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Posts tagged ‘empowerment’

communication 2015

0d41485561a37c6865761f503975eb84With the technology in our lives today the need to have a telephone available in public places has all but disappeared. Interesting to note though, that in some remote areas, or smaller villages cell phones and internet access is not always easily obtained.   Yet, because of the lack of use .. the public phones are fast becoming non-existent. Heaven forbid you get stuck along a country road between communication towers, or in a deep valley with a lot of mountain between you and the air waves needed to work your cell.

40870a6d01987ff9525864f6e721ac64With central air, and many controlled environments in public areas,, buildings, and newer housing complexes.  We don’t use windows like we used to.  Where at one time I knew many many co-workers and acquaintances who went to cottages and out into the rural areas for most of the summer… I don’t hear of that as much now. The back road summer havens are slowly finding less and less activety … the lakes and rivers are not humming with constant activity.


Yes, creative minds are still at work,  all around we see the creative mind at work.  We live in a society that says, individual rights and freedom of expression  is important.  AND it is.  However, there are times, when we should be looking at how our needs/wants affect others.  AND we should care.It isn’t always about what we  want, I appreciate and enjoy looking at the above bed, do I want to sleep in or on it, no.  Everyone around us, is a unique human being, yet they are all part of who we are… they share the same air, they think and feel emotions, hurts, love, sadness, just like we do.

cliffs of Moher,County ClareSome will want to walk along a path that will mystify and rattle your nerves,  Yet hearing about their journey and seeing the world through their eyes, is WoW… exciting.  You can share the experience, just not in the same way..

Yoho National Park,CanadaThis is an experience I would like to one day explore.  For years I would drive by a frozen waterfall, and wonder what it would be like to climb the frozen sculpture I passed it 5 days a week, going to and coming home from work.  I’ve not done it yet, but it remains a goal.  I may never get to actually climb such a might fall as this one, but never-the-less I keep the desire alive by sharing the passion and exhilaration of those who can and have….  Modern technology is such that today, I can easily find and enjoy a glimpse into what someday might happen.

Never stop believing in your dreams.  Have faith.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

Inner Sensitivity


Oh to be lazy, to sit in the hammock and simply while away the day. =^_^=

Today’s lesson is about being able to perceive our surroundings with more sensitivity.

We are asked to continue to learn and to add to our knowledge and experiences.

Learning can be painful, it can produce growing pains….  actually, most lessons that contribute to our sensitivity to SELF, are ones that force us to face some of the truths, that lie dormant in our Being

intellectually we work things out so that we contrive a form of acceptance.  A way to live with the feelings of vulnerability, our inner insecurities, if we are truly honest with ourselves, we all have to deal with these feelings, thoughts, and inner ramblings.  Will lying in the hammock, closing our eyes, and letting the sounds of the meadow change things?

Sometimes, my surroundings are important, I am happy being where I am…. the question that i ask, is there a need …to always interact with our surroundings, or…. can we simply BE.


To be more aware, to be more in tune with our surroundings, we need to focus and be present, in all we say and do.

no more… …no less

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

Now is always a new beginning.


This mouse hitched a ride with a frog during a monsoon flooding in India (National Geographic).  Opportunity knocks, you don’t waste time thinking about it, you “do it”.

d1353ab0e356801629734d3eaa45b42dThis mother bear takes her young cub up the hillside, I doubt she contemplated too much before beginning her trip.  She needed to reach her destination, so she simply took the path as it opened up for her.


Me,I contemplate, cogitate, explore, and dwell on things far too much.  I know that is one of my lessons in life, I still do it. Intellectually I know that, now is what counts, now is what matters.  I also know the choices I make I’m responsible for, and I have to take ownership for whatever choices I make.

Out today, the 24th of December, the day was gray, dull, overcast, with a light rain as our constant companion while outdoors.  Inside the shops, last-minute shoppers were busy scurrying around trying to beat the clock.  Stores were closing early so employees could get home to start their own holiday activities.

I was waiting for the phone call that would tell me my husband would be on the way to pick me up.  I had time on my hands, so I began to pick up the stuffed animals left on the floor by previous shoppers.  I picked each animal up and put him/her on display on the empty racks that were at the end of the aisles.  Many at least over half of the toys were barely played with, if at all.

Their soft cuteness made it a temptation to bring them all home. So many children do without at this time of year.

39387660feb3b0bb6702509a40f9ac1bOk there are no easy answers to the philosophical questions that come up at this time of year.  But I know that I want to make a difference.  Can I, will I, only time will tell..  I do know that NOW, is the time for me to make a new start, to really apply myself with makoto (sincerity) at being more aware of how choices I make impact others and society.


Life is a gift, and how much we appreciate this gift, comes back to the choices we make.  Life presents the opportunities it is up to us to make the best of the challenges that come our way.


Hang in there

Today is  Now

You are doing just fine

In time

It will be tomorrow

and tomorrow will be NOW.


Mama bear made it to the top!

There is nothing you can’t do!

I believe in you.

Namaste   – Oyashikiri

pictures -Pinterest





One challenge that always seems to reoccur in my life, is recognizing and accepting that I am not perfect!  My type AA personality often gets in my way.As I mature/age I’d say that I’m doing better, at one time I would have been a triple A. I’m working at whittling it down. =^_^=.  A devoted and 100% practicing Taoist, I was overcome with a wonderful emotion of community when I first attended a PL service. (Perfect Liberty)  I was very fortunate that the minister at the time I visited the church was one, Rev. Takashi Goto.  I was never a church goer but over the years I had attended Christian services before and was very interested in finding out that this was nothing like I had ever experienced before.

For the first time ever, I heard and felt my beliefs and connection to God/TAO expressed in a way that spoke to me and said…”The philosophy here is mine”.  I was able to have meaningful and thought provoking conversations with Rev. Goto, that expanded  and nourished my connection to the Universe.  The encounter dusted off some of the forgotten lessons I’d learned in the past, and swept out the dust bunnies in corners of the “room” I was residing int.  He had words in Japanese that were totally unfamiliar to me, but explained, I understood.  I began to revisit places in  my mind that had been forgotten or neglected.  My connection with God/TAO grew stronger, and continues to grow stronger each and every day.  He would say ” we must put “makoto” in everything we do and say”…  he reinforced something I’ve tried to do all my life (not always succeeding)…  No matter how small the task, or light hearted the conversation, when we practice makoto in everything we do and say, when a challenges reappears in our lives, we will handle it with a new perspective.

a02e1753ae4d6670f5d173129e1134fbPL is  non denominational.

Rev. Goto is now Senior Minister with the church in NY City    goto@perfectliberty.ca


Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAAfter watching the news last night and seeing the snow storms that hit parts of the States and Canada leaving behind a mess to be cleaned up and dealt with for days to come, went searching for a picture that showed green vegetation and new growth.  Wow my prayers and positive energy is being sent out to all of you who need that extra boost.

The PL lesson for today was > Begin each Day with a Renewed Sense of Appreciation <   Are you living each day and getting into a rut? By making small changes in the things you do, your day to day life can become fresh and exciting.  We are here today , by the grace of God.  Let’s make each day meaningful, by starting out with a feeling of gratitude for a brand new day.  In being genuinely happy about life, we will be blessed with a deeper sense of happiness.

Smile, you are loved each and every day, sometimes we may not feel very loved, but you are.  Know and believe, you are loved.


I love this picture.. Warm HUGS everyone!   Blessings – Oyashikiri.



location – location

June 30_002


IF                   you don’t like where you find yourself in life           ………move………                                you are not a tree!


self responsibility

I first heard that term in a book by Melody Beattie, The language of Letting Go. Its been a lesson that I’ve had to work on for most of my adult life.

Being responsible, owning what you do, and the situations you find yourself in.



Learning to face situations head on, learning to focus on the moment.  If we do this, and truly believe in our passion, a path will open up.  You will find a way to be comfortable with where you are, and what you are feeling.  Each moment is a new creation to be savored and experienced fully.  Embrace the healing presence of God within us.  Quietly and with a new zest for life, we open our minds to rich new ideas.  ideas, that help us give of ourselves, our talents and our resources.  God is life itself.  Through the presence of God within, the old washes away, everything is new again.  PL Precept #1 – Life is Art..   every day is a new beginning.


Burnout and beyond



Let love in. many of us, get so caught up in work, and life that we forget how important love is in our lives.  We forget the little things, we loose touch with a part of our inner selves.  We stop listening to our bodies, we don’t eat properly, or we fixate on how and what we eat, we are always looking out at the world, directing our attention to activities that take us “away” from our selves, and often those closest to us.  Then one day we wake up feeling dispirited and exhausted and wonder what happened.  We didn’t even see it coming.

How often have we heard the cliché/expression – Stop and Smell the Roses…  sometimes ill-health or something tragic has to happen before we stop to face our “demons”.  Let us take steps to avoid a burnout, or if you are in one, let’s take the step that moves us beyond the moment into a  “new day” and into a new exhilerating adventure.  Value those who are near to you, and most of all, value yourSELF.  Recognize the person you are, if you are having trouble with that and you belong to a church, speak with your minister, in  PL our ministers are trained and always available 24/7 to help

Through consultation given by PL ministers you receive personal guidance tailored to your individual character and situation, We each one of us has our own unique personality and lifestyle, happiness is built by establishing wishes and goals, and then working towards achieving them in our daily lives.

Be open to the impossible!  It is hard to think outside the box when we are stuck inside the box.. be  “aware” new doors are always opening in front of us.

Have a great day everyone, the sun is shining here and it is COLD -28 or some silly number like that.  But sharing with you, always wraps me in sunshine.    Oyashikiri



Transformation “a marked change”

Today’s lesson is to realize that we have changed over time, and to take ownership of these changes.  “Discover the Joy of Transforming Yourself”     Change is ongoing, changes are a continuous factor in our lives, if I’m focused/mindful, would I think that the changes are that remarkable?  Hmm something to ponder don’t you think?  Certainly I see changes from when I was in a career phase, to how I am enjoying life now.  But I loved what I did, I loved the challenges of going in to work every day, certainly I did the grumbling and groaning along some of the paths, but over all it was rewarding to watch projects take shape and reach their goals.  Every day was a new beginning and I still practice that today.  I grew up believing and living with TAO (Universe/God) and the Taoist philosophy -the only constant in life is change – We are all ONE with the Universe… Transformations are part of life.  How are you doing with the changes in your life?



“Count your Blessings” =^_^=     The key to change is within ...

May the Universe shine bright for you today  &  Love fill your world, today, tomorrow and always  Oyashikiri


Good Morning everyone!

Good Morning everyone!

Finding our own happiness…is a lifelong opportunity to live a life of ” Art.”…
We each have our own unique personalities and lifestyles. Therefore,the path and journey is different for each one of us.

PL Precept # 2.. To live is to express One’s Self.
PL Precept #11 Always be with God/Tao

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