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Posts tagged ‘positive thinking’

Don’t give up!

little inner voice

Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes. Sometimes you want to just throw in the towel and say “I give up”, but, that’s the time for you to dig deep and push through. Your sincere effort will invite a good outcome.

Perfect Liberty 2020.6
one day, this is what you find -new fence destroyed
another day -skies are blue and all is right

We never can predict tomorrow. It is how we live and accept our todays that count. Don’t give up! Stick with it, as many times as it takes!



There are days when you are blessed with the opportunity to simply wander. Today I took to country roads that I have not been on before and came across this little creek. I actually stopped the car and got out. Far from any well travelled roads, it was blissfully serene. The sun was high overhead, I could feel the warm rays on my shoulders, head, back, for a second, I wanted to run back to the car and the air con… but.. the sound of crickets and a passing butterfly changed my mind. I stayed.

Lingering on the old bridge, I was rewarded with a delightful pattern of a soft tobacco orange taupe growth. Delicate and interesting displayed against the soft and darker grays of the railing. Man made time was not important, being present in my surroundings, was all encompassing

This for me …. was a vacation.

PL calendar day 10 When you are not having fun, could it be because you are being Lazy? Sometimes you f eel blue or can’t seem to find the joy in doing anything. At times like this, just get up and move your body or work your mind to the fullest extent.

PL Precept #15 All is a mirror

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point




The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions and not upon our circumstances – Martha Washington.

PL calendar day 26      If you face a situation head on, a path will open up

No matter how hard the situation is, face it head on.  If you approach it seriously you will be able to find a way to break through.

Happy Friday everyone, smile at passers by they will wonder if you are alright, but it sure will feel good. Some will even smile back.  Smile, you are  a winner!!! just for being YOU.



a silent moment



taken by Atsuko Tsuji in Japan Jan.26.16

PL day 9 2015  Don’t be swayed by the past; it is what you do from now on that counts  Your failures as well as your successes are now in the past.  Always look towards the future and start with a fresh outlook.



wordless Wednesday &



having fun =^_^=

Thank you everyone for your kind wishes, and the healing healthy vibes you sent our way today.  Meeting was a good one, surgeries will be early December. Approx. 2 weeks apart.  There will be a lot of scheduled planning done.  The team of doctors  practitioners, therapist and educators is impressive.  They work together to keep us informed.

Your prayers and ongoing support is very appreciated.  Thank you.  We feel very blessed.




mirrors 5

Magic mirror on the wall

remember those words

who is the fairest of them all

mirrors 2

it is 2016

many of us have looked many a time

into one mirror or another

always to find

that whether it is 1956, or 2006

we always see

mirror 4

the person that we are on that given day

The mirror does not play tricks

It simply reflects back what it sees…

but  … for  us …. we are not always ready for what we see

mirror 3

no matter how we dress the wall,

using a mirror that is long and tall

if we are short and small

that is what we will see

mirror 6

I myself, believe I’m a star =^_^=

I really  don’t need a mirror

I believe that I am me no matter how I look or how I adorn myself

so, if its alright with you,

I will enter into this new year (year of the Monkey)

year of the Monkey

with a smile and a hardy happy hug

saying, be who you are, cuz I love you just the way you are…

Every day is a new day, and every moment is a new beginning

Thank you one and all

for being who you are..

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

PL Precept # 15    All is a Mirror

note-  official start of the Monkey Year is beginning of February (lunar calendar) (8th)

Good morning, Bonjour…


Have you ever been walking on a clear day, just going about on your every day travels, when you find yourself suddenly shrouded with a fog, that seemed to appear out of nowher…..There is an old expression, “i was blind sided”  means something happens and you never saw it coming. It happens.  Sometimes more often than we would like it to.

found on flickr

Lessons in life are never straight forward, they are a way for life to remind us that we have gotten slack or lazy in how we are living or proceeding in life. We do not walk alone on the earth, we are surrounded by others who are going about their lives in the same way. Each with feelings, miseries and problems of their own.  It is how we deal with the challenges in life that sets us apart and makes us unique in who we are, and what we are.  Not just towards others, but to ourselves.  We must never forget that we count, and that love, and light comes from within.


We need not look far to see the signs of distress, loneliness, and abandoned dreams, we need only turn on the  telly or a radio to hear about the conflicts happening all over the world.  The reality is that is only one side of the coin.  In this creative photo manipulation, instead of the foot coming down – causing gloom and doom, it is being lifted and kept away by the steady, reliable protective hand of GOD/TAO.


The TAO/WAY is always there … ALWAYS, we decide  we can look at it in the distance, or we can walk through the door/portal and  discover what lies beyond self imposed restrictions.  We are responsible for our choices and our actions.

China, bridge

Believe, have faith, cross over –  discover new realities, you are and never will be alone – God is everywhere, in the air you breathe and the essence of your life.

surreal landscape byBrunner Nathan

Surreal… … no life …  is real

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri

*A special Thank You to my friend Mollie who got me started on this, when I found one of her pins.(Pinterest)

** bridge in China (Zhangiajie,Hunan)

***last picture,  Bt images

a new season will soon be here…


The warm fuzzy glow of a warm house, frost on the windows, air that is crisp and clear. Hmm not everyone smiles dreamily at the thought of the coming of winter, but I do.  There is something to be said about “nesting”.  Like a squirrel gathering nuts before the snow comes, I get in supplies like I think that it is the late 1800’s or early 1900’s and we need to be prepared.


Winter weather has been rather erratic of late, wow, places that seldom saw snow  have been hit with blizzards, crops in the southern states have had some brutal storms come their way.  All over the world, winter comes and changes where we live, and we have to adjust.



Before the days of instant news, and social media, we simply dealt with what came along. It might not have always been fun, or easy, but we took measures to  do our best to cope with the power outages, furnace malfunctions, delayed  transportation etc.  Now with “instant fixes, and gratification” it seems that there is more of a “panic” mode that sets in. OMG the cell phone is not working, or the TV  signal is all askew.


Arggghhh my PC is down.  Honeeeeee the internet is not working,  anguish at its best.  LOL been there done that.  Remember the days of trying to read by candle till the lights came back on.  How about the wind up radio, so you can hear the news should there be an announcement of when the power lines will be up again.


Winter is a special time, a time for spiritual rebirth, for reconnecting with the inner YOU.  A time where we can enjoy seeing the world new and fresh,  We are all unique and different in our own way, personalities and lifestyles vary.  One thing we all share is the gift of life and LOVE.

Let us do our best to see the positive in our lives, and to appreciate and show appreciation to those who share in our world. Whether close or far, reach out and say  hello, show you care.

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

*** Scotland

other pictures gathered from Pinterest

whining and complaining

photo 5 (5)

There are days when this could be me.  My busy mind chattering and chattering about dear knows what.  I don’t think I whine and complain, but that is because I don’t want to believe that I am just as guilty as the next person at having a negative day.  All my life I have known that no two people will see the mountain view the same way, even though they are looking from the same vantage point.

An exercise that we practice in PL (Perfect Liberty) is to work at accepting the differences in life and to respect the difference in others.

I fell short today, I disagreed with a sentiment sent to me by a caring sister.  I vented.  yet on reflection, she was only giving voice to her perspective and in doing so, used the language and comfort terms of her personal beliefs.  I want respect for my beliefs I in turn need to respect hers, and allow her, her form of expression. The bottom line is she cares.  That I appreciate.

PL Principle 21 – I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

My thanks to Little Sister (Wei) who is traveling in Mexico right now, these are her pictures.

I will be visiting NY State tomorrow.  See you all on my return.  have a great start to the new week.

photo 3 (8)


Namaste     –    Oyashikiri

Unfolding of Time

church,Romania village of Bezidu

In 1988 the village of Bezidu Nou in Romania  was flooded.  Only these two churches remained above the water,  This (above) was a picture of the churches in 1995

church Romania 2008

By   2008 only one remained, the land around, you can see has been dramatically changed.  In 2014 this is what a visitor to the site will find.

Church Romania 2014 -courtesy lacihobo,Utikalauz,causs and zuzsa Mate

pictures courtesty, lachihobo,Utikalauz,Causss and Zsuzsa Mate

There is an expression that comes to mind, “never judge a book by its cover”.  People we meet, friends we already know, even family, how much do we really know about them.  We see only the “face” presented to us.  Even over time, we may see the gradual changes, but do we really go beyond what we see in that given moment of time.

Good relationships begin by the simple act of greeting one another.  I’ve had too many “how are you” spoken to me, without any real intent on the other person’ part to really hear my response.  It is a throw away question or remark.   As is, “I’m fine thank you, and you?”  Usually or often, the person has moved on before you are really finished with the formality of a greeting.

Let us try today to show respect and a genuine caring when we interact with others,  Smile from the heart, when you pass a stranger if your eyes meet, smile, nod it is a feel good feeling.   When driving on rural back roads often the residents will wave as we pass, we wave back, its friendly and a welcome exchange between strangers.  You find yourself smiling, it was a happy exchange …

Walls may crumble and disappear, but the happiness in your heart will always be there. Treasure and nurture it.

Have a super fantastic day my friends,  Know that you are in my prayers and that love is being sent your way today and always.   Blessings be.                                  

May the Universe wrap you in a calm,serene embrace

May the faith and spirit within you

cast out the darkness, bathing you  in a light

that will fill you with eternal grace.

Namaste  – Oyashikiri 

words by Q


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