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Posts tagged ‘relationships’

Bom dia!

Who knows why this suit jacket, shirt and tie were left behind. An interesting story? To the many readers with the story telling genes… does it ignite a spark?

Today’s quote.

Take a good look at your “preconceived notions” It is good to reexamine those things that you think are “normal” or “valuable” in your life. You are sure to find something new..

Perfect Liberty 2011.12

The PL Precepts teach that everything is a mirror of one’s mind. It is a concrete positive way of enabling every individual to be fully self expressive. Is there someone you feel totally and completely one in mind and body.  An important part of the “art of life” is the art of living an amicable life. Do you feel you live a peaceful, joyful life, balanced, without restraint or hindrance? In PL we work to perfecting this art.

PL Precept # 1 Life is Art


bom dia domingo 4th

zen 1 3.23.17

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet.  It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there –  buried under the 50,000 thoughts that the average person thinks every day .  Deepak Chopra


PL calendar   day 4    Good relationships begin by greeting each other.

Acts of respect and courtesy are reflections of how much we value others.  Make it a point to be the first to greet your family, people at work and around the neighbourhood.

When you are present when you visit with someone, that is a gift in itself.  Love always!




Chev Truck -favourite finds & people

birthday-grillWhat is this?

It is a gift from my son,& his bf & partner, wonderful Brig,  who is patiently holding it so I can see it.  The question was did I want it all.  Hmmm tough decision.  In the end I went with the fender and logo.  I would have loved the whole truck grill, BUT I did have to be somewhat realistic.  I don’t live on land with lots and lots of room, we are on a city lot, walking distance from the city’s core.  It now sits in the living room where I can see it every day.

PL Principle # 3   have a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

I am grateful that my son and his Brig are so thoughtful, they are such blessings in my life.  I appreciate that he spared me going out to the metal yards to round this up for myself.   I was planning on have a go at going there with the tools to harvest whatever I could find.  But lovely Brig and he went out on their own, and found it for me. =^_^=

prince-edward-2011-sand-banksA day of adventure, at Ontario’s Sand Banks.  It was on the cool side, the summer tourist and cottage season over, the beach was a paradise of sand and surf.

prince-edward-sand-banks-2011There is something hauntingly beautiful about spending time on a beach that at times is so crowded with human energy, that it is buzzing…  and finding it quiet and peaceful.  The land simply “BEING”.

prince-edward-sandbanksWe will be heading out at the end of this week, to go where-ever the road leads.  I love my memories of a time that was, but I am keen to discover, the world that will unfold as we take roads less traveled in our quest for new places to appreciate and enjoy

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning point

Learn to appreciate all and everything in your life, everything happens for a reason.


Happy hearts and flowers day


This week I received a lovely thoughtful Valentine card from a dear friend in Australia.  She said, she knew Valentine’s day was usually for lovers, but she really wanted me to know how special I was to her, and that she carried a love for our friendship in her heart, always.  I was very touched, we met years ago in a virtual world, but soon found many interests that we had in common.  Our friendship has stayed true of the years, we not longer talk as often, or write as often, our paths went in different directions.  But, the feeling of love and friendship remained.  At anytime, we can pick up and visit, like yesterday, time has not been a factor.

valentine 2

Love is a precious gift.  True friendships will weather any storm.  Cliches you say, they are words of wisdom proven to have endured through the years.  Tomorrow, the 14th was set aside not just for lovers, but for letting those around you know, that they were appreciated and a fun caring way of saying, hey you are special, be my Valentine.  Whether that was a teacher, a co-worker, fellow student, it was fun preparing the Valentines, and sending or passing them out.

valentine 3


Somewhere along the way, the words I love you, seem to have taken on a very different meaning.  AND often the love it espouses  doesn’t last very long.  Love is beautiful, and when we truly love, we care 100% for those we love, and their happiness.  Should paths go in different ways, shouldn’t diminish that love, however…. I do see around me…. that when love no longer shines,  here is another cliche for you.. when the bloom is off the rose…..it seems that all that is left are the thorns.

valentine 4


With love from me to you… young, old, short, tall, I love you all.


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

PL Precept # 10   Love Yourself and Others

PL Precept #15     All is a Mirror

Wonderful vintage valentines found on Pinterest

Deep in the forest


Somewhere deep in the forest, the sound of suppressed weeping drifted with heartbreaking moans that left the little elf restless and frustrated.  He wanted to help, he wanted to fly across the glen and offer his help.  Sadly he knew, that the little maiden in such utter  distress, had to let her sadness flow, let the grief that had over taken her, run its course.

Sometimes in life, we can hear the pain in a friend’s voice, or see the sadness in their eyes.  We want to shout out or  do something to make that pain go away.  It is so hard to watch a friend suffer through their silent agony. A void, a memory, a shattering grief for what was, or could have been.


Some willingly give their hearts, only to find that the person that they trusted and believed in, was merely a “mistress” of their own making.  It is so easy to build a life (storyline) around what we seek, and want in another person, that in doing so, we are blind to the person they really are.

No one is at fault.  People live being who they are,  If others build a fantasy around us, that is their journey, not ours.


In TAO/ life nothing is as simple or linear that what we see is what IS.  A tree started out as a seed, the seed had to die to give birth to the shoot that will grow into a tree.  We might look out over the vast expanse of ocean, with wonder and awe .. do we at the same time,  see the total depth and breadth of the ocean from our vantage point…. no…we do not.


We do not live in a bubble.  But it is easy for some to try to build walls, the deny others access to who we  really are.

Just keep in mind, if are only presenting a portion of YOU, then you can’t expect the other person to respond in a manner that will speak to ALL of YOU

If we don’t know what we want, it is difficult to expect someone else to.


The crying had stopped, the world was silent, the population in the glen had resumed their comings and goings. the little elf, gathered up a small bouquet and headed out to visit his friend.  Time for a  hug.  =^_^=  there is a time and place for everything.

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

  • found on tumblr.
  • whatanart.com
  • the artof animation.tumblr.com
  • cuded.com (art by sylphielmetallium)
  • imoyat.deviantart.com (forgotten by ellixus)

sowing love


Given a choice, I want love in my life.  In order to have love in my life, I have to learn to suppress my ego.  Ego is something that I have to deal with on a daily basis.  Ego often  intrudes on my day by wanting me to do or say something that may satisfy me in the moment, but will it do so at the cost of peace of mind.


While out with a friend today. since she was driving I could sit and  look around in a way I can’t do if I’m the driver. There was no concept of time, just a feeling of quiet and a gentle happiness.  The day was awesome, temperature for me was perfect, the sunshine bright and warming, yet the cool freshness of a fall day would lazily drift in and around us while we walked along to where we were headed.  The meal wasn’t the best… but we had fun just being together and living the moments.  Others in the restaurant shared their disappointment in the general disorganization of the place.It was under renovation, and instead of closing while they did what they had to do.. they were open for business.  It was not a good experience  -food wise- other than that.. it was great being with a close and long time friend.


We often get to spend time alone, even when we are surrounded by people, we can be alone.  Our minds either allow other energy in, or it dismisses it.  I can be very content on my own, my creative juices can run rampant when I am left to be creative.  But when I am sharing time with a friend, and that friend is connected to the me that is inside my head, wow, it is beyond any words that I could use to express the moments that we share.  It can be as silly as eating food with the wrong end of the chopsticks.  Or saying something mundane and silly yet to us it is mind-blowing and profound.


It is in knowing our true selves, that we can sow love with the knowledge that love IS eternal and it does last forever.

True love is the energy that binds us together. in solitude we are experiencing a copulative moment  in the  spiritual realm.. the connection pure and everlasting.

‘When our resolve is to live a life of love.  Sitting in solitude is a healing energy… and when we share with all sincerity , the essence of that love grows as does the friendship.


When life is taken from us, we can only let it. LIke waves of the ocean, or the rings in a tree, we are where we are supposed to be.  Acceptance makes us stronger.. pushing against Nature’s forces, will only make the lesson harder.

Be safe – Walk in peace

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

photography – Pinterest


4827c30eba1ada26b75827d3c4747740Look familiar

have you had such moments

They happen in any relationship

This very public television couple

entertained, and made us laugh,

Lucy and her antics where just too funny

at least, that is how I remember the shows

when I saw them when they played

reruns.  She started out in movies, way before my time

but knew enough to change over to the small picture box

when it came along/

She went from showgirl, to B movie actress to a

well know and loved comedian, with a good head for business.  Sometimes we forget how some

actors worked very hard to make us smile and laugh.  They did so by exaggerating the day-to-day

ups and downs that a lot of relationships faced on a daily basis.  They put humour into the events

and laughter was the goal, when the audience really laughed, ratings rose.


These two made it look like fun.  Of course there was always a happy ending.  That is not the case in real life.  Many couples say that they work hard to never go to bed with negativity between them.  That is not an easy task

I faced an inner battle with myself just recently, I had to withdraw to a quiet place and meditate, think on why I was so upset.  Sometimes…. we just have to work things out for ourselves.  It is not that …click.. I sat down, tuned out of the world around me, and bingo the answer appeared in my thoughts.  Rather I had to pray, and have faith that I would do what was right. Once I made the decision, I was done with it, and it no longer took up space in my “head”.

PL Precept #19  Begin Once You Perceive.

Tonight while working on a project, I searched and searched for a picture I wanted to use.  Couldn’t find it, so I used something else.  The moment I stopped looking… you guessed it… I found the picture.  It had always been there, I just didn’t see it.  The picture I did use… turns out was the right one for that project.

PL PRECEPT #7    Everything exists in Relativity

the biggie…

PL PRECEPT # 4   Being annoyed limits your expression.


PL PRECEPT # 5  One’s Self is lost by being Emotional


Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

once upon a time


There was a time when it took hours to dress,and never would a woman be seen in public without being prroperly attired.


This was an outfit found on a blog, 1910 daywear, high fitted waistline and baptiste blouse. So.. even in the early 1900’s women wore clothes that befitted what was considered proper dress of that period.


remember the dresses our parents wore, or that we saw in earlier movies.

This is a Chanel Dress c.1937

I had a conversation the other day with a dear and treasured friend, that sparked a thought, and it carried through, when a Facebook friend commented on a post I had posted about how people kept cool back in the days before air conditioning.

She replied with a comment about how today, the younger people seem to always be on a cellphone.  Actually it is not only the young, many ages have taken to walking around tied to their electronic paraphernalia.

The later in the day I was speaking with someone on Skype and we talked of how “it used to be” when peope really enjoyed “community”

The theme throughout most of the day yesterday seemed to flow always with a touch of melancholy of “what was”  In the evening I met someone whose comment was ” How nice to actually see you, we seem to always be talking in text”  How true, and yes it was nice to see her … actually see her, see her sense of style, her way of presenting her physical self. Then my day today started with a personal message from someone dear to my heart, and once again I was struck by how one person can be perceived so differently, so much so… that if another friend met up with the other, there would be no way of knowing, that it was the same person they were speaking about.

Ok how do I come up with that.. look at the ladies about, and their clothing.. that is what we see, the fashion statement, or the put together look…. we are not really seeing the person that is wearing the outfit.  Today’s world is more open when it comes to fashion..never-the-less…. the person we see decked out in “la mode” of the day.. is not the person who comes home at night, and does what she does best… enjoy/live her private moments…


Who we really are, and what is really going on inside our private world, is usually very different from the personna that is seen by friends, family and aquaintences.

Change is the only constant in life, and like the seasons, we are always changing.

Each new day brings a different experience.  With each experience, we learn and grow.

Sometimes we thing we are starting over, but we aren’t, we are only recognzing the signs we missed the first time around.

When you look in the mirror, do you see yourSELF or do you see the face of a person you are not wanting to see.?

I am blessed to be living with a man who loves me… but we both know that there are days he so so much has to work at liking me.

Once upon a time, we lived in a world that did its best to hide much of what it didn’t want to see.. Now we are living during a time when perhaps even now, we hide behind the electronic world.. if you are talking on the phone, doing your e-mails, you don’t have to deal with what is in front of you or in your immediate field of vision.

BE AWARE that today, willl someday be, once upon a time.

Namaste          –          Oyashikiri


*metmuseum.org-French 1880-1914

collaboration= working together


Friendship – sometimes it is easier with a friend


and it is a good friend that will let you be silly

and share in your moment, to create a smile.


Share a smile today…

they are contagious!!

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

**photo, Howard Berman (Getty Images)

*** lovedaylemon on flickr


photo (14)always and forever she whispered

always and forever he replied

as he leaned over to lay a tender kiss on her brow

the steady  hum of the machine that had filled the room

 slowly faded away, till only silence remained

he looked down at the hand clasped in his

a tear fell slowly down his cheek

always and forever

they had vowed

and though she no longer

would be in the here and now

he knew that in his heart

their love would live on

always and forever

for love like theirs was blessing from above

from their very first day

they had known

there would be no other

their sacred bond of love transcended all

knowledge known to man, it was a prayer answered

from above, and would live on

always and forever

Iceland,jJokulsarlon, Ice candles


photo by Q

text, Always by Q

photo, Iceland,Pinterest

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