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Posts tagged ‘seasons’

Silent Wednesday

Experiences you have acquired so far are wonderful. Give it all you’ve got. Move forward with Confidence.

Perfect Liberty 2023.20

the Bog

I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of the beauty that Nature provides us with in any season. Today there were many pictures of cardinals and blue jays against the snowy background that is now our backdrop till sometime in early next year. Local birders and nature photographers have been enjoying the flash of colour against the fresh fallen snow …

Seasons come and go, but always, you will be in the NOW. Make each moment count, enjoy today .. it won’t happen again.

Give importance to listening, looking, thinking, doing and speaking. Look and listen carefully before making a judgement. Assumptions and hasty conclusions can lead to misunderstanding.

Perfect Liberty 2023.7

PL Precept # 1 Life is Art.

chickadee -Dan Rochon

day of Peace

Change…. we are still in the fall, this snow will likely disappear before the hard core snow arrives, It was so peaceful in the parking lot when I took this picture, Temperatures had dropped, there was no one else around, I was able to take my time and enjoy the moment,

In PL we live with the philosophy that if everyone could learn to express themselves artistically, all the wars around the world would cease, leading to a peaceful society, We believe that in respecting one another and working for each other’s happiness, world peace could be achieved. PL Precept #14 World peace is everything.

Today in PL we have a ceremony (the 1st of each month) called the Day of Peace. it will be held at 10:00 a.m. EST.

Each Person’s peace leads to world peace. First of all, you have to be happy. That happiness will spread and be the foundation of World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2021.1

um pouco mais?

Leaves have started to change, there is a new nip to the air that hints that it won’t be long, already the days are shorter. When I wake up now, 5 ish, it is still dark outside. There are still pesky mosquitos lingering, but soon I am hoping to see the last of them.. man they are annoying.

PL Principle #2 I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather. I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions. (always a work in progress for me)

How is your start to a week-end? Hopefully you will enjoy not only good weather but some of the fall fairs and concerts that are happening around the city.

Your willingness to learn will make you shine even brighter. As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life.

Perfect Liberty 2020.16

Be creative in your efforts. If something is not going well, take a step back and look at how you are tackling the problem. There is sure to be something you can improve on

Perfect Liberty 2014.16

um pouco mais? a bit more?



Everywhere one looks today, you can visually see that the seasons are changing. Summer has begun its departure, the colours of fall are slowly taking over. The air is fresher and cooler especially in the mornings and evenings.

Let’s respond clearly. Giving a proper response shows consideration towards others.

Perfect Liberty 2021.27

standing tall

shadows in the fall

Fall and winter is when we get to see just how many trees there are in the the forest If you happen by at just the right time, you get to see their shadows adding to the design of the textures on the ground.

We had a light dusting of the snow still on the ground from the snow that fell the other day. Today with the warmer weather, it could disappear, in my next shot you will see the wonderful earthy colours of the ground that was more open to the sunshine.

Mer Blu

I love the fall. Simple statement that I make each year. The season never fails to thrill me with its bountiful warm rich colours.

Your smile energizes the people around you. A smile has the ability to put others at ease and give them energy. strive to be the first to offer a smile each day to those around you.

Perfect Liberty 2020.5

Mother Nature is the energizer for us all. Return that energy with your smile. Share your smile today!


Wordless Wednesday 25th



Seek and ye shall find. What a glorious day, Keeper and I did our trip to the food bank, (keeper is my female whippet). It was mild with a bit of a nip, but we didn’t mind, the roads were dry and the sky and bright blue, not a cloud in the sky. The kind of blue one gets on a soon to be winter day. The vegetation was colourful in that rustic faded autumn colours that seem to charm me, with the muted shades of brighter days.

I saw fields of harvest gold inter spaced with black wet earth. another field of a crop that was being harvested tempted me, the big machine was in motion, turning a corner as we sped by. There was enough traffic going south today, I didn’t get much opportunity to stop. I could only soak the delightful scenes in for future processing. Made a mental note to come home a different route so that I could search out, a souvenir of our expedition.

Happiness is standing on a quiet road, off the roadways that travel from town to town, and enjoying the quiet of the day. This is the property I found the tree on. You can see that for the most part, all the snow we got the last week or so, is gone. I hope that you had a restful day, that you managed quality time for YOU.

Be in tune with the changing times and evolving society The world is ever changing always strive to refresh your mind staying in step with the changing times.

Perfect Liberty 2011,31.
taken later in the day,, temperature was dropping.

Treat today as if it was your first time…

Perfect Liberty 2011.7


come one come all

come one come all, come to the ball, it is open to all..

the winds whispered and sang through the trees,

hoping to catch someone, anyone’s ear,

but, the lazy river and the foliage basking in the sun

paid no heed, there was no rush, fall wouldn’t arrive for another couple of months.

Too soon, they awoke to found that the ground was covered in snow, and the cool wind that blew, was in no mood for a ball,

It had come in with the fall, ready to blow the leaves down, and was ready to whip itself up into all it could be, to ensure a clear path

for what was to be. High above from her vantage point above the snow queen polished her wand, making sure her stars were sharp and ready to dispense of all of her glittering diamonds of flakes. With a sweep of her wand, the land below would be covered in snow…

Then, what a glorious landscape it would be. she would call back the wind and open the days to the majesty of the winter sun… Only then would her handiwork be shown at its best. Her diamond flakes would sparkle and amaze, she loved this time of year…

Once more the call would go out, come one, come all, it is time for the ball.

Seasons come and go, we need to flow with the changes. In this way, we will always rejoice at what there is before us. Always be in the NOW.


a little cheer

multicraft gifts – Thurston Dr. Ottawa, Ontario,Canada

Did you just groan. LOL, get ready, it will soon be in your face. Crafters are already preparing, and many like myself have started the various projects mid October. There were several craft shows happening this week-end, I suspect from now till mid December there will be a craft show happening somewhere every week-end.

Whether you are prepared or not, you will be drawn in, the festive season is one too bright and merry to avoid. For Americans their Thanksgiving is this month. Double fun, and a lot of home cooking.

Accept everything with appreciation. Appreciate not just people and society, but everything that comes your way. You will experience a deeper joy in life.

Perfect Liberty 2012.21

Today I have a deep appreciation for my friend Bonnie, she is a wizard when it comes to organization and planning, I was lucky enough to get some of her time, to help me with my “scattered files” When my husband passed away, (he had been the master planner and keeper of the files) for me it was a mountain of a task to apply myself to what needed to be done.

Wonder woman arrived with her big blue scarf, her cape was in the wash, and giving me time to gather my wandering mind… she gently pushed the procrastination file aside and began in earnest to put some order to the disorder. A big thank you Bonnie.

I have finally reached a maturity where I can acknowledge that I’m not good at everything. >will wonders never cease< =^_^=

Express your feelings without hesitation. If you hold in all your feelings, you will feel heavy. Just say what is on your mind without hesitating.

Perfect Liberty 2017.4


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