met you through this blog.  And believe me when I say that I appreciate each and everyone of you, I’ll never tire of our friendship, it will change, it will flow, and it will grow.  That is what life is all about.

places time forgot - blogs4fun271.blogspot.com  Thanh Bath

WE are not inanimate objects, we are a life form, part of the Universe, we survive and regroup, we are like the moss and the lush green forest that reclaims what time forgets.  It is a slow process, but the growth is life.  Life is beautiful in all its stages.

Ireland,heavens trail alianne Heemslerk

Ireland – Heaven’s Trail – every two years, (June 10-18) the stars line up with this path. Time – Funny how it slips away =^_^=

Now is always the start of something new. – Have a greet Saturday everyone! You are in my prayers – Oyashikiri


* posted by Monica Roberts -Pinterest

** the land that time forgot, by Peteryoung1 on flickr

*** found on 28dayslater.co.uk

**** blogs4fun271.blogspot.com

**** – Ireland, via Alianne Hemmsherk


tree roots, lori wright houldsworth PinterestRoots the life line that digs in, burrows down and holds a tree in place.  Roots travel through the soil around in search of food, in their search they provide stability  Ever wonder what your invisible roots look like.  Imagine that each experience we live through is another root forming, some are strong and are leaders, others are just side shoots and really only affect us for awhile.

tree root,beech, near Derbyshire,PeakDistrict National Park, England, by Keartona, flickrMother Nature, has given this old beech tree very strong roots, the tree above(top)  has very decorative roots.  We all know if we garden, or do landscaping, that a tree can be very resilient even when it has had a good portion of its roots cut away by a careless shovel, or with full intention by the gardener.  In the woods when I am traipsing through on one of my exploring forays, I actually go in search of roots, driftwood, fallen trees that have somehow come down exposing their root system, it is a treasure hunt, camera in hand I wander happily off trails and into the brush.  When I was actively carving and sculpting I searched for pieces that I could carry away that could be recycled into “art” that represented human forms and “activities”.  In nature, we see the natural progression of the life cycle of  plants/trees.  For our personal “selves” it isn’t so easy, yet each and every one of us has roots.

Ireland, the dark hedges

I could be one of these trees, this is a picture of “the Dark Hedges” of Ireland,  after all, trees that have lived a long and productive life, are mostly seen along side other trees.   We do see stand alone majestic trees, however, usually at one time, they were surrounded by other trees.  I am one of many on this earth.  But I see myself as a lone individual.  Nor am I able to see the scars (rings) of my life.  I may feel them, as my body ages, but I do not see them, nor do I see the roots that have held me and supported me through my journey. I am wanting to pay my respects to my roots, I want to nourish and take care of my roots.  To do so I first have to acknowledge them, and determine what is needed to keep them strong and healthy.

tree root home, by vicki Hopper


Now how about this, I want to be this tree offering shelter to the wee ones, (for more info on this picture, follow link shown in picture)   Roots come in all shapes and size, the older we get, the deeper our roots. Do you know, does a tree die from old age?

tree root, gnrled, by loominpapa flickr

What do you see?



Thank you to all the wonderful photographers who posted to Pinterest

#1- lori-wright houldsworth

#2, beech Derbyhire district,National park, England by Keartona.flickr.jpg

#3 Ireland   vickie hopper.jpg

#4 fb.com/nature galleries

#5 gnarled by loominpapa.flickr.jjpg

un momento por favor.. 1 moment please

Iireland x

Good morning everyone!

Some places stay with us for a very, very long time.  They stand tall, their structure and history a reminder of yesterdays long before our time.  Others age, and well, they too remind us of another time, yet they don’t show their age as well.  Just maybe, they should be put to rest.  Both tell a story.



It took all of one second yesterday for me to “know” that I had to get away from the sounds of demolition. I changed, grabbed my purse, said goodbye and left.  My husband understood, he had the car out of the garage and ready to go by the time I was at the back door.  I’m very blessed in many ways, a loving husband who cares and has a way of understanding when he needs to just “let me go”  he does.   One’s personal space is so very important in a relationship, I confess to (in my younger days)  not being as good at recognizing the signs as I am today.

We all need a “time out” a space in time where we can clear our heads, and sort out or organize our thoughts and emotions. , Yesterday I was on auto pilot.  I trusted, I believed and I acted.  As the miles sped by i could feel the tension in my shoulders release, I hadn’t even realized they were tight till I felt the easing of the shoulder blades, and actually heard my involuntary sigh.   Ah …yes…. in that one moment, I felt the shift in my internal gears.  The car was going by all the fast food places, smile. the city would soon be well behind me.  I took a left and headed  down the highway past the farms, and the  towards the House of Lazarus in very small country village. It is a food bank and thrift shop for the villages and towns in the area.  There is always a good selection of books to peruse, and if I was lucky a good CD to keep me company on my “adventure”  I found 3 good books and shouting, and  jumping out at me was a CD that I had worn out when I had it.. Shelby Lynne’s Sunrise.



Like these door knobs, my taste in music is varied and eclectic, changing over the years, and with my “moods”. I could tell from the cover, it would likely be on the country side, but I didn’t really remember the songs.  I couldn’t say to you, wow on this CD she sang  X Y Z.  I didn’t remember, I just knew the CD cover, I couldn’t even have told you what this Shelby Lynne sounded like.  Again I listened to my inner voice, and happily carried it to the car.  Believing in your choices, living your moments, I can’t tell you enough, just how powerful and wonderful the experiences are/ become.  Once that CD started to play, I sky rocketed not into sounds of rocking country that cooked, but into a time and place that took over every inch of my living breathing self.

Shelby Lynne’s voice, her music, her songs had me back in time where my heart was broken, lost, wanting and/or grieving, oh it was so so  heartfelt.  Instantly I felt the tears wanting to fall, they gathered and nudged at the back of my eyes, seeking escape.  One lonely tear did fall, but come on guys.. really… I wasn’t sad, why this need to feel this emotion. The Universe works in strange ways.  I’ve always accepted that, (not always graciously)  Once again, once I accepted that  hey, Shelby was going to be my friend and companion on this journey I was making, I felt good and joined her in song.  I knew almost every words.  Why not, there was no one to hear me, well ok, no one that hasn’t heard me bellow before.  I did turn the volume down when I got to the border crossing (into the States).

Echeveria feeling so sad by Alan shapiro photography on flickr

I’ve been waiting a long time to use this pictures, the photographer called or tagged this photo,  echeveria-feeling-so-sad-by-alan-shapiro-photography…..   I myself see happiness and joy when I see his photograph, so there you go… different strokes for different folks. =^_^=      Anyway, I’m using it now because my listening to the CD yesterday, made me very happy, it reminded me of loves I’ve lost, but also brought home how lucky I am now in the new loves I’ve found.  I’ve noticed over the years, that people shy away from saying I love you , I care… in country songs, often they may sing of love lost, or yearned for, but they sing of LOVE..   love is such a powerful and positive emotion   Love is life.     I can’t imagine a life without love.

Life will always have its up and down moments.  Remember that  moment you are living is just that.  A moment in time.  

Thank you for being part of my day and my world.  I do love you all.  Each and everyone of you bring something special into my life.  May the Universe grant that you will find happiness in any transition you may be facing.  if you are letting go,  may you have the help you need to embrace the new.  If you are faced with a challenge you are given undiminished zeal.  In all these ways, may the blessings of the Divine/Tao be upon you.             Oyashikiri



photographs – top one, Ireland somewhere, all were found on Pinterest


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