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Posts tagged ‘Porti’

a smile a day!

makes for a happier healthier day

Good morning everyone. Came across this picture of my Porti*, Canaille was my little heart throb. I miss her every day. She was one of these personalities that could always bring on a smile Even on the grumpiest of days, she had a winning way. (* Portuguese Water Dog)

We are starting a new month. Let’s make sure we bring our happy face to share with others, every single day.

Always think that “everything will work out” When you allow yourself to be pessimistic, your thoughts and actions become sluggish. Approach everything optimistically without hesitating.

Perfect Liberty 2020.2

Greet everyone with a smile. The basic building block of human relationships is greeting one another. Be the first to greet others cheerfully.

Perfect Liberty 2011.2



Be not dishearten’d Affection shall solve the problems of Freedom yet; Those who love each other shall become invincible

Walt Whitman

Three things cannot be hidden; the sun, the moon, and the truth.


PL Principle #3 I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

Perfect Liberty






We just need time off. Time to be lazy, to do nothing, and just chill. Try it, you will discover, it is a good thing… love is forever, love IS.


forever is now. Q

Lunar Dog Year

Year 2018 —— Dog (earth )

Dogs are capable and knowledgeable, and it is not unusual to see Dog people in high demand in the job market.  Dogs like to work at whatever career they choose.  Prince William, Elvis, Cher, George Gershwin, Mother Teresa, were born in Dog years

As a partner Dogs are extremely loyal  although they think they know best, it is fortunate that they are usually open-minded. and will be open to advice. Generally speaking with their sensitive and compassionate heart, they do well in occupations or careers that “serve” or work in the best interest of others. ie. teachers, charity workers, doctors etc.

Unlike other Dog years the Earth Dog is less idealistic than most Dogs, the Earth element makes them practical enough they don’t lose sight of reality.

In China dogs are usually associated with justice and compassion.

We are living at a time, when the plus, positive characteristics of the Dog, could stand us in good staid.



Appreciation -Gratitude

Luna -Porti 9.5.17

Meet Luna, my feel good therapist from the USA.  She is a Portuguese Water Dog with an extraordinary ability to make people smile.  She has an amazing number of followers who enjoy her daily antics, and her vibrant personality.  Of course her human “Mom” does the talking for her, but her eyes and body language I can assure you let us know who the “real” boss is.  She is so “darling” that she has an almost full time job modeling canine attire for different companies.

Her full-time job of course is her daily attitude of “Life is good!  Let me show you just how good it is”  She will patiently sit, and looking directly at the camera will dare you to not smile for her.  I would show you her full face, but don’t know if you can stand her cuteness.  She is a personality on Instagram tho’…. if you are on Instagram, check her out. lunatheportie     🐱

I appreciate her nature, her being there in living colour, because she always makes me smile.  Thank you to “human” mom too….

The other day while driving home, I noticed that a postal van had slowed down going in the opposite direction.  I looked over since I was stopped for a red light, and found a face looking back at me.. when our eyes connected, he smiled, no more, no less… I smiled back, and just like that.. it was a brighter day.

Everyday, I look for happiness,  I like to share happy moments with friends, and people I meet, or come across in my daily travels.  In PL we have 21 Principles we use as guidelines to help us live a better and happier life.

PL Principle #3   I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things, is a favourite of mine.

PL Principle #12 I will get up pleasantly in the morning  This one I find very important, if I start my day with a happy heart, I am more likely to have a much more effective and productive day.  Why… because I choose to be happy and enjoy whatever the day brings my way.

PL Precept #1   Life is Art   – you hear me say this over and over… every day is a brand new canvas..  own it…

Travel Quebec

Photo by Dave Renz, his visit to Quebec this year.  Just loved the composition..

Enjoy your day everyone..

Share a smile!





Chop Suey Monday Aug. 14

logo, old

Good afternoon, thought since I’m doing a bit of this and that, I would share with you my logo from years gone by.  It was a phase in my life when I was doing silver jewelry, combined with healing semi and precious stones.

I came across an older piece of marketing I had done.. back then.  I no longer do “TalisMoons” but I do still believe in the energy we keep on or around us.  You all know that my husband and I are on a journey .. with my husband’s “illness” has come the need to really asses and look at our lives.  The changes that will be required etc.

This morning I had to take our precious “senior” dog child” to the vet, she is now with the angels and no longer suffering or tied to this mortal dimension of life.  Another difficult emotional challenge, an opportunity to thank God for the blessings she brought into our lives.  She gave me so much… through her I knew unconditional love  which helped me to be a better person.

The following is part of what I had written many “moons” ago.

DyMoon is  Love unbounded, cosmic and universal –

Transcends ALL mortal boundaries and ALL that is known

DyMoon –  – is timeless and eternal

Each Dymoon TalisMoon is created with magical thought that rests on a belief in ONENESS with the Universe.  They only have POSITIVE value for their owner and are ver personalized in the giving and wearing.

Follow your heart

along the feeling path

ignite inner flames with just a glance

welcome today with glass raised high

salute tomorrow with joy of mind

travel through fantasy and life

capture the spirit of imagination

ride the winds of time

enjoy an original “dyMoon”

Over the years, people just began calling me dyMoon, and to this day I am dyMoon.  Reading what I wrote all those many years ago.  I am still a moon maiden, still believe in the ONENESS of the Universe, and LOVE.

Yes I shed tears this morning, but they were of love, I will always cherish my Canaille and the many joys she brought into my life.  It is never goodbye, It is always, till soon.

Best start of the week to you all.  I love and feel blessed that you are part of my life.

Q  aka DyMoon.

for those who do not know. DyMoon is an anglo version of my Chinese names.



Always and Forever

Till soon.

Wordless Wednesday

Leonie and Canaille July 26.17

Some days are just beyond words!


PL Precept #1 Life is  Art

Wordless Wednesday -PWD -Porti


Portuguese Water dog, also known as Porti, or PWD, prayer garden 4.18.12 026

This is our current Porti, she is now a senior, and as spoiled as ever.  Hard to get her eye action, but she is and will always be a charmer.  The breeder didn’t name her Canaille without reason,  I tried to find her pictures from the days she was winning ribbons, but they elude me.

2012-10-18 2012-10-18 001 001

Thanks for asking to see more of Canaille, she is the apple of my eye.. my one and only… =^_^=   .. and of course… I am smitten.

Blessings…  Have a wonderful week.  Imagine, we are almost through the week.  In Canada this will be a long week-end coming up.  This is the time when gardeners get serious.  Really serious.

Winnie quote 2



What is it that attracts us to something, in this case, was it the bird emerging from the tall grass, perhaps it was the grass itself, wait, could it be the unknown at the bottom of the picture, lying in wait to be discovered.  who knows what it is that draws us to an area, an object, or a landscape.  I have a house full of “things” that have found their way home with me.  Some I just had to have, and they fit perfectly where I thought I wanted them…………………….. and then……………………they were forgotten.


Meet Chester, he is not a thing, he is a dog I met in the park.  Rather taken with him, he was so like my Canaille (Porti).. I sat down and had a good chin wag with him.  I enjoyed my conversation with him immensely, he nodded at the right times, acknowledged my banter… it was a fun meeting… and then we each went about our business.  I did take his picture though, so i could remember my visit with him.

garden geisha

This geisha is in our garden, bet you can’t find her, unless you just really wander all the grounds and look under bushes and overgrown vines.  You can see when she got home with me, she was given a place from where she could view and be viewed.  Time moves along, our moments change, our lives keep moving forward and the “things” we so “wanted”, “enjoyed” their moments passed too.  If they were left outside, nature welcomed them into its fold. If inside, they were likely soon coated in a mantle of dust and neglect.  Or see, when daily chores were being done, but no longer recognized as a “treasure”


PL Precept # 16  All things progress and develop

PL Precept #18   Each Moment is a turning point

I now try harder every day, to simplify my life.  I’m rediscovering treasures, and letting them go. I enjoyed and lived my “happy”, when we live in the moment, that is what life is like…. we live each moment, treasuring what we find, there is a saying, for each moment you spend being sad, you are missing a moment of “happy” that might not be it, word for word, but you get the idea,

Have a sun filled day!


Chester is a labra-doodle

Canaille not shown, is a Porti (Portuguese Water Dog)

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