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Posts tagged ‘doors’

Thurs. doors

Your surroundings reflect your state of mind. Everything that appears before you is a reflection of your state of mind. If you work to improve your mind and actions, then what appears in the mirror will also be well balanced.

Perfect Liberty 2015.28

I did this wood burning experiment around the time I found the old barn and doors in the other pictures. i know I posted using this picture yesterday but wanted to include it for today’s Thursday Door feature. For more pictures of doors, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site https://nofacilities.com/2024/03/28/fish-fry-doors/

Enjoy the day everyone… a new adventure awaits.



Do things in moderation. Whenever you overdo something, you will lose balance in your life. Express yourself appropriately without being overly attached or detached.

Perfect Liberty 2016.29

For Thursday doors I thought to bring you two very different buildings. Not only in purpose but detail, yet.. in some ways they are similar. Both doors lead to structures that house very different purposes. Same applies to people, we all look different, yet, we are all the same, our outer expression is different. But we all have hopes and dreams, we love, we cry, we feel loneliness, and we rejoice in happiness while feeling the pain of loss when around us there is chaos.

For more doors, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site… https://nofacilities.com/2024/02/29/hartford-south/

Have a great day everyone!


Taxi pic. Christopher OKeefe


Has your winter been gray and overcast, thanks to a wonderful photographer who travels with her camera, we have pictures taken during a visit to Upper Canada Village to see the lights in late December, Thanks Chantal for sharing!

We had a dull overcast month of December, it was not a white Christmas, the ski hills had to make do with artificial snow, so die hard skiers’ were able to get some activity’s in… It is a brand new year, and we are already into the first week of it. When I saw Chantal’s pictures it was a wow factor, the past month had been so “sad and low key” for me. It was a reminder to me that there is life outside the “walls” of “my world”.

The best timing is when you notice. When you notice something, it is God sending you a message, Act right away so you don’t miss good timing

Perfect Liberty 2022.5

Pl Precept #15  All is a mirror

Pl Precept # 17 Grasp what is most essential

The “art of letting go” is a full time “project”…. …. keeping you in my thoughts, sending blessings.


Did you know? crows like hard boiled eggs……

Yes.. there are a lot of doors in this post, all lit up.

woohoo 12.12

Worn, weathered, aging beautifully, still holding up and ready to welcome …wonder what the sound of the knocker is like. Funny I don’t recall taking this picture.. someone sent it to me? Thank you, I love it.

Everyone has their own way of seeing and thinking. There are different points of view and ways of thinking, which makes it interesting and creates new ideas. Try to enjoy others’ expressions.

Perfect Liberty 2023.12

PL Precept #2 To live is to express One’s Self



I had good intentions. I wanted to visit Ompah, I visited Ompah.. the first picture you see upper left is the parking area, of the common community park setting in Ompah. The drive to Ompah is spectacular rugged and in places breathtaking with its outcrop of rocks and deciduous trees ..

My frustration this morning is that many of the pictures I took for some reason didn’t transfer to my PC, which means, for now. these are the captures you will see. The small towns all had such interesting old buildings/structures and of course churches. The day started out with clear blue skies, but as the day progressed the sky got cold, and you felt the chill creeping in to your bones. (we had snow overnight)

Just outside Sharbot Lake on the main hwy going through, is this food stand, we think it was called Frenchies. Dynamite fries, cut there .. red potatoes… it was worth the wait.. the hamburger was good too, fresh meat patty, on a decent bun. If you can say road stand food is delicious, this meal was super delicious. I ate all of mine to the last crumb. and the fries.. I didn’t need vinegar or salt, they were so good just the way they were served.

Today’s calendar..

Perception is important. Take immediate action once you suddenly perceive You might discover something important in what you perceive.

Perfect Liberty 2023.9

Have a great day everyone!

past, present NOW

Quiet picturesque little lane that takes one down to the Seaway.  Old and new stand along the shoreline.  What was, will no longer be.We face this every day.  For the last many days I have not had a computer, I have learned from trial and error, that a laptop is not the way I like to fly.  Handy they may be, but for what I want and need (feel I need) is to be back on a desktop.  I would only come to this having made previous decisions that at the time, seemed necessary change.

One learns in life, that choices made at one time, may not always be what we most prefer, some we can easily change, others not so easily.  Some are impossible to change and go back to.  For example.  every time one changes our hardware (for working on the internet) the newer improved technology is one we have to readjust to.

Recently a display I had made in my garden, was vandalized. A grandparent thought it was ok to give his granddaughter a display doll that I had put out of reach of little arms. I am a doll collector and doll artist, the display was put well out of reach, it was high on a wall, and behind a big rain barrel.  Getting at it, meant one had to reach over and be tall enough to get at the doll.

It has been interesting to hear the comments when I retell this little story to friends, one even scoffed and told me it was only a thing.  I wondered how he would have felt had I gone into his well tended and beautiful garden and began trying to move his plants around because I felt that the roses should be next to a bee balm plant.  OR decided his lowers were so beautiful, I should just pick them and bring them to a friend who loves flowers.

Is consideration of other’s property a thing of the past, is the ability to recognize that rearranging a display in another space other than your own, is OK.  ???

All things, deserve respect, your car that gets you to where you need to be, the doors that open for us to enter, the shoreline that contains are precious rivers, lakes and oceans.  As an artist I don’t expect everyone to like my style of expression,  but I do expect RESPECT for my property if you are on it. I now understand why people put up DO NOT ENTER or PRIVATE PROPERTY up on their lands

(sorry took off  on a little rant there)  however it is all the same message.  Changes happen in life, some we can make choices on, and they affect us directly, others it is not as easy.

PL calendar day 29   Use what you need to use without hesitation. 

YOUR things, your money, your knowledge, and your strengths are all a part of you.  Utilize them to their fullest potential without any hesitation.



Thursday doors


Thursday doors

Good Morning, these are the doors I found yesterday in my travels. No concrete cement sidewalks, no asphalt driveways, open space and  blue skies were the order of the day.

PL Calendar day 25 –   Pay Careful Attention without Overly Straining yourself or Taking things too lightly

Having the right amount of tension in your life allows you to notice many things, and that will help you to better express yourself.



Thursday doors

Bom dia, Thursday greetings

Alfred, Ontario, hamburgers, hot dogs, made while you wait

IMG_0709Hwy to Pembroke, Ontario

abandoned 5abandoned near Cornwall

P1000057 SLrepeat of an old favourite, a stop in Cassalman, Ontario

We are faced with choices every day.

Day 13 of PL Calendar   There will always be a way

As long as you are serious, there Is no reason for you to give up.  Move forward one step at a time and thing will always turn out for the best.


Thursday Doors

IMG_1345Happy Thursday everyone.. Bom dia.

Some doorways have a very open and spacious entrance.  Others are more “this is what you get” and the tenants do their best to make it welcoming.

Then you leave the town and head out into the open country, the sights and sounds are very different.  Yet always there are doors.

I got a tad turned around in my outing yesterday, found myself south when I should have been heading east.  Ah who cared, I was out exploring and best of all, the sights of the fall colours was awesome. Meet my new friends…

He was a brilliant conversationalist, (both males) the blonde was less talkative.  Sigh pleasures come from the most unexpected places. =^_^=

Remember, we are all responsible for the choices we make in life. Take time today to swing your happy into high gear.  Happiness is a powerful positive energy.

PL Calendar day 25…. If you skimp on the paint, your painting will not turn out well.  Live a fulfilled life every day by utilizing things, money, your knowledge or energy to their fullest.

My love and gratitude to you all.


Uma maravilhosa quinta feira a todos…


Thursday Doors – 9.20


Charm of days gone by.  There is so much to take in when you travel a back road. You have to know that you will not get anywhere fast, you simply accept the moments of discovery.  This was the scene that beckoned loud enough for me to stop and actually get out.  It is aged, tired and worn, but yet it is standing proud. Wind, snow, ice, rain, yes they have left their mark, but the place, for me , still had a quiet dignity.  It stood, just off a paved road, but the surrounding land, was rich and bore the remnants of a bountiful crop.

I left today, open to the possibilities, and the Universe  provided  “seek and you shall find”  PL Precept #1   Life is Art

The day was a happy one, and totally productive in a very creative way.  I hope you enjoyed the same.



had a good co-pilot that helped..

shared adventure, doubles the fun!


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