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Posts tagged ‘unconditional’

spend a

quiet moment




Piglet and I were out wandering, I felt I needed to check in on my friend from a few weeks ago.

This time he had a few friends with him.  He looked no better tended to, even though the zoo was open for business, and there were cars in the parking lot.  But never mind his appearance, he made me smile, and coming over, he began to mooo? bray? Funny how animal can be so friendly in their own way.  There was what looked like a reindeer type of maybe moose in with them.  He looked like he had faded out, dried and withered Xmas garland hanging from his beautiful antlers.  However he wasn’t ready to come say hello … we had to admire from afar.

Thankfully they can’t read the sign on that storage container that is on ground in their enclosure.

PL calendar day 29   You gain strength through your hardships

Whatever you learn easily or master effortlessly tends to be forgotten.  The lessons you gain through repeated mistakes are what gives you genuine strength.

It was hot, the heat was a steady blanket of relentless “ugh” for me.  Not for everyone, but me, myself and I, tend to wilt in the hot sun of summer.  I feel an affection/love for these creatures, even the short visit with them will be a happy memory.

Wishing you all a great start to a brand new week.


papanak zoo june 20


The forbidden finger making its way to share a personal moment.  Yesterday I gave him some fresh taller green leaves from my side of the fence… but did not touch, only with my voice, did I whisper my love.  Every living being needs to know love!

Chop Suey Monday Aug. 14

logo, old

Good afternoon, thought since I’m doing a bit of this and that, I would share with you my logo from years gone by.  It was a phase in my life when I was doing silver jewelry, combined with healing semi and precious stones.

I came across an older piece of marketing I had done.. back then.  I no longer do “TalisMoons” but I do still believe in the energy we keep on or around us.  You all know that my husband and I are on a journey .. with my husband’s “illness” has come the need to really asses and look at our lives.  The changes that will be required etc.

This morning I had to take our precious “senior” dog child” to the vet, she is now with the angels and no longer suffering or tied to this mortal dimension of life.  Another difficult emotional challenge, an opportunity to thank God for the blessings she brought into our lives.  She gave me so much… through her I knew unconditional love  which helped me to be a better person.

The following is part of what I had written many “moons” ago.

DyMoon is  Love unbounded, cosmic and universal –

Transcends ALL mortal boundaries and ALL that is known

DyMoon –  – is timeless and eternal

Each Dymoon TalisMoon is created with magical thought that rests on a belief in ONENESS with the Universe.  They only have POSITIVE value for their owner and are ver personalized in the giving and wearing.

Follow your heart

along the feeling path

ignite inner flames with just a glance

welcome today with glass raised high

salute tomorrow with joy of mind

travel through fantasy and life

capture the spirit of imagination

ride the winds of time

enjoy an original “dyMoon”

Over the years, people just began calling me dyMoon, and to this day I am dyMoon.  Reading what I wrote all those many years ago.  I am still a moon maiden, still believe in the ONENESS of the Universe, and LOVE.

Yes I shed tears this morning, but they were of love, I will always cherish my Canaille and the many joys she brought into my life.  It is never goodbye, It is always, till soon.

Best start of the week to you all.  I love and feel blessed that you are part of my life.

Q  aka DyMoon.

for those who do not know. DyMoon is an anglo version of my Chinese names.



Always and Forever

Till soon.

Good Morning 6.26.17

vwlro 6.17

Good morning, this is our whippet trying to sleep last night, doesn’t matter its summer, and hot, he likes to be covered.  Usually his head is snuggled into his chest or he is on his back, but for some reason last night, he was sleeping with his head on the arm of the chair.  For those of us with a whippet or grey *Greyhound” even though we see their often,  odd way of sprawling out, it never ceases to amuse or endear them  Their ability to contort their length into weird upside down and twisted posses, and then fall asleep that way, is really amazing.

They can in a split second, wake and jump up from the most awkward of positions to a graceful and show-stopping pose.  Why, because he can, he doesn’t think about it, he just does it.


Furniture has to be covered, he owns every chair in the place.  Almost .. Canaille (our PWD) has hers,  but that doesn’t stop him from trying to horn in.  Extra loads of laundry are done, sheets, towels, and his blankies.  Oh dear, does he sound spoiled…. yes…. I guess they both are.

All this to say, dogs, cats, pets of any kind, are usually accepted for who they are, we can justify almost anything they do, or get up to, and we deal with it. Accidents happen, we deal with it.  As they age, we learn to live with an aging pet, who after years of unconditional love (on their part) and ours, we adjust and walk the path with them.  We do all this without questioning why, they don’t interact with us like another human would, so our compassion, and love seems to just happen.  Another human has a voice and thoughts, that will come out and create a different “reaction” from us.

Throw a penny into a quiet pond, it will sink or skip depending on how you do it, then it will fall into the pond and become one with the pond.  We see gentle ripples, or if we threw the penny, it might make a small splash.  If we throw a rock, we will get a different effect. Either way, once we “action” into, or at the pond, the “reaction” happens, then the pond returns to the state it was in prior to our interaction with it.

When we live in Perfect Liberty, we are like the pond, we hum with activity of our own, life flows.  When something/someone interacts with us,  how they interact, will dictate what our response will be.  We acknowledge the activity, let it go, and return to our
centre” our “core”PW

Living in a state of unconditional love.. is a work in progress, that we must always strive to achieve, if we are to achieve “World Peace”

roses 6. 2017

Life happens.  The roses are in bloom now, tomorrow or another day, they will relinquish their time in the spotlight, to allow the nourishment to feed the roots, so they can return again.  Life is a series of cycles.  Acknowledge and appreciate every day. Life is good.

There is Joy in simplicity!

PL Precept #11   Always be with God

PL Precept #10   Love yourself and Others


PWD = Portuguese Water Dog




There is nothing else like it.


It is truly beautiful

to observe, and even more powerful when we participate


True, we don’t get to choose our family

but we do our friends.


That said, when we have love in our hearts

it is there for all to see and feel


a bond that lasts forever

is built on trust, acceptance and a love that is unconditional


Here is your hug for today..

Pass it on…

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri


Time and forever


Time was

when you were strong and vibrant

Now, you sit in decay

sunshine or rain, no one will visit you today

stripped bare of your dignity and purpose

still you stand proud and tall

for come what may

you know you have done it all

Mother Nature still comes to you

her flock never fail to  take refuge

in the recess and protection of your walls

Time is so fleeting,

a life can happen in a minute

and be gone just as quickly

Only man measures time mechanically

in reality

our existence is a fantasy of mind

for when our bodies sleep

where does the mind go to play

it travels to forever

where there is no time

night and day

light and dark

one without the other

cannot be


time was and time is

so now has to be



Is love forever

yes when it is freely given

and unconditional

love is always and forever…..

Namaste     …    Oyashikiri

** photo, Art’s page, Facebook

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