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Posts tagged ‘lesson’

I say

birds 3.7.17

*I say old bird

how are you today?”

the owl listened carefully

for the reply

Would today be the day

Chatty bird would get a reply

For he asked this question every day

and seldom got even a nod in response

“I am fine young man,” said Ms Tweets

“Young man, you say !”said Chatty bird

“You did call me old bird” said Ms Tweets

Chatty bird was quiet for a time,

then smiled, “I am fine Ms Tweet, thank you for today’s reminder”

“You are welcome,  Professor Chatty,” smiling back, she went on her way.


“Now” is always the start of something new.  -PL  day 24,2014



original art


roller skates - Archie

PL 2 (calendar) The world is constantly in motion and never rests.  Keep your senses sharp and be ready to adapt to the ever-changing world.  BE FOREVER YOUNG AND SEEK NEW CHALLENGES.

Focus, don’t have an Oops day….



cartoon found on Pintrest

Words on Wednesday,


a child’s expression

so much innocence

the emotion just happens

as we mature

somewhere, some how

we find ways

to hide or not show

how we truly feel

and in time

we ourselves forget

that the facade

is really just that

an outer face

and not what

we are feeling

at all


PL Precept #15  all is a mirror


witches brew

4-years-agoOH my, look at you

what on earth have you gotten into

certainly the month of October

brings out the devilish urge

to prance and dance

in outlandish attire

in full view

hippo-me-years-agobut really, do you remember

the hippo you?

that was years ago.

when all you knew was being a Tiny

in a world of fantasy and creativity

q-having-fun-jpgoh dear… oh dear

where are your clothes

a fine witches brew

you’ve gotten into

it isn’t even Hallow’s Eve

9-28-13_008quick into the pumpkin

hide behind the pumpkin’s silly grin

what are we to do

when the full moon

comes into view

dear oh dear

I do believe we have a case

of October-itice

10-30-14_002there are times

we can be anything we want to be

October is the month to play

to dabble

in a witches brew

come join Q

we wait for YOU



coming to a store near you..


PL Precept #1   Life is Art

have fun, explore allow your creativity to flow

if you visit virtual worlds, you have lots of room to play.

where ever you are.  be present in the moment

and enjoy being YOU

Chop Suey Thursday

photo-4-2Finally the colour is appearing along the fence and in our backyard.  On my way to Orleans this afternoon, I was again delighted by the colour the lined the highway.  This time I was taking another way in,  I was driving by farmland, fruit stands, and even a golf course.  So I enjoyed the contrast of colour against the manicured shades of green on the course itself.

img_0065Norm (Thursday Doors) I did wonder, if this could be considered a  “kind of” door.  After all it does symbolize the ending of life here on earth, and the journey to another “dimension”.   After a brief dialogue with myself .. I passed on the idea… but I did like the picture.

I like discovering old resting places… some are a tad sad due to neglect… but if you see beyond the disrepair .. you discover wonderful works of art, and interesting sentiments  Mother Nature has a way of adding her own decorative etchings and colouring on the tombstones.

photo-4-3You all know how much I love the play of light and shadows, in the fall, the darkness deepens, and I can lose myself in the depth of imagination and vegetation that has started to decay.  Life is beautiful in all stages.

ce00249d8878b494394bf12392d36775I have no idea, where this is, or how this picture found its way into the folder I was viewing..  but.. hey it is a door and by jove, it is Thursday

Tomorrow, I am having my second eye done.. (how many does she have you ask.. even I wonder at times).. so I will “see” you when I “see” you.

Have good days, peaceful nights, and I won’t say be good, I’ll say… live each moment, put your whole heart into it, and you will never have regrets.


PL Principle #21  – I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do

lazy mind


A lazy mind can sit and ponder, wonder and consider her options for hours on end.  there is nothing wrong in daydreaming, or taking time out to unwind, de-stress, or as some of us say, just chill.  However, often it is after spending hours drifting aimlessly through imaginary and often lingering moments of “fantasy”, we emerge and finding that all the “stuff” we had waiting for attention in the “immediate” world, is still there, waiting …..


Sure, we can make a list, and we can plot out just how we will get to this project and that one, what materials we will need, even “see” it in our heads.  But all of this is not getting “it” done.


Maybe a walk will sweep out the cobwebs and give inspiration.  Wow, it is so nice out  here, such a pleasure to be out in the fresh air.  hmmm yes, hear those birds, and look… look at how white and fluffy the clouds are today.


Oh my goodness, look at the time, where did it go, it must be dinner time, and I’ve not even started to get things ready.  where did the time go.  Must have closed my eyes after the walk, it was only going to be for a few minutes.


Hello Mr. Crow, will you help me while I start preparing for supper.  I had a good day, thank you for asking, how was yours? hmmmm oh I see, you were busy with your pals clearing up left over seeds at the neighbouring farms.


Well compared to your day, I guess I didn’t get much done..  but then again, I was “busy” all day.

Can any of you relate….. to my “busy” day, shared with my “lazy mind” ??


PL Principle # 14  I will not have a mind to be lazy.  I will not have complaints while working nor be overly concerned and complain about others.

PL Principle #1  I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do.


sometimes 8.29.16


Be unique

be yourself

if you feel like hiding

in a tree’


if you can climb the tree

do it

remember though


we think

we are hidden

but we are in plain view



someone could be watching you

but then,

who cares,

you are where you want to be

safely up the tree

have a purr-fect week



PL Precept #2   To live is to express one’s self

times get tough – be creative


There are times, when no matter which direction we turn,life throws us a curve.  We can see these times as tough times, or as opportunities to challenge our creativity.  Countless books, and lectures have been given on “how to deal with adversity”.


PL Precept #1 – Life is Art

It really truly is.  Each time we’ve driven by this little display in Potsdam, NY, I wonder out loud, what, why, and where, the whole idea came from.  This time, we stopped so I could take some pictures.  The display has been there for some time, flowers are weather faded, and weeds well established.  There is also a similar display in another part of the town.  It is a University/College town, so I’m guessing, that it was some kind of project.  Whatever, it is most fun and interesting.


Toilets, flush away waste, bath tubs, wash away daily grim.  At one time, the display would have been fresh and innovative.  Today it is obviously still a source of interest or it wouldn’t be there, taking up such prime real estate.  Some day, perhaps I’ll hear what prompted such a display of tongue in cheek creativity.  Does anyone out there know?

No matter how tough times get, we all have the potential and possibility to achieve something positive.  The whole project here, was about waste being recycled, and what “fun” it is.

Namaste      –       Oyashikiri

PL Precept #  Everything exists in Relativity

left overs


noodles and rice

I know 8-(

very small portions

with the miso soup

it was very nice

small pieces of fish

a piece of lobster

and some greens

I’m giving it my best

my willpower is being tested

I shall persevere

PL Precept #20  Live maintaining equilibrium

between mind and matter..




rain rain

go away

I’m really late

you must not stay


with the door

so far away

I’m stuck inside

till you go away


you are putting me to sleep

that  steady driving drumming

on the roof

soothing, soft and calming

yawning, I give in

engulfed tamed by your lullaby

my busy mind

will stop chattering & meditate

till you go away


PL Precept # 19  Begin Once You Perceive

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri

Sometimes in life, we need to listen to our inner voice.. stop running, we are doing, doing doing, but not being effective,  Life will find a way to step in and ensure you stop, listen, and recharge.


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