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Posts tagged ‘personal development’

whining and complaining

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There are days when this could be me.  My busy mind chattering and chattering about dear knows what.  I don’t think I whine and complain, but that is because I don’t want to believe that I am just as guilty as the next person at having a negative day.  All my life I have known that no two people will see the mountain view the same way, even though they are looking from the same vantage point.

An exercise that we practice in PL (Perfect Liberty) is to work at accepting the differences in life and to respect the difference in others.

I fell short today, I disagreed with a sentiment sent to me by a caring sister.  I vented.  yet on reflection, she was only giving voice to her perspective and in doing so, used the language and comfort terms of her personal beliefs.  I want respect for my beliefs I in turn need to respect hers, and allow her, her form of expression. The bottom line is she cares.  That I appreciate.

PL Principle 21 – I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

My thanks to Little Sister (Wei) who is traveling in Mexico right now, these are her pictures.

I will be visiting NY State tomorrow.  See you all on my return.  have a great start to the new week.

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Namaste     –    Oyashikiri

Happy 4th of July!



Good Morning Everyone!  and to all our American Friends, Happy Independence Day!

We have a Japanese term we use in the PL Church,  Musubi: Oneness, togetherness with others.   one of my goals, my ambitions, something I strive for every day.  Not just sometimes, I really believe and pray that I can attain this with every breath I take. I can’t live in tomorrow or next week, even next month. I live today, now, in this very moment.  and I do my best to live each moment with Makoto,(utmost sincerity)   I pray Shikiri: PL’s unique way of prayer, asking God’s blessing with a sincere promise to accomplish what I need/have to do    Once a moment is lived it cannot be taken back and relived.

As a child I recall my Mother telling me that one should never say something hurtful or negative about someone else because  once that word(s)  was/were  spoken  they could not be taken back. I’ve never gotten that.

Good relationships begin by greetings and acts of respect and courtesy.  Our action not only words, show how much we value others. Often actions speak louder than words.  We have much to be thankful in our lives, lets share a smile today, say hello to someone you haven’t seen or  heard from in awhile.  Pass the feel good feeling around.  It is free and it is yours to give.

love light - jef palamer Pinterest

This is an amazing picture in so many ways.. I don’t know the photographer, but the person who pinned it was Jef Palmer, this photograph was on Pinterest.  Totally awesome.

Namaste   – Oyashikiri

one step at a time … we go forward

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Where will your path take you?  Wherever your footsteps lead, be someone who can share Joy with others.  Strive to truly understand the feelings of others.  Let go of your ego and express yourself fully.





This hug is just for Y O U  …….. may your day be full of inner joy and contentment……    Walk with Godbear hugs


Love is for sharing……     Oyashikiri

Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAAfter watching the news last night and seeing the snow storms that hit parts of the States and Canada leaving behind a mess to be cleaned up and dealt with for days to come, went searching for a picture that showed green vegetation and new growth.  Wow my prayers and positive energy is being sent out to all of you who need that extra boost.

The PL lesson for today was > Begin each Day with a Renewed Sense of Appreciation <   Are you living each day and getting into a rut? By making small changes in the things you do, your day to day life can become fresh and exciting.  We are here today , by the grace of God.  Let’s make each day meaningful, by starting out with a feeling of gratitude for a brand new day.  In being genuinely happy about life, we will be blessed with a deeper sense of happiness.

Smile, you are loved each and every day, sometimes we may not feel very loved, but you are.  Know and believe, you are loved.


I love this picture.. Warm HUGS everyone!   Blessings – Oyashikiri.



Interacting Proactively

When you hear” Let’s interact Proactively”,  what comes to mind?  There is a lesson in PL, that with society changing as rapidly as it is, we have to keep our eyes and mind in tune to the changes and learn to deal with them proactively.  I agree, however in my daily meditations, I find that there are times when I struggle to be proactive with mySELF.  I underlined, read and reread a sentence once that began “Come back home to yourself” during an especially difficult time in my life,  To this day, I pray for the strength to remain true to the belief that I am where I am meant to be, and to give thanks for getting this far. I will accept and surrender to my present moments, the difficult ones, and the easy ones. LOL and here is the biggie for me… I will stop trying to control the process.…..I will trust in the process.….  I will be proactive with the guiding light of God.

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The more knowledge shared/given away, the more  will be received – Tao

Many blessings on this wonderful day, may you find joy and sunshine, today, tomorrow and always.   Oyashikiri

Happy Saturday everyone!



Daily we are given directions or a nudge by the Universe, do we see them, do we act on them, or do we simply walk on by without really experiencing the moment.  Let us let us learn to express ourselves freely.  We are able to experience the joy of being creative because we have the framework of  laws, morals and rules to follow.

PL Precept #3   God appears through One’s Self.

PL Principle #1  I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do.

Interior silence – the inner stillness t which meditation/prayer leads, is where the “spirit” secretly anoints the soul and heals our deepest wounds. (John of the cross)

May God’s richest blessings continue in abundance for you today.     Oyashikiri

bear hugsPicture taken at PL headquarters in Japan – Q



Do you value your intuition?

Do you act on your intuition?

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When a thought pops into your mind, do you suddenly have that ahh HA! moment, in Pl we believe that it is a nudge from a Higher Power…. God is sending a message.  We hear so often “act on your gut instinct”  don’t hesitate, usually your first choice is the right one.  Have “faith”, do it, make that decision, or make that move.  Life is NOW, we really don’t know what tomorrow will bring…  if you miss it, it can’t be replayed, or relived.

Feel the JOY of being in the NOW….. Let Go and Live.   Oyashikiri

Blessings to you and yours, today, tomorrow and always.

photo-  snow and evergreen by Q


Transformation “a marked change”

Today’s lesson is to realize that we have changed over time, and to take ownership of these changes.  “Discover the Joy of Transforming Yourself”     Change is ongoing, changes are a continuous factor in our lives, if I’m focused/mindful, would I think that the changes are that remarkable?  Hmm something to ponder don’t you think?  Certainly I see changes from when I was in a career phase, to how I am enjoying life now.  But I loved what I did, I loved the challenges of going in to work every day, certainly I did the grumbling and groaning along some of the paths, but over all it was rewarding to watch projects take shape and reach their goals.  Every day was a new beginning and I still practice that today.  I grew up believing and living with TAO (Universe/God) and the Taoist philosophy -the only constant in life is change – We are all ONE with the Universe… Transformations are part of life.  How are you doing with the changes in your life?



“Count your Blessings” =^_^=     The key to change is within ...

May the Universe shine bright for you today  &  Love fill your world, today, tomorrow and always  Oyashikiri

Good morning, good morning

I’m still reading yesterday’s lesson, “Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation”  the sun is streaming in my office window… I slept in late, feeling lazy and happy.  Nice way to start the day, don’t you think?  Had a short conversation of sorts with a young woman from Brazil (Rio) who didn’t speak English, and I don’t speak Portuguese, so it was brief, but enjoyable, we both grabbed a dictionary and did our best.  =^_^=



In doing our best, in putting our heart and soul into what we are doing – being present/focused – we always achieve  a “connection.” In giving our best, we are rewarded with a result, it isn’t always the result we set out for, but it is a result never-the-less.  I’ve learned to appreciate the little detours that the Universe provides, makes learning my “lessons” much more of an adventure … after all…. Life is Art.



The top photograph was taken in Japan, the magnificent sculptured Tower/building can be found on the Perfect Liberty campus in Tondabayashi, Osaka, Japan. (The PL Peace Tower)  The view from the upper rooms is breathtaking.  The second photo is part of the landscaping on campus.

Make today count!  

May your day be filled with warmth, happiness and love.  Always and forever.  Oyashikiri


Have the courage to take the first step.


Sometimes the world seems lonely and we feel a void.  To some the world lacks sunshine, not just on occasion but often enough that they forget the days of warmth and sunshine, when life was full and happy.  There are days when just getting up out of bed is an effort. We’ve all felt that emptiness that begs to be filled. Some find relief in a relationship, others dive headlong into work and stay buried there.  The void may be filled for awhile, but friends come and go, jobs change, that craving/desire for the special “something” returns, often with an even stronger feeling of “need”

In PL (Perfect Liberty) we live a prayerful life,  The goal is to live with God all day, everyday, morning prayer and evening prayer at home, meal prayers, before and after. To be thankful, appreciative,and accepting of God/Universe in us and in our daily lives.  PL Guides us to work towards our goals.  We all of concerns that cannot be resolved easily.  PL has a unique way of responding to problems in our daily lives.  Through consultations given by PL ministers you receive personal guidance tailored to your individual character and situation

You have to have the courage to take the first step.  If you are timid, you will never be able to break free and start something new. BELIEVE in yourSELF and take that first step.

God is the power,source and law of the Universe. Everything that happens in this world is God’s Act. in PL we call God, Mioyaookami.


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