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Posts tagged ‘sunshine’

anticipation 4.3.17



as the days grow warmer the anticipation grows

soon, not only will we celebrate a new day

the new buds of spring will come alive

and the art of the bloom

will bless and bring colour

to skies that have been winter gray

Bees will actively tend their hives

and our toes will be free again


YAY !!!

dissatisfactions and complaints


happy not

not a happy face, nope, no joy found here

tired, weather worn and ragged

life has left an imprint of a bitter

state of mind

spent in the company of

dissatisfaction and complaints

hand of the past_edited-1

we, each and every one of us

is entitled to happiness

and the joy of living in a world

full of promise and hope

past charm

true, what was,

sometimes fades with the

changing seasons

but it is what is inside that counts

happy and even sad memories

make up our past

yet here we are

starting a brand new day

Sharon springs 8

our lives continue

like sparkling  spring water flowing

over the dips and valleys

happily gurgling along

over the variety of rocks

there really is no other choice, but to go with the flow

so why not use what dissatisfaction

and momentary complaints that come our way

as catalysts to improve and change our days

so that happiness is the mainstay

of our  daily “every day” lives.

Sharon Springs 5

appreciate whatever comes your way

the shade you see, will soon shift and fade away


namaste         –          oyashikiri

buen dia, buongiorno, a good day to YOU

Good morning dear friends, I found a quote today, that I am going to post the way I found it, and then make a few changes to it. Smiles I hope you enjoy it.

Can’t do it, I’ll have to retype it for you…….  Yay it worked.  See persevere and you will get results!  Ah life is good!!!



So here goes, for me this says..

  It has little to do with the position I have in life 

or the title that is given me (status)

whether or not I have fame or fortune

but everything to do with

the Dream in my heart

and my sincerity and desire  with in me

to give everything I have

to being the best person I can in this life.

sunshine and flowers

Namaste         Oyashikiri

PL Principle 1   I will live paying careful attention,putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do.

PL Precept # 2   To live is to Express One’s Self

sunshine on a gloomy day, yes!


PL Precept # 6  Live as the Sun

Have you ever noticed how even on a gloomy day, if a ray of sunshine comes through the clouds, your mood changes, you look up with appreciation, and sometimes smile.

Life is full of an accumulation of small events/moments. If we go through life focused only on what we consider, big, important things that need our attention.  We miss opportunities to notice other things.  How often do we walk by a neighbour’s house, intent on getting to the bus stop, or to where we are headed.  We don’t see the neighbour unless they speak to us, nor do we see their garden, the flowers… we are on “the go”.  Busy, Busy, Busy.

Our lives are what we make of them,  Our days, nights, how we live them.. we are creating our own unique work of art.

PL Precept # 1   Life is Art

sunshine 2

Be like the sun, bring sun shine into the lives of others, it will radiate back into your own.  Cultivate positive and strong relationships .. When we love with a true and trusting heart, the rewards multiply and happiness becomes the mainstay of every day life.

Namaste      –       Oyashikiri

story… a moment in time

The rain fell relentlessly, it poured so hard that the leaves and smaller branches outside the shelter were bowed  in acceptance of the storm that raged.  The winds had picked up, and taller trees were being buffeted by the fierce, determination of the gales that blew over and through them.

storm at sea

Thunder flashed across the sky, down below the water would be churning, the waves demonic,   What was happening, she felt nothing.  While all around her the world expressed her mood, her pain,  the turmoil in her brain… she was a quiet witness, unfeeling to the searing pain within.


Some how, God was protecting her from the wrenching emptiness in her heart, from the cold reality of the moment.

To survive this moment, God had crystalized her heart.   Under different skies they had promised never to part, to always, till forever be  man, wife,mother,father.   she gasped, clutched at her heart, the children, what would she tell the children.


At the thought of the children, there was a sudden change in the air, in the mood, the wind/rain seem to abate, she felt the tear slide gently down her cheek. In the distance she saw a golden glow.


The children would be on their way home now, the skies were clearing, she could make her way back to the house, and no he wouldn’t be there, but she would be…. and the  joy of making a home filled with love and laughter, void of the frustrations and disappointments of a “dream” gone bad, would be the making of another chapter, in a world full of promise.


Storms happen…………but they don’t last…………….. Sometimes we have to leave the past behind…….. and move on into the sunshine of another………moment in time.

Namaste      .       Oyashikiri

pictures can be found on https://www.pinterest.com/qyhatharbour/weather-%2B-misc-intertest/



Some days we climb the stairs to our destination

without a thought or glance

at the world that surrounds us

we hurry, we let our thoughts race ahead

never stopping our chattering mind

till our tired head hits the bed


we compartmentalize our days

storing memories away

to maybe revisit on another day


Time does get away from us

and soon the memories

lie like dust on all that was

and we are left wondering

how so many years were squandered

because we didn’t take the time


to cultivate and look after our core

we always wanted more

yet that never satisfied the need

for what we sought

we already owned

it is never too late

to rediscover our faith


we are all ONE

life is for living

faith in our oneness

our connection to the Universe

faith will open the doors

so we can once more explore

only now, we will be

aware of the road we are travelling

and feel the sun  as it nurtures

and makes us ONE


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


dull,overcast & sunny


Good Morning everyone.

It is a day of choices.  When a friend dropped over with wool for another friend, the leaves were bathed in sunshine, as I stood on the steps i was wrapped in a soft light of sunshine, with a warmth that was pleasing.  When I came in for my camera, I thought it would be delightful to share the various shades of crimson and bronze of the leaves.  However… when I opened the door not 5 minutes later, the sun had been replaced with cloud and a dismal sky of washed out grays.

Such is life. Thus the expression “seize the day/moment”  Yes the sun has come out again, but guess what, it is not longer shinning down in that area… it has moved on.  Life is good, it is full of wonder and adventure.

Now.. is always the start of something new!

O agora e sempre um ponto de partida


a  worn and weary boat sits by the dock

alone and forgotten

its old, it has seen many seasons come and go

the young ones that it once ferried

have long since moved on in life

the laughter and the fun

the echoes of children playing were on another clock

now as time ticks on

the boat knows it will soon be docked

it will be put away, left to weather

with only memories of yesterday

of young Russ and Margaret

John, Janet and Brian

“yes,” sighs the creaking old boat

Time for one era to end

so a new one can begin… again.


Good Gozaimasu everyone!

rain, rainbow Teresa NYC discount diva Pinterest

Everybody wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain *

Another bright sunny day, can’t wait to get outside into the fresh air and sunshine.  Having errands to run yesterday, I was out for half the day driving from one place to another, car window down, the air still a bit of chill to it, but I wanted the wind in my hair and that feeling of being on the move.  Not convertible time yet, but the motorcycle enthusiast are  out.  Just the day before everyone was moaning about the rain.  Certainly for those having to deal with the challenges that come with a lot of rain and melting from the heavy snows we’ve had over the winter, it wasn’t all hearts and flowers.  But to many of us, the rain meant a day without sunshine, it was wet and sometimes inconvenient.  Ever noticed that when it rains, the greetings aren’t so friendly, and some are even grumpy.

rain, micalea smeltzer

Have you ever danced in the rain?  Have you ever been caught in a summer shower? When I was younger, walking to work with my hair all done, my clothes all fresh and ready for a work day, caught without an umbrella didn’t make me cheerful. LOL.. I don’t think, I know I grumbled and mumbled words that would have earned me a proper scolding by my parents.  Older and wiser now, I am more accepting of the rain, I know it is going to rain, and there is nothing I can do about it, I can either stay inside, or go out and enjoy the world and what the day has to offer.  I no longer concern myself about my  hair, and if I know it is raining I dress accordingly, if I didn’t expect the rain, so what, I’ll dry.  Rain has been a part of this world long before I arrived, and it will continue to fall long after I’ve moved on.

rain, 911 by Rob Shanghai on flickr

I know that I have many of you who share these moments with me ,write,  doesn’t this picture evoke some kind of response from you.  Wow!   The photographer (*** below)  really captured a moment here.  That dear reader is what life is, we live our lives in segments, it may not seem so at the time, but I can assure you, that each and everyone of you, will come up with a different story line, or thought on what the picture says to them, or the emotion it evokes.  Let us all try to live life a day at a time and make the best of each moment whatever the task or challenge, don’t give up, look for the positives in the situation,  Life is art ….. and  someone, somewhere is living their day in a similar way …..   remember with the rain comes new growth and if you are lucky you will see your own rainbow.

smile,girl with goat Yunna by Elly Prestegaard -flickr

A smile and a huge hug to start your day!  Smile.


* posted on Pinterest by Teresa NYC Discount Diva

** picture by Micalea Smeltzer >Pintrest

*** photo 911 by Rob Shanghai.flickr.jpg

last photo >Pinterest

sens unique – bonjour mes amis – good morning my friends



Good morning dear reader, I can be wordy, I know =^_^= however, this morning I found myself stuck on the two quotes I’ve posted here.  My prayer this morning was from an International publications book, called Prayers for good times and bad. It goes like this.

“Please, Comforting Spirit, show me what it means to let go the hope that others will be my cure.

You Great physician, are my healer in this quiet hour”.





Sometimes I think I lead a very sheltered life.  I had not seen or heard this quote before. the movie it comes from I’ve heard about, know about, yet this quote has eluded me … now it jumps out at me.  My progress in life, comes in many forms the joys I have discovered in the transformation process have been many. Think about where you are today, are you happy, does everyday bring a new  experience for you to delight in?  Can you say you are genuinely happy……  I’ve come to realize that even in the moments where I’m grumbling and complaining..  yes… wonders on wonders.. I do find myself having such moments.  I’m doing so, because at that given moment, it is what I need to do, vent or moan, groan, it is my way of dealing with inner distress/conflict…. it 99% of the time has nothing to do with anyone else, but my SELF.  I am the only one who can make changes in my life, or who has control on how I feel or think.  Some “true” friend once said to  me .”own it” at the time I don’t know that I appreciated these words being hurled at me.. But I’ve never forgotten them, and he will always be a part of me for having had the inner strength to speak out honestly to me. It was my behavior he was addressing.  Mine.

floral heart

Strive each and every day to improve yourself – it is never too late to change the road you are on, or to simply stop and enjoy where you are.

Don’t reserve your best behavior for special occasions.    Walk in sunshine, today and always    …blessings…. Oyashikiri

pictures from Pinterest




Happy Sunday everyone!  Do you do anything special on Sundays, is it a special day for you today, what ever Sunday brings your way, embrace it for the opportunity it offers.  Another day to explore the wonders of life, the gifts of friendship you share with others, the weather in all its variety. We are blessed with a magnitude of possibilities.  There really are no problems in life, see them as opportunities.  Enrich your day and those around you  by being a mirror of light, joy and sunshine.  S M I L E.

spanish moss - dancersOur souls are not physical,  they are the force field of our BEING.

Blessings – Oyashikiri   today,tomorrow and always !

picture – moss on trees -Pinterest


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