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Posts tagged ‘life is art’

return to P23

I knew it was time to head back to the car when the mosquito repellent was loosing its effectiveness.

when the sun is in the right place, and the reflections in the water are crystal clear

A cheerful smile and expression makes everyone around you happy. When you do everything with a smile, not only you but the people around you will feel good. Always remember to put on a happy face.

Perfect Liberty 2014.15
till soon

Tuesday 30th.

church is a physical place where we can be ONE with Nature/God

Do things joyfully instead of taking it easy. enthusiastically engage with what’s in front of you. You’ll enjoy it more.

Perfect Liberty 2021.30

PL Precept #14 World Peace is everything Todo existe para la Paz Mundial Preceptos de PL #14

I love you now and I will love you always

Wednesday – Irish Green

kind of green

Today while out and about, I heard that it was St. Pat’s day, wearing of the green… I wondered how I’d missed that, I did know it was the 17th. and it was March… that is what this last year has been like.. I thought I’ll just find some green and take a picture.. well I was out of luck.. mid March in this part of the country, no green.

There was nary a leaf on the trees, nor was there anything on the ground but snow and ice. It was a beautiful day, not too cold, bright, sunny, but no green.

Since today is supposed to be a day of sharing and celebrating, I did want to share some green with you, I’d like all your day/;night(s) to be sparkling and bright. However should you decide to celebrate,… be safe.. and share good times with true love in your heart.

PL Precept #1 Life is Art.

top photo -Shirley Keen, NZ

Monday 8th.

photo – Num Ottawa

Num had posted other pictures of this, or similar owl, but when I saw this one, it stopped me from scrolling further .. If you haven’t had occasion to check out Num’s photos, he is on Instagram, NumOttawa.

Here we are at the start of another work week, hopefully there will be news today on what is has been decided for our area. Both dogs are in serious need of nail trimming, the grooming of a dog is an important part of their “health maintence”.. especially for senior dogs who are hounds and do a lot of running. WE all need to be steady on our feet.. during winters here, it is not always without its challenges. (icy, slippery, uneven ground, even on pavement)… Let’s be aware, and stay Safe.

We are also aware that many in the community have been finding it even harder this year, with the on and off isolation rules/regulations etc. This week I had occasion to hunt up a UV light for someone, I had been told of the benefits these lights provide, and wanted one for someone who has moved into a new apartment which lacks the bright sunlight they had before in their previous location. Until doing the research and trying to locate one in the area, I had not realized they were as popular as they are. The pharmacy (drugstore) shelves were limited in product range, or sold out completely. I did find one thank you.. but I would be interested if any one out there has had experience with such therapy, if you would share how effective it was for you.

With a prayerful mind, put your heart into everything you do. Even when you’ve put in your best effort, you may have overlooked something. With a humble mind, take a second look to check for mistakes or oversights.

Perfect Liberty 2014.7

Tell yourself “things Happen”. Even if something is inconvenient, once you accept it, you will be able to move onto the next step.

Perfect Liberty 2021.8


fickle heart

Pileated wood pecker, this was the profile I saw today.

My reward today was getting to see this beauty at one of the feeders. (Mer Bleue) I have heard one and seen one in the distance at Dewberry Trail, and of course I see the results of their woodworking skills tap tap on the trees they love to peck away at. But today, one flew up to the feeder I had just filled and settled in to feast. I was struck with awe. I stood in the swirling snow and just watched, transfixed at his/her beauty and size. When I got my initial awe struck mind to register that it was happy snacking and not going anywhere, I quickly sought out my cell, both cameras were not with me. Guess who didn’t have her phone with her, it was still plugged in beside the bed. (the above picture is from good old Wikipedia)

To say that seeing one so close to me, and so amazingly unfazed by my being there, was truly an experience I will treasure, is fact. I noticed when reading the info on the Wikipedia site, that the picture I am using indicates its a female, however the male doesn’t look that different.

this one is identified as a male

Interestingly there are usually other woodpeckers around when I am there, the mid size one and a smaller one. Neither was around when my “star” arrived. The other birds paid her no mind, but then they were interested in the peanuts and sunflower seeds I had put out in the other feeders. My beauty, was after the suet. Interestingly I have noted freshly chipped out rectangular holes in the big tree that is in the clearing, but I had yet to see the “artist”. It seems they are looking for insects, especially ant colonies, they even eat poison ivy berries. I am smitten, but fear not, I am not about to embark on a search and find mission for insects to put out for her. I will however, make sure the flavour of the suet she likes is made available for her.

Thank goodness she is far away from my murder of crows… This must be what a cheating heart feels like.

Don’t think “I Can’t” from the start. Begin by taking the first step, then you’ll be able to see what comes next and a path will open.

Perfect Liberty 2021.6

Everything that happens to you is material for growth. Approach everything with a firm belief that “it will turn out for the best”. Anything can be used as material for progress and development.

Perfect Liberty 2015.4


photo art, a dark dream

it was a dream…………….. a black dream………………….

I had gone to a club called Dark Alley Blues.

No one was there, except the washed out and passed out derelicts in the darkened alleys

Had I gotten the date and times wrong

There were no identifiable sounds coming from the club

Doors were barred, windows dark

my mind caught the stark neon light that flashed off and on

I wanted to escape, to run away,

Why wasn’t I waking up, what held me back

Can I trust the rabbit who came out of the dark to hold my hand?

There is always a solution. Always believe that there is a solution to any problem that comes your way, and work with conviction to solve it.

Perfect Liberty 2016.20

I felt totally out of place. Somehow I knew this was not where I should be….

But… life happens that way…. it is what it is..

Happiness is, seeing this sign

this is a sign that brings out a happy smiles

When you turn down your street and see this sign, you can let out a holler…YAY!.. It is the city telling you that your street is scheduled to have the snow removal crews visiting your street/area between those times. Everyone makes a special effort to clear the cars off the street. You find a place to park if you don’t have a laneway. They came this afternoon. Now when I look outside, my street, and sidewalks are clear of snow!

We live in a part of Canada that can get serious snow, but we are also blessed with a wonderful Cleaning and Mtce crew.. It doesn’t take long for our streets and highways to be cleared, (major)… side streets do take longer, but all in all, we have a very efficient system.

Improve yourself to have a kinder heart. Do what you can to be caring and considerate to make others happy.

Perfect Liberty 2021.3

Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation.

Perfect Liberty 2014.6
the snow in the woodlands is still big and fluffy =^_^=

oh for a buffet

Sometimes when one is going back through one’s inventory, one discovers memories of “another time” I admit that when I came across these pictures. I lingered. Gone are the days when we were were able to delight over the many dishes being offered. Pick what tickled our fancy, go back for seconds… now it all seems so distant. We were spoiled. It seems like another lifetime.

Because it was available, I sought out places that would offer me a selection of choices that would not only appeal to me, but would satisfy my desire for some “pampering”. these past months this has all been taken away … we not only do not have access to Buffets, we have limited access to restaurants, cafes, lounges, any place actually where we can be with, or around other people while we dine.

In most cultures, sitting around a table with family and or friends was an “occasion”… How often did you take someone out for their birthday, anniversary, new job, promotion, whatever, we dined, we shared a meal, we toasted, we celebrated even mourned, but together, and almost always with food.

Now many of us, eat alone, sit alone, and basically live our lives in a state of solitude. Our churches are not available to us, younger people are away from places of learning, teachers, social gatherings where they can expand their knowledge and social skills. Makes for an interesting situation, yes?

It is interesting because its different. Even if someone totally disagrees with you or does things differently, you may learn something from them. Avoid getting trapped in the mindset “This is the way it has to be” and free your mind to consider other possibilities.

Perfect Liberty 2019.9

Avoid having too many “likes or “dislikes”. Whether it is food, people or anything else in life, be careful not to overly like or dislike something. Things tend to get complicated when you allow yourself to be overly one-sided.

Perfect Liberty 2016.9


Thru the mist

photo by Num (NumOttawa)

There are days when waking from a dream, we open our eyes to the reality of the day. Today was a day snuggling back under the duvet. It is lovely, mild but no sunshine, looks like it will be mostly overcast. when I saw this picture it drew me into another world, One of books, fantasy, wee folk, and magic. Picture the wee ones, going about their daily routines under the dense foliage. Oblivious to humans and their woes.

Some of you will have memories of hot summer days, when central air wasn’t the norm, Maybe your at the cottage, away from your landline, and certainly no cell phones. You hear the buzzing of the bees, and the birds flying over heard call out a greeting as they fly to their destination. Its a lazy day, you could be on holiday, or maybe you just prefer living where there is less “traffic and busy activity” ..just thinking of times when one could simple BE .. if you fish, that quiet on the lake in the early morning dawn. Take a moment to relive a memory that brings you back in touch with your inner quiet/calm. =^_^=

Today due to circumstances beyond our control, many of us are having to deal with “alone” time. We’ve been unceremoniously thrown back in time (on some levels) where we have to adjust to less outside intrusions on our thoughts. Getting lost in electronic devices/games, or watching endless television, does not soothe or alleviate the need for meaningful connections. Whether that be with others who share in this “situation” we find ourselves or with “nature/life” Our minds need to have time to heal from the constant borage of negativity that is or has been filling the “airwaves”

Change begins within. PL Precept #15 All is a Mirror.

PL Precept # 7. Everything exists in relativity.

PL Precept # 4 Being annoyed limits your expression

Today’s message was to Listen Carefully and Speak Clearly ... read Precept #7 again.

I would like to mention here, to the PL members in Brazil who have been coming together to share their thoughts and support each other on the PL pages started in Brazil. Bom Dia dear friends.. I love reading all your comments, and appreciate the love you share with me and everyone else on the site. This site is also followed by members in Australia, South America, Spain, Europe, North America and of course Japan, and all our other members scattered in various places around the world. PL Precept # 11.. Always be with God

Our faith and commitment to living the PL Way and striving towards PL Precept #14 World Peace is everything is more important than ever.

Stay strong and carry on! Oyashikiri

. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

love and appreciation

photographer Ian Mitchell

When I first saw this picture, I felt a calm, a quiet.. this is a lazy day in the Ottawa area…. today in the woods there was snow and it was cool, ok cold. Smiles. That is why I enjoy looking back at the memories collected either by myself or others. A moment captured can give so much to the viewer, every picture tells a story.

photo -Q

Feel the contrast of emotion, the moment shifts, it changes when you visit the trees covered with snow. Life is full of such moments, one minute we are sailing on high energy, and the next, we can be coasting over rocky ground. either way, we are alive to the changes. In each of these pictures there is a whole world of “wild life” that we are not seeing. I was in smack dab in the middle of the trees in the above picture, what you don’t hear is the chatter of the birds all around me. I had just put out seeds and peanuts, the Blue Jays were cawing and calling, the smaller birds were chirping, woodpeckers were pecking… it was busy.

Life is wonderful isn’t it. We are so blessed that in this world we live in, we are surrounded with light and love. I know sometimes it doesn’t feel so, especially if you are constantly being bombarded with news media. Put it aside, allow the natural wonders of the Universe to be present in your life. Allow all your sense to explore and delight in the discoveries that you will find, when you take the time to “stop” and be “present”.

In PL we practice being present, we want to radiate love of life, and show our appreciation for all that is part of the world we live in. Live each moment, it will never reoccur.

Listen carefully and speak clearly. A good relationship starts from truly understanding each other.

Perfect Liberty 2021.5

I really love the contrast of these two pictures. Each one, tells me a completely different story, and has a different feeling to it. (yin/yang)

Have a great day today, remember to smile… reach out and show appreciation =^_^=


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