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Posts tagged ‘meditation’


Faith – Hope – Charity

Wisdom comes naturally when you are humble. You will stop growing if you have a conceited or boastful mind. Always remember to be humble. PL2016.5

PL Precept #15 All is mirror


bom dia

Use dissatisfaction and complaints as a springboard to improvement. If you only complain about something, nothing will get better. Look for shortcomings in your thinking and come up with creative solutions to your problems.

Perfect Liberty 2016.25



Your Path will open up if you let go. Your heart is weakened when you are swayed too easily by money, things and reputation. If you can let go of these things, you will be able to truly express yourself.

nb* Thanksgiving Service on 21st. 10:a.m. and 7 pm

Have a great start to a new week!

Silent Sunday

Express your feelings without hesitation. If you hold in all your feelings, you will feel heavy. Just say what is on your mind without hesitating

Perfect Liberty 2017,4

photo. Dave Renz

Silent Sunday

Your continued efforts will bring happiness. Persevere without giving up. This will lead to great joy in life.

PL 2017 28

photo. Dave Renz

how we perceive

When you look what do you see? When you listen what do you hear?

You can learn from anyone. There is a limitation to your own knowledge and experience, Listen carefully and sincerely to others’ opinions,

Perfect Liberty 2015.18

Have you been rushing around trying to get things done? Are you constantly on the go? Let’s take a moment to sit together, come on, you are at having a moment to look over incoming missives.. let’s just sit together for a moment. I’ll close my eyes, you close yours.. take a deep breath.. and just let this moment BE .. slowly exhale, and wait .. count to 10 may be even 15 till you open up your peepers again.

Big smile.. did you feel the quiet envelope you. It s a feel good moment, just for you.

Share a smile with someone today, no reason,, just because…

aren’t they cute, their lives are just beginning.

They won’t be encumbered by the constant chatter of “noise” that we humans contend with in our daily lives, but they will have their own share of “dangers” - Carry goodwill to all, in all you say and do.. always.


Macro shot of an ice crystal,,… by Dan Cadieux https://www.instagram.com/dancadphotography/

Good morning, yesterday I mentioned how sometimes it is hard to step out of the “past” and “let go” so that we can move on, relearn to live and begin new “adventures”. Dan who usually does a lot of wildlife photography also has a love of the inner beauty of “ice”…. In delighting in his “captures” the other day, I saw a couple of the macro shots he took of ice.

This one reminded me of a star burst against a midnight sky, In prayer/meditations of late, I have prayed on the memory /reflection of how so many “friends ” have come and gone over the years, Altho’ they are not physically here, I can’t just call up and come by or /drop over for a visit… the many hours we did have of sharing/ the laughter/ the anxieties as we coped with life, all come flooding back. Their imprint on my life lives on.

One of the positives I liked about photography was the ability to not just see the “surface” but with a good lens, patience and a steady hand, we could actually see beyond what the naked eye can/could take in, IF we took the time to “see” beyond the moment, and really look and immerse one’s self in the total connection we discover new realities. Even as we enjoy the crystals that formed that one piece of ice, it was in the process of changing, and that moment in time in seconds will/would be gone never to return.

Don’t be swayed by the past; It’s what you do from now on that counts. Your failures as well as your successes are now in the past. Always look towards the future and start with a fresh outlook.

Perfect Liberty 2015,9
this weasel was on a mission, visit Dan’s site to see what he was up to, see link above.

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning point.


Is there anything I can help you with? Enjoy a feeling of happiness to contribute to those around you. It will give you confidence tht you have something you can do for others.

Perfect Liberty 2023..3

It was a sugar coated world yesterday . Mild, very pleasant. There is a simple joy in standing quietly while the fluffy snow flakes dance merrily through the air. Of course if I stood too long, there were complaints from the peanut gallery that the morning breakfast was being delayed. Interestingly when they see the chair and I sit.. they stop chastising me and go about cleaning up their “plates”… they seem to know, when the human sits and closes her eyes, I’m having a ” time out”.

Enjoy the day everyone, don’t know about where you are, but here, the airwaves are full of the holiday cheer “songs” and “stuff”


Let’s begin today with a smile. Let’s start the day with a positive outlook, looking forward to what we can discover.

Prefect Liberty 2021.12

red sails or Koi

What do we see when we are shown an abstract painting. Do we even see anything at all. Maybe only the colours jump out at you, is it the texture, the groupings. This is one of my latest pieces, turned in all directions. I know which side I see as up, but then when doing the photos, I saw so much else when I viewed it from the different angles.

In my mind when I started, I had the song “red sails in the sunset” running through my gray matter.. later when I stood back and looked at it again, a few days later…. I saw Koi. Each evoked different emotion and thoughts.

When you think.. “I’ve got it,” Think again. It is so easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure.

Perfect Liberty 2020 1.13


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