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Posts tagged ‘Brazil’

Japan – April 1

Rev Goto our minister here in Ottawa for some years, is now back in Japan on his way to the PL school where he is now principal. He was gracious enough to give me permission to share with you this photo he took on his way to work.

This man was my mentor here in Ottawa, I would not have studied and gone through for teachings in the philosophy of PL had he not encouraged me to do so. We never know in life when we will meet up with or come across a person or people who by their purpose and dedication lead you into or towards a different path. Being a Hokyoshi (Assistant Minister) in PL (Perfect Liberty) has enabled me to grow in both spirit and mind. I have never been happier with the “road” I’m on, the direction I’m taking, and with the all people I meet along the way.

These beautiful cherry blossoms that are now in full bloom, will eventually give way to leaves as they evolve through their cycle of life during the seasons. So will we, our time here is constantly in motion, we too change with the seasons, every day brings us a new beginning..

For readers in Brazil, Alberto Barbos and Master Alexander Levorato are asking for your participation in a Campaign to help those in need, their contact information can be found on FB (Brazil). Master Levorato is with the West Zone of SP, he is the organizer of this campaign, If you can help, please contact one of these men. Donations will be collected/received until April 30.21. Together we grow stronger!

Today’s calendar – April 1.2021 Each person’s peace leads to World Peace

Viva en verdadera libertad . Viva na verdadeira liberdade LIVE IN PERFECT LIBERTY

World Peace ceremony @ 10 a.m today. in Ottawa Church.

Peace day

Always live with World Peace in your Heart. Each and every one of your actions can inspire peace within your family, your community and the world around you. This peace will eventually help lead to World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2019,1

Today we will begin the Day of Peace ceremony at 10: a.m. followed by our regular Sunday service. Through the Day of Peace ceremony, we pray for World Peace and dedicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds which include our home, school, work and community.

Everyone is welcome, not everyone can come to the church itself, if there is no church near you, we invite you to join us in prayer at 10: a.m. with a moment of silence and prayer of your own, committing to helping in the attaining of world peace. Love begins at home. within ourselves.


from Brazil to Canada


189084_176581302387602_5796454_n Bom dia  everyone, I would like to introduce you to our new Hokyoshi, Yoshizumi Terada.

Minha Jornada no Canadá.

Meu nome é Yoshizumi Terada, sou formado em administração e contabilidade e também sou Assistente de Mestre. Sou peelista desde sempre, pois meus pais já eram da igreja e Minha igreja de origem é Ana Rosa, São Paulo – Brasil.

Cheguei em Ottawa em Abril de 2019 seguindo um sonho de anos, que é morar em outro pais. Esse desejo sempre me acompanhou e um dia eu iria realiza-lo.

Confesso que Estados Unidos era minha primeira opção, onde muitas das grandes inovações e novos negócios se iniciam. Na época, esperava apenas a emissão do visto e então partir.

Nessa espera do visto americano, 1 ano se passou e ainda não tinha informação sobre a emissão. Graças à Deus, nós peelistas temos os ensinamentos da PL e aprendemos que tudo é Kanwaza e há sempre um motivo (mesmo que não a compreendemos). Cheguei a ficar preocupado se meu visto poderia ser negado, pois fiz muito missassague, hosho, hoshin, kenkin, prece de oyashikiri e busquei colocar em prática os ensinamentos da PL no meu dia a dia.

É importante reconhecer a hora de mudar, pois algo em meu coração dizia para não seguir em frente com plano de ir para USA. Assim, pesquisei outros países e, um dia, fui em uma feira de pós-graduação onde pude conversar com diversas universidades. Após pesquisas, finalmente tomei a decisão de seguir com Canada.

Continuei orando para conseguir encontrar o curso ideal em uma universidade de referência, além de definir a cidade e avaliar o orçamento. Escolhi a cidade de Ottawa, primeiramente por haver a igreja da PL, e segundo por ser uma cidade com ótimas avaliações sobre qualidade de vida e custo de vida razoáveis.

Apesar de já estar em boa fase da minha carreira numa grande multinacional de telecomunicações no Brasil, tomei decisão de pedir as contas e assim me dedicar no meu objetivo.

Hoje, vejo que foi uma decisão super acertada e tenho muita gratidão por esta maravilhosa oportunidade. Desde minha chegada, já recebi inúmeras graças. Isto graças à prática dos ensinamentos da PL e aos diversos atos divinos como prece de Oyashikiri, preces da manhã e à noite, hosho, hoshin, kenkin, missassague.

Atualmente, estou cursando inglês para fins acadêmicos numa escola com incríveis pessoas de todo mundo e tem sido uma experiência. Cada semana, também aprendo um pouco sobre a história e cultura deste país que no futuro espero poder chamar me lar.

Há ainda um longo caminho a percorrer: realizar a pós em finanças que começa em Set/19, realizar mais 1 ano de pós com foco em tecnologia, obter um emprego, e assim por diante. Com ensinamentos da PL e a força de Shikiri irei concretizar, um por um, os objetivos e superar novos desafios aqui.

My journey to Canada.

My name is Yoshizumi Terada. I have a degree in administration and accounting and I am a minister’s assistant as well. I have been always a PL member as my parents were already members before I was born and my church of origin is Ana Rosa, São Paulo – Brazil.

I arrived in Ottawa in April’ 2019 following a dream of years which is to live in another country. This wish was always with me and I knew that one day I would accomplish it.

Even before the idea of coming to Canada, I was just waiting for my American visa to be released and I confess that my first choice was the United States, where many worldwide great innovations and new business usually starts.

About the American visa, 1 year had passed with no progress. Thankfully, there are PL teachings and PL members learn the meaning of Kanwaza (God’s will). According to the 2019 PL Calendar, “Things that happen to us all have a meaning”. I was getting upset about it because I did a lot of misasague, hosho, hoshin, kenkin, oyashikiri prayer and I tried to put into practice the teachings in my daily life.

It is important to recognize when you need to stop. There was a moment that I deeply listened to my heart and he was telling me not to go forward to USA. From that point, I started researching other possibilities and went to a postgraduate fair where I was able to talk to several universities. After a lot of research and reading people’s experiences, I finally decided to go to Canada.

I kept praying to find a good course in a university of reference and a city with reasonable cost. I chose the city of Ottawa, first because there is the PL church, and second because it is a city with great reviews with a reasonable quality of life and cost of living.

In Brazil, I used to work for a large multinational telecommunications company with a good position there. However, I decided to quit the job and then free to go after my dreams.

Today, I can say that I made the right decision. Since my arrival in Ottawa, I have been blessed with countless graces thanks to the practice of the teachings of the PL and the various divine acts such as Oyashikiri prayer, morning and evening prayers, hosho, hoshin, kenkin and misasague.

I am currently studying English for academic purposes at a school with awesome people from all over the world and it has been an amazing experience. Every week, I also learn a little bit about the history and culture of this country that in the future I hope to be able to call home.

  I am aware of the long path: complete successfully my finance post-graduation that starts in Sep/19, choose another 1-year post graduation course focused on technology, get a job, and so on. With PL teachings and with the grace of Shikiri, gradually, I will get through all these goals and new challenges here.

Thank you Yoshi for your testimony.



May 31st

excellent end of week


thanks to the creative soul who posted this to our PL site in Brazil

flower white

The beauty of life is all around us, take it in, enjoy, explore beyond your comfort zone. Q

Tomorrow day of Peace – service 10 a.m.

Feliz domingo

fireworks 2015 MG_3540

Happy Mothers day to one and all.  There is no longer a clear line between Mothers and Fathers, in todays world, many single parent wears both hats.  I salute you dear parent.

cup of peace

This photo was taken from the Brazilian PL FB page on Facebook – obrigada




thinking playing

face, 5.4.19

What happens when you have time on your hands nd you want to recycle an onion bag. I go into my workshop and play, Meet Ms Onion, she is now waiting for her transformation, when I have time to  spend time with her in the “makeup”  room.

Good morning everyone!  How lovely to see so many smiling faces yesterday at service. Our  new Hokyoshi from Brazil, Yoshizumi Terada was our master of ceremonies, when it came time to sing, we all got to enjoy Com Quem Contar with dance movements. It was a DELIGHT.  Thank you Yoshi.  Another Brazilian member Kaiser Lette Bueno added his voice to the song.  “Andei, Andei E encontrei  Oshieoya Sama, Oshieoya Sama.

Com Quem Contar has to be the most joyful song, I love it.  In English the title is Who to Trust.

Perfect Liberty, day 6   Past, Present or Future, Always remember to be sincere and honest

At any time, the place where you are standing t that moment is the stage upon which you must express yourself.  At each moment in time, there is sure to be a way to express yourself in relation to your position or status

Take note – Saturday May 11, service at 10 a.m. Ancestors Day

Sunday, May 12th. is Mother’s Day, service is at 10 a.m.

Welcome Yoshizumi and Kaiser, you enrich our community, injecting a  touch of Brazil,  To all our members in Brazil, come visit!




day 5

PL Calendar day 5  2019

Start by thinking “this is Interesting”

Even when you are dealing with a difficult situation, it is important to find  something interesting about it.  From there, you will be blessed with wisdom and something ew will come out of it;




clear day


Bom dia, Sabado…Saturday after a big storm.  I woke to skies of blue, and clear as far as the eye can see.  NO, not to Brazil, but wanted to share with you a birthday card I did for a friend. My interpretation of a birthday card, comes in many dimensions and depending on where it is headed, can be almost anything.

I learned at an early age, not to limit my imagination and creativity. Admittedly sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.  I do my best.  Key words, do my best. In all we do, it is important that we do our best. Be in the moment, as long as we do our best, we will have no regrets.  It applies to all we do and say.

We all encounter storms during our stay in this world, some emotional, some physical, whatever happens, we live through it and move on.  Sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is not.  Whatever, and wherever you are today, you are here, you are living another day.  Do it well.


Aplaudir as pessoas e a si mesmo   day 22 PL Calendar

Always applaud others a well as yourself




brazil, que mais?

an early birthday surprise….

Many years ago, I would not have known who Neymar Jr was, nor would I have wanted  a futbol shirt. See how time changes us.  Time and the various experiences we live shape our development.  A stint in  a Spanish country, a visit to the French seaside, life is full of possibilities.  Each step we take outside our comfort zone, makes us stronger.

Tomorrow the 11th. in PL we will be celebrating Ancestors day.  In some countries it is already tomorrow.  For my many friends on the same time-table as myself, wake to a new day, and be thankful for who you are today.

Show your appreciation by giving back to the world around you.

(PL day 11 on our calendar)

IMG_0912Sending my love and deep appreciation to each and every one of you.  I am grateful that you share part of my world with me.  Oyashikiri


Manaus, Brazil

manause Brazil - Amazon Theatre

What brings me to Manaus, Brazil?  A book I picked up because I saw on the back cover that it was about a young girl who travelled to Brazil.  It is one of those “ah” moments when you are wandering down an aisle in a shop and your eye falls on a object, or in this case, a book, and you know you want to see it more closely.

The book is Journey to the River Sea, by Eva Ibbotson.  It was runner up for the Whitbread Children’s Book of the year and the Guardian Fiction Award.  I glanced at it this afternoon, sat down and read it through till the end.   I had not expected to spend the afternoon reading, but that is exactly what I did.

I was transported to a land I know only from various media presentations, the story line, the characters, it was a perfect blend of words presented in such a way that my imagination created the visuals.

manaus brazil amazon rainforest

I was travelling along down the Amazon (the River Sea), seeing where the brown waters of the Amazon joined the black waters of the river Negro.. where soon after the main character saw the green and gold dome of the theatre and church spires.  It was wonderful to be able to totally immerse myself for a short time in the adventure of a young girl, and her friends.

amazon rainforest waterfall

There were no pictures in the book, I found the pictures you see here, on the net. To be a young girl, who due to circumstances is off to live in Brazil, with distant family she has never met… (from England)…. you know… there are many possibilities, the author is skilled at her craft.  I will have to seek out more of  her stories.

PL Precept #17  Grasp what is most essential

The story held me captive for hours. At first I wanted to know what was it, what held my attention, then a thought popped up.. Could it be, my mind needed a rest from the chattering of nonsense and noise that has been whirling around me of late… my husband had his last chemo session today, and soon it will be his last radiation treatment.  Then we rest, and prepare for the surgeries.

PL Precept # 12   Everything  has a way according to its name

PL Precept #7  Everything exists in relativity.

Isn’t life beautiful… PL Precept # 11   Always be with GOD


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