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Posts tagged ‘Principles’

5 a.m wake up call


IMG_2175 icelandIceland, so beautiful, so far away,

so natural so inviting, so far away,

5 a,m, here, now, the whole house is stirring  there is nothing to do but get up and start the day.

IMG_2178 iceland

Bom dia, bonjour, allo, there is no worries that there will be few hours in my day.  I have plenty  hours stretching out before me, no excuses to not getting more work done in the clearing up, cleaning out of my physical spaces.

Btw I have not cropped or changed the pictures, I am using them just the say my cousin Brian sent them to me.  He and Jon are honeymooning, I get to reap the rewards of their wonderful pictures  they travel from place to place.  There is something to be said of the arm-chair traveller, no packing, no jostling at busy airports, no line ups, etc.. At some time or other we have all been there.

Oh dear I am going to have to look at just what is I that box on the top shelf.  I am sure you have all had that experience too. Life is full of these little “treats”  reminder to self.. Find the happy in all that you do, to change direction I thought I would go make the bed, There I discovered a big lump !

Velcro aug 10

he graciously got himself up and went somewhere else to have his lie in.  Very considerate.

It is now going on seven, I have been successful in removing some of the clutter, but fear not, there is still more for me to do once I take this lot away.  happy finding I found where I had put my sloth stamps away.

PL Principle #1  I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto into all I say and do (sincerity)

PL Principle #3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things

To members of the PL community, tomorrow is the 11th, we will be celebrating Ancestors Day, service will be at 10 a.m.

Have a great day everyone, if your day is almost over.  I trust it was a good one for you.

I pray for the happiness and well BEing of all.  We are all ONE.






Doll Story 7.10.17

bottles on the drawer stand

Rosie stood back and looked at her chest of drawers.   It looked like she last saw it, yet it seemed that some of the powders were not as she had left them.

Meanwhile, Breeana was outside fussing with the vines along the fence.

breanna 7.10.17.JPG

She had carefully made her way down the path, pulling out as many weeds as she could along the way.  Listening to her music, time had slipped by it was probably time for her to go in.  She sensed that Rosie would be looking for her, and made her way towards the house.

Sure enough just as she reached the back door, it opened and Rosie was standing there, ready to call her in.  Realizing they had once more found their way to the same place at the same time, they both laughed and greeted each other.

Ever since they had met, they just seemed to be on the same wave length. it was a comfortable feeling, and the beginning of a fast friendship.

“Breanna” Rosie asked “did you dust my chest of drawers today?”

“No, I thought of it, but didn’t want to go into your room without permission, why?”

“Nothing really, I just have the feeling that something was moved, or changed” both turned to look back towards Rosie’s room.  To Breanna it all looked the same, but to Rosie, although it appeared to be the way she left it, something didn’t feel right.

It often happens where two people see the same thing, but each has their own impression of what it is they are seeing.  They each will have their own realities, that is why it is important to have open dialogue and to think before we speak or make assumptions.

PL Principle #2  I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

PL Principle #7  I will not have a mind to be hasty, worry nor be pessimistic.

Keep your options open and be flexible

Leonie and ChenMay who had been listening, looked at one another, they had not gone into the room themselves, but they had wondered about the bottles lined up in a row, and they knew that Kit and China, like them had given the room more than a passing glance. Soon they hoped Rosie would tell them about the “secrets” in her room.  Did Breana know?



back in time

P1000619Three pounds of hamburger for $1.00

4 loaves of bread for $0.50 cents.

3 packages of hamburger buns for $1.00

Onions, celery, peas and carrots were the vegetables of the day, along with the potatoes of course, or in our case, the bag of  rice.  Your shopping cart could be full for just over $10.  Kraft Dinner was 4 for $1.00 and sometimes 6 for a dollar.  Baked beans, came in all two flavours .. baked with pork, or molasses.  Maybe there was one with a tomato sauce.

Mother whipped up dishes with chicken hearts, giblets, and often Sunday would be a roast of Beef, or Port heart.  I recall her chicken livers and green peppers.  Chinese dishes of course, all flavoured with garlic, ginger, and one of the soy sauces.  I still like these meats today, but I do see that they seem to be less the flavour of the day.

When she made up the giblets in a garlic and bit of honey sauce stir fried with the cabbage,  the sauce was oh so good over the steamed rice.

The icing on the cake, was when she would brown the rice that was stuck to the bottom of the pot… then carefully pour in some boiling water just as it got all crispy.  That was dessert.  We seldom had sweets for dessert till much later ..   This served me well, I don’t crave sweets, however, do admit to drooling for creamy butter filled buns from the Chinese grocers.

When I first started to cook for my own family, I recall gathering up cook books that showed us how to cook minced beef in hundreds of ways.  I’m thinking of this because today, I decided to do up a meat loaf for hubby.  While whipping it up, my thoughts drifted to when it wasn’t an unusual happening in the kitchen but rather a weekly dish that was served up in a zillion different ways, with either roast potatoes or rice.. and of course the obligatory side dish of a veggie.

Do I eat this way now. Nope, no, and no.  I can’t remember when I last had peas or carrots. a la frozen mixed vegetables sometimes with corn.  Now I overdose on brussels sprouts, okra, and tender green shoots from the Chinese grocers.

Oh how time changes… =^_^=    thanks for sharing the trip down memory lane with me.

My husband will have the meat loaf to himself (which he likes) ..  I am steaming pork ribs with Okra and red peppers for moi in a black bean and garlic sauce.  Can you hear the anticipation !!!

PL Principle #10   I will live in true harmony with my spouse.



quiet beckoning

ompah-hwy-7Ompah is in Ontario, a little out-of-the-way, but not so far one can’t get to it.  The seasons change, right now I’m sure it doesn’t look like this.  It will be snow-covered, and likely there will be a chill in the air.

My body has a cold right now.  Notice I’ve disengaged myself from the body that is wanting to sneeze, wheeze and be a total drain on my energy.

I envision this wonderful location, patiently waiting for the cold to have its day and disappear.

Such is life, sometimes, Nature has its own agenda, time for me to settle down, find a cave and  hibernate for a while. =^_^=

I’ll do that after Hubby takes me out for our anniversary dinner…..International Buffet.. yum.. what is it, you feed a cold or starve a cold??   later, I’ll dwell on it later… =^_^=

smilePencil                                                          Oyashikiri

I know… I will own my decision to go out, when I should be tucked in bed…  I will not complain if/when my body does not take kindly to my actions.

Pl Principle #2     the last part….. ” I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my OWN thinking and ACTIONS”



Chop Suey Friday


Today I would like to thank the Nature Ripe Farms in BC for the delicious fat plump blueberries I had for breakfast.  I started out rinsing them, and was only going to have a couple, but some how the hand at the end of my arm, kept popping them into my mouth. What a mouth-watering treat. The now almost empty container sports the Canadian flag..  Pl Principle # 8 says “I will not have a mind to be greedy”  hmmmmm I see I will have to practice more restraint around the little beauties.

In the summer, when fresh produce is in abundance, I find blueberries and other fresh products I like, hard to resist.  I will go most fall, winter and spring, and not give a blueberry a glance, but when these big fat round ones appear. I succumb to the bliss of a melting blueberry on the tongue as  I savour the moments of pleasure they give me.

PL Principle # 3 – Appreciation – I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

Visit a link  naturipefarms.com to read about the goodness of the blueberry.



This is a saying that I think should be posted on billboards all over the place. Speaks for itself. Networking is not kindness. It is important in today’s world, for connecting, sharing ideas, and it is super effective, I am a believer of networking.  But, there is a difference between networking and kindness.

PL Precept # 11 Always be with God






Good Morning, konnichiwa, this is not one of my photos, it is one from Pinterest that I used many years ago in one of my blogs.  I dug it out to use again, because  I want to relate a thought to you, it is one that I have been “munching” on since a visit with an acquaintance the other day.  I found myself in her company for several hours and where usually it is a pleasant enough interlude, yesterday she was in a particularly “negative” place.  It was one complaint after another.  To her it is not complaining, she is simply voicing her discontent with the world around her.  As I listened to her, there was seldom a space for me to interact, I wondered how such obvious negativity  could be affecting her life.

In the media and the “news flashes” that pop up in our social media reading, I read or should I say, I see,   headlines, that I now just delete. I don’t always watch the news because it is so repetitive. What I do, DO, is I interact with a lot of people.  I would like to say that my interlude yesterday was something that I don’t encounter often, however, that would be an untruth.  I heard myself interject at one point, and say ” X, unless you are perfect, you should not be judging and criticizing others” “There is no way you can know that person’s circumstances, nor what really happened, unless you were there, participating , etc.”

OMG so unprofessional, it just came out, my inner self slapped  her forehead.  My reality is that I see life as the beautiful view outside that window.  Yes I see the cracked window and the dirty sink, I also see that whoever took that picture, put a lovely flower at the corner of the sink.  I appreciate that life, the world is made up of a number of factors,  The picture might not have been so interesting had it been a rainy cloudy blustering day.

If all we see is the negativity in the world, then that will be our world.  Happiness is a state of mind that begins from within.

PL Principle # 6.  I will not be stubborn, being captured by my own thoughts.

PL Principle # 5   I will not get angry at anyone or anything.

PL Principle # 4    I will live with the spirit of “misasage” (devotion) working for the happiness of others.

In PL, we do our best to live these Principles on a daily basis.  It is our choice, we have chosen this way of life.  We share our world, but we do not insist that others see the world our way.   Our goal is World Peace, something that can be achieved, when we learn to listen to one another, and to appreciate that someone else’s reality is not our own.

I reacted yesterday, and will today do my best to ensure that she is having a good day, and remembers the good moments in our visit yesterday.  We did have a good time.  It was MY reaction, and I will address why I reacted during my quiet times …..  then I’ll move on.

Namaste      –       Oyashikiri

that picture is a work of art, did you look closely at it, did you see the face the artist put in

I would love to know who did this picture, who pulled it together, if someone knows, please….

let me know..

Friendship & salads


Hey everyone, look, a salad. it just isn’t any salad, my sister made this salad.  So what is the big deal, well let me tell you.  When my sister was here visiting (from away) she had a bite with us, where my husband had made one of his super delicious  salads.  She liked it so much, that she savoured that experience till she got back to CA, and then made one up for herself.

Hers is different, it is her own taste buds that went to work to create the vision you see above.  No two people will create the same masterpiece.  Like friendships, we are all unique in what we bring to the relationship.  I love my sister, she is my sister, however, when we were out one day on an excursion, we met a lovely lady in a Tim Horton’s.. neither of us knew her, but we sat with her and enjoyed the visit.

At one point in the conversation, my sister said, “we (she and I) were getting know each other”….  ding, it registered with me.. WOW it was true.  just because we are sisters, doesn’t mean that we really know each other, we lives miles apart, and see each other only so many times a year.  Our daily lives and our “habits” or the way we go about our lives, is really unknown to the other.

Her making this salad and sharing the picture with me, brought home, how special she is, and how much I do love her, as not just my sister but a friend.  One that I hope to get to know better over the years to come.

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a Turning Point

PL Precept #16  All things Grow and  Develop

PL Principle # 3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things


Have a grand start to the week-end.

what ever you do, 


Namaste         –          Oyashikiri

some days

dog's life

some days

there is no  other way

but just show you

yup, this is just that kind of day

see you all tomorrow, love you

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

PL Precept 17  Grasp what is most essential

PL Precept #19  Begin once you Perceive

PL Principle # 6  I will not be stubborn, beng captured by my own thoughts

author’s note… it is my stubborn nature, that pushed and pushed, till my body said… no more..  so want to or not.. now I am listening, that light bulb moment… when  OK OK…I let go, stopped doing, ,doing  doing

PL Principle # 2  I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my OWN thinking and actions.

Canadien eh!


Good morning dear reader, when traveling we often hear about our money system here in Canada.  I found this picture that shows you are coinage, however please note, we no longer use the penny.  It was a real change for us when they said, no more printing of dollar bills, and we had to adapt to the loonie.  But, we did and the thought of having one more coin to drag down our wallets passed.  Then they (government) announced no more two dollar bills, we were going to be using another coin, which in Canada we have nicknamed the toonie.  Again the grumbling, what a pain, we’d need change purses the size of makeup bags!

time, telling of


Even telling the time, what seemed to be the way to tell time, when traveling I found out that not everyone knew what I was talking about, and yes we were in an English-speaking country.  In French, we also use the above when speaking of or indicating time. (Canada is bilingual, English/French)

saying, problem in Canada

True, we no longer can say, “A Penny for your thoughts?”  we could, but the younger generation, may not know what a penny is since it is no longer used.  At the moment there are still some in piggy banks I’m sure, but the day will come…… In my research this morning I found a whole page of  “canadian-problem”  #’d fun sayings.  If you are so inclined you can check them out. For my purposes, #318 will do

In PL, the PL Principle #2 is.. I will not have complaint about others, matters,nor the weather,  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

Let me tell you, when the changes with the money came along, I did my share of grumbling.  Then during recent trips to the States, when I had to pay for things, I found myself longing for my loonies and toonies.  How much simpler it is using coins, and not having to deal with pennies.   I found myself appreciating the changes that were made, that I had wasted so much time being negative about them.. was a “light bulb” an “ah ha!” moment.

PL Precept #4 – Being annoyed limits your expression,   and  it does.  Sometimes there is distance between the lesson being offered, and our realization of same.

Examples used were Canadian “eh”…. but the lesson universal

penny 1 cent

no longer can I send a penny and say

a penny for your thoughts, remember I love you


a nickel for your thoughts just doesn’t have the same sentiment

it took 5 pennies to make 1 nickel

the one in the penny symbolized that  you and I are ONE

Sorry but a nickel

sounds fickle

but, all said and done

I do .. love you…

You are the only ONE…

namaste  –   oyashikiri





*the canadguide.com

**** mortgagebrokersoshawa.wwordpress.com

missing – 1 gym bag

PL Principle # 6    I will not be stubborn, being captured by my own thoughts.

gym bag IMG_0915


For weeks even months I have talked of getting back to the gym.  Always there was a reason why I just couldn’t get there. Now with the sun shining into my office, and a day facing me with my feeling blah and ho hum, I thought, I’ll go to the gym after my morning meditations etc.  The Virgo/goat that I am, I wanted to organize.  Couldn’t find my gym bag, I looked and just couldn’t find it.  Husband to the rescue, he came and looked with me, wandered down the hall and came back, “its in your office, you can’t miss it”

PL Principle # 3  I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

“How did it get in there, that isn’t where I usually keep it?” said I with a bit of the morning

surliness.  Wise husband, quietly says he doesn’t know and returns to his morning activities.

PL Principle #10  I will live in true harmony with my spouse.

I come into my office and there it is sitting in the corner waiting to be found again.

PL Principle # 2        I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

punching bag

Are you  someone who goes to a gym…. have you ever considered working out with a punching bag.  The jabbing, kicking and punching gives an immensely powerful take no prisoners feeling, and it also helps with weight loss, co-ordination and strengthening.   Great for sharpening reflexes too.  Find someone to show you the how to’s though before you jump in.

PL Precept 19.  Begin once you Perceive.

Have a great day, thanks for sharing this moment with me… you’ve helped me get going today… thank you, thank you, thank you!

PL Precept # 21. Live in Perfect Liberty…..

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


# NB – In the Pl Church we live by 21 Precepts and 21 Principles.


* gym bag – Q

** woman.thenest.com

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