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Posts tagged ‘sayings’

konnichi wa

Put your whole heart into everything and express your individuality. When you put your whole heart into expressing yourself, your true beauty will shine through. (Pl2020.19)

The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty,, has wasted thirty years of life. (Muhammad Ali)

along the Quebec Coast – Whale watching

If our perspective on the world doesn’t widen and deepen as we age, them we have squandered the most valuable asset life has to offer.

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

photos, Dave Renz


New encounters can help you change. Be up for anything even if its out of your comfort zone. This is a chance for you to improve yourself as a human being. (PL 2020.30)

PL Precept #6 efface your self-conceptions



It is so easy to get so frustrated with a situation, you sit back, and take on an attitude of “whatever”….

Don’t look for excuses to say “I can’t” If you let your situation control or you fear failure, you will not be able to feel enthusiastic about anything, Take on any project with a firm conviction that you will succeed.

Perfect Liberty 2011.13

We are all unique personalities. Be respectful of others and learn to get along with people of all types.

bom dia

Use dissatisfaction and complaints as a springboard to improvement. If you only complain about something, nothing will get better. Look for shortcomings in your thinking and come up with creative solutions to your problems.

Perfect Liberty 2016.25


Whether you like or dislike something, give it a try. Instead of avoiding something because it’s complicated or difficult to understand, just give it a try. Then you will be able to find it interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2017.2

Life is full of challenges, it is like a bouquet of roses.. such beauty, but under the leaves.. beware. All good when we stay “aware/present”.. if we let our attention wander and just poke and grab.. could be an ooohh ouch that happens.


mid month

Live with firm determination, thinking that “this will turnout for the best” Everything in this world progresses and develops. Always be positive,, knowing that everything will turn out for the best.

Perfect Liberty 2019.15

The key to solving problems is within you.

It is interesting because it is difficult. In order to overcome difficulties in your life, you need to think hard and be creative, That is why life is always interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2016.12


Good morning world.. A lot can happen in a few hours. picture #1, my backyard was without snow, none to be seen. Picture #2 is what I see when I open my side door to get to my car, the contractor has been by to clear my steps and in front of the garage, the plow will come and clear the lane.. It was done twice last evening, what you see is what fell with the freezing rain pellets in the wee hours. Picture 3 shows you what I see from my back door. I had already cleared a path twice for Keeper to get off the deck to the back .. my last attempt was around 11:30pm.. you can see to the left, the accumulation. This is winter weather in these parts,, we have had it easy, December was one of the warmest months ever. and what snow fell was gone within days.

I saw the poster on the right when I was trying to find a picture without snow of my backyard.. Gave me chuckle, I love where I live, I enjoy the four seasons, and all that goes with it. However from the grumbling I’m hearing on the radio.. there are a lot of unhappy campers out there, We did get spoiled with the clear highways in December. Just means, the birds will be wanting their feeders cleared of snow, the Jays will hope for extra helping of peanuts, and the crows.. well.. they are in for a treat… I had check wings for supper, they get to pick the bones and enjoy the wonton wrappers I didn’t eat.. (I cheat, I like the shrimp or meat inside the wontons.. and save the skins for them…)

It is easier to adapt to something when we find it interesting. No matter how enjoyable a situation is, a slight change in our attitude can make it boring. Let’s face any situation with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Perfect Liberty 2022. 10

If you are driving out there, be careful, seems some parts of the highway are like skating rinks, lots of water and under the water could be black ice. If you live where the sun is shining and the roads are bare and dry, offer a thank you.. and send positive thoughts out to people living under different skies.

I’m going to have Thai coconut chicken soup for breakfast!! yum!


Thai Coconut Chicken soup, Ann’s Table, Costco

bom dia…bon jour…. hello!


life itself is simple

it really is

it is the human mind

that complicates

what IS


I am sometimes at a loss

not necessarily for words

but for the “music” or visual if you like

to accompany the words

in life, there is always a positive and a negative

you cannot have one

without the other

one person speaks, the other listens

the start of a conversation

one sees something, and captures it on film/photo

they have already seen it,

what they are doing is capturing the moment

to share, to show, to express


one picture, a thousand stories

not one person wil have the same reaction


however, we will each have a unique response

if we stop long enough

to allow the moment to speak to us

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri





Those were not my words back when I was actively working … because  back  then we didnt’ text, there wasn’t a cell phone attached to almost every household, in fact likely none.   But to those who came wanting to learn to meditate, it was almost always about their  need to find a quiet place for themselves, within the confines of their busy lives.  Young professionals needing and wanting grounding.

6c47982c55dc9ff0276b38741f33e1aaJust  Be………  so easy to say, so hard to do.

Common when I asked, “Did you get to meditate since we last met?” Answer, “Only, a few times, but each time I was interrupted, or the neighbour, (or children etc.) were making so much noise, I couldn’t concentrate”

And there lies the problem. meditation isn’t about concentration, it isn’t about having candles in the room, or soothing music with a nice incense happening.  Meditation is the art of staying in touch with your own personal connection to the “Divine”.  God lives in us all…  the Energy of Life is the force that makes us all  ONE.


If ever you have been blessed with someone in your life where just being together, or knowing that the other is close by, is comforting, and an extension of YOU, that is a special bond, and one that – simply is –  We can’t manufacture this sense of extension, sense of Oneness, it simply is.  You just are….   and if someone hasn’t had that experience it is hard to explain it to them.  They have to find it in themselves.  Because  a state of peaceful existence begins within.


So many quotes, so many words…” meditation is inaction.”.. do you believe that?  There is active meditation for example when one is practicing or  engrossed in working out,, dancing, focused on the moment,  you are so intent on the moment, although you hear the world around you, it is lost to you in that moment.  In that moment, all that is …. is where you are… and what you are doing…   that is a form of meditation.  That is meditation.. it is you “BEING”

This video doesn’t exist

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri

Happy July 4th


Happy July 4th. to all of you who are having a week-end of celebrations.  When we were in Upper NY State at the start of the week, we saw many preparations already being put into place. Banners and flags, it was very festive, now that the day is here, I expect there will be dazzling fireworks and a lot of get togethers.  Somehow when I think of July 1st (Canada Day) and July 4th. (American Independence Day) I relate it to happy get togethers with friends and family.


If we approach everything in life with the firm belief that everything is for the best, and that the experience, or moment will be one that will provide growth and development,… what a positive it will be,

The days have been full of sunshine, although I’m told that in Texas it is also VERY hot.  Holland has been going through its own heat spell. Where I am i Canada, I look out and see the cherries ripening on the tree, the birds have been flying in and out of the branches having their morning treats.  Until  recently the Saskatoon berries were in abundance, if you drove by you would have seen me reaching up into the tree taking my share. =^_^=      Nature provides.



namaste     –     oyashikiri

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