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Posts tagged ‘kindness’


Even if you have done your best, there are times when you wonder if it is enough. that is when your prayers become most important. DO EVERYTHING WITH A PRAYERFUL MIND.

Perfect Liberty 2015.26

Smile are the world’s treasures, if you smile more, there will be more smiles in the world. Be one of those who makes more smiles. PL. 2023. 26

My heartfelt thank you to everyone who wrote over the past few days, it has been a bit of a blur, I appreciate each and everyone of you… I have over the years said many goodbyes…this month has been painful… your kindness and thoughtfulness has filled my heart with gratitude.

Ancestors day

Make today a “give back day”. We can live our daily lives owing to our ancestors, our elders and the work of our predecessors. Above all, kindness for others is the best way to give back.

Perfect Liberty 2023.11

Service at 10 a.m.

Be attentive and put your whole heart into what you do.


obrigado thank you

photo by Num Ottawa

The power of kindness is overwhelming .. I thank you all so much for the kind words and good wishes sent to me yesterday, and to my friends here in the city who rallied around lending support. I had no idea that the surgeon would require that I have constant attention after the surgery, I expected I would come home and go to bed. But no, the curve ball was that I had to have someone with me until the sedation had gone and I no longer had dressing in my mouth. Bonnie my efficient and very capable friend who was with me, was given the instructions.. I was totally ( my attention span) not present.

With Bonnie in charge, she had everyone knowing what was happening with me, and what was to happen. LOL I was too busy trying to deal with the freezing and my body’s reaction to what had just happened to it. Anyway, my heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you who wrote, texted, (everyone except me I guess knew I wouldn’t be talking) My friends coordinated their visits, food was prepared/and or arrived ready for me to try and eat, my dearest friend Christianne stayed the night to make sure I behaved, I’m sure.

It was after nine before I could consider actually lying down. No lying down while dressing was being used.. sigh.. after all the pain meds had disappeared into my body, I slept.

Today I will listen to the wise and rest, my mind on waking thought it was going to get going again, but my body had another thought, one that has over ruled the mind. REST is what it will be. Thanks again everyone.. I do appreciate each and every one of YOU.

where I’d like to be – but not today =^_^=


photo Shirley Keen, NZ

Kindness – Yesterday I was blown away by the kindness of friends who wanted to “touch base”, and came by. With the Chinese New year soon to be at our doorstep, I was surprised by a visit from one of my cherished friends that I have not seen much of because of the pandemic .. yes we can chat on the phone, but to get to actually see her and experience her smile and vibrant personality at close range was a true JOY for me. I feel a silent tear slipping down my cheek, but I assure you it is one of happiness.

As you know, I left home with out my cell yesterday, it happens, I am focused on getting the food ready for the crows, feeding the dogs etc. before I leave.. and the cell is not on my mind. This of course means, not only was it not there for me to use when I wanted it, but friends calling me, could not reach me. Knowing I had not had my phone with me, didn’t mean much to me except the inconvenience of not being able to use the camera when I wanted to.

What I didn’t think of, was that family, friends trying to reach me were unable to …. that is not a problem in itself, but eventually one sees the messages and calls back. However, I am of a generation where a phone was not in my life at all, and then when it was, it was attached to the building, and the one setting on it .. was a loud ring if someone called your number. So of course I came home and went about doing my “business” unaware that I had had calls and that there were messages I should be addressing.

I was therefore surprised and delighted early evening to find my niece and nephew at the door with my wild and wonderful dog niece Lily… again there had been a message and I had not responded. Their thoughtfulness, kindness was doubled when Lily came barging in (she is almost 5 months now and probably 50 pounds of furry energy) and took no listen to her “parents” as she charged in wanting to ensure that all was well. Both my dogs, one more senior than the other I think were taken back by such highly charged activity. It was a fun delightful 15- 20 minutes of chasing, hugging and kissing (the puppy and I )

Kindness should never be under estimated or taken for granted. My visitors and callers yesterday, made my day a truly sensational event. I am filled with gratitude that I have family and friends who are such genuine delights. I truly am blessed.

My friend Shirley (whose pictures I often share with you)… lives in NZ, altho’ we have never met in person, we have been in each others lives since very early days. Probably over 50 years. We began as penpals. Yes before internet, when people communicated by writing letters and using stamps. You would wait impatiently for mail to arrive from distant places, to hear news from friends who you corresponded with .. then when the letter arrived you read about what your friend had been doing and saw pictures (yes, black and white or colour) taken with cameras where you had to wait to finish a roll, get the film developed.. and then wait for that service to be provided to get your pictures..) Our friendship has endured. She takes wonderful pictures of her hometown, and her interests, I am blessed with her kindness, she gives me permission to share her world with you (my friends).

Experience the JOY of being KIND to others. The Joy of expressing kindness to others is much greater than when someone does something kind for you. Always strive to be a person who can be kind to others.

Perfect Liberty 2012.5


for you, my pleasure

When we make something is it for us, or the pleasure of giving. Some of both, yes. We love doing things that we enjoy, but when it gives pleasure to someone else, or it makes their day, Double blessings!

Be kind, be considerate, share happiness, and positive thinking.

Live in Perfect Liberty.

Perfect Liberty, Precept 21

Smiles and a kind word, go a long way in making someone’s day.


happiness is

For me, mixed media 4.18.17

PL calendar day 4.

Follow your heart while also thinking about the happiness of others

Always be true to yourself in your words and actions.  Strive to make others happy with a sincere heart.

I came across the above photo this morning.  I enjoyed revisiting it, so I am sharing it with you. Some expressions of mine.. I enjoy at the time, they are calming and relaxing when I am working with them…  then… fickle as I am..  I move on.  Each step leads to another.  So maybe not fickle, maybe it is more, I let go and go forward.  I just finished several small requests for greeting cards, I enjoy doing them,  I sit myself down, focus on project cards.  When that is done, I put the card making supplies away and return to my art journals.

Sage sentiment.  Follow your heart while thinking of the happiness of others.

I know it is impossible to be happy and full of glee 24/7, but I  do so enjoy thinking of you all living in happy states of mind..  Productivity, creativity and accomplishments filling your days with rewarding moments of pure satisfaction.  Positive and loving energy to all.   Share a smile today!



Lunar Dog Year

Year 2018 —— Dog (earth )

Dogs are capable and knowledgeable, and it is not unusual to see Dog people in high demand in the job market.  Dogs like to work at whatever career they choose.  Prince William, Elvis, Cher, George Gershwin, Mother Teresa, were born in Dog years

As a partner Dogs are extremely loyal  although they think they know best, it is fortunate that they are usually open-minded. and will be open to advice. Generally speaking with their sensitive and compassionate heart, they do well in occupations or careers that “serve” or work in the best interest of others. ie. teachers, charity workers, doctors etc.

Unlike other Dog years the Earth Dog is less idealistic than most Dogs, the Earth element makes them practical enough they don’t lose sight of reality.

In China dogs are usually associated with justice and compassion.

We are living at a time, when the plus, positive characteristics of the Dog, could stand us in good staid.



let’s rumble

ohhhh, you’ve heard the news.. We have a new way to get around, Canada Day is going to be a lot of fun.  There will be so much to do.  We can gather all our friends, maybe play a game or two.


The girls set out to find their friends, so that they could travel all together.


Ohhh dear, I think that we are not all going to get in the car.  that’s OK, we’ll draw straws to see who gets to ride in the car, and who takes the bus.

China June 28.17

Hey guys I’m not able to go today, I still have to clean my room, but, I’ll be thinking of you,  Take pictures, let me see the fun.

ready to rumble, June 30 2017

Ohhhhhhh the car is ready to ride, but somehow, I can’t see how I’ll get too many of my friends inside.  Dad may have to use the truck. or not =^_^= (he just took time to put my car together)

Veronique,Blackie and my doll

Ohhhhh non, dit Veronique je suis seule, but my friends they are many…  it will never do, we will need to find another way to get downtown.  Ginger’s generous offer to drive, was well intended, but, it will be best for us to go by bus.  Travel is free today.  Some times our friends, mean well, but the situation calls for another  way to resolve the challenge at hand.  Be grateful, show appreciation and explain why you are deciding another course of action.  L’amour et la gentillesse (love and kindness) always work in keeping harmony amongst friends.

party time,getting ready


Told of the situation, they looked from one another, and began to giggle…all saw the impossibility of riding in the car..    Ahhhhhhhhhhh.. was all they could say between the chortling and giggling… ohhhhhhh c’est drole ahhhhhhhhhh

Let’s rumble they cheered, and headed for the bus stop, giggling all the way.

PL Precept # 4  Being annoyed limits your expression

Have fun in all you do, be flexible, there is always a way…



NB* my first attempt to join in Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SOCS



It is the start of a new month.  A new beginning.  In PL (Perfect LIberty) on the 1st of each month we have a ceremony, we pray for World Peace and rededicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds.  That means anywhere we are “present”

PL Principle #21  I will live with the spirit of “Misasage” (devotion) working for the happiness of others.

PL precept #10  Love yourself and Others

When I feel one thing, and do another, then I am not being true to myself or to the person or situation I am interacting with.  It is not always easy to think before we speak, and, unfortunately, once the words leave our mouths, they can’t easily be taken back.

Let us begin this month, with a prayer in our hearts that extends out to all whose lives we touch.  Let us work towards acceptance and understanding when we are faced with something that is unfamiliar to us, or not in our comfort zone.  In the end, we may decide that we simply will have to agree to disagree, but at least, we listened to the option.  BEFORE making our decision, (choices)

PL Precept #20  Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter

Snapshot_ Tondabyashi, Skip (78, 68, 29) - Moderate

at the end of the day,

we have to make peace

with ourSelves




SL location – Immaculatwe Perception http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA22/128/128/21

2nd picture – SL Linden home

Chop Suey Friday


Today I would like to thank the Nature Ripe Farms in BC for the delicious fat plump blueberries I had for breakfast.  I started out rinsing them, and was only going to have a couple, but some how the hand at the end of my arm, kept popping them into my mouth. What a mouth-watering treat. The now almost empty container sports the Canadian flag..  Pl Principle # 8 says “I will not have a mind to be greedy”  hmmmmm I see I will have to practice more restraint around the little beauties.

In the summer, when fresh produce is in abundance, I find blueberries and other fresh products I like, hard to resist.  I will go most fall, winter and spring, and not give a blueberry a glance, but when these big fat round ones appear. I succumb to the bliss of a melting blueberry on the tongue as  I savour the moments of pleasure they give me.

PL Principle # 3 – Appreciation – I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

Visit a link  naturipefarms.com to read about the goodness of the blueberry.



This is a saying that I think should be posted on billboards all over the place. Speaks for itself. Networking is not kindness. It is important in today’s world, for connecting, sharing ideas, and it is super effective, I am a believer of networking.  But, there is a difference between networking and kindness.

PL Precept # 11 Always be with God




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