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Posts tagged ‘PL’


Do everything with a prayerful mind. Even if you have done your best, there are times when you wonder if it is enough. that is when your prayers become most important.

Perfect Liberty 2015.26

Joyous memorable moments to all.

Photo- Hounds of Freckashpeng, Winchester

Service 10 a.m.

Ancestors’ Day – 11th of each month, (PL) Today here in North American we also are remembering our veterans’ and those who served (Remembrance Day) Service will be at 10 a.m. EST

Through the ceremony we express our gratitude for the love and virtues of our ancestors and we include special prayers for all those who touch or have touched our lives throughout the years. We ask for their protection and guidance so we can continue to live the PL Way. (Perfect Liberty)

PL Precept # 15 All is a mirror

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point

Pictures today, Q, Mariko, Caron


It’s easier to adapt to something when we find it interesting. No matter how enjoyable a situation is, a slight change in our attitude can make it boring. let’s face any situation with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Perfect Liberty 2022.10

Sometimes it is not what we see, but what we can’t see that speaks to us,

Photo, Dave Renz.

BOO fun

Altho’ the actual date set aside for Halloween is the 31st. I hear on the radio that the parties and gatherings will happen this week-end, If they are not already started, they will be in full swing over the next couple of days. We’ve had rain of late, the beautiful colours that sprang out all around to greet us weeks ago, have faded and many have fallen to the ground from being pelted by the rain.

I spent many happy hours exploring all the creativity that is in SL (Second Life).. entering into the magical world of the many seasonal destinations that the fertile minds the artists in SL have created for the viewer’s enjoyment. The SL pictures above were taken at Pacifique ..http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pacifique/50/173/3748 the owner and artistic director of these amazing builds is Eclair Martinek.. if you are a player/citizen of Second Life, this is the link that will take you to this delightful build.. If you are a photographer , she has given us many photo opportunities, If you just like to play and have fun, explore .. there are caves, tunnels, scuba diving, a mermaid ballroom, hot air balloons.. and the list goes on.

We are not all going to go out Trick or Treating, but we can treat ourselves to the many offerings that abound at this time of year, Life is to be enjoyed….

Develop new ideas through your imagination, Softly and Flexibly. If you could find a way to add a twist you will have more joy.”

Perfect Liberty 2023.28

Make today a different day” Instead of doing the same old thing, be creative and do things to improve your day.”

Perfect Liberty 2021 17

quinta feira

This is Thursday everyone, (Thursday Doors) for more doors from other bloggers who chase “doors” please visit Dan’s site No Facilities to enjoy doors/architecture from all over the globe. https://nofacilities.com/2023/10/19/port-jervis/

Today’s calendar..

The turning point is now. Life is a sequence of moments called now. You have the key to turn yourself around,

Perfect Liberty 2023.19

Our farms, our landscapes they are treasures … let’s protect and appreciate the wonderful bounty of what we have received… Pumpkins = Smiles. Share a smile today.


The path to achievement is “to start with what you can do” Try to find out what you an do towards challenges in your own situation. This will pave the way for achievement.

Perfect Liberty 2023.17

Nature trail P22 – Mer Bleue



Express your feelings straight away. It will be good if you could express your feelings as they are to people around you, when you are happy or when you are troubled. Also, it will be a good chance for you to get to know others.

Perfect Liberty 2023. 15


Clear day

Respect the existence of each other. The world consists of people with different circumstances and different lifestyles. Respect and understand each other.

Perfect LIberty 2023.14
What is the meaning of the song on a clear day? (Google internet)

“It’s one of exuberance that not only accepts but overcomes the heartbreak everyone experiences at some point in life. If there were ever a popular song written about the experience of realizing universal consciousness, of attaining nirvana, of finding the bliss we are all seeking, “On A Clear Day” is it.”

Happy Week-end everyone.. enjoy the moment, share your smile with all around you, Happiness begins within.


We are all wonderful in our own way. Although results are important your effort is what is truly precious.

Perfect Liberty 2023.13


A drive through a rural area that I had not visited in some time … a breath of fresh air, living in a bustling city with constant traffic, near 4 major hospitals, a baseball stadium, and bustling commercial areas, this was a drive that was soothing and restful. Hope you enjoy the doors that we passed along the way,

For more doors please visit Dan’s No Facilities site.. where other door/architecture enthusiast will be posting their doors for this week, https://nofacilities.com/2023/10/12/aug-sept-leftovers/ His post today outlines and gives information on Thursday Doors, should you be interested in posting yourself.

Everyone has their own way of seeing and thinking, There are different points of view and ways of thinking which makes it interesting and creates new ideas. Try to enjoy other’s expressions.

Perfect Liberty 2023.12

Have a good day everyone… smile …brighten your day and those around you,

Enjoy… loving hugs to all.

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