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Posts tagged ‘musing’


Doorways, entrances, there is always a certain intrigue ..sometimes more obvious than others. Even at night, we are drawn to buildings because of an entrance/doorway. Some can be very deceiving, impressive and exciting on the outside, but uninviting once inside. Other doors or functional, strong and commanding, while inside there is calm and serenity.

Today I have combined the Thursday Door challenge that I participate in, and pictures of two of the Perfect Liberty churches. the streamline one on the left, is the PL Church in Hawaii, the bottom right is the Ottawa church, standing in front of the main entrance are, Rev Hiroki Matsuki and his wife, Yoshiko.

Reminder today is Ancestors Day, there will be a 10 a.m ceremony, if unable to attend, please take a moment for a short prayer mid morning if you can.

Today’s quote

Give thanks to your ancestors and to your parents. You exist today thanks to your ancestors and parents. Express your appreciation by devoting yourself for the sake of others and society. (PL 2015.11)

Note* In today’s prayers, make time to remember “All” who have touched your life in some way, been there for you, travelled some of your journey. Some may have been strangers, you met and never saw again, but the meeting left a lasting impression. Could be a voice at the other end of line, who when you needed kindness, was there for you. Gratitude and Appreciation are gifts we not only extend to others, but benefit our own lives.


Today being Thursday, as always if you want more doors, please visit Dan’s No Facilities site and enjoy the trip around the world enjoying the doors shared by other door bloggers. https://nofacilities.com/2024/04/11/alumni-doors/

Photos.Rev. Goto, except last one taken in Ottawa by yours truly when new ministers arrived.

Cheers everyone!

Enjoy, shared from the heart


can you see him/her?

Be sincere and honest toward the people and situations you encounter. Your expression comes to life through your interactions with people and situations. Strive to put your whole heart into having good relationships with those around you.

Perfect Liberty 2017.7


Harmony Brings us peace. Let’s strive to always maintain good relationships at home, at work and in the community we live in.

Perfect Liberty 2020.1

INCONGRUOUS Incongruity – stop for a moment. what we see, what we feel, how we act, does the word apply.

Day of Peace today, service at 10 a.m.


picture of my first encounter 2021 with a minx


Welcome, come in, sit … make yourself comfortable… when the words and the visual you are presented with don’t quite “gel”….

“Can I get your something? We like to make sure our “client/customers” are happy with the service we are providing.” I know I’m not alone in finding that in today’s world what the advertisements and promotional photos say and what you actually end up with,.. are no where even near what you expected.

It is interesting because it is difficult. In order to overcome difficulties in your life, you need to think hard and be creative. That is why life is always interesting. (PL 2016.12)

PL Precept # 7 Everything exists in relativity,

PL Precept # 18   Each moment is a turning point

Take time to not only see the obvious, when what is being proposed/suggested leaves you with a “sense” something isn’t what it seems, trust your instinct.

photos, I. Mitchell


Experience the joy of being kind to others. The joy of expressing kindness to others is much greater than when someone does something kind for you. Always strive to be a person who can be kind to others.

Perfect Liberty 2012.5

Pl precept # 10 Love yourself and others.


Japan, Sanzen, Rev. Goto


The rain these past days, has washed away much of the snow. Somehow I doubt that we will be spared a visit from the snow queen who will make up for her delay with gust and enthusiasm to paint the landscapes white again. The critters have been very busy storing what they are gathering …a lot of take out. Given a choice on the menu, the favourite has been the peanuts in their shells. the shelled peanuts are left in favour of the ones in a shell.. a big Thank You to my neigbour that left me an almost full bag of the black sunflower seeds, they LOVE those.

Images from Egypt taken recently, my niece, nephew and family are visiting, it was nice to see some history … I see a little sliver of blue sky! What a great experience for the great nieces.

Pl Precept # 1  Life is Art

Cherish this moment, this time, this day. People keep growing as time goes on., Cherish your self-expressions

Perfect Liberty 2023.30

Top picture is Pub 101 in Ottawa, Ontario, (in the Byward Market)

Happy HO HO

I wanted to put a little santa hat on him, but he wasn’t having anything to do with that idea. Still .. he is my emissary today.. I’m off to feed he and his fellow woodland friends their holiday breakfast. Much joy and happiness in all you do today. Make lots of memories!

Smiles are the world’s Treasure. Do everything with a Prayerful Mind.

Precept #1 Life is Art


Do everything with a prayerful mind. Even if you have done your best, there are times when you wonder if it is enough. that is when your prayers become most important.

Perfect Liberty 2015.26

Joyous memorable moments to all.

Photo- Hounds of Freckashpeng, Winchester


With a prayerful mind, put your heart into everything you do, Even when you’ve put your best effort, you may have overlooked something. With a humble mind, take a second look to check for mistakes or oversights.

Perfect Liberty 2014

My sincere thank you for all your wonderful hugs and thoughtfulness yesterday… it was/is greatly appreciated.

Bom dia!

Nope, didn’t work, saying good morning in Brazilian Portuguese didn’t work, the snow is still happening outside my window,, NOTE. if you are out today the ice storm yesterday took down some of the weaker trees. P22 Mer Bleu has a tree preventing your exit from the parking area. I did report it yesterday morning, but the maintenance crew might not have gotten to it yet. BE CAREFUL unless you know that area of road if you back up to turn around, there is a steep incline on the right (Passenger’s side). You need to avoid the area and go back via the one way around the circle,. AND that is tricky if another car is coming in. Please take care.

Trees snap and break when we have heavy wet snow and ice pellets followed by more freezing rain, that is just what a Canadian winter can be like. We were lucky, power lines were not affected.

How are you doing Sunshine and balmy winds where you are? Life is good. Mother Nature has many forms of expression. Today is another day. Let go of yesterday and start fresh

It is interesting because it is difficult. In order to overcome difficulties in your life, you need to think hard and be creative. That is why life is always interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2016.12

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