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Posts tagged ‘China’

for the love of shoes!

Shoes from China, to fit a Tonner 16″ doll.  Finally a shoe collection I don’t have to wear. simply enjoy.  It takes almost a month for them to get here from China, but well worth the wait.

Patience is one of the virtues, that I am continually working on. =^_^=

Happiness is!!!!

I know I am not alone in my “enjoyment” of shoes.  These are manageable, and I don’t have to wear them….

PL Precept # 7   Everything exists in Relativity..

Offer me a decadent dessert, or a pair of shoes……….. the shoes will win…

See no calories.! =^_^=

Enjoy a leisurely Saturday, have fun, and remember to share that winning smile !!!

Happiness is for every one!!


-black garlic and..


You kidding me right… nope… black garlic… it is AMAZING, says on the container YuHongYuan peeled black garlic head – ready to eat and cooking.  You have to know that I was not going to pass an opportunity to try it out.  Delicious.

Got it at the check out aisle of the local T & T Asian grocery store.  I do believe T & T has a website, you can likely find their other locations by checking the web.  You store it in a cool dry place. room temperature, avoid sunlight.  It is a product of China, imported by Uncle T foods, Richmond, BC.

Now.. please allow me to thank everyone who commented on the mixed media book cover, I’ve now finished with the one that I started the other day.  At least for now.


It was a learning experience for me. I especially liked the texture and look of the Sludge that I got from DeSerres, you can’t see the reharvested copper cinder, because when it dried, it dried clear, but you can feel the texture when you are touching the various parts of the cover where it was used.  The particles are in a professional grade gel medium.  Product is TriArt’s reharvested series.

I used two different  batches of Sludge, #29211 ( deep forest greens)  Batch 27783 is deep purples. Sludge is made from 100% recycled pigments  harvested from TriArt’s washing process.  Remember if you want to be sure the colours are going to be similar .. use the same batch number, the shades can vary from batch to batch.  Again you will find this product at DeSerres.

Crackling acquired by using Distress crackle paint, this is a Rangers product.  I used clear rock candy in this project.  IMPORTANT,  allow the medium to dry on its own.  I believe you get better results by being patient.book-cover-another-view

I’m keen to start another one, but first, I need to catch up on the cards for the church. Hearts and Flowers month will soon be here, and I need to get some special cards done for our PL  Card table.

Happy dabbling and playing.  When you do something, do it with a happy and joyful intent.  Pl Precept # 2  To live is to Express One’s self.


La vie de l’homme est une suite d’expressions du soi.


China,Zhangijajie National Park

For years, China’s history and her folk-lore have been

part of my heritage and hold  a special place in my heart

China, zhangjiajie national park

land of fantasy and myth

a place where  Pandora came to light

how enchanting, riveting and bright

is the memory of the geography

that first gave me glimpse into a world

that captured my imagination and drew me in

china in black and white

the reality of what it must be like to live work and play

in such a world is way beyond what I live

in my own personal day-to-day


Yet like the discoveries of yesterday

we too, our lives as we live today

will be the wonder of another generation

Now more than ever,

we should be aware of how in the past,

a whole way of life changed


and remember this, each man, woman and child

lived, laughed, loved and cried

like we do today.

China, national park Anan Charoenkal flickr

the lands stay fertile and the mists still shroud the rock faces

for they are part of Nature, and live their natural cycles

with acceptance and grace, growing and harmonizing

with the environment and the life around them

Why is it, that we (humans beings) feel a  need to conquer

divide,fight and control

China at night

Peace on Earth

Goodwill to all

PL Precept 14    World Peace is Everything


Zhangjiiajie National park,China,habipatayev,flickr


the guardian.com



Feel the heat, know the hunger

that mixes with the wonder

of discovering that Nature can be so beautiful

yet, so complex, and full of mysteries

an ice cave, inside a volcano

could this really be

yes deep down inside under the crust of the earth

Nature’s awesome wonders

continue to be a fascination

that are forever bending and challenging

my understanding and appreciation

of what IS

china,red beach

because it isn’t in my immediate reality

does not mean it does not exist

or that it isn’t so…

it simply means I have not been there yet

or the experience is one I have not had


Love is much like the above

we tend to want to categorize and romanticize love

yet time and time again

we learn, that only in letting go of preconceived ideas of what it should be

do we discover that it wasn’t that at all

when we allow love/God into our lives,

we thrive

no matter who we are, where we are, ” what” we are

all living entities/beings, respond to love

kindness, understanding towards one another

can change the world

when we explore what is beyond our known reality

we discovers the wonders, the glorious, the unfathomable

star forming,hubble

Love transcends our realities

be open to the wonders of life


PL Precept # 21      Live in Perfect Liberty

  • Russia (admin.seepicz)
  • China,Red Beach (admin.seepicz)
  • Mars.atmosphere on (admins.seepicz)
  • a star forming,Hubble Space Telescope

excessive concern

There is a saying or teaching in Pl that encourages us to let go of excessive attachment or concern about someone or something. “EN wo Tsukeru”
Chinese art

In one of our books “Live with Passion”  by Rev. Yumiko Tsuyama she gives an example of a your couple whose child was seriously ill with pneumonia.  They were constantly at the hospital, fussing, fretting and agonizing over the state the child was in.. The fever was not going down.

They went to church and prayed with the minister. He asked them to put their faith and trust in God. After their prayers as they were leaving to go back to the hospital, Sensei surprised them by suggesting that they go to a movie.  It took everyone by surprise, but they did go see a movie.

Later the friend reported to the minister, “I was so worried and couldn’t stop thinking about my baby, but gradually, as I watched the movie, I became interested and laughed and laughed.  I forgot everything else. After the movie, my wife and I returned to the hospital.  It was a miracle.  Our baby’s fever was gone”

The worry and “negative” stress of the parents, (EN) unknown to them could be felt by the baby, it unsettled the baby’s own “energy” and impeded the work of the “Universe”  True faith is not easy.  It is a life long practice.

PL (Perfect Liberty)  Principle #15 – I will no do anything overly

Each and every one of us, has concerns that cannot be resolved easily.Problems that could seem trivia to others may be serious problems for you, because you have to deal with them everyday.  How you proceed, how you live with your “challenges” in life, makes a big difference.  A positive state of mind is something that we cultivate and encourage in others and ourselves.


Live a prayerful life

namaste       –       Oyashikiri


Love Life

moon Bridge,Zhangjiaije, Hunan,Chian (gettinglost,beautiful-portals.tumblr.com

Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) found on lasm.org

today, Oct.1


Today was a day for listening.  First at home, then at church, and again at the hospital.  I listened.  My head was filled with words, feelings and thoughts that kept going round and round.  After a brief lunch, I got back in the truck and drove towards the outskirts of the city. Driving for me is therapeutic.


Sometimes like this Japanese ama, I feel like I’m diving for something, and I may or may not find it.  This ama was searching for shellfish off the shores of Japan.(1930’s)  We know there is a message or “something” that we should be “seeing” or grasping….but will it happen…. only time will tell.

Shaolin Kung Fu Student, Henan Province, China, 2004, final print_milan

Shaolin Kung Fu Student, Henan Province, China, 2004,

Everyone we  meet in life, has a “story”, an interest, hobby, something they enjoy that means something to them. And, everyone, at one time had a family, or someone who gave them birth. They have history, and they live each day making their own way in this world, one moment at a time.  Sometimes it seems endless, and other times, everything just gets lost in limbo, and truth becomes too jumbled too hard to piece together.


The young man I saw this morning, was granted another chance at life, he was aware and in physical pain.  Some times the pain we feel is just so unique it is beyond words.  Yet through the pain, he felt the moment when love touched his weary broken body.

Love is  a powerful medicine, and a divine state of being.

We are all capable of such love, to both give and receive.

Love of life, has to begin with you.

Today was a new beginning.


The man I met this evening, said he wished he could live in the past.

Yet in his reality of the moment, he is an artist who created a world that was of the past, and he had done it well.  His way of dealing with the present is to create a yesterday where others can see how Native American’s lived back in the days of the “wild West”

Interesting how I met with one energy who wanted to escape the past, and in the evening, I was with someone who prefered the past.

Yet both, can only live in the present … in the now…

How lucky was I … that the Universe gave me a  Yin/Yang day.

How was yours?  Life is good, it really really is.

Everyday is a good day, when I get to spend time with you..

Namaste       –          Oyashikiri

Good morning, Bonjour…


Have you ever been walking on a clear day, just going about on your every day travels, when you find yourself suddenly shrouded with a fog, that seemed to appear out of nowher…..There is an old expression, “i was blind sided”  means something happens and you never saw it coming. It happens.  Sometimes more often than we would like it to.

found on flickr

Lessons in life are never straight forward, they are a way for life to remind us that we have gotten slack or lazy in how we are living or proceeding in life. We do not walk alone on the earth, we are surrounded by others who are going about their lives in the same way. Each with feelings, miseries and problems of their own.  It is how we deal with the challenges in life that sets us apart and makes us unique in who we are, and what we are.  Not just towards others, but to ourselves.  We must never forget that we count, and that love, and light comes from within.


We need not look far to see the signs of distress, loneliness, and abandoned dreams, we need only turn on the  telly or a radio to hear about the conflicts happening all over the world.  The reality is that is only one side of the coin.  In this creative photo manipulation, instead of the foot coming down – causing gloom and doom, it is being lifted and kept away by the steady, reliable protective hand of GOD/TAO.


The TAO/WAY is always there … ALWAYS, we decide  we can look at it in the distance, or we can walk through the door/portal and  discover what lies beyond self imposed restrictions.  We are responsible for our choices and our actions.

China, bridge

Believe, have faith, cross over –  discover new realities, you are and never will be alone – God is everywhere, in the air you breathe and the essence of your life.

surreal landscape byBrunner Nathan

Surreal… … no life …  is real

Namaste     –      Oyashikiri

*A special Thank You to my friend Mollie who got me started on this, when I found one of her pins.(Pinterest)

** bridge in China (Zhangiajie,Hunan)

***last picture,  Bt images


China, Guangxi

What a week-end, I feel like I’ve not stopped since Thursday. Used to having my own time, and travelling at my own speed, having to be somewhere 3x in one day, is really a learning experience. Each of the 3 places were in different parts of the city,one was even across the border in another Province.  That was one day, the next day was more of the same.  I like to think that I’m flexible and adaptable, but….. no….. it got done, but on both evenings I crashed early and slept 13 hours one night, and 11 the next.

jaquar sleepin in tree

Like the jaguar sleeping in the tree high above ground in the Amazon (Brazil) I was out for the count.  I had no trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep.  Both days were full, total focus was required on the events we attended.  We could have been anywhere, somewhere, we simply were.  When we are totally involved in the interactions we are focused on, the body, mind and spirit all come together, work together, and come time to shut down, take a break, its like a switch is flicked, and we are in dreamland.  “out for the count”


I’m everywhere, anywhere, somewhere, and nowhere… all at the same time…. It is time to chill and zone out…..

See you soon, I’ll think of you

maybe I’ll even see you

where ever that some where will be

I’ll be loving you.

namaste     –     oyashikiri

The Secret. by Q


Lucky Monkey bowed her head and listened to the birds calling back and forth to each other.  She wondered if Bending Willow had heard her just now as he had entered the courtyard.  The day was coming to an end, yet she could still feel the warmth of th lingering sun on her shoulders.

She knew that she shouldn’t be there, if she was found in the garden her Father would be furious with her.  Quietly she tipped toed to the vine-covered swings.  Her heart skipped a beat, would Laughing Bird be there she wondered.  Then she scolded herself for being silly.

Laughing Bird had been so serious when he had told her that if she wanted the secret of the whispering shells she had to meet him after evening prayers.  Little Monkey could still see his earnest face peering down into her eyes.  Just as she had been about to ask him if he meant what he was saying, Bending Willow had come and pulled her away, scolding her for talking to Laughing Bird.  Laughing Bird had been her constant companion till one day her Father had told her she was too old to be romping with the boys, she was now to focus on her studies.

chinese painting

Bending Willow was the same age as she was, her Mother was concubine to Little Monkey’s Father, and currently the favourite.  Little Monkey’s Mother, Shining Star had fallen from favour when she refused to consent to Little Monkey’s Father’ wish to bring hone another concubine.  Shining Star was No.1 wife, she did not wish another concubine in the home.

Fragrant Pearl, Bending Willow’s Mother had been understanding and had taken her master’s part in the quarrel.  Roaring Lion, Little Monkey’s brother had stood by his Mother, so Master Wu had not brought home his latest love.  He had been forced to rent a house on the other side of town.  He had not forgiven Shining Star and had stayed away for days and days.

Then one day, news had come that a stranger had come to the village and was looking for the husband of the woman known as Shining Star.  Little Monkey’s Father had called to him, they had met and talked for hours.  When the stranger left, Little Monkey’s Father had come home and gone straight to Shining Star’s quarters and begged to be forgiven.  He had brought with him a box carved in the finest ebony.  When Shining Star opened the box, her eyes had grown wide with wonder.

sea shells 2Leaning forward to get a better look she gave a small sigh and fainted.  In the box sat the prettiest of shells, beautifully sculpted by nature, from which came the faint whispering sounds of the sea.

There was a hush in the House of Wu.  Shining Star had not regained consciousness.  She slept an endless dream.  A smile played on her lips, her breath was sweet and pure, but she did not stir.

chinese woman sleeping

Little Monkey breathed a sigh of relief, Laughing Bird was sitting hidden under the heavy growth of the lush wisteria vine.

“So, Little Monkey you have come” he smiled up at her.

Seeing him sitting crossed legged his head resting on his hands she smiled remembering all the times they had st across from each other, each telling a secret trying to outdo the other.

“Oh Laughing Bird” cried Little Monkey, her hands reaching out to him, her eyes searching his face “yu know how sad I am that my Mother will not wake.  Tell me you were not teasing, do you really know the secret of the whispering shells?”

“Here, come sit beside me” Laughing Bird patted the ground beside him.  Remember when I told you that I saw your Father in the  village talking to the stranger from the big city?”

Little Monkey was sitting across from him, leaning forward so she could hear. She knew that she would have to let him tell her the story his way.   “Well do you remember?” Laughing Bird was looking at her intently. Her fragile beauty stirred his emotions, he held back his desire to reach out and touch her.

“Yes, yes I remember Laughing Bird, please tell me what you know” Little Monkey wondered if he was stalling for time. Why was he looking at her that way?

Laughing Bird began, “I saw Bending Willow and her Mother talking to the stranger before the stranger spoke to your Father”

Little Monkey could not believe her ears, “you what! you saw Bending Willow and Fragrant Pearl speaking with the stranger?”

“Yes, but not only that, there was another man there too, he was wearing a big ring that shone like the stars.  He carried a big black bag out of which he took a package.  I crept closer  trying to hear what they were saying but I could not get too close for fear that I would be heard.  By the time your Father arrived, Fragrant Flower, Bending Willow and the man with the ring were gone”  Laughing Bird paused, “this is the interesting part Little Monkey”  his voice dropped a pitch, she had to lean even closer so that she could hear. “I could see your Father was worried, he kept shaking his head, then suddenly Fragrant Flower and Bending Willow came back.  They began to talk to your Father, by their gestures they seemed to be reassuring him, they didn’t want the man to leave, they wanted your Father to take the package.  Finally your Father took the package and left with Fragrant Flower and Bending Willow.  Seeing my chance I went over to the stranger.”

chinese men

Little Monkey gasped, her little hands balled into fists “you, you went and talked to the stranger, but what did he say?”

“I told him that I was a friend of Master Wu’s daughter”

He said, “ah, so you know Little Monkey”

“Little Monkey, he knew your name! ”

Little Monkey could not speak, she looked at her friend in wonder, “then do you know what he said ” Laughing Bird seemed to expect  her to answer, but Little Monkey was too caught up to answer.  Laughing Bird leaned closer and whispered so quietly that she had to strain to hear

“Little Monkey, he said that your Mother’s spirit has gone into the shell.  If she is to return someone will have to reach her spirit in the shell.  When I asked what the package had been, he only laughed and said “son, you are young, you do not understand the ways of the old” then he laughed and turned to go.  I begged him to tell me about the whispering shells.”  Laughing Bird stopped, his eyes staring off into some far off place.

Chinese art

Little Monkey could not believe Laughing Bird’s timing, “yes YES? ” she tugged at his sleeve, “tell me please, this is not the time for your games, you know that I am listening to you, did he tell you what the secret is?”

“Laughing Bird do you hear me, please, did he tell you what the secret of the whispering shells is?”  Little Monkey was now leaning very close to Laughing Bird, yet even so she had to really listen when he spoke.

“The secret Little Monkey is .. love..”

“Love ?” Little Monkey said the word over and over, “..love.. what did he mean?”

“Laughing Bird, what is love, what has love to do with the whispering shells?”


sea shells pink pastel

I did my best not to edit, or correct, I simply retyped what I found.  I wrote this many years ago, finding it today, was a reminder to me that the Universe will give me answers, I need only listen, this time it gave it back to me in my own words.

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

graphics – Pinterest

no, really

China @dawn,Yuanyang,Yunnan (Rosanna Leung on Flicr)

I see  a decadent dessert

-no! come on  really…

yes, really I do

-how can you see dessert

this is China @ dawn

-hmmm can’t you see

the rich moist chocolate

covered with sweet mocha icing

topped with big chunks of dark chocolate ?

-no I can’t,

ah, that’s too bad, it looks yummy to me..

what do YOU see….. 

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

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