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Posts tagged ‘Divine’

Cancer can

montfort 8.6.17

Cancer can turn your life around

it can throw what you have known as reality

into a different dimension.

” What kind of cancer “, someone will ask..

personally, even though we have been told, it doesn’t matter

What matters is it has to e dealt  with..

Here is a little tidbit from today’s adventure,

Yesterday I had to do a small laundry, and decided to do it by hand,

hang it outside to dry, we’ve had a couple of beautiful days .. perfect

for laundry.  I anticipated that fresh smell one gets from clothes hung out to dry,

montfort Aug. 6.17

I got half my wish, one article, the one that I was waiting for, was dry, but a bird had flown over and left its signature on it.  All that came to mind when I saw it, was that “Nature” had a sense of humour, but I wasn’t laughing.

What else to do .. but… come in and wash it all over again.  The other item which I had washed .. just because, was linen fresh, and daisy clean.

I think dealing with cancer will be pretty much the same… It happens, it’s ours, now we have to simply deal with it.  It will be a new adventure for both of us.  My husband has had a wonderful attitude, positive and bright.  Together we will see it through.

Again, thank you all for being so wonderfully supportive.  We ARE, all ONE.

PL Precept # 12  Everything has a way according to its Name.

PL Precept #15  All is a Mirror

Cancer can bring people closer together, in PL we say Kamuwaza (God’s Act) … is part of life.

What can bring out the best in people, cancer can.


love, light, laughter, appreciation, faith, and gratitude make them part of your day, everyday, no matter what….


Pictures taken on the grounds of the Montfort Hospital, Ontario.Canada



moving day


Stop  Hesitating  – Abandone la actitud reservada y vacilante –

When we travel, we pack up our suitcases with our destination in mind.  When we are being moved because we are at a stage in life where we need more care than can be had if we stay on our own.

Packing to go away, I never know just what I’ll need, so I take some of this and two pairs of jeans, etc.  Especially if we are to travel in our own vehicle, we can take more, “just in case”

But if someone else is packing for you, you find yourself watching, listening to the activity around you.  I am the person packing, the person watching and listening was my Mother who will be 96 on May 1st.  There was no hesitation on my part, I needed only to know what it was she wanted with her.  BUT my Mother who has travelled the world, toured China, walked the cities of Greece, bought opals in Australia,always independent and full of curiosity to see where she would visit next, now knows her destination will be to a health care facility miles away from her home city.  Temporary, never-the-less I know it is a trip she would rather not make, wanted very little.

My Mother has always been strong and stoic, whatever challenges the Universe sent her way,  she dealt with it.  She didn’t dwell on how, she simply did what was necessary to get what she wanted done.

Her attitude is.. bring it on, I’ll deal with it.  She never hesitated to live her life, so while we her daughters,  do our best to make it happen in a way that is best for her.  I believe that the Universe will watch over her.  The most important thing in life that she will need, won’t need to be packed, because God has blessed her with the Divine presence that lives within her.

PL Precept #  15  All is a Mirror

PL Precept #  3   God appears through One’s Self

PL Precept #19  Begin once you Perceive



snow and ice

snow and ice

as seen under a sky

of faded blue and powder gray

such beauty

in the stillness of the day

captured my heart

and stole it away


click on the pictures to see the beauty

that even now

holds me captive to its charm


Life – Nature is ART



so it was, past & present


So it was, there before me, in its majestic glory, the ocean.  It was later in the day than we expected to arrive, but here we were.  Other cars were parked along the road, people with their camera poised for that perfect picture.  For me, it was the moment itself that was perfect.  Taking in a deep breath, the rest of the world around me disappeared.  In a second one can live and relive a lifetime.  No  matter how often such moments occur in my life, I am always amazed that such serenity and peace can wash over me, filling me with a gratitude and appreciation that no words can fully express, the blessing is to live that moment to the fullest.


The camera can capture the landscape, and perhaps a “mood”… but that moment of connection to the “Universe” is very personal and unique to each person who was there on that highway, we all experienced our own individual “blessing”


Some of us travel on the water, some of us are grounded on land, but no matter where we are in life, when we experience that intimate connection with the Divine force of Nature, we are captivated, enthralled and in that moment, we are ONE totally engaged in the transcending power of LOVE.

PL Precept # 11    Always be with GOD

PL Precept # 21       Live in Perfect Liberty

harmony within ourselves


A student once said to me, “you tell me that happiness begins with me,  intellectually I agree, but the reality is I don’t know how to begin”.  It is easy to talk about the Precepts and Principles of PL,( Perfect Liberty), they are all so “simple” when stated, but they are not as easily followed as one would imagine,  When someone says relax, we just can’t flick a switch and our bodies will relax.

Like the shadows on the fence the “art” of the moment, is there and if we pause in our day, we will see it, return in another half hour, that moment and play of shadows will no longer be there,.

Think on the number of times, your friend, mate,spouse, child, asks you for something, and you have replied with “just a second,” “wait, I’m busy” or I can’t right now, maybe later.  We all do it, it is so easy to simply excuse ourselves from the moment because we are busy, mentally in another space.

Sometimes, the moment passes, and there is no repercussion, it simply gets lost.  Other times, it could have been a  life changing moment.  We will never know, we let it pass, we made a choice, and come what may, we had a part in that “moment” in time.

in prayer

When we make time in our lives for prayer, we are making time for GOD/TAO/Nature/Divine within ourselves.  To understand and learn more about ourselves, we have to spend time with our “selves”  In PL (Perfect Liberty) we are always available to “listen” and to help YOU sort out the complicated challenges that come your way.  It really happens to everyone, not just you, you are never alone, although at times, it might feel that you are.

PL Precept # 1  – Life is Art

Art doesn’t just happen, everyday we live is an expression of our creativity.  Our TRUST and FAITH in GOD is what will see us through troubled times.

in 2013 the #6 lesson was – A change of Heart can turn the Tide –  No matter what the situation you can’t change others.  The only thing you have control over is how you accept things, and deal with them.

PL Precept # 19

Each moment is a turning point



looking up

snow magic

when walking through my dream

it seems, that all I did was walk

I searched, had no idea  what I was searching for

but on, and on I went

down corridors, and carpeted halls

even ran up broad marbled stairs

this is not my first time in the maze

sometimes it feels like I’m lost for days

it’s the past, it’s the present

yes I talk to people

I ask for directions,

I’m realizing now as I recount

this tale, no one ever says good day

not me, or anyone else I meet

snow magic 1

we are all so busy, busy,busy

how can I be lost

I’m surrounded by people

yet I  am on this endless search

I can’t find my “room” my private space

everything looks the same, each corridor

I find, has numbered doors,

1st, 2nd, 21st. floor it doesn’t matter

no door is mine, besides, I seem to have lost the key

snow magic 2

what web have I created with my nattering mind

and multi tasked habits

oh please, why do I insist on constantly searching

when if only I would stop, just stop

and look up instead of rushing

from one place to another

looking up

snow magic 3

I will see the sky, the Universe

and in the vastness of the Universe

my spirit will find peace

from the chattering of my mind

of daily matters that blind me

to the inner voice with me

that tells me, I need not search

I need not worry that I can’t get home

I am always home

God/Tao/Universe is always with me

 I am never alone

I need only stop

and look up.

snow magic 4

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

PL Precept # 17  Grasp what is most essential

PL Precept # 11   Always be with God

PL Precept #15   All is  a mirror

PL# 17    Grasp what is most Essential

thank you – merci- obrigado

  • feedly,com
  • stellaresque42.tumblr.com
  • flickr,jim frost (3rd)
  • snowy orion,donegal skies,flickr
  • rebellesociety.com (top pic)

locked inside, looking out (this read is not for everyone)

7516320e8ae6a813a84102f561575b19 Again this could be upsetting.. if you are sensitive to  the plight of others.. read no further.

Depression is something that comes out of nowhere, and often it can go undiagnosed.  It isn’t till something unpleasant” happens that we are forced to face something we have not wanted to address.

Did you know.. that at one time if a woman was considered to not be taking care of her husband properly he could have her shipped out to a psych ward for an “attitude adjustment”

What the picture above is showing is a woman wearing a face mask that was part of the conditioning.  It was believed that if a woman saw herself smiling it would become natural… this was often accompanied by shock treatment.  I’ll let that sink it..  archaic ?  I’m sure some of us could really get into this subject alone.


I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t read or hear about some very negative incidents that happen in the world due to “”mental health” issues.  It is all around us, and it begins at an early age.  As a health care professional, we work with many many different forms of “health issues”  .. the unease of the mind & body are constantly surfacing around us. How do we cope, how do we adjust to the unhappiness, dis-ease- and negativity that plague society today.


Life is what we make it.. right?  Not always, when someone is depressed, anxious, and totally bummed out… they are not thinking with a clear health mind.. they are dealing with an illness, something beyond their control.   They are not in this state by choice, they are dealing the cards dealt them.  Whether young, or old, when they are placed in or on a ward that requires safety steps be put in place.  Double sets of doors.   Visitors can come in, and only allowed visitors at times, not just anyone.. Visitors can leave, but they are left behind the locked doors.


The pressures of life are never easy to juggle if you are bombarded continuously with one problem after another. What can we do, how can we help others to cope.. Before we can really benefit someone else.  WE really have to begin with ourselves.  No one, not one person , has ever been without a negative thought, a compelling lure of self-doubt.. or unease about something or someone.  Imagine if those moments had intensified, gotten out of control, IF we had not had someone to speak with, be with, or connect with.


A hospital is a hospital, no matter how nice you dress it up, paint the walls, or clean the floors.  It is a cold clinical environment.  If you have occasion to visit someone in hospital.. the best gift you can bring, is a genuine love and sincere wish for their recovery.  This is a precious gift, unique to you and the person receiving it.  Wrap it with a warm loving hug and a big heartfelt smile.


Love and laughter will fill a bleak room with sunshine, and thought you may think it is not noticed.. believe me, the receiver will feel it, and it will stay with them, long after you’ve left.

God,Nature,TAo, Divine HIgher Power, whatever you call the life-giving force within, is without measure, and without definition.  Love, pure unconditional love is force like no other.   a smile that begins from within and radiates out to the world……………………is awesome.  Share a smile today.  Please... today I missed my chance, I was in an elevator full of people, and i didn’t smile. it is not easy, I will try harder tomorrow.


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


today 9.21.15

08c01b70b0bb8068c6d484af260a33b8In the shade they sat, comfortable in the silence of a long valued friendship.  The years had been kind, neither had much to say that the other didn’t already know,  nothing of importance anyway.  Love of life, and shared adventures had provided each with  memories that  settled happily in their hearts.


The same sky holds different hues on a tropical isle, where someone else sits silently alone in thought, Time has no place here, for in their heart, they share a love that transcends mortal boundaries, a love that fills the heart with gladness and joy that is beyond explanation or spoken word.


Autumn the season of colour, cultivation,anticipation and harvest… what better time to walk with God and spend the time needed to rejuvenate and rediscover the meaning and power of unconditional love. We cannot redo the past, nor can we bear responsiblity for the next one, but we can take responsibility for now, and for how we live each coming minute of the day.  No two people are alike, yet we are ONE…. there is an invisible connection that when activated, it is a forever always moment, and everlasting.


When our lives are deeply rooted in God/Tao, we are spiritually rich regardless of circumstances.

“I didn’t know I was waiting/lost .. till I was found.”

namaste      –      oyashikiri


**sunset beach, xengavity,flickr

***bamboo ladle,damien douxchamps,flickr

*v instagram.com


To come across this colourful vignette

on the forest floor


the magical world was suddenly at my door

I could smell the moss and ferns,

the chirping of a bird  music in my ears

I felt the inspiration swell into full bloom

and I knew I would sit and write to you

frigm red eyes

oh!  a visitor, leaped across the forest floor

he/she has come to say hello

is this prince/princess charming in disguise

if I close my eyes. 

I will know and feel the love he/she brings

Nature is,  the Divine

the fabric and energy that keeps us


Pl Precept # 11  –  Always be with God


red eyed t ree frog by Distinctive Expeditions Fivehundredpx


To You Who Searches

nature,art couple

To You Who searches

by Q, 3,13,87

High on a hill you stand

feeling the majesty of the land

Nature in her rainbow mantle

smiles back peacefully

bathed in the golden warmth of day

yet, in your heart you feel a tug and rattle…

What is this overpowering feeling

that time after time draws you here…

To sit alone perched on sculptured granite

high above… and hidden well away

a single, solitary figure

overshadowed by the festive maples

mighty oaks and whispering pines…

Looking out through searching eyes

thirsting for the meaning of “Divine”

lazily a cloud drifts by

a lacy swirl of powder white

against a sky of innocent blue

look at you…

questions, questions,questions, is this all you do!

a search for the truth is a lifelong task

when you look out, instead of within…

listen to the symphony of life

feel… experience… with your total being

prayer/meditation will remove illusions

so that in this mortal world of questions and answers

you will discover and realize a simple truth…

The natural universe, in essence

is a mirror image, and the awe and wonder

simply… a true communion with self …


I had forgotten that there was a time when my work was copyright, etc., now I’m looking for the series of short stories I did at that time too.  Mollie I may have some that aren’t adult reading =^_^=

In cleaning up today, looking for my lost cheque book, I had to empty out all the files in the cabinet drawer and begin the physical task of looking through each file folder.  (This happens when one starts to do a clean up because the compter hard drive needed to be taken in for a check up.)

In PL we learn that when we take notice of something, an idea takes form in our noggin, its time to pay attention. LOL right now that for me means, sorting through old files.

Have a good day everyone, Hope you enjoyed my writings from another time… Hugs

Namaste     –    Oyashikiri

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