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Posts tagged ‘peace’

Silent Sunday

Express your feelings without hesitation. If you hold in all your feelings, you will feel heavy. Just say what is on your mind without hesitating

Perfect Liberty 2017,4

photo. Dave Renz


Is there anything I can help you with? Enjoy a feeling of happiness to contribute to those around you. It will give you confidence tht you have something you can do for others.

Perfect Liberty 2023..3

It was a sugar coated world yesterday . Mild, very pleasant. There is a simple joy in standing quietly while the fluffy snow flakes dance merrily through the air. Of course if I stood too long, there were complaints from the peanut gallery that the morning breakfast was being delayed. Interestingly when they see the chair and I sit.. they stop chastising me and go about cleaning up their “plates”… they seem to know, when the human sits and closes her eyes, I’m having a ” time out”.

Enjoy the day everyone, don’t know about where you are, but here, the airwaves are full of the holiday cheer “songs” and “stuff”

Service 10 a.m.

Ancestors’ Day – 11th of each month, (PL) Today here in North American we also are remembering our veterans’ and those who served (Remembrance Day) Service will be at 10 a.m. EST

Through the ceremony we express our gratitude for the love and virtues of our ancestors and we include special prayers for all those who touch or have touched our lives throughout the years. We ask for their protection and guidance so we can continue to live the PL Way. (Perfect Liberty)

PL Precept # 15 All is a mirror

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point

Pictures today, Q, Mariko, Caron


Met these lovelies the other day. We showed an interest in each other, so I advanced carefully to have a visit. Although I did my best to chat, except for the one on the right, I was met with indifference. Although the one on the far end, seemed to be listening, when I drew closer, the reaction showed me clearly, I had misread the interest.

sigh, we have all at some time I’m sure had the reaction of simple indifference to our prattle.

I had thought that I was being friendly, but my communication skills were not appreciated by this little group.

I did get a second glance by this little group of grazers, but again, no takers when I tried for a more up close and personal visit. In fact the saddle brown (on the left) which appealed to me, turned and purposely walked away. They likely knew I was simply too “city” for them.

In these instances I found it easy to say “thank you” and move on, I tried to interact, but they simply were not interested. There are other times tho’ when we try communicating with a friend, and the reaction is not positive, in fact it gets hostile and aggressive. That is harder to smile and say thank you too.* In PL, we try, we look at what we could have done, or how we could have perhaps approached the subject differently.

I see and hear all around me these days, what seems to be an environment of hostility, negative aggressive thinking and behaviour. I can understand why so many are having difficulty finding “peace” in their lives. We forget, that WE contribute to the environment we live in.

It is important to say “thank you” … Everything that appears in front of you is all material for you to improve yourself whether its food, people or things. Learn to accept everything, whether it is something you like or not.

Perfect Liberty 2020.9

PL precept #7 Everything exists in relativity

PL Precept #14 World Peace is Everything

PL Precept #20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter.

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace”

Isaiah 52.7

“You are precious in my sight, and honoured, I love you.”

Isaiah 43.4


*we are not responsible for the action of others, we are responsible for are own behaviour , only we can make changes within ourselves. Change begins with us.


a happy place

there is something special about photographs that recall a moment in time

pictures that take us back to another time and place. When I found these pictures yesterday, I wondered if I could ever find them again. Computers are amazing wonders. I don’t know how often I’ve changed computers since these were taken, I’ve lost count. Yet, here they were on my screen popping up from files that the software genie had compiled.

I no longer questions how these things happen, the Universe has a way of delivering these little “presents” when I least expect it. I say thank YOU and feel gratitude for the discovery.

With the Thanksgiving week-end having just passed (Canadian) I got to spend a lot of time with memories as i looked over all the pictures. The pictures dated back to the early 2000’s A lot has happened since then. Seeing my Mother, sisters, family pets, in-laws, gave me much time for reflection. Of course, constant in all of them was my husband, it was his love and dedication to our “lives” that enabled much of what i got to see and live during the years he was here on earth with us.

It was a reminder not to squander the time we have here on earth.. it is a beautiful environment, and meant to be enjoyed, Friends, family, people we meet all have a purpose…We are all ONE….

We are all represented in Nature, we can be different seasons, different species, but we are all here to co-exist. It is time to focus on World Peace.

When you think “I’ve got it” think again. It is easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure.

Perfect Liberty 2020.13



” A spoken exchange of news and ideas between people.” concise Oxford English dictionary. Have you ever wondered how many actual conversations you have participated in, during the course of a day. Were they actual conversations, or words exchanged and then forgotten.

Is it a conversation when you ask someone for the time, or greet someone in passing.

“communication -communicate- share or exchange information or ideas – convey (an emotion or feeling in a on verbal way, etc. (again Oxford Dictionary)

“discuss – Talk about (something) so as to reach a decision, etc (Oxford Dictionary)

What is it we do all day. Blah blah blah… yadda yadda yadda…. Sometimes I just want to be quiet with my partner/friend/spouse. Share in doing nothing together, What do you think? Is this a possibility.

Harmony brings us Peace. Let’s strive to always maintain good relationships at home, at work and in the community we live in

Perfect Liberty 2020.1


migraine moments

clarity is blanketed

the body’s message loud and clear, STOP, don’t move, lie down,close your eyes, focus on your breathing. Let the swirling debris of sediment settle fill the cracks, and allow the mind time to regroup and fall where it may.

let definition settle where it may

STOP trying to introduce brilliant, vibrant and chaotic energy into the reality of NOW. There is a world of discovery at your feet, stop looking into the distance, there is a whole world to be discovered and rediscovered.

With all the negativity of late in the press, media and being spoken and conversed about…. my brain needed a change of venue.

I have a very special friend, who in introducing me to the America he knows, sent me a video that stirred my emotions and left me wanting more. I searched YouTube and found this video by Ann M. Wolf. I would like to share it with you. please feel free to pass on having a look, if it is not of interest to you.

https://youtu.be/9-Lf9WTiawQ This is a video on the flag folding ceremony of the flag of the United States of America. It was done as a dedication to Honor Guards and the fallen from across America.

Church service today is at 10 a.m. and I believe that Reverend Eugene is going to try to send out a video of same.

There will always be a way. If you persist and be creative without giving up, you will find solutions that you had not considered before.

Perfect Liberty 2020.28


are you?

running or standing still

Good morning =^_^= if you have been with me along this journey for some time, you may recall this photo. It was taken around the time my husband passed away. The car was totaled. Ask me today, anything about that time, if I was hurt, what happened.. it will be two years in the spring, yet I can only give you a vague recollection. I would have to stop, and think back, focus on that time. I won’t do it. Why, because the Universe saw me through that time period. Now, I am living the experiences and adventures of today. “be in the now” (PL)

Outside the hospital after we knew it was terminal

What I hold dear is the memory of the many years we had, the blessings that our togetherness was strong, that we held on to the Oneness that was US.

We loved most the moments we could share in tranquil places we found along the way.

Are you running or standing still, are you dreaming or living your precious moments here on earth. ?? When you are faced with the turmoil and challenges of outside elements that want nothing better but to cause destruction. Are you able to say.. I have my quiet place. There is genuine love in this world, and step by step, inch by inch, those who believe in love and the UNIVERSE in and around us… will live in PEACE .

You have a choice…


Wednesday 15th.

Not picture perfect, but there you have it. Leon has his rights. He knows when it is his time to chill, and he takes it.

It is important to be assertive, but maintaining harmony is just as important. Say what is on your mind clearly but don’t be overly attached to your views. Respect the points of view of others and always seek to find a happy medium.

Perfect Liberty 2020.15


Peace day

Always live with World Peace in your Heart. Each and every one of your actions can inspire peace within your family, your community and the world around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2019,1

Today we will begin the Day of Peace ceremony at 10: a.m. followed by our regular Sunday service. Through the Day of Peace ceremony, we pray for World Peace and dedicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds which include our home, school, work and community.

Everyone is welcome, not everyone can come to the church itself, if there is no church near you, we invite you to join us in prayer at 10: a.m. with a moment of silence and prayer of your own, committing to helping in the attaining of world peace. Love begins at home. within ourselves.


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