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Posts tagged ‘colour’


A drive to get petrol for my car, took me beyond where I “had” to go… down through county roads that led me past way too much colour and “wow” moments.

Is there such a thing as colour over-load. This year we have been simply inundated with day after day of Nature’s magical palette. Yes many of the trees are now bare.. Enough so that you can see their stark beauty as you walk the nature trail.

the birds that I saw flying from tree to tree, were plentiful, their songs were a constant melody of various notes as they went about their business.

If you are going to do it, do it joyfully. If you have to do something, choose to do it with joy and enthusiasm. By doing so, you will experience a deeper sense of beauty.

Perfect Liberty 2014.23

sugar coated & mild

ll is still – not a breeze in sight

Your willingness to learn will make you shine even brighter. As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life.

Perfect Liberty 2020.16


Ancestors Day

fabric friend got for her

Perfect Liberty Calendar … day 11

Appreciate the Makoto (sincerity) of the people who came before you

Everything we have today was built upon the hard work of our ancestors and the people who came before us.  Always remember to be thankful and humble and continue to build on their past successes.

The bright colourful fabric you see was purchased and collected by a friend of my sister’s while on a shopping outing.  I never met this friend, only heard of her through my sister. I was however, really taken by her selection of fabric, the choices she made, and the colours she was drawn to.  This friend passed away last week, leaving a gigantic hole in the lives of her family and friends. It was sudden, no warnings, simply a chill, and she was gone.

We never know in life when a change will be made in our circle of friends and loved ones.  It happens, life is what it is.

Perfect Liberty Principle #2 –  I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.


“Ideals are like the stars we never reach them, but like the mariners of the sea, we chart our course by them” Carl Schurz


skull floral 2Bom dia, Happy Friday dear my dears

Whooooo is getting ready for the witching month.

Whooooo has gathered her friends to discuss the possibilities

Me, that’s whoooooo!

The possibilities are endless of course, and I have changed my mind 1000 times at least.  Think about it, isn’t one of the joys in life, anticipation.  When we were children the excitement of special holidays, or time away from routine was always so exciting. Some included gifts, others trips, time for getting together with friends, and just plain old. play time.

As an adult, yes, now I can really say I am an adult…LOL  no questions asked… for sure I am seen by many as something very different from how I see myself.  That is something we call come face to face with.  Life has it is seen by the different generations.

However .. the fall is the time of year where my creative juices really get charged. I know I am not alone, just visit any shop in any town, city or  hollow, and you will see a different palette than the one earlier in the year. Colours are vibrant with jewel tones, the air is crisp, the apples crackle, pumpkins spill out everywhere.

If you haven’t had the small pie pumpkin as a veggie,you are missing a treat.

Today being the 21st. of the month, in PL, we are celebrating Thanksgiving, where we pay special attention, to giving thanks for our blessings of the past weeks, and pray for the continued blessings of the Universe.  Recognizing that we, and we alone are responsisble for our actions.  Love/peace begins in our hearts.

Being happy within ourSelves makes for a much more fulfilling life, don’t just exist, have the passion to BE.  Share a smile!


Service will be at 7pm.


Thursday Doors

The beauty of discovery.  I have driven here many many times, yet for some unknown reason, I only  “saw” it earlier this week.  How I could have driven past and not seen it, is a mystery.

Someone once said… when you are ready.. you will know/or see. It was time!


I am not sure what appeals to me more, the colours, the peeling paint, the shuttered windows and/or the fresh looking paint on the door and little side shed.  Part of me thinks someone tried to paint over the old bricks with left over paint from discarded old cans.  Whatever, the overall look, works for me.




behind a commercial mall, Ontario, Canada




PL Calendar #5

A cheerful greeting brings people closer to one another

Interactions between people start with greeting one another.

Take the initiative and be the first to open your heart.

A quilt is made by piecing pieces together, each quilt is different.  Even a quilt done using the same pattern, when done by another person, will end up looking very different.  Choices in size, material, colours used, textiles selected, like people, no two are alike.

A smile, a friendly word, listening with an open heart, make today another special day. Share an invisible hug, smile and say hi!




zen tangle mini 3.4.18When we begin, there is only one line, by the time we have done, we are looking at what these  days is called a Zentangle.

I take my time, and use no end in mind, nor do I try to contemplate design, or a theme.  It is relaxation for me, so I simply allow myself to doodle.

zen tangle mini 3.6.18

Last night I began to colour in the various spaces.  Leaning towards greens, I  don’t try for perfection, and I don’t really try to stay within the lines.  I will be interested in seeing IF I finish this “expression”, or will I let it lie on my desk, forgotten, waiting for me to “catch” the “mood” again. If and when it is finished, will it look anything like it started out.  That is the beauty of these doodles. They allow, the mind to wander, and the hands to stray.

Mid week already.  Hope you have all had a good start to the week, and that today, will be a “stunner”  I challenged myself to do something creative every day.  Sunday I tried my hand at Origami

origami 3.4.18Hey, they aren’t perfect, but trying to learn something new and doing something creative every day, for me is relaxing, and by jim-minie  I can do with the R & R

Blessings everyone! Let your light shine through in all you do!



Colour riot Saturday

October abstract 5

If you haven’t guessed already, I love October, and the energy that seems to gather and explode in the shops around this time of year. I can’t at this moment in time, over haul our living quarters into a stage set, but I can dream about it. So, some of my time today was wandering the shops and taking pictures of items I’d want to collect and bring home, if this was the right time for me to do so.

October 2

How fun to have this at the back door to greet unsuspecting visitors.

October 3

Could it be the colours, the designs, or just the witching fun.

october 6a

Back when I was  really keen on redoing the “home” with such colourful and creative items, we had to make them ourselves.  Now, they are all over in the shops and so available.  I love the black, the way it sets off the bright yellows and glowing oranges.


I have been feeling more creative these days, the top picture is my bedtime activity, some people write in journals, I like to paint.  I have art journals, and junk journals, they are everywhere, so when I feel an urge, I can just pick one up and add to it.  Even the act of preparing a page so that it will take paint, or other medium is joyful.

Ripping up a magazine for the splotches of colour that have caught my eye is very relaxing…. then to see it reborn in a totally “MY ” way  is absolutely satisfying.  Same applies to fabric, wool, threads, cord, ribbon, tapes, the possibilities are endless.

The best part of visual expression, is that it is very personal, subjective, and really only needs to be enjoyed by me, myself and I.  If someone else likes it, that is bonus.

Life is what we make it.  There is an artist in all of us. We all choose to express ourselves differently. What is important is that we do so.

When a challenge looms before us.  How we deal with it, shows are creativity.  We are offered so many possibilities during the day, I am always amazed that not every one gets the  feeling of satisfaction at having a full day.

If you are in Canada, you are well on your way to enjoying a long week-end.  I am looking forward to mine.  It is a daunting task, but I am going to try to rearrange my studio/work area.

PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a turning point.

PL Precept # 19  Begin Once you Perceive

Happy, wonderful and productive Saturday !!  Let the colours shine.


Wordless Wednesday -Fascination


texture and colour

Happiness is…

two pictures one”mind”


Too tired to think, I reach for my brush, then change my mind and take the paint tube itself and simply lay the paint down,  There is no though no reason, or rhyme, my mind takes over, my hands follow directions.


The previous night I felt tired, but I was happy, the colours and my strokes seemed to flow with ease and at a different pace.  I smiled as I posted this picture on Instagram, saying, can you see the face, or what can you see?  I was playful, I slept well.

The top picture was painted when I needed release from the stress of the day, conflict and sadness welled up inside as I faced the reality, yet again, that because you have a sibling, doesn’t mean you have a friend. In fact to feel hatred from someone you’ve known a life-time is really a very sad and hurtful  moment.

We can choose our friends, but not family.  We can walk away, we can close the door, disrespect and uncontrolled hatred that sounds in loud decibel at and around you.. is like walking into a war zone without protection. I choose to turn and walk away.

We all make choices, self-preservation is high on my list. I choose love, happiness = GOD.  With GOD in my life, I will work at being a better person.

Thank you to all of you who worry and call me, I’m fine, life is what it is.. God willing Mother will transfer over to a peaceful place, no more pain.. freedom will be hers. She had a long and happy life, she knows her family loves her, and that is everything.  Knowing you are loved, and God is with you.



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