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Posts tagged ‘truth’

pass it along

Remain true to yourself. Where do you stand on an issue? Always strive to get the clearest picture possible, and then do not be afraid to express your true feelings.

Perfect Liberty 2012.9

photos from social internet library


When the landscape beckons .. I listen … sometimes I don’t realize just exactly what I’ve captured till I get it home and see it on my screen. This is a progress (change) that i really enjoy. At one time I would see something, then have to wait till my roll of film was done, and then processed before I could see my “capture”

We are not always wanting the “changes” that develop around us, but the acceptance and the inevitability of change is something we cannot change. Change is constant. We can refuse to accept or use new technology, that is a choice we make. I can vividly recall, my horror at using a bank card. now.. well now the horror is when I can’t find my card.

Saying never, is a limitation we place on ourselves.

Friends we meet, near and far, the internet friends we have never met in person, some are as dear to us and sometimes, even more, than the world we walk in everyday.

So saying I would like to thank all the new readers and welcome you to the community that shares this “webspace” with me. To my blogger friends, your sharing is an inspiration, my world is enriched 1000 fold, having you in it. May the holiday season be a happy and joyous one for you. We are always a keystroke away. =^_^=

we are share the same root system =^_^=


in many cases, science fiction of yesterday is a reality today. q

journals, art and

journals 1

Good morning, Bom dia… How are you all, this lovely Friday morning. The teasing aroma of simmering pork riblets is wafting in from the other room.  Ahhh another day begins.

What you see is another start-up collection of journals, I have gathered them and put them in one spot. The couple that I am currently working in, are still in my atelier.  According to the Oxford dictionary (yeah hey guys, remember the dictionary, hard cover with actual pages)  a journal is a newspaper or magazine dealing in a particular subject.  A daily record of news and events.  A diary.

Mine are mostly art journals, prior to the art journals I was having fun in “junk” journals.   The art journals allow for me to play with my paints, and inks, experiment with various techniques, and truth be told, play around and have fun with medium that allows for visual expression.

new tool 2.16

This spatula is a fun tool that I found at DeSerres the other day.  I have used it now in my ways, I amaze myself at how much fun I can have with one new addition to my tool box.  Had it not been on sale, I would have passed it by, it had a red sticker, and I was checking out the sale items.

That happens all the time, we are so focused on looking for what we are wanting or think we want, that we will miss other gems along the way.  That day I was inspired to bend down to check out items below the usual area of my search and find gaze.  It is amazing what we can find or discover when we let go of “patterns” and try something different.

flower center

“There are always flowers for those who want to see them”  Henri Matisse


Smiles darlings, share the sunshine that glows from within.

*anyone interested, the journal covers from American Craft are in the clearance at Michaels.  Along with some inserts (56 pages) Ottawa

dyllusion products, Scrapbook Centrale, Montreal




Tuesday 29th.


PL Calendar day 29

Be Cheerful and Easygoing

Everything has a way of turning out alright in the end.  Relax and always try to think positively.

bruce lee

jan 2015Oyashikiri

rusted vs reality


rusted memory

rusted metal & chrome

look at those lines

oh to have you for my own

time has not been kind

still I wish you were mine

be my July valentine


july 19

oh do get on with it

I am trying to sleep

tsk, groaning and moaning over metal and chrome

honestly woman, you have me

 I am here with you at home

appreciate what is near and dear

metal and chrome, are cold

I am soft and warm

best of all .. I don’t rust

my words you can trust

It is true, I do have conversations with my dog.  she inspires some good ideas with her feedback.  It can take me a day or two to unravel her wisdom…but if she can get me to understand the jumble that often tumbles from my mind, why not…

PL Precept # 17  Grasp what is most essential

words are only words

sometimes they tell a story .. sometimes they don’t

It is the listener / reader that gives them meaning




me and you

april 25. Q china dream

There are days when I am not really the person that I think I am.  Instead I am far away in another land.

On one hand, I feel no pain, and roam free across the plains

On the other, I am grounded, focused on the sounds all around  me

who am I really, I can be here and everywhere

nothing can hold me back, there is nothing that I lack

china April 25_008

Take my hand, let us bond in forever land

you and me, me and you

Shinzen Japanese Garden, Yosemite_006

dreams are part of who we are, and no matter where we are

the stars above, shine on us all… … Q

“PL Calendar day 1 ” Harmony leads to World Peace

It is important to lie in harmony with our surroundings.  The basis of a peaceful society is to maintain harmonious relationships.

It is true, no matter where we are, how far the distance, I will always love YOU.




Happy Saturday!

baby banana's

Baby bananas how cute is that.

Come on now. Baby bananas.

Have a banana-rama  Saturday everyone.  Catch the rays, ride the trails, simply kick back relax and enjoy what the world has to offer.

Listen **    See **  Accept ***

PL calendar #24    Focus your “eyes” and “ears” towards the expression of others without any preconceived notions.  Then you will be able to see their true intentions.

Listen and See with Careful attention and Accept Each Other



Photography -Hillwalker (Darren Su)

Egg Roll Tuesday

do egg rolls count as calories

only if you admit to having one

what if they are baked

and not fried

really .. would it still be an egg roll

OK, I will go back out to the garden

pretend we never had

this conversation

you decide

I say

no egg roll,

no calorie

but then, what do I know…

so YOU know

they are homemade

a calorie, will never hide

there is no lying

the real you

will always know

whether you admit to it

or not


bake for 30 minutes


today, Oct.1


Today was a day for listening.  First at home, then at church, and again at the hospital.  I listened.  My head was filled with words, feelings and thoughts that kept going round and round.  After a brief lunch, I got back in the truck and drove towards the outskirts of the city. Driving for me is therapeutic.


Sometimes like this Japanese ama, I feel like I’m diving for something, and I may or may not find it.  This ama was searching for shellfish off the shores of Japan.(1930’s)  We know there is a message or “something” that we should be “seeing” or grasping….but will it happen…. only time will tell.

Shaolin Kung Fu Student, Henan Province, China, 2004, final print_milan

Shaolin Kung Fu Student, Henan Province, China, 2004,

Everyone we  meet in life, has a “story”, an interest, hobby, something they enjoy that means something to them. And, everyone, at one time had a family, or someone who gave them birth. They have history, and they live each day making their own way in this world, one moment at a time.  Sometimes it seems endless, and other times, everything just gets lost in limbo, and truth becomes too jumbled too hard to piece together.


The young man I saw this morning, was granted another chance at life, he was aware and in physical pain.  Some times the pain we feel is just so unique it is beyond words.  Yet through the pain, he felt the moment when love touched his weary broken body.

Love is  a powerful medicine, and a divine state of being.

We are all capable of such love, to both give and receive.

Love of life, has to begin with you.

Today was a new beginning.


The man I met this evening, said he wished he could live in the past.

Yet in his reality of the moment, he is an artist who created a world that was of the past, and he had done it well.  His way of dealing with the present is to create a yesterday where others can see how Native American’s lived back in the days of the “wild West”

Interesting how I met with one energy who wanted to escape the past, and in the evening, I was with someone who prefered the past.

Yet both, can only live in the present … in the now…

How lucky was I … that the Universe gave me a  Yin/Yang day.

How was yours?  Life is good, it really really is.

Everyday is a good day, when I get to spend time with you..

Namaste       –          Oyashikiri

today 9.21.15

08c01b70b0bb8068c6d484af260a33b8In the shade they sat, comfortable in the silence of a long valued friendship.  The years had been kind, neither had much to say that the other didn’t already know,  nothing of importance anyway.  Love of life, and shared adventures had provided each with  memories that  settled happily in their hearts.


The same sky holds different hues on a tropical isle, where someone else sits silently alone in thought, Time has no place here, for in their heart, they share a love that transcends mortal boundaries, a love that fills the heart with gladness and joy that is beyond explanation or spoken word.


Autumn the season of colour, cultivation,anticipation and harvest… what better time to walk with God and spend the time needed to rejuvenate and rediscover the meaning and power of unconditional love. We cannot redo the past, nor can we bear responsiblity for the next one, but we can take responsibility for now, and for how we live each coming minute of the day.  No two people are alike, yet we are ONE…. there is an invisible connection that when activated, it is a forever always moment, and everlasting.


When our lives are deeply rooted in God/Tao, we are spiritually rich regardless of circumstances.

“I didn’t know I was waiting/lost .. till I was found.”

namaste      –      oyashikiri


**sunset beach, xengavity,flickr

***bamboo ladle,damien douxchamps,flickr

*v instagram.com

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