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Posts tagged ‘fashion’

the dress

We found Cloven Forest while looking for a place to get some relaxation in, and get some work done. Cloven Forest is billed as a quiet calm place “that will comfort your soul as you wander beneath a canopy of trees and explore the forest. They( the owners of the sim) encourage photography and the build is wonderfully set out to allow for a lot of pictures both for singles and couples.

Clothes are such an interesting article in our wardrobe. I know there are many, not just myself and some of my friends, who dress for comfort…. you might be someone who shares my dislike having to dress to please someone else. I was never good at accepting having to wear a “uniform”. I am guilty of having once been a Designer -“labels” devotee…. thankfully I outgrew the phase.

The dress or clothing you wear should be # 1 comfortable .. I’m not one to say I only wear #$%, if I see something I like and it will be comfortable to wear, and easy to look after. then its a winner. My problem is that my “character” wants change from day to day. AND of course there is the question of , will naughty, nice, playful, serious, chilling, come into the equation of what to wear and how to wear it.

Think about what you wear, why you wear it, and how you wear it. Does what you come up with, stay the same from day to day, or does it change with your mood, the season, etc.

Yes contemplating the dress, dressing, and how to build the character that is seen visually, is always a good time filler. Another day we can discuss, the rest of the componets that make up your avatar. In SL we call it an avatar, in the RL, its the many personalities we wear from day to day.

How do you see yourself.

You’re happy, I’m happy. Have the mindset of “good for you, good for me” Express yourself in a way that makes others happy.

Perfect Liberty 2021.7

The outfit worn by Alo today is from #Benk http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gulls%20Wing%20Marina/110/193/23

Shoes are StephaneL one of their group gift items Brigida http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Earl%20Island/127/83/912

Being!Princess Perfect

Freedom to be!

Not a care, dressing for comfort, and because it is what you want to wear.

This is the innocence of youth. happiness is getting dressed so you can get out and play. You put on what appeals to you.. as soon as I saw this picture I was hooked. I knew I would have to share.

Treasure those fleeting inspirations. The best time to seize an opportunity is when you first notice it.

Perfect Liberty 2011.9

It is only natural that you are different from others. Each of us has our ow way of thinking and our own individual lifestyles. That’s what makes life interesting.

Perfect Liberty 2020.20

This little girl rocks.. I just love her!!!


Friday – Happy Day!

Pippa in backpackGood morning,

Meet Pippa, she is a female Whippet who lives with her human parent(s).  You can see that in her very short time with them, she knows how to handle them so that life is extra good for her.  I’m told that she is a very patient and willing model, just look at that face.. her eyes are wise beyond her years.  A ride to work in a warm cozy wrap with a fall coloured whimsical cap –    she’s got style.  What better way to get around  and keep her pedicure and paws perfect for her lazy sprawl on the living room couch after a hard day.

Her owner graciously allowed me to share her pictures, Pippa can be found on Instagram, she is a raising star in the “diva dogs” on Instagram    pippa_g_thats_me  Pippa was born, in the spring of 2017 and lives in Austin TX.   If you enjoy a smile from time to time, she is a whippet you might like to follow.  She already  has a lot of followers, the numbers grow everyday.

Pippa young whippet 11.17

This is the picture that caught my eye.  I call it the Gatsby look.  Pippa is really good, if I tried to get Velcro or Keeper to sit and model, sigh, let’s just say, ” have you ever chased a hound when its got another place to be??”..Pippa you are a super model already, I look forward to following your career.  Your wardrobe attendant is going to be one “busy” gal.

You all know that this has been a very challenging year for me, I am so grateful and appreciate so much the kindness of you have shown “us”   The Thursday Door posts yesterday were just so varied and so interesting.  With cancer now part of our lives, we are home of course, much much more.  There will be no wandering the back roads, for a while, but I get to visit such fascinating places, and see so much through “your” eyes.

I wanted to share Pippa with you, because when she pops up on the screen, there is always a smile being shared.

Life is good, we are very blessed, the seasons give us blazing colours, shades of gray, brilliant whites and our views, stories and photographs all come together in a cornucopia of blessings, different for everyone, but there non-the-less.

PL Principle #3   I will live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

PL Principle #4  I will live with the spirit of Misasage (Devotion) working for the happiness of others.

“Do your best to live in harmony with the world around you.  Life will flow easily and gracefully  along with the current, gently caressing each adventure along the way.”  Q



Pippa’s pictures (her human)

a memory

Once upon a time, I had a jewelers bench, it was set up for me and the way I worked, a small anvil, vise, my bench block, and a must for me was the fluorescent incandescent bench lamp. I had a big window but it faced south. A northern window would have been preferred since the light would have been more constant.  It is the little things you learn that help long-term in more than one project.  I had a flexible shaft controlled by a foot rheostat.. it was indispensable for the kind of work that interested me, it was suspended over my table so I could easily access it for my various needs.  The different types of chucks available accommodated the various sizes of drills, burs, grinding stones and polishing


To this day I hang a flexible shaft outfit from my office window, over one of my work tables, even though my Foredom gave up the ghost long ago, I still kept all the parts, just in case…   Since I no longer work in precious and semi precious metals, I replaced my need for doing smaller projects with a Dremel.  That I could use when I was sculpting with Apoxie medium, or wood.  I’m an artist with a need to express my visual pieces with depth, and texture that can be and hopefully is tactile.


The Foredom was and is probably the tool that I most enjoyed having over the years, I can carve small rocks with the Dremel, and it does do a lot of what I could do with the Foredom, but it is what we get used to and what we use while learning and feeling our way with a new skill that adds to the dimension of our work.  I think so anyway.


Jewelry whether we are making it or wearing it, is an art form.  What we wear, how we wear it, speaks of our way of expressing a visual statement. n’est pas?  Errr no that web piece is not something I would make or wear, but I appreciate the work that went into it, the detail, the patience .. and even more I would applaud the woman or male who would wear it.


“Everything old is new again”  The fashion mags are showing the “Hobo” look,  vintage 70’s Hippie style  jewelry is back. hmmm I  sigh and turn the page, I no longer want to  have the  gold, platinum, best stones, and classic pieces, I never did.. I like my gemstones uncut, and the metal thick and sculpted,   that was the reason I started making my own….. but….. I’m attracted to the semi precious stones that were worn in biblical times, and during wiccan ceremonies.  I prefer pieces that speak to me, because someone wanted to express themselves by doing something different.  Not something that is manufactured and spit out by the gross.


I’ve taken to searching out thrift shops and pawn shops looking for unique pieces that still have their past owners energy and history on them, so that they have a “voice” that can be heard by the person willing to listen… these are the treasures that I enjoy the most.  LOL this musing all because  I looked at my Dremel this morning, and thought of my long gone Foredom.

I found an amazing piece today, I don’t think a picture would do it justice, but if I find a way to show it to you, I will… meanwhile… thanks for meandering down memory lane with me.  From me to you…


Namaste      –       Oyashikiri

photos from Pinterest

once upon a time


There was a time when it took hours to dress,and never would a woman be seen in public without being prroperly attired.


This was an outfit found on a blog, 1910 daywear, high fitted waistline and baptiste blouse. So.. even in the early 1900’s women wore clothes that befitted what was considered proper dress of that period.


remember the dresses our parents wore, or that we saw in earlier movies.

This is a Chanel Dress c.1937

I had a conversation the other day with a dear and treasured friend, that sparked a thought, and it carried through, when a Facebook friend commented on a post I had posted about how people kept cool back in the days before air conditioning.

She replied with a comment about how today, the younger people seem to always be on a cellphone.  Actually it is not only the young, many ages have taken to walking around tied to their electronic paraphernalia.

The later in the day I was speaking with someone on Skype and we talked of how “it used to be” when peope really enjoyed “community”

The theme throughout most of the day yesterday seemed to flow always with a touch of melancholy of “what was”  In the evening I met someone whose comment was ” How nice to actually see you, we seem to always be talking in text”  How true, and yes it was nice to see her … actually see her, see her sense of style, her way of presenting her physical self. Then my day today started with a personal message from someone dear to my heart, and once again I was struck by how one person can be perceived so differently, so much so… that if another friend met up with the other, there would be no way of knowing, that it was the same person they were speaking about.

Ok how do I come up with that.. look at the ladies about, and their clothing.. that is what we see, the fashion statement, or the put together look…. we are not really seeing the person that is wearing the outfit.  Today’s world is more open when it comes to fashion..never-the-less…. the person we see decked out in “la mode” of the day.. is not the person who comes home at night, and does what she does best… enjoy/live her private moments…


Who we really are, and what is really going on inside our private world, is usually very different from the personna that is seen by friends, family and aquaintences.

Change is the only constant in life, and like the seasons, we are always changing.

Each new day brings a different experience.  With each experience, we learn and grow.

Sometimes we thing we are starting over, but we aren’t, we are only recognzing the signs we missed the first time around.

When you look in the mirror, do you see yourSELF or do you see the face of a person you are not wanting to see.?

I am blessed to be living with a man who loves me… but we both know that there are days he so so much has to work at liking me.

Once upon a time, we lived in a world that did its best to hide much of what it didn’t want to see.. Now we are living during a time when perhaps even now, we hide behind the electronic world.. if you are talking on the phone, doing your e-mails, you don’t have to deal with what is in front of you or in your immediate field of vision.

BE AWARE that today, willl someday be, once upon a time.

Namaste          –          Oyashikiri


*metmuseum.org-French 1880-1914

Precious Metal


Never too old to learn.  You may have noticed my passion for vintage, retro trucks.  It turns out I’m not alone in this love of what is sometimes called “precious metal” by the fans of Street Rodders, Pick ups, Jeeps. you name if its on wheels and it has a motor  when I went looking for information on this “interest” of mine, except for the usual magazines on new vehicles and trucks, I found zip.  Then after church yesterday,not having the car I decided to the  walk a mile or so to the shopping mall.   There I found a Chapters where I was delighted to see a section will all kinds of magazines that caught my attention. Canadian Hot Rods, The pick up issue. (Wow), even found a JP magazine (Jeeps, you have to know I was beside myself with happiness.  Outside the store while waiting for my husband I saw a magazine called  Bounder in a vendor with free reading material.  I leaned in for a closer look, it looked like one of the pricey magazines that I had just paid for in Chapters.  No, it did say Complimentary on the cover, I also saw that it had something in it about Classic Cars, of course I took a copy.

The magazine says it is “by- for-about men”  The title of the magazine uses the symbol  for man/male instead of the letter O, when it spells out Bounder.    Except for one or two articles, I read it from cover to cover, the next issue Wheels Edition, will out in spring 2015.  It seems that copies are getting harder and harder to find, they do provide a partial list in the magazine, but if you are interested, you might want to contact Brian Warren e-mail    boundermag@gmail.com     Bounder magazine is a production of Warrenty Communications Inc.

Ok now to the meaty part =^_^=  in the past if anyone had said to me “precious metal” my eyes would have sparkled and I would have thought immediately of gold,platinum and more gold, even better encrusted with precious gemstones.



Now decades into my life’s journey I discover that under that heading I can put my love of old trucks and cars.  In my research I also discovered that many of the boards I visited in Pinterest were hosted by ladies.  There are a huge numbers of women out there with a passion for the vintage vehicle.  AND for those of you unaware of who most of the designers and makes of the vintage jewelry were, it was mostly men.

Always in life it takes Yin/Yang, male and female energies to make a whole.  In the fashion world, how many of the greats were and are male. It is the wearer that showcases the design, and in the automotive world, it may be dominated by the builders (often males), but it is the drivers who  in the end determine the success of the product.

Learning can be such a pleasure, in PL we strive to find new ways to improve ourselves and to continue to move forward, one step at a time, just do it..  You never know what you will learn that will bring about more “happy happy happy”

May the  Universe, bless and keep you safe today and always…..

Namaste    –   Oyashikiri





* Hal Lefevre, Pinterest

** Christian Dior ring



The Jitterbug caused scandals, it was called dirty dancing, students caught dancing the Jitterbug were likely to be banned from school .. serious stuff.

Did you smile?  Interesting that when this dance came along and was very popular, it was suffered terrible put downs.  It was in its hay day well before I was out dancing, but  in my mid teens we did versions of this dance, and I loved it.   I remember such moves, when you had a dance partner that was capable of really “letting go” we “went all out”..  In my day it was jiving, swing dancing, I think they did the hand jive in Grease.   We would go dancing every night if we could.  Of course we often had dance floors in the restaurants (hang outs) and either live music or a rocking juke box.



I’ve provided a how to at the bottom of this blog for those of you interested in trying out some of the moves =^_^=  (Jeff & Amanda Miller)

Remember when long hair on men hit the “scene” .. – wow.. scandal.. tongues wagged, heads shook in disbelief.

The music had changed by then too.  One scandal that caused major problems when they made their debut Jeans  and while not  considered major problems now, they can be seen at times as being inappropriate…



All this to say, that when we come across something unfamiliar, we often take a “negative” view, “just because”… we don’t allow ourselves time to take in the “new” concept, item, experience.  If we reflect on the above examples I’ve used, today a lot of what was a scandal is common, everyday stuff.  If you think about past events,experiences in your life, whether a few years, a decade, whatever, you will likely discover that you did take steps out side the box on more than one occasion.

Changes are what makes life interesting.  Scandal comes in many forms, often it is a personal perspective that influences your reaction. =^_^= to a new idea, or a different version of something you already know. As we work towards self-improvement, experiment with thinking “outside the box”.


Stay a float as long as you can!

Namaste     – Oyashikiri



11th of the month, Ancestor Day

0937d5820779f8bd829694415e8398ddWe are who we are.  No amount of cosmetic surgery, make up or fashion styles we make will change who we are, or where we came from.  What does change is the way we use the skills and  God given talents we have (understanding of life).  This is an old Japanese print that I found, and thought it was a very appropriate visual for today’s greeting.

The clever and subtle messages of the artist are wonderful.  I see so many possibilities of interpretation. He/she has captured the happiness of the cat being worked on, the little claws are  out as it kneads its contentment into the carpet.  How one feels when enjoying a wonderful relaxing massage. =^_^=  the look of face on the “giver” is focused and mindful of what it is doing.  The signer stamp of the artist is an artistic sign of the TAO.. Yin/Yang.  Male/Female, Active/Passive and this is what the picture is a balance .  Harmony of two energies.  TAO – complete ONEness in the moment.

You are here today, thanks to your ancestors.  Their actions, lives were instrumental in your being here at this very moment.  On the 11th of every month, through ceremony, we express our gratitude for the love and virtues of our ancestors and ask for their protection and guidance so we can continue to live the PL WAY. (Perfect Liberty)   Service is at 10 a.m.  today..             Life is Art       ( PL Precept #1 )

Happy Tuesday to you all………. May the sun shine its warmth on you today &, bless your night with the happy twinkling of the brilliant stars that dress the moonlit night.           Oyashikiri




Holly & Mistletoe


So many parties and events, there is a lot to do during the holidays =^_ ^=  What happens when and if you are simply not the party type, or like being in crowds.  One of the lessons in PL (Perfect Liberty) is to appreciate who you are, your situation, likes and preferences. As an artist who can easily get lost in writing or creative expressions, I tend to forget what time of day it is, or even at times, what day it is.

In PL, we have daily opportunities to speak with or have personal consultations with the PL minister of the church.  If you are not near an actual physical church, all the PL ministers no matter where they are will “meet” with you, via phone, internet, Skype, whatever means they have at their disposal to “meet” with you.

Each one of us has our own unique personality and lifestyle.  Therefore, it is different for each individual how they practice the “True Way” (TAO/PL)  We all seek happiness in our own way.

Last night when I couldn’t sleep, I wandered my favourite shopping haunts looking for a red dress for the holiday season.  No not to go to parties, no-where really, but because it pleases me to dress up.  Like the days when I designed fashions for my doll models, now I can do it in the virtual world, it is a form of artistic expression.one I never seem to tire of.   LIFE IS ART

Look and you shall find ….  5 little words to remember, in all aspects of your life. =^_^=  You need to continue and persevere to make your wishes and goals come true.  God is here for you, God is everywhere ALL the time.

YOU are loved.. today and everyday.

picture was taken in Exile @ Covet  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Covet/105/40/30

outfit is from PurpleMoon  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Etherea/167/71/22   the leopard shoes are from  Shoenique Designs  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shoenique%20Designs/128/49/23


Wandering and Wondering

Wandering and Wondering.  Wow. here I was looking forward to what I had written back in September that I never got around to finishing.  All I had done was the title.  Goes to show, I have been kept busy with one thing or another, and for the life of me, I couldn’t tell you what exactly.  That is what my head space is like thee days. I’m enjoying life.  I’m happy.  Content even.   I flow from one task or activity to the next, living it, and then letting it go.  I have been keeping up with my Long Dash Studio blog, that I do almost every day. http://longdashstudio.blogspot.com .   I’m writing a short article each month for the church (Perfect Liberty) that appears in Tone Magazine. http://www.facebook.com/Tonemagazine or http://www.tone.ca

My various personas are all doing well.  Qyhat Harbour is now a ginger cat, and has an art exhibit on in Raglan Shire, it will be there for two months, April 2013 and May 2013 … AloToi is CEO of LONG DASH STUDIOS, writer,model, photographer, and Xsa Queler is model and writer for the blog. The blog is  now in its 14 month, and we have reached close to 15000 readers, our biggest readership is in USSR, Europe and the UK.  You can find us in Second Life, http://www.secondlife.com

We did wander last year, 9 States and 5 Provinces.  I must have been going to write about the adventure.  we’ve talked of taking off again, but so far, we have not strayed to far from home … Maybe when the nicer weather is here to stay, we will venture out.  Meanwhile, I’m just saying Hi…  and putting this blog to bed.

PL thought for today.

The value of Money and Things Depends on How you Choose to Use them.

Money and things are materials for your self expression.  Use them to their fullest for the sake of others and society.

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