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Posts tagged ‘inspiration’

no doubt

No doubt, that winter had blown in. This picture was taken last year, so no chair left on the deck this year, but the snow is here, we got freezing rain, snow, ice pellets, more nasty freezing rain and snow ALL night and it is still doing its best to make sure everyone knows.. this is it… After encountering PC glitches with a new version of software program I use all the time.. I looked back at the wise woman in the mirror and said “good idea” went to bed, pulled up the covers and tuned out.

Listen to others until the end. If you put your thoughts first, you will not be able to listen to others until the end and understand them well.

Perfect Liberty 2023.4

When you face difficulties start with anything you can do. When you are able to grasp the situation, you will surely be able to notice something that you can do,

Perfect Liberty 2022.12

The plows must be out somewhere. usually my lane has been done overnight, but it hasn’t, guess I get to “break a trail” Have a great start to your week everyone.. IF you are dealing with similar road conditions as we are here .. BE SAFE.


observation… with the fall weather, there have been a lot more visitors to the conservation area, families coming out with the children to take in the fall colours. What is particularily fun is seeing how the faces light up when they see the rainbow of colours presented to them, especially when the skies are a clear blue, and the clouds white and puffy,,,

Reminder, there will be two services this Saturday (21st) one at 10 a.m. and one at 7 pm.



October is such a fun month. The creativity that I see, the decorations, the parties, the costumes, there is one store in our area, that has racks and racks of costumes and accessories … I notice there are even pop up shops that sell exclusively props and costumes for the occasion.

Even Mother Nature has her fun decorating the trees with her coppers, reds, orange and golds that shine and gleam under clear blue skies. If you are lucky and out at the right time of day, the reflections in the water mirror the beauty that abounds.

Sometimes, you happen to be at just the right place to see a familiar path in a different way.

Yesterday, I had what I thought was a productive day, I began very early in the morning putting together pictures of a new build that friends had put together to add mystery and fun to their Island. (In Second Life)… I had been told it was a haunted house.. how many haunted houses have I visited over the years.. (many)… to my delight when I got there it was different it had an air of mystery, there was a realism to it, the building was almost art deco.,(a period of architecture that I really like)… Inside I felt like I had actually stepped back in time… (You can see more pictures of the “hotel” if you read back to a previous blog*)…

The visit inspired me to actually do one of my virtual blogs. which I happily followed my desire and creative need to express ..more… we all know how that feels.. we are on a roll. Done I sat back and thought, yes… this would be just fine. But when I came to do the categories and tags (fellow bloggers you will understand) I was horrified to see that somehow I had done the blog not on my virtual blog, but on my daily inspirational blog… try as I might I could not find out how to switch all my content to my virtual blog, copy paste, what! In the end, I simply published and then re-blogged to the Virtual blog. ..That didn’t work the way I wanted either, suffice to say, I did get it out to readers, but it was a real “mess” for me.

Today is another day!

Don’t let circumstances sway your decision. It does not help to overthink things, Sometimes we just need to make up our minds and move forward.

Perfect Liberty 2022.6

Free yourself from being overly attached, Overthinking hinders ideas and actions,

Perfect Liberty 2021.22

no sense or nonsense

V Lock Ard Gorge 4.25.17

it was a restless dream

I heard my thoughts,

the challenges from various sections

of my overworked gray cells

the unfinished sentences

the words of wisdom

clashing with aggressive shouts

the voice of reason was not to be ignored

throught it all

a part of me sat unmoved

was this nonsense

or merely me

unable to make sense

of the prattle and the inner voices

that when all vying for attention

at the same time

make no sense at all


PL Calendar day 2

Live each day with hope   Even in those situation when you feel trapped with no way out, face every challenge with purpose and enthusiasm and you will always find a way.



floral delight


img_1691 jan 19

A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping stone to the optimist – Eleanor Roosevelt

PL calendar day 20

Find a good balance between your present and past experiences.  Without forgetting your original intent, continue to develop your own path by also relying on your knowledge and experience.

I came home today to find a beautiful floral piece with miniature fairy lights.  The lights  twinkle and dance merrily in their space.  The display is  magical. Even on the grayest of days, they will be an inspiration.  =^_^=


PL Precept #1  Life is Art


howling time

fright nite b

LOL the howling month approaches.  Love end of September, and all of October.  Witches, goblins, spiders and bright vivid shades of oranges, blood reds and black. It is time to dig out the dies, stencils and paints. Yahoooo where is the glue.

OK so not everyone is enthusiastic and carries on like I do.  But a roll of big bright ribbon with pumpkins and black cats… wow what a blast. here they are ready to be part of my stash

ribbon xy

I had so much fun, just finding the right shadows to go with the ribbons.

ribbon x

Having fun is what life is all about.  Happiness is… living each moment to the fullest.  At one time I would have cropped out or photo shopped out shadows etc.  Now I find that they are part of the moment, so I leave them in.

canvas torn

I found a picture of some torn canvas that I had happily ripped into shreds for a project.  I think I still have some, so will go in search of what is left.  I feel a new project coming on.. inspiration is rounding the corner.  Time to rock and roll!!!!

Have a good day my friends.

PL Precept # 2  To live is to express One’s Self.

gelli art 2.20.17

text, photos and artwork, Q

ribbon- MultiCraft Clearance Centre -Ottawa,On,Canada

taking ownership


I love many of the minion cartoons, not all, but most.  I confess, some I don’t get the humour at all.  And then, others like this one, connect with me right away.

We all have the freedom of choice, some of us exercise that right, another can be passive about the world around them, however, I’ve learned that passive does not mean indifferent.

My personality is what it is.  I now know after living all these years with my “self” that to others I can be not only opinionated, but stubborn.  Do I think of myself as being stubborn, no, do I think I’m opinionated, no…. BUT… if the other person’s reality is that I am.  Then guess what…in my interactions with that person, I have not responded in a way that encouraged communication, or in turn,  they find me to be stubborn and opinionated, because I don’t agree with them.  Fun eh!

The only person I have control over, or can change, is MYSELF.

Every day is a lesson in .. living life to its fullest potential, to do my best when sharing with others to bring happiness and a smile, whenever I can.  I like being happy, and tend to remove myself when I meet up continuously with negativity.

It is not easy to walk away, or take a stand, but, mental health, and our ability to cope with some of the negative energy that bombards us each day,  is just as important as being heart healthy..A healthy  positive and loving spirit, will go a long way, in seeing daily rewards grow.


caught in time


There are moments when I am caught up in what I see.  We were in a drive through, when suddenly an ordinary moment became one of dimension and depth.


I was drawn into another world, each blade, each stem took on personality of its own. I wanted to capture that moment, and I did.  It all took place in probably less than a minute.



PL Precept #19

Begin Once you Perceive

Even now, hours later, when I look at that moment in time, these pictures, speak volumes to me. I want to experience every blade. each leaf, and discover the marvel of the textures in the bark

How awesome.  Simplicity, I was inspired, I took action, and I’m blessed now with the happy feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction… Life is good.I so love being part of it.  Thank you for sharing the journey with me. =^_^=

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri

Texas, the Narrows

Austing,Texas the Narrows

There is something about this picture that draws my eye I want to be there

True I’m not a swimmer I don’t usually seek out water, but there is something here

that makes me want to be sitting there in the sunlight, basking in the sun

minus the people there, I think I would like to be there one my  own

I imagine that there would be a quiet, and a serenity, with perhaps the sounds of wild life

coming in from above.  Maybe people off in the distance, but not right there.

It is not always easy these days to find places that exude quiet, tranquility.

You’ve hard or read that David Bowie passed away, after a somewhat lengthy battle with cancer.

One of his songs that made the biggest impression on me was Space Oddity, it came out in the late 60’s but I didn’t really know it till much later.  When I did hear it, it stuck with me.

David’s Space Oddity  I hope you are able to click on this link and hear the song.   the other song  he did was China Girl, which he wrote in France.  David sings China Girl  I was young enough to day dream about what the song meant to him in his life.

I’ve never been to Texas.  After seeing this picture of the Narrows,  near or in Austin area, I think I’d like to explore more. That is what life is all about isn’t it.  Travelling through life, enjoying the different adventures and challenges that come our way.

At a function this evening I met up with a friend who told me she was going to call it quits, “really!” I exclaimed, “you just partnered!!” ” after a silence, she replied “yes but I have only seen him for about half an hour in so many days.” “but, isn’t it about the quality of your time?” “No, if I’m going to be on my own, I can do that by myself”

Sound familiar?   I don’t see life that way, I feel that when we have friends, we enjoy them to the fullest whether they are with us or not.  It is not for their physical presence that we care about them, it is for the person they are.  Each and every person in your life is a gift. I myself am responsible for my happiness.  If I am not happy it is my choice, it is not someone else’s fault, it is my own.

What do you think?


PL Precept # 6   Efface your self-conceptions

Pl Precept # 7 Everything exists in Relativity

When you meet someone who truly touches your heart,there is never any question or doubt that the love is forever. Your paths can part, you can be miles apart, but that person will always be in your heart. True love is unconditional and it is forever.

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri

white lotus

When we love

when we are happy

there is nothing

that is impossible



mirrors 5

Magic mirror on the wall

remember those words

who is the fairest of them all

mirrors 2

it is 2016

many of us have looked many a time

into one mirror or another

always to find

that whether it is 1956, or 2006

we always see

mirror 4

the person that we are on that given day

The mirror does not play tricks

It simply reflects back what it sees…

but  … for  us …. we are not always ready for what we see

mirror 3

no matter how we dress the wall,

using a mirror that is long and tall

if we are short and small

that is what we will see

mirror 6

I myself, believe I’m a star =^_^=

I really  don’t need a mirror

I believe that I am me no matter how I look or how I adorn myself

so, if its alright with you,

I will enter into this new year (year of the Monkey)

year of the Monkey

with a smile and a hardy happy hug

saying, be who you are, cuz I love you just the way you are…

Every day is a new day, and every moment is a new beginning

Thank you one and all

for being who you are..

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

PL Precept # 15    All is a Mirror

note-  official start of the Monkey Year is beginning of February (lunar calendar) (8th)

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