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Posts tagged ‘respect’


Respect the existence of each other. The world consists of people with different circumstances and different lifestyles. Respect and understand each other,

Perfect Liberty 2023.14


Photos, Shirley Keen,NZ

giving Thanks

This past week I have had wonderful Thanksgiving dinners with friends, too many, in fact… now that the actual week-end is here, I am “stuffed”, Not with the blessing of friendships, but with poultry, dressing and cranberry sauces. One can never have enough friends. I love my friends.

As I drifted off into a peaceful sleep. I counted my blessings, family, friends I absolutely delight in, the country I live in, its beauty, it changing seasons, and of course, life itself.

People, human beings, from wherever in the world all share the same skies, the same day to day challenges, what makes it different, is that each culture has its own way, and celebrate life with different holidays, and have different heroes and folklore. My father taught me that to be accepted, I had to first accept myself, AND, the ways of others. It wasn’t always about ME, but how I accepted life, lived it, and made my way, was indeed mine, and I needed to own my actions. RESPECT played a big part, if I didn’t understand, it was alright to ask, always with respect and an open heart.

Granted often food was involved, we considered it an honour to eat with friends, guests welcomed to our table, were always shown the utmost respect, and when out, there was always the reminder to be considerate of others.

Now we sit in restaurants, each at our table, or booth, the place can be packed with other diners, but not a glance is given, or a smile offered.

How is it in your “world” are you someone who is open to smiling and greeting a total stranger, if only briefly, with a sign of recognition that they are another “person” just like you….

cranberry farm


past, present NOW

Quiet picturesque little lane that takes one down to the Seaway.  Old and new stand along the shoreline.  What was, will no longer be.We face this every day.  For the last many days I have not had a computer, I have learned from trial and error, that a laptop is not the way I like to fly.  Handy they may be, but for what I want and need (feel I need) is to be back on a desktop.  I would only come to this having made previous decisions that at the time, seemed necessary change.

One learns in life, that choices made at one time, may not always be what we most prefer, some we can easily change, others not so easily.  Some are impossible to change and go back to.  For example.  every time one changes our hardware (for working on the internet) the newer improved technology is one we have to readjust to.

Recently a display I had made in my garden, was vandalized. A grandparent thought it was ok to give his granddaughter a display doll that I had put out of reach of little arms. I am a doll collector and doll artist, the display was put well out of reach, it was high on a wall, and behind a big rain barrel.  Getting at it, meant one had to reach over and be tall enough to get at the doll.

It has been interesting to hear the comments when I retell this little story to friends, one even scoffed and told me it was only a thing.  I wondered how he would have felt had I gone into his well tended and beautiful garden and began trying to move his plants around because I felt that the roses should be next to a bee balm plant.  OR decided his lowers were so beautiful, I should just pick them and bring them to a friend who loves flowers.

Is consideration of other’s property a thing of the past, is the ability to recognize that rearranging a display in another space other than your own, is OK.  ???

All things, deserve respect, your car that gets you to where you need to be, the doors that open for us to enter, the shoreline that contains are precious rivers, lakes and oceans.  As an artist I don’t expect everyone to like my style of expression,  but I do expect RESPECT for my property if you are on it. I now understand why people put up DO NOT ENTER or PRIVATE PROPERTY up on their lands

(sorry took off  on a little rant there)  however it is all the same message.  Changes happen in life, some we can make choices on, and they affect us directly, others it is not as easy.

PL calendar day 29   Use what you need to use without hesitation. 

YOUR things, your money, your knowledge, and your strengths are all a part of you.  Utilize them to their fullest potential without any hesitation.



Thursday doors



leon aug 16

A day at the beach with your favourite people.  Then a sound sleep at the end of the sofa while your human takes a nap.

In PL we learn to appreciate life, not only humans in the world with us, all living beings, and  the material objects that make our lives more comfortable.  Appreciation, respect  are the natural fibres of/in our lives that bring contentment.

PL Principle #3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

Happy Saturday, may it be a productive one for you.




I say

birds 3.7.17

*I say old bird

how are you today?”

the owl listened carefully

for the reply

Would today be the day

Chatty bird would get a reply

For he asked this question every day

and seldom got even a nod in response

“I am fine young man,” said Ms Tweets

“Young man, you say !”said Chatty bird

“You did call me old bird” said Ms Tweets

Chatty bird was quiet for a time,

then smiled, “I am fine Ms Tweet, thank you for today’s reminder”

“You are welcome,  Professor Chatty,” smiling back, she went on her way.


“Now” is always the start of something new.  -PL  day 24,2014



original art

love my rocks


PL calendar day 6

Past, present or future, always remember to be sincere and honest.  At any time, the place where you are standing at that moment is the stage upon which you must express yourself.  At each moment in time, there is sure to be a way to express yourself in relation to your position or status.

Nature/Universe is infinite – be respectful in all ways and Always.




Found, in a search and find mission the other day.  Was actually looking for paint. Thinking I got off the “track” somehow.  There she was, patiently waiting to be discovered.  It was the highlights in her hair and her make up that “hooked” me.  Her eyes are still bright with a sparkle.  She had been well loved,  now she was discarded waiting for her new fate.

I can easily be distracted when I am in an interesting place.  I learn about myself and life by being open to new possibilities.  My husband as a reporter, was a great observer,  we could be in the same place at the same time, but his sense of what was happening, and mine were often very different.  The unique components of his personality and character blended and added to my own “self”.

It is interesting how often in the day, his presence in my life is felt.   Never be afraid of love or of differences, in a relationship, they make us stronger.  Love is unconditional, it is faith, trust,  & so much more.  The word respect is so important, in defining a strong relationship, whatever the relationship might be.

Is RESPECT in your life?  “love”


A great many people think they are thinking, when they are actually rearranging their prejudices.   William James


Graffiti art


Segunda-feira, Greetings everyone, Bom Dia – What is art?

In PL, Precept #1  Life is Art and because we believe that each individual is unique, that says that each person, will have their own creativity.  Their own way of addressing life’s opportunities, and deciding how they will express their personal creativity.

If I had cropped the above picture in a different way, it would have been simply a work of art.  Someone’s way of making a statement, expressing their “need” at the time.  Because it was done on someone elses’ property, we call it graffiti,  The person expressed themselves but at the expense of a neighbour or the city .  “Art”  in this case, the act of expression, made or makes a statement beyond the person’s creativity with a paint can, it says that this person has a disregard for his /her neighbour’s or communities property.

We all make choices, each and every moment of the day.  At the end of the day, only you know if your true intentions were expressed, or if you made choices that perhaps could have been expressed in a different way.

PL Calendar 29   Be cheerful and easy-going.  Everything has a way of turning out alright in the end.  Relax and always try to think positively







The other day, this pond was quiet, still.

Yesterday it was populated with a gaggle of ducks happily enjoying the sunshine of an early fall day.


same location,   except in this picture I am on the other side of the little pond.

Before…  in  August


Taken Saturday Sept 22.


The only constant in life is change.   Life goes on.  Eliza’s post that I reposted to you just before writing this, caught my “mood” perfectly’.



As one life ends, another begins  ——— one door closes, another opens.  This is what life is all about. new beginnings.



Respect and Acceptance

Mural on the side of an old building as you drive through a little town on old Hwy 31.


The building is empty, there is a rental sign on the window off the front entrance. Where it had been a thriving community at one time, it is now a delightful little piece of history, as cars whiz by towards their destination further along the highway.

What seems so important today, can be a faint memory in the years to come.  We live in a world today, that has so much to offer, we intermingle with so many cultures, it is a time to prosper and learn from one another.

It is my prayer that we will not squander away, what so many have worked so hard for, fought for, and died for……

Lesson 13 of the 2016 =PL Calendar…. Each person has their own special qualities.  Each of us is born with a unique personality, and a unique worldview.  Be respectful of others and learn to get along with people of all types.


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