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Posts tagged ‘shade’

Wordless Wednesday -tranquility

shadednear Sharon Springs NY.USA

Chop Suey Thursday

photo-4-2Finally the colour is appearing along the fence and in our backyard.  On my way to Orleans this afternoon, I was again delighted by the colour the lined the highway.  This time I was taking another way in,  I was driving by farmland, fruit stands, and even a golf course.  So I enjoyed the contrast of colour against the manicured shades of green on the course itself.

img_0065Norm (Thursday Doors) I did wonder, if this could be considered a  “kind of” door.  After all it does symbolize the ending of life here on earth, and the journey to another “dimension”.   After a brief dialogue with myself .. I passed on the idea… but I did like the picture.

I like discovering old resting places… some are a tad sad due to neglect… but if you see beyond the disrepair .. you discover wonderful works of art, and interesting sentiments  Mother Nature has a way of adding her own decorative etchings and colouring on the tombstones.

photo-4-3You all know how much I love the play of light and shadows, in the fall, the darkness deepens, and I can lose myself in the depth of imagination and vegetation that has started to decay.  Life is beautiful in all stages.

ce00249d8878b494394bf12392d36775I have no idea, where this is, or how this picture found its way into the folder I was viewing..  but.. hey it is a door and by jove, it is Thursday

Tomorrow, I am having my second eye done.. (how many does she have you ask.. even I wonder at times).. so I will “see” you when I “see” you.

Have good days, peaceful nights, and I won’t say be good, I’ll say… live each moment, put your whole heart into it, and you will never have regrets.


PL Principle #21  – I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do

dissatisfactions and complaints


happy not

not a happy face, nope, no joy found here

tired, weather worn and ragged

life has left an imprint of a bitter

state of mind

spent in the company of

dissatisfaction and complaints

hand of the past_edited-1

we, each and every one of us

is entitled to happiness

and the joy of living in a world

full of promise and hope

past charm

true, what was,

sometimes fades with the

changing seasons

but it is what is inside that counts

happy and even sad memories

make up our past

yet here we are

starting a brand new day

Sharon springs 8

our lives continue

like sparkling  spring water flowing

over the dips and valleys

happily gurgling along

over the variety of rocks

there really is no other choice, but to go with the flow

so why not use what dissatisfaction

and momentary complaints that come our way

as catalysts to improve and change our days

so that happiness is the mainstay

of our  daily “every day” lives.

Sharon Springs 5

appreciate whatever comes your way

the shade you see, will soon shift and fade away


namaste         –          oyashikiri

Bom dia, happy Saturday everyone!



A lazy start to another wonderful day, closes my eyes, smiles and remembers yesterday. Would you look at this tree, how old must it be, how extraordinary its experiences in life must have been.  It is hard to tell from a picture just how  high that opening is, right away, I want to climb up to explore inside.  In some ways it reminds me of a big bird with its mouth open, and other times when I look at it, I imagine its the entrance to a hobbit condo.  Imagination is wonderful isn’t, so is intuition.  Both are gifts we were born with, some of us use these gifts more than others.




cherry blossoms -peaceful by Glenn Waters

It is still too cool in this part of the world, to lay in the shade basking  under the warm healing sunshine, but in other parts of the country this could be one of your options today.  Yes I am a bit of a day dreamer, but what is wrong with taking a bit of “laid back” time for yourself.  Value your intuition, often we “know” a little voice tells us, we “need” to slow down, engage in some “me time”. Instead we look at our lists, or to the voices of friends who want to go here, there and everywhere, and you become “busy, busy busy”.  We are not machines, and we all know that machines break down, require ongoing maintenance.  Unlike the tree in the first picture, we might not show our scars and our age in the same way, but instinctively we do know when its time to rest, when we have pushed ourselves to a limit. The “Universe” looks out for us, Believe and have Faith, listen to your “intuition”, stop planning every minute of your day.  Allow time in your day to  P L A Y.  Don’t wait for a better time, that time will never just materialize.  Be good to your SELF today.  PRAY=recharge,  rain or shine, make this a day you’ll remember.            PL Precept #18.   Each moment is a Turning Point.


                       May your day be full of blessings you will enjoy and cherish forever …….    Oyashikiri

pictures> Pinterest



sunlight thru the shade

sunlight thru the shade

The other day I talked of how light and shadows can draw us in, create a picture that catches our imagination. The first snowfall will also change the landscape. We are so fortunate to have the 4 seasons to delight us with their differences.

Does this picture tell a story?

The camera allows for one point of interest to have many looks.

“Care enough for a result, and you will almost certainly attain it. “   William James

It is the experience of living that is important, not searching for meaning.  We bring meaning by how we love the world”  Bernie Siegel, M.D.

Life is Art… every day gives us new opportunities.

TAO > Put forth your effort with no thought of gain……………….. non anticipation

Photo buffs share your links…


Shadows and light

Shadows and light

A photographer, I’m in love with shadows and light, they can do amazing things to an otherwise ordinary “picture”
How we perceive our lives is also often coloured by the “shadows and light” in our minds.

Take time very day to “view” your ” situation” in various light, shading, and angles, the complexities of life can be awesome, or dreary, it is all in how you “view” them.

PL teaching > Let’s be Simple and Straight Forward with Our Expressions. If you hold your feelings in, you will always be filled with worry. Always make efforts to express yourself freely so you can live with a clear state of mind.

Good Morning Everyone! Bring the LIGHT into your life, start your day with a SMILE

photo -by Q


It is Tuesday – Good Morning -Bom dia – Bonjour

It is Tuesday - Good Morning -Bom dia - Bonour

I’m a morning person, I love waking up to another day, I can accomplish so much in the morning. LOL I know that for others the mornings can be a little more elusive.  Remember the expression,” the early bird gets the worm”?   Is that  still used today =^_^=
Today will be another day of very hot humid temperatures,I thought I’d show you a little hide-a-way that the birds and shade loving visitors like to find in our front garden.  Our dogs will be walked before the heat builds up on the city pavements.

What are you doing today?  Did you have a good night’s sleep? Sleep is so very important to our well being.

My morning prayer grounds me and gets me going.
My evening prayer wraps up my day and nudges me gently on my way.  When for some reason I miss an evening prayer/meditation, sleep may come, but my nocturnal journeys are not the same.

In PL Oshieoya-sama teaches us that in order for us to express our true selves for happiness and the happiness of others, it is important that we live with true faith in God/Universe and pray to the Divine Mother in our daily lives  (God/ Universe/Divine Mother, all ONE)

Have a great day doing whatever you are doing. You are in my prayers always. Blessings!

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