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Posts tagged ‘perspective’



IMG_0745Bom dia..

Sim yes, my inspiration today is the bark of this tree.  There is something about textures that appeals to me, I paint using textures, I create a lot of “art” dimensional, I have never analyzed why, I just like it.  After a painting dries, I will close my eyes and gently run my fingers over the canvas to discover its hidden delights.

After years of trying to take in all of what I am seeing, I know that I can see a lot of things at one time, some details will stay with me, some won’t.  So much like I did here, where I focused my lens on one area of the tree, I do that with life. I don’t ignore the rest of the picture, but when I see something that is of interest, then I delight in discovering what it is that is communicating with me.

If you are a photographer, you know  we can walk by a landscape a zillion times, then one day, the lighting is just right, shades dance across our vista, and wow, we “see” an amazing sight.  Just like walking out your back or front door, is different every time you walk into the “outside”.  hmmm did she mean to say it that way.. yes I did =^_^=

remember this picture..

IMG_0748Same day, same place, same time of day give or take, but a different tree. Each had its very own appeal to me.  “that day”  I suspect if I went back today, I couldn’t find them again.  Thus the harping on… live each day to your fullest, today is today, and tomorrow will be a new beginning.

After going on about “observation” I will share with you an incident this morning. I washed my hair (I know exciting stuff) as I was towelling my hair I looked down and wondered what was sticking to my night “dress”.  Hello I found the “bleeding” thing has a pocket. No, I didn’t know, and again no, it isn’t new. So you can see what I wear to sleep and around the house, does not get the attention  I give to other areas in my life.  Oh dear! I am human after all.  sigh.

With that, I will wish you all good cheer, make the most of today, I am off to enjoy mine. Thanks for sharing this brief interlude with me.


oh ho oh ho, its off to church I go, smilePencil

no words needed

Not one person walked by this car without whipping out their phones to take a picture. I did wait awhile to see if the owner would come out.  But no, so I captured a few myself and left the area.  There was a whole theme on the top too.  It would have been hard to get a picture without the other getting another person in the picture.  That is how much attention this car was getting.

The hours, the attention to detail, this was  a dedicated passion. That edging is coins, pennies, dimes and nickles.  There was something to see, everywhere you looked. Kudos to the owner of the car, that is what I call, personal expression!

=^_^=  What will you do today to make someone smile….



fall day, 9th. Nov.

Sometimes it is hard to see where one part of a picture begins and where it ends. Is it one or is it two.  It all comes down to perspective.

some leaves fall and retain their grace, other’s wither and fade away, yet still there is beauty, for when they live, we so enjoyed all they provided. In the brand new light of a sunny day, we know that with today’s change, it will be fleeting, for tomorrow, the cycle begins again.

Today this house still stands, but soon the new owner is going to rebuild, and what I saw today, will never be again.


My memory will be of the aging couple who lived here when we moved in next door.  I am sure they had to adjust to our totally revamping their previous neighbours home and garden.  Now many years later, it is our turn to adjust.  The new owner is a developer, and where once stood a single family home, will be a multiple structure.  Infill.


What will tomorrow bring, your guess is as good as mine.  What is fact, is that no change is permanent, change is the only constant in life.


lost in the wilderness


Ok I’m not in the wilderness, but I could be.  Right, I’m not lost either, but just because I know where I am doesn’t mean I’m not lost. If I was an ant wandering around down there amongst the foliage, it would be a wilderness. (perspective)


Especially if I had to find my way home, and back up the tree. Would the rain hamper my progress?  Certainly in a downpour in the truck, when it comes down in sheets, it is very difficult to see, even with the window washers going at full speed.


Picture perfect isn’t what the day is all about.  I guess basically my thoughts are wandering, and tho’ I’m in a familiar place physically, my gray matter is heading for the wilderness, to find some breathing room.


Sometimes it is best, to let life around you, sway and  bend as it may, tomorrow will be another day.  So when you wake, it will be a brand new day.

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri

PL Precept # 7   Everything exists in relativity


I knew


I knew I had gone in before

but today, I met with a closed-door

no matter how hard I pushed

I couldnt get in

We encounter daily problems

in similar ways

they just seem to plague our days

yet, if we step back

and take a different tack

we often find we were on the right track

only our approach needed new perspective

we did in fact, know

only our focus was inactive

it is important in life

to stop and allow your mind to chill

your body to relax

so that each day can really begin

brand new.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

no, really

China @dawn,Yuanyang,Yunnan (Rosanna Leung on Flicr)

I see  a decadent dessert

-no! come on  really…

yes, really I do

-how can you see dessert

this is China @ dawn

-hmmm can’t you see

the rich moist chocolate

covered with sweet mocha icing

topped with big chunks of dark chocolate ?

-no I can’t,

ah, that’s too bad, it looks yummy to me..

what do YOU see….. 

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

…. buen dia…. a hug? abrazo?

71 bronco

hey.. wow … need  HUG

gosh, you look like you could use a HUG

Actually I have friends that would be in utterly fantastic bliss to be out there on a beautiful day, sharing their off road experience with friends, and no they aren’t in need of a hug, they are having fun.  Perspective.

7172510-r3l8t8d-650-cute-big-dogs-and-babies-5Awwww now this is a true hug

wrapped in a warm embrace by a friend

relaxing and just sharing bonding time

What, no?  Oh you have allergies, and you can’t be that close to an animal, dog, cat etc. So this wouldn’t be your idea of a nice happy moment…. ahhh…. Perspective


We are all unique in our own ways, and we each and everyone of us goes through life trying to understand our selves and the world around us.  It is when we share our dreams and differences, that we learn about someone else, their culture, their world, in doing so, we broaden our own.


Please come by for tea, the door is always open, careful on the way over, it can get rather steep, but I’m always happy to meet and greet a friend, we can chat and exchange views (smiles), visiting and getting to know you, will be a very special kind of “hug”…sincere sharing/caring… is a hug in itself.  Blessings.

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

love this last picture, hermitage,Qianyuan mountain,Tianhua X, the capture is awesome, peaceful and surreal, did you find the hermitage? (artstation.com)

are we learning

Panda,Kunming,China @wong campion newsroom Reuters

How we adapt and adjust to the changes around us says a lot about how we manage/cope in life.  This Panda was not deterred by a bit of snow.

orses peak through snow in Londonderry Northern Ireland 1.14.15

These roses were spotted by a photographer (@Reuters/Cathal McNaughton) pushing through the snow after a storm in a city cemetery in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, 1.14.15

snow, Pitlochry, Scotland  1.14.15With the snow came promises of a toboggan ride, it was a great adventure, building snow forts, snowmen, skating, in the young there is just the innocence of a new adventure. (Pitlochry, central Scotland 1.14.15) (Reuters,Russell Cheyne)

Snow,pyeongchang-gun,south korea, @Getty Images


Even grown ups can have a good time, how we see and perceive the day is how we will proceed.  Our perspective determines the outcome of our day/nights. These men are enjoying their fun in Pyeongchang-gun,South Korea (Getty Images)

Ireland, Carndonagh after heavy snow j.13.15

This of course is would could be in store if we are not focused and being aware of the road we are traveling during or after a winter storm has descended on us. (Reuters,cathal McNaughton, Ireland)



This is all that could be seen of buildings  and cars during a heavy smog day from an observatory tower in Beijing, I’d heard of the smog there, but not seen just how heavy and dense it is.


Is this how we want to live our lives, do we want to wear face masks when we step outside our doors.   This is how people in Beijing have to protect their lungs during polluted days in their city.

Alabama - Jan 8 15

This beautiful picture was taken in Tuscaloosa, Alabama after winter weather plunged the area into a deep freeze and broke records Jan.8.2015. note the clear blue skies, and how the light makes the ice and snow look picture pretty. (Michelle Lepianka Carter/Tuscaloosa News/AP Photo)

PL. Precept # 7    Everything Exists in Relativity

Namaste   –   Oyashikiri

Buen dia, Bonjour,Merhaba,Buongiorno

Hello, Hallo greetings to you in every way!  Isn’t it a lovely day, we had a new blanket of snow over night.  Everything looks so “winter wonderland” white! Looking out this morning, it was hard to imagine the trees with their fall colours of crimson, gold and multiple shades of russet and fading greens .Being that we are already into January, the days are getting longer, and soon, yes soon, in a couple of months the same trees that are looking like  wooden bark sculptures of gray/browns dipped in  crisp white snow crystals, will be showing off their new dressings of mint & apple greens, buds of tender pale shoots will be breaking through the branches that will have soaked up the nurturing rays of the sun, providing them with the nutrients they need to open up to their full splendor.


The PL calendar today, is about not being swayed by the past.  It says ” It is what you do from now on that count”  Another way of saying to live in the moment.  So much time is often spent on dwelling what was, or what could be, and again, if only….   We can’t relive the past, but we have every opportunity to make each day a day we will enjoy so that come end of day,  we feel that it was a day well spent.


The internet is abundant in quotes and sayings.  Where do they all come from.  Some are very good and thought-provoking, others….  Again it is all in the eye of the beholder isn’t it.  Today I plan on having a great day… what about you!!


This is not my back yard… LOL…. but I sure wish I could gaze on this vista with my own eyes.  Be there, to hear the water cold and clear slowly  make its way over the rocks.  New Zealand, the more I see of this beautiful country, the more I want to explore.  Maybe someday.  Who knows.  Meanwhile, thanks to you, I get to research and find destinations, we can visually enjoy from our desks.  Life is for sharing, thank you all for allowing me into your homes, I so appreciate you all.

Namaste      –       Oyashikiri



*** 99traveltips.com

you don’t say


A meandering mind

Stuck in time

ponders the question

of not feeling well and happiness…

can you be unwell… and still be happy

It is really anyone’s guess, wouldn’t you think?

since happiness is a state of mind

and, when the question is asked,

you’d have to factor in your perspective at that moment in time

I believe that one can be happy, and physically unwell at the same time..

really… you don’t say?… what road are you on?

me, I travel  ” a road less traveled “..(M Scott Peck).

Happiness is being who we are

24/7 and loving it.

Yep, I do say!

Namaste – Oyashikiri







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