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Posts tagged ‘Ottawa’


Doorways, entrances, there is always a certain intrigue ..sometimes more obvious than others. Even at night, we are drawn to buildings because of an entrance/doorway. Some can be very deceiving, impressive and exciting on the outside, but uninviting once inside. Other doors or functional, strong and commanding, while inside there is calm and serenity.

Today I have combined the Thursday Door challenge that I participate in, and pictures of two of the Perfect Liberty churches. the streamline one on the left, is the PL Church in Hawaii, the bottom right is the Ottawa church, standing in front of the main entrance are, Rev Hiroki Matsuki and his wife, Yoshiko.

Reminder today is Ancestors Day, there will be a 10 a.m ceremony, if unable to attend, please take a moment for a short prayer mid morning if you can.

Today’s quote

Give thanks to your ancestors and to your parents. You exist today thanks to your ancestors and parents. Express your appreciation by devoting yourself for the sake of others and society. (PL 2015.11)

Note* In today’s prayers, make time to remember “All” who have touched your life in some way, been there for you, travelled some of your journey. Some may have been strangers, you met and never saw again, but the meeting left a lasting impression. Could be a voice at the other end of line, who when you needed kindness, was there for you. Gratitude and Appreciation are gifts we not only extend to others, but benefit our own lives.


Today being Thursday, as always if you want more doors, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site and enjoy the trip around the world enjoying the doors shared by other door bloggers. https://nofacilities.com/2024/04/11/alumni-doors/

Photos.Rev. Goto, except last one taken in Ottawa by yours truly when new ministers arrived.

Cheers everyone!

Enjoy, shared from the heart


If you are cheerful it will make everyone around you cheerful. Cheerful and happy people naturally attract others. Always smile and have a pleasant attitude.

Perfect Liberty 2015.3

Sightings * red wing blackbirds are back.. their song filled the air yesterday

Today is a brand new day!



Is there anything I can help you with? Enjoy a feeling of happiness to contribute to those around you. It will give you confidence tht you have something you can do for others.

Perfect Liberty 2023..3

It was a sugar coated world yesterday . Mild, very pleasant. There is a simple joy in standing quietly while the fluffy snow flakes dance merrily through the air. Of course if I stood too long, there were complaints from the peanut gallery that the morning breakfast was being delayed. Interestingly when they see the chair and I sit.. they stop chastising me and go about cleaning up their “plates”… they seem to know, when the human sits and closes her eyes, I’m having a ” time out”.

Enjoy the day everyone, don’t know about where you are, but here, the airwaves are full of the holiday cheer “songs” and “stuff”


My friends have gone, moved away, they were there to greet me everyday for years. I actually still look hoping that I’ll see them. Change. It is the only constant in life.

Energy springs from your smile. A smile makes you and others cheerful and energetic,

Perfect Liberty 2021.4

Yakushima, Japan

Thought that since my world these past days has been wild, windy and very snow covered, i would share with you what is happening across the oceans in southern Japan. Different climate, weather, and habitation.

These moments caught in time where Anastasia was enjoying her explorations, were likely happening at the same time I was taking careful steps across an icy parking lot to feed the birds…

There is beauty all around us, we simply have to open our “eyes” to our surroundings. Be aware that while this is visual, the differences are also very present in our day to day attitudes, thoughts, and perceptions.

Let’s set higher goals and work to improve ourselves.

Let’s work towards our goals while keeping a clear vision of what we hope to achieve. your strong conviction and Makoto (sincere effort) will help drive you toward accomplishing what you set out to do.

Perfect Liberty 2014.2

October 31

photo – Ian Mitchell

Another month coming to an end. Reminder to set your clocks back this evening .. yes.. its that time again. Tomorrow, November 1, the Sunday service will be the Day of Peace service – 10 a.m. Through t his service we pray for World Peace and dedicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings. Love- respect- appreciation – gratitude begin with us, in our own lives.

Rather than thinking “I have to….” think “ok, Let’s do this!” When you procrastinate and put things off until later, you will make things harder than they need to be. Get up ad do it now.

Perfect Liberty 2020.31

Don’t hesitate to show kindness to others. Do you ever find yourself hesitating to show kindness to someone? It is when you put your thoughts into action that you can show others what is in your heart.

Perfect Liberty 2014.31


Condo-dining with a view

Stony Swamp Reserve

Enjoy the changes in your life. things around you are constantly changing with the times. Take on the challenging and new experiences as materials for self expression.

Perfect Liberty 2011.16

Your willingness to learn will make you shine even brighter. As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life.

Perfect Liberty 2020.16


MCG demo 2

demo 2 mcg 5.2.19

Happy May 5th. Bom dia!

Another mixed media done for demo.  The idea with a demo of new and old products is to show artists, budding new crafters and seasoned expressionist  how to use some of the newer products that are arriving on the market daily.  Yes you an see YouTube videos but a video isn’t something you can touch, feel and  at the same time, have knoledegable staff who can and will help if you have questions.

I know that there are many who prefer to deal online for supplies, and if you know the product, and the supplier, have a particular way of working, and are not going to deviate from what you know.. then go for it.

My experience is that when I am in a creative mood, or am working on an idea, I want and need my inventory handy.  Part of the creative process in mixed media is to be open to new possibilities.  The demo -before- during prep.. sometimes, what is down could be up =^_^=   Abstract work, is lived in the moment.

demo mcg 2,5219The beauty of abstract mixed media… given the same products, no two pieces will come out the same.  How perfect is that.  We are all unique …  talented and beautiful.

PL calendar day 5    Start by thinking “this is interesting”

Even when you are dealing with a difficult situation, it is important to find something interesting about it. From there, you will be blessed with wisdom and something new will come of it.

My bargain tulips are blooming…

tulips T T

I took a chance, and brought them home and gave them some love. Love is a powerful gift.  Share your gift with the world. PEACE  begins within.

A reminder, if you are in the Ottawa area and want to see some amazing dogs, and mingle with a dog crowd.  Visit the market today for the special event, to showcase, our dog population.    games, fun, prizes, special, canine treats.

dog poster

Enjoy the blessings of another day, share a smile, rejoice in the gift of life.



demo can be seen at Multicraft  (MCG) on Thurston Drive, Ottawa. check website for hours they are open to the public.   On Thurston Dr. is the warehoue, retail and cldearance.  link in earlier post.

journals, art and

journals 1

Good morning, Bom dia… How are you all, this lovely Friday morning. The teasing aroma of simmering pork riblets is wafting in from the other room.  Ahhh another day begins.

What you see is another start-up collection of journals, I have gathered them and put them in one spot. The couple that I am currently working in, are still in my atelier.  According to the Oxford dictionary (yeah hey guys, remember the dictionary, hard cover with actual pages)  a journal is a newspaper or magazine dealing in a particular subject.  A daily record of news and events.  A diary.

Mine are mostly art journals, prior to the art journals I was having fun in “junk” journals.   The art journals allow for me to play with my paints, and inks, experiment with various techniques, and truth be told, play around and have fun with medium that allows for visual expression.

new tool 2.16

This spatula is a fun tool that I found at DeSerres the other day.  I have used it now in my ways, I amaze myself at how much fun I can have with one new addition to my tool box.  Had it not been on sale, I would have passed it by, it had a red sticker, and I was checking out the sale items.

That happens all the time, we are so focused on looking for what we are wanting or think we want, that we will miss other gems along the way.  That day I was inspired to bend down to check out items below the usual area of my search and find gaze.  It is amazing what we can find or discover when we let go of “patterns” and try something different.

flower center

“There are always flowers for those who want to see them”  Henri Matisse


Smiles darlings, share the sunshine that glows from within.

*anyone interested, the journal covers from American Craft are in the clearance at Michaels.  Along with some inserts (56 pages) Ottawa

dyllusion products, Scrapbook Centrale, Montreal




1 of 2 =1



Good morning, bom dia, at the start of another beautiful day. 8 in my world is considered a lucky number.  I just happened to have my camera ready when Nick had his back turned.  Nick is one of a pair.  Mel his beautiful and talented wife was, we soon discovered, watching us from other part of the museum where she was stuck behind a short wall.  It was my good fortune that the two decided to take a day trip up to visit. Heck they only live some 11, 12 hours away.  Let me tell you they are very special.

I got to see a lot of interesting exhibits as we wandered the museum, but the greatest gift for me was to share time with friends that I have grown to love.  They bring such caring and open sharing when they are visiting.  Every visit is like a homecoming.  The laughter is genuine, such friendships are treasured.

IMG_1515Possessions can be acquired,  They can be enjoyed and cared for, but having good friends, and time spent in warm, comforting camaraderie.  That is a blessing.  It was a wonderful visit, I thank them both.

PL calendar day 7    Don’t strain, don’t rush, and don’t be greedy

When you are doing something, you may rush things to get good results quickly.  Instead, relax and enjoy he process.

I can only imagine how as the friendship grows, we will appreciate even more our differences, and our sameness.

One of life’s lessons, to be practiced and lived  – appreciate differences, everyone is unique, share with an open heart.



science and technology, Ottawa, On. Canada



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