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Posts tagged ‘change’


Like the seasons, we (humans) seem to go through our own version of change. In a blog I just did for another of my “interests” https://wordpress.com/view/dymoonadventures.wordpress.com I talked about how changes to our outward appearance.. how we represent our”selves” in the worlds we live and play in.

Then in my morning mail, I got this little clip https://youtube.com/shorts/yrL46htpljc?si=fjqmm7q82htW9p3S  Thanks Eartha… 

And this picture from Debs of her and two fellow actors backstage during Murder on the Orient Express.. Lise Lesage Boily, Tim Gernstein and Deborah Lobban (right)

It is a brand new year, and there is a lot of changes in the wind. How often do you see/hear me say “the only constant in life is change”

We are all actors in the biggest play of all.. Life on Earth. I feel that this will be a year of significant changes for almost all of us. The weather has been showing us that we cannot escape the reality of life in 2024 In my blog I posted earlier, link above.. I ask the question, (many actually) about how you cope or deal with change. If any one feels like commenting I would enjoy reading what you think about where we are headed, and how personally you are making or going to make changes in the coming days/weeks/months.

No effort is ever wasted. Even if no one witnesses your actions (to your knowledge) The Universe is aware. No matter how small your efforts, your Makoto (sincerity) will be rewarded.

PL 2011.22

Don’t rush or allow yourself to get flustered. When you rush, it limits your ability to pay attention to detail, and often leads to careless mistakes. With a prayerful mind, take a deep breath and act calmly.


Lots to reflect on.. have a great day everyone!


I think there is a song out there, about “a change is going to come” ??

snow anyone?

Please note .. this is NEW snow, that snow from the other day, was all gone .. yesterday my driveway was clean of snow. What you see here is new from last night and ongoing at the moment. I did try to shovel a path to the street so I could see if the street itself was plowed. It isn’t. In shoveling my way to the street, just a path to walk .. I created a mound in the middle of the lane, that was waist high. Needless to say, even if I wanted to.. I can’t get out of the garage, when I cleared in front of the garage door, I was left with a pile of snow to back out over that was higher than my waist, I stand 5’3″…..

Keeper when I opened the back door for her, just turned her head and looked back at me, the expression so clearly said… “you are kidding me right?” Sadly I had not cleared a foot path for her, and she needed to go, so she had to solider on. (I’ve seen taken the shovel and made a small path for her to at least get off the deck … We’ve had over a foot of snow and it is still falling. Temperatures are going to get milder, with the snow changing to rain…

Guess who is staying home. Will have to call and cancel my 9 a.m.

Face challenging situations with positive determination. When you encounter difficulties, Boldy take measures to overcome them. By creatively finding solutions, you will feel the joy in tackling any situation.

Perfect Liberty 2019.13

On the positive, it was only snow, no freezing rain to coat the trees and hydro wires.. causing potential black outs. etc. I did not hear of power outages in the area.. but I haven’t listened to the news either .. I was focused on seeing if I could get out..

Where-ever you are, be safe, and enjoy the day. Smile, it is contagious.



My friends have gone, moved away, they were there to greet me everyday for years. I actually still look hoping that I’ll see them. Change. It is the only constant in life.

Energy springs from your smile. A smile makes you and others cheerful and energetic,

Perfect Liberty 2021.4

day of Peace

Change…. we are still in the fall, this snow will likely disappear before the hard core snow arrives, It was so peaceful in the parking lot when I took this picture, Temperatures had dropped, there was no one else around, I was able to take my time and enjoy the moment,

In PL we live with the philosophy that if everyone could learn to express themselves artistically, all the wars around the world would cease, leading to a peaceful society, We believe that in respecting one another and working for each other’s happiness, world peace could be achieved. PL Precept #14 World peace is everything.

Today in PL we have a ceremony (the 1st of each month) called the Day of Peace. it will be held at 10:00 a.m. EST.

Each Person’s peace leads to world peace. First of all, you have to be happy. That happiness will spread and be the foundation of World Peace.

Perfect Liberty 2021.1

chop suey Thursday 18th


Same bed, different bed cover, same lazy laid back whippet …Nothing new goes down, without his checking it out, for comfort. Ceiling fan is over head, he is content.. I have permission to leave on my errands.

When something comes to mind, do it right away. The moment that you notice, something is the best time to take care of it. IF YOU REACT QUICKLY, YOUR LIFE WILL BE MORE EFFICIENT.

Perfect Liberty 2020.18


rain today =^_^=

Good morning, see… a lot of “things” are forbidden, not wanted in the forest. Rain is not one of them. Rain in mid January how wonderful is that!! I am aware that it will dampen things a tad for the outdoor enthusiast that would like to X cross country ski today… It is a small blimp, we are sure to have more snow in the days and weeks ahead.

At our Doll Club meeting last Wednesday, for some reason, instead of the usual “gang” of gals, we were only five, Joan, Marge, Pat, Tanya, Barb and myself. It made for a very cosy gathering, where the agenda if there was one, was put aside, and we had a wonderful time, yes talking about dolls, but about the “history” of how dolls became a favourite over the years.

A change in what usually is, is always a great time to regroup, to sit back and do something different. i.e. Right now with the rain, the temperature is milder, most roads will be wet but clear of snow and ice. As the day progresses, towards late afternoon early evening, the temperatures will drop. Then if it is still raining, you guessed it… it will turn to freezing rain and pellets.. So by gummy and golly gee.. get out and get cracking early =^_^=

Today is January 11th. Ancestors Day is at 10:a.m. I am on my way! =^_^=


3rd. day 2020


Have you ever felt that you live in a world, where no one really knows your name. OK they may know your name, but you are just another face in the crowd. This is a time of year, when family and friends gather to share memories of the past, and the possibilities that lie ahead.

I was reminded yesterday how fragile life can be. One moment you are working, living busy in a fast moving society. Then suddenly you “wake” to find that you are now on the other side of the street, and “life” seems to be passing you by. Sometimes by choice, and other times, ‘boom” for whatever reason, you just can’t get on or off the bus.

This is a “condition” that can happen to any of us. Rich or poor, it affects everyone, money is not what buys or determines how happy we are. The answers, solutions, they are all varied and different for every human being is unique. We all love, cry, laugh, and “feel”. Emotions are real.

The philosophy of the Church of Perfect Liberty is to help us recognize the ups and downs of everyday life, and help us understand our SELVES so that “we” can recognize what in US, needs fixing, repairing, strengthening. Truth is, we can only change ourselves.

Happiness begins from within, I’m a glutton for “happy”. Smiles and beams just thinking of how nice it is to be happy. And YOU dear reader, my heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you, who share time with me during the day, night, weeks, and months. I love reading your thoughts, seeing your “visual expressions” you are “Beauty” within my world. thank you for all the happiness we’ve shared. I am looking forward to the sunshine of 2020 with you.

Share the beauty in you today, SMILE it is so becoming.


top artwork is mine.

beyond and back

the invisible ride

Riding free into the Universe, a fantasy so near, yet so far. The horse so elegant, graceful and unerring in its dance as it races across the lands, passing the many landscapes, gaining speed, till its hooves travel on air into the stratosphere.

I have driven by this sculpture many times. I’ve seen it, but never stopped to really gaze and wonder at its beauty. Why in life do we hurry to and fro, missing so much along the way. How is it that we are blind to the beauty that sits waiting for us to realize, “ITs Presence.

Today,. I saw, today I explored, and now, I know, the creativity and love that went into forging and working the metal into the majestic piece of art that now, I will never forget.

The shortcut to progress is to listen with a humble mind. If you are stuck in your own ways, you will eventually become bogged down. let’s remember to be humble, learning what we can from the knowledge, advice and suggestion of others.

Perfect Liberty 2016,24

My thanks to my EA and fellow explorer, for driving today, so i could search the landscape for “treasures”

My gratitude and thanks to all of my wonderful companions on this journey it pleases me, I really appreciate, each and every one of you. I feel blessed that I have been given this opportunity to interact with you.


i would not be, if not for YOU. YOU are part of my happy!

good morning world!

Good morning, look I am up and awake, maybe not yet raring to go, but I am getting there. A change in my routine, and voila, still up, fed the dogs, making breakfast. Hey! (very Canadian) just like the good old days. =^_^=. Looks like I will still make my exit from the house to run errands at about the same time. Wow I am learning first hand, when you role with change, it can be exhilarating.

Use any result, good or bad, as a stepping stone. A;; outcomes, whether positive or negative are important experiences. Let’s use them wisely for our future progress.

Perfect Liberty 2012.10


new arrival

This little lass arrived on my doorstep yesterday, all the way from China. She was tired and a little weary from the long voyage, and the environment she found herself in was vastly different from what she has known. After much thought, we decided her name would be Yumi. I have a young friend in Japan that she reminds me of… She graciously accepted her new name. It pleased her, since previous to arriving here, she was simply a stock number. I will let her adapt to her new environment before I try to involve myself in her life.

Today is the 31st, there will be celebrations , depending on the age group, I suspect it will be a busy evening, with a lot of fun and frolicking. Energy levels are very high all over the world where “witches and warlocks” play. How well do you know your neighbours. =^_^= I myself, will meditate and pray for all to be safe in their enjoyment of the night.

I loved this piece when I did it, October 2015, now I can’t even recall what had inspired me, or what I did with it. Life is in constant motion, what we feel is so thrilling and important today, in time, the intensity fades, and unless we learn to let go, we will be facing frustrations and hurt. Places, people, everything changes.

In PL (Perfect Liberty) we are given the tools and the encouragement to live our lives in a way that allows us flexibility, and teaches how to adapt to changes.

Don’t look for excuses to say “I can’t”. If you let your situation control you or you fear failure, you will not be able to feel enthusiastic about anything.Take on any project with a firm conviction that you will succeed.

Perfect Liberty 2011,13


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