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Posts tagged ‘YouTube’



Energy springs from your smile. A smile makes you and others cheerful and energetic.

Perfect Liberty 2021.4

Be someone who can share your joy with others. Strive to truly understand the feelings of others. By doing so, you will be able to share in other’s happiness.

Perfect Liberty 2014.18

Weka a new bird (for us)

saw this bird on Shirley’s FB page. What a character!

I was interested so I asked. LOL I was told about what a pest these birds can be and how loud and “many” they are. They are native to and live in NZ, so we won’t be visited by one soon… Thought I’d share this clip I found on the bird. It is called a Weka.

Be a person who can say ” I like it!” Find what moves you the most and express your appreciation.

Perfect Liberty 2021.2

embrace “NOW”

Good morning, did you actually watch the video. My Mother was hooked on old movies, especially the ones with song and dance numbers.

My friends I love them all. Each one of t hem has a different “musical” bent, and personally I love them all. (not at the same time =^_^= .. But I do enjoy the many different “vibes”.

I never did get to line dance, but I have friends that are crazy crazy for the activity. I’ve been going back over some of my favourite tunes, and realize that i do enjoy the foot tapping songs. They are happy and put me in a good mood. Can’t help but get up and boogie or sit in my chair and do some “chair stomping”

Hopefully one of the above clips will have you wanting to get up and move. These past months, weeks and days, so many of us are not get getting out and moving around like we used to. We do need to move, and we need to drink a lot of water. Two things so easy to do, but.. for some reason, we don’t get to follow through on our good intentions.

Embracing the moment, is important now more than ever. We are all in this together. These times of “unknowns”… we need to be supportive of each other. Listen carefully to our friends, and do our best to understand, what their “moments” are really like.

This next song is just because, I really love listening to it.. =^_^=

Thank you all for spending this time with me… I hope one of the tunes, gave you a moment of pleasure. Music is a form a “therapy”.. dancing is “therapy”…. give yourself some pleasure today, you deserve it. Make your own”music”. move in a way that embraces all the love and joys you could ever want. Create your own “NOW”

Don’t allow anyone or anything put you in a box or on a shelf. Life is for living.


Together we will light up the world!!!

Believe in LOVE… if you skip all the others, listen to this last one…


Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares

Hebrews 13:1-2

Offer your services instead of expecting from others. Take the initiative to do what you can to help others. Understand their needs and act swiftly.

Perfect Liberty 2020.14

Sharing ….. animals and humans mate …. there is animal lust and human cravings….. but when a heart beats as one, and two minds unite… the state of love… transcends all mortal boundaries

personal musing, Q (China Dream)
photo Dave Renz


migraine moments

clarity is blanketed

the body’s message loud and clear, STOP, don’t move, lie down,close your eyes, focus on your breathing. Let the swirling debris of sediment settle fill the cracks, and allow the mind time to regroup and fall where it may.

let definition settle where it may

STOP trying to introduce brilliant, vibrant and chaotic energy into the reality of NOW. There is a world of discovery at your feet, stop looking into the distance, there is a whole world to be discovered and rediscovered.

With all the negativity of late in the press, media and being spoken and conversed about…. my brain needed a change of venue.

I have a very special friend, who in introducing me to the America he knows, sent me a video that stirred my emotions and left me wanting more. I searched YouTube and found this video by Ann M. Wolf. I would like to share it with you. please feel free to pass on having a look, if it is not of interest to you.

https://youtu.be/9-Lf9WTiawQ This is a video on the flag folding ceremony of the flag of the United States of America. It was done as a dedication to Honor Guards and the fallen from across America.

Church service today is at 10 a.m. and I believe that Reverend Eugene is going to try to send out a video of same.

There will always be a way. If you persist and be creative without giving up, you will find solutions that you had not considered before.

Perfect Liberty 2020.28


Happy Tuesday everyone

China, shang-li SichuanLately I have been watching a lot of Chinese Documentaries, learning about China, not the China I grew up with in my imagination. ( I was born in Canada) but historical and social memories, offered up by CGTN.com.  To say it has been a learning experience would be an understatement.

Today a dear friend in Australia sent me this link… Hans Zimmer “light” 

Hans Zimmer  “Light”  (The Thin Red Line)

Composed by Hans Zimmer, additional music by Klaus Badelt & John Powell, conducted and compiled by Gavin Greenaway and orchestrated by Bruce Fowler & Yvonne S. Moriarty.

The sights and sounds of  the video, were so calming, I wish you for you a serene day, that is filled with a light of promise, that will filter into all your tomorrows.
gelli art 2.20.17

wanna dance

Bruno Mars

Sometimes I wonder how my brain functions.  It was bedtime.  need to shut down and rest… The above link will take you to what I decided to watch to wind down. Duh, is this a case of “mixed emotions” or a tiny bit of “silly”

Bruno Mars is an “energy” that encourages me to get up and dance, move, keep fit, he makes it all look so effortless, but of course, we all know that such dexterity and co-ordination comes with hard work and practice.

The lazy me, knows that I won’t retain ease of motion if I sit around all day, and the “smart” me knows that right now…  I can use some “slowing down”.. BUT whether I feel like it or not, I need to stay fit.  So…. today, I may not get up and dance, but I will do my steps… walk, one foot in front of the other, and step step step.

How about you?  Are you making time for YOU.  or….. are you letting the world hold you down, and not looking ahead…… come on….  move it!

*********** #15  (Perfect Liberty calendar)


Live life paying careful attention to every detail be it big or small.  By doing so, you will be able to experience the subtle joy in things.

fabric friend got for her


like magic

Bom dia… happy Tuesday… comme magie ricardo and Luc Langevin

please take a moment and share a smile with me..  Luc Langevin mystifies Ricardo

Like magic, life is art.



A happy moment.  a memory of my Mother who loved watching old movies.. AND just to start the day off with a smile.. with YOU.  (click on link below)

Lucky – Nicholas Brothers


Lucky is a happy clip, I grew up being entertained, we appreciated talent, we laughed shows were designed to delight and musicals were her favourites.  She loved music that told stories of life, love, heartbreak, hope and more love.

Believe.. life is good.  and it will be.






2nd clip on Wombats

Why  wombats, cuz, it seems I’ve got a new nickname.. =^_^=  what can I say.. I finally looked it up.


Ok who is next to hold and cuddle me.  =^_^=


I totally rock in the cute department don’t  I…..

Do  you think its my smile ..?


Happy first day of 2017… let us do a lot more smiling…  a shared smile goes a long way.



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