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Posts tagged ‘virtual photography’


Out for the day, exploring, sometimes we agree, sometimes there is a decision to be made. How we handle the moment, is important, Sometimes we have to step back, and rethink the moment.

There is always a solution. Always believe that there is a solution to any problem that comes your way, and work with conviction to solve it.

Perfect Liberty 2016.20

PL Precept #4 Being annoyed limits your expression.

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.



watching the sun come up, magical.

Always remember that “World Peace is everything” If each and every one of us prays for World Peace, we can make it a reality. Let’s keep this in mind as we live each day.

Perfect Liberty 2015.1

There is a 10 a.m. service this morning. the 1st of each month, we gather to pray for World Peace. 1st, is Day of Peace. If you cannot make it to church .. please take a moment of silence and share with us,


It is early, 6:45 a.m. and already it is light out. Yay!


Time to contemplate, think about the twelve months we have just enjoyed. Seems it was only yesterday we were saying goodbye to 2022. How was your year, you content with how far you’ve progressed? It is a journey isn’t it. Each day a new adventure. New opportunities.

Before entering a place of meditation/prayer/worship… in Japan, there are places to ceremonially wash prior to entering t he dedicated space for showing appreciation/gratitude.

We all have our own way of preparing for and entering into a new year. Whatever your tradition(s) you are wishes all the best of everything in the coming year, Good Health, Prosperity and above all Much Happiness

PL Precept # 1  Life is ART

PL Precept # 20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter.

PL Precept # 21 Live in Perfect Liberty


To visit the Okinawa New Year Festival Sim, to see the shops, the temple/shrines and the landscape of Japan, the Okinawa New Year Festival is open, there will be celebrations later in January, If you want to visit a traditional tea shop, or see what the inside of a home is like.. this is the place to visit and explore. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ryukyu/43/7/28 every day it gets busier as word spreads. Enjoy!


October is such a fun month. The creativity that I see, the decorations, the parties, the costumes, there is one store in our area, that has racks and racks of costumes and accessories … I notice there are even pop up shops that sell exclusively props and costumes for the occasion.

Even Mother Nature has her fun decorating the trees with her coppers, reds, orange and golds that shine and gleam under clear blue skies. If you are lucky and out at the right time of day, the reflections in the water mirror the beauty that abounds.

Sometimes, you happen to be at just the right place to see a familiar path in a different way.

Yesterday, I had what I thought was a productive day, I began very early in the morning putting together pictures of a new build that friends had put together to add mystery and fun to their Island. (In Second Life)… I had been told it was a haunted house.. how many haunted houses have I visited over the years.. (many)… to my delight when I got there it was different it had an air of mystery, there was a realism to it, the building was almost art deco.,(a period of architecture that I really like)… Inside I felt like I had actually stepped back in time… (You can see more pictures of the “hotel” if you read back to a previous blog*)…

The visit inspired me to actually do one of my virtual blogs. which I happily followed my desire and creative need to express ..more… we all know how that feels.. we are on a roll. Done I sat back and thought, yes… this would be just fine. But when I came to do the categories and tags (fellow bloggers you will understand) I was horrified to see that somehow I had done the blog not on my virtual blog, but on my daily inspirational blog… try as I might I could not find out how to switch all my content to my virtual blog, copy paste, what! In the end, I simply published and then re-blogged to the Virtual blog. ..That didn’t work the way I wanted either, suffice to say, I did get it out to readers, but it was a real “mess” for me.

Today is another day!

Don’t let circumstances sway your decision. It does not help to overthink things, Sometimes we just need to make up our minds and move forward.

Perfect Liberty 2022.6

Free yourself from being overly attached, Overthinking hinders ideas and actions,

Perfect Liberty 2021.22


Be very careful about doing things you really like .. Do everything in moderation. When you overdo, you will lose your balance.

Perfect Liberty 2021.26

“I’ll do it later. No, I’ll do it now.” To make progress, do anything while it is still fresh.

Perfect Liberty 2021.25

brooding silence

Some evenings I sit in silence – my thoughts travel the distant shores

Often it is a brooding silence that haunts me, clinging to me, shouting for recognition

In far off lands, I walk a shoreline where the wind howls and the seas lash the rugged coast

there my spirit roams, the salty air wraps itself around me

the mist gathers me in, and I am free to simply BE -Q

Energy springs from your smile. A smile makes you and others cheerful and energetic.

Perfect Liberty 2021.4

A smile is something we feel inside, a smile plastered on your face, doesn’t mean you are happy – it is the simplicity of smiling from within that radiates from your eyes and your whole demeaner – being happy is an art.

Energy springs from your smile, when that smile is sincere ..

Be happy, it is a gift we give ourselves.

PL Precept # 11 Always be with God.

Thursday doors

There is a breeze coming in off the water, I can hear the waves crashing into the cliff below, and I’m dreaming of doors. =^_^=

Free yourself from being overly attached. Overthinking hinders ideas and actions.

Perfect Liberty 2021.22
lost in time….

Wednesday !!!


You can get all dressed up, do your hair, pretend its going to be a glamour day, but no matter how you cut the cake, if there is work to be done, or matters to be attended to that aren’t fun… You have to set your mind to the task and get it done.

giving a presentation can be fun, interesting and certainly if it is appreciated .. rewarding

Usually there is always a lot of hard work and effort that goes into putting/pulling something off in a seamless fashion, or presenting a “brilliant” feature documentary. For a brief time we can look very professional and maintain a certain air of efficiency and know how. BUT, we all need down time, and we all, each and everyone of us, needs time to regroup, to be still, to reconnect with our inner Selves.

Catching up and sharing time with friends.. that is IMPORTANT too. Here Alo was visiting with Sister Qu who is the resident hokyoshi (assistant minister) at the PL Center in Second Life. http://www.secondlife.com

The teachings of PL, the 21 Precepts and 21 Principles, are what help us navigate through the world we live in today… Stay in touch with what grounds you… what keeps you mentally and physically alert and positive. Life is too important to squander.

PL Precept # 15 All is a mirror Todo es espejo

PL Precept #11 Always be with God. Confie todo a Dios.

Obrigado PL por me ensinar amar assim Por ver Deus dentro de mim e em qulquer lugar

Thank you PL for teaching me to love, to see God within me, and everywhere around.

From my home to yours – Love now and always

With one thought, “the world” will change. Changing your way of thinking will make a difference on how you perceive the world.

Perfect Liberty 2021.24

Wednesday – tenderness

when no words are needed
the rest of the world disappears
tenderness is felt, not spoken

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

Jimi Hendrix

Love is the condition in which another person’s happiness is essential to your own.

Robert Heinlein

Everything exists in relativity

PL Precept #7

will the circle be

broken, or … roll into eternity
once there was a strong bond
that with years of wear and tear compressed into
a band of steel so tight,so unyielding that
when time began to erode the composition
the reason for its existence started to fade
only the inner knowledge that once the fire that had forged that band
was slipping away. Soon when the dust returns to dust
the band of gold that once shone with meaning
will disappear .. into the eternity of time and space
and we will no longer be, you will be free
you always were you know
cages are created by the human mind
sadly when love is caged, it dies.
be free, love again
this time .. it will be forever. Q

Be thankful to your parents and to your ancestors. You are here today because the “torch of life” has been continuously passed down. always remember to be thankful.

Perfect Liberty 2020.11

Remain true to yourself… never be afraid to express your true feelings.


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