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Posts tagged ‘memories’


I have been reminded lately of how with the passing of the seasons, there is also a change in our daily lives. Some are slow and gradual, while others come up suddenly and take us by surprise. Either way, they are happenings that we cannot divert from our lives. Challenges, opportunities, they come in all shapes and sizes.

This month there have been many beautiful, loved souls who have passed on from this world we live in to an eternal existence that leaves us with cherished memories of what was. I would ask today that we take a moment in quiet prayer. Let’s give thanks that we were so blessed in having been able to know/learn/grow from our connection to these beautiful souls.

In your prayer please include all the members in our community (near and far) and around us who are dealing with issues beyond their control, help ease someone’s pain. take time today to listen with an open heart, make time to reach out and call someone who lives alone or could be in “need” of a “friend”,

Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation. Always remember that you are here today thanks to God, and thanks to the many people around you. Let’s make each day meaningful by starting out with a feeling of gratitude.

Perfect Liberty 2014.6


A memory from the past. Funny I see the clock that reads 1:20 something in the background. Could have been a week day, but likely not, a week-end then. My Mother would have been sitting in her lazyboy just to the left of the tissue box. Timmy (the cat) seems to be tending a purse, so someone had to be visiting. I didn’t expect to see this picture when I opened the file. but… there he was, my Mother’s loving companion, he had a loving personality … time… it has a way of disappearing , moments are fleeting…

Make Today a Memorable day! Let’s try to put our whole heart into whatever we say or do, as our unique signature. PL.26.22


Love that is unconditional is forever …


It is important to say “thank you” … Everything that appears in front of you is all material for you to improve yourself, whether it is food, people or things Learn to accept everything, whether it i something you like or not.

Perfect Liberty 2020.9

PL Precept # 14 World Peace is everything

PL Precept # 18 Each moment is a turning point.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American readers, in Canada we celebrated Thanksgiving in October, and in PL (Perfect Liberty) we have service every month on the 21st. (Day of Thanksgiving/Appreciation. No matter… wherever you are, feel the energy of LOVE and GRATITUDE, there is love in the world a lot of it.. We just need to give it more emphasis.. and to share our ability to bring happiness to others. Start with a smile. Smiles are infectious.

Being Thursday, there are more doors featured by those of us who participate.. on Dan’s site, No Facilities, here is your link.. https://nofacilities.com/2023/11/23/thankful-people/


See the faces? (Bancroft)

Always have presence of mind. If you overexert yourself, you will get easily swayed by emotion. Always put the best Makoto with presence of mind.

Perfect Liberty 2023.25
memory 2016



a happy place

there is something special about photographs that recall a moment in time

pictures that take us back to another time and place. When I found these pictures yesterday, I wondered if I could ever find them again. Computers are amazing wonders. I don’t know how often I’ve changed computers since these were taken, I’ve lost count. Yet, here they were on my screen popping up from files that the software genie had compiled.

I no longer questions how these things happen, the Universe has a way of delivering these little “presents” when I least expect it. I say thank YOU and feel gratitude for the discovery.

With the Thanksgiving week-end having just passed (Canadian) I got to spend a lot of time with memories as i looked over all the pictures. The pictures dated back to the early 2000’s A lot has happened since then. Seeing my Mother, sisters, family pets, in-laws, gave me much time for reflection. Of course, constant in all of them was my husband, it was his love and dedication to our “lives” that enabled much of what i got to see and live during the years he was here on earth with us.

It was a reminder not to squander the time we have here on earth.. it is a beautiful environment, and meant to be enjoyed, Friends, family, people we meet all have a purpose…We are all ONE….

We are all represented in Nature, we can be different seasons, different species, but we are all here to co-exist. It is time to focus on World Peace.

When you think “I’ve got it” think again. It is easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure.

Perfect Liberty 2020.13


May peace be with you always



These are the locks next to the once called Chateau Laurier in downtown Ottawa. Since forever, I remember these locks, I would see them every day coming into Ottawa when riding public transportation, back… when =^_^=

I don’t get to see them now, I seldom drive that way, however they are still there, and so is the hotel, only now it has another name. Change is a constant in life, it happens. Sometimes we are in the thick of it all, and other times, for some reason, even though we are aware it is happening, it isn’t in our day to day…. so it isn’t till you happen to drive that way that you rediscover the “place” At that moment you often feel the past and present come together in a “wow” moment.

My husband proposed to me at the Chateau, in that second courtyard, as we overlooked the river and the historic landscape around us. It was enchanting. I was a princess, courted by her prince. It is a cherished moment, one I relived today, when I found the sealed envelope they gave me with his wedding ring, and I Ching piece he always wore. (after a funeral, this is what they do) I had completely forgotten…I had a past, and present moment that flashed through me when I found it in a drawer while looking for papers that I needed. =^_^=

First, Accept everything.... Life is filled with moments, sometimes happy and at times inconvenient. It is important to first accept every situation as it occurs and try to accept and understand it for what it is.

Perfect Liberty 8,2019

Unconditional love is forever…


** the first railing near the wall of the hotel.

** note I still don’t have e-mail. Bell is still working on it, it has only been since August..my account must look like a novel by now. Yes I have recorded every phone call, date, time and agent spoken to.

club challenge

Once upon a time2

Good morning everyone…

A couple of weeks back I was reminded that the club challenge, or “theme” this year was Once Upon a Time.  As you all know I am rather occupied these days, getting to know first hand living with cancer in my LIFE.  However, the idea was one that stuck with me for a for a few days,  & I found that I was gathering up “pieces”  in my “studio”.

In PL you know there is Precept, # 19, BEGIN ONCE YOU PERCEIVE

I reflected on how once the bathroom was a very “NEW” concept in a lot of homes.  there was a time when people used an “out house”  Some were very primitive, but they were a place where one could have privacy when needed.

When people could afford the indoor plumbing, it was often something that had to be fit into an existing home.  Reinvention of space, closets were repurposed, or a larger room if the family could afford to do so was partitioned for the new plumbing.

Toilet, sink, was for the most part what went in, some homes could accommodate a bath tub, but not often,  Families of 4,5,6 even more, lived in small 1 and 2 bedroom flats. The war-time houses were usually small two,three bedroom bungalows. Kitchen, living room, small bathroom and  two bedrooms.

The bathroom was really the only room where when you went in, you were alone, at least for a short time.

Then came the telephone, it was only available here and there, when you got one in your home, it was attached to a wall, or smack in the living room.. no such thing as  much privacy,.  Then the extensions came along, and you could put a phone in another room, the younger generation would try to pull the cord into the bathroom so they could have   conversations with their friends without being overheard by siblings and/or adults

Dad got to read his newspaper in quiet, till the room was needed by someone else. Once upon a time the bathroom was a very “special” place.  Now in modern homes, in today’s society, everyone wants their own bathroom, and guess what,  it is only used for “immediate” needs (like the outhouses of old) and vacated.  Usually the bathrooms are cold, efficient, sterile and lacking in any “family” character or warmth.  They are functional!

Thus my contribution to “Once Upon a Time” was conceived and put into a visual expression.

Life is ever changing, roll with the changes, all while trying to retain the art of  “caring” (sharing)


PL Precept #1   Life is Art


* photo doesn’t show it well, but on the small table is a black rotary dial telephone.

*minatures, or original pieces using “apoxie sculp”t and “paperclay”

chop suey 1.6.18

Bone soup

For anyone starting the new year with me, “chop suey” = a little of this and some of that.  When Chinese cooks came to America and needed to create similar dishes to their own,  What would be normal ingredients to them back  home, was not available in the very early years, they adapted, using what was readily available and what they could grow in their new home.

Bone Soup, this morning’s breakfast, I add an egg for protein,   The egg gives a rich taste to the broth.  Egg is raw, when the boiling water engulfs the noodles and covers the egg, it marinades together.  Yum

It is another cold day here.  Someone used the phrase “bone chilling”… that reminded me that I had Bone Soup packages, my breakfast was decided.  When I finish with my hot soup, I will make myself an ice coffee, with big fat ice cubes.  I have put the coffee outside for it to chill …. when I say I like it cold, I mean COLD.

playing chess 1.6.18

I found a small chess set yesterday that I thought the dolls could enjoy, and yes, they liked the idea.  My husband set up the board for them (I don’t play) and explained the game to them.  This I hope will keep them entertained over the week-end.  My friend Tanya who also does doll  displays I think is dressing her dolls for outdoor activities.  Brrrr.. for the dolls to go out, that means the human has to accompany them to set up the display.  Dolls are a creative pass-time…

When I wanted to be a fashion designer and model, I spent hours designing clothes and drawing the models to wear them.  Today, I still like to do set designs, and make up stories for the “dolls”  to  portray.  With our down sizing, I have had to part with a lot of “this and that”  Some dolls had to be given up for adoption, they didn’t really work into my story telling.

The positive about downsizing, is that we are finding things we had long forgotten we had, or we knew we had .. but didn’t know where they were… sound familiar.

roller skatesMy roller skates didn’t have pink wheels, but I did have pink laces.  I would still go roller skating if we had the kind I am used to.  Mind you .. in my day we skated in special roller rinks, that were covered, and had hardwood floors.  Before my time, they had bands that played for the skaters, by the time I was into skating, there was an organist who would play from 8 – 10 sometimes 11 for those of us who wanted to dance (on skates).  Two steps and waltzes.

Later of course we had the disco phase.. where there were special skating places with disco music and lights.  Usually big open rooms, where the figure skaters could do their spins and fancy solo footwork in the middle while the rest of us went around and around in time to the music.


My sister always groans when she sees my posts with abandoned buildings or old rusted out relics… but to me they are like memories.  they spark my imagination.  This one I received in a Pintrest notice.  I have a board on Pinterest of “Once upon a time” places …Their software searches out “like” pictures from other posts, and send them to me to see if they interest me.

You have all seen the pictures I share with you of the places I find when my husband and I are touring the roads. I like character, history, and places that show a bit of eccentricity, personality .. even with the passing of time, the facial reconstruction done by nature these places still maintain an aura that compels and second look, maybe even a third and fourth.

Heading out soon, have errands to run, wanted to share a few minutes with you, say hello, and wish you all the best as you carry on with your day.  If my friend North is out there, bundle up, some of that cold northern air you enjoyed, is wanting to bring you memories of days gone by .. but in doing so… is colouring our area too.

I heard last night, that the warmer air is on its way.   Yay, a change will be nice.  Drive carefully, where there is snow there is white out.  If you are in a place that is sunny and warm… close your eyes and send a bit this way… wink.. imagination goes a long way, believing, makes it happen.

hand of the past_edited-1

Loving hugs being sent your way..



roller skates and abandoned building – Pinterest


back in time

P1000619Three pounds of hamburger for $1.00

4 loaves of bread for $0.50 cents.

3 packages of hamburger buns for $1.00

Onions, celery, peas and carrots were the vegetables of the day, along with the potatoes of course, or in our case, the bag of  rice.  Your shopping cart could be full for just over $10.  Kraft Dinner was 4 for $1.00 and sometimes 6 for a dollar.  Baked beans, came in all two flavours .. baked with pork, or molasses.  Maybe there was one with a tomato sauce.

Mother whipped up dishes with chicken hearts, giblets, and often Sunday would be a roast of Beef, or Port heart.  I recall her chicken livers and green peppers.  Chinese dishes of course, all flavoured with garlic, ginger, and one of the soy sauces.  I still like these meats today, but I do see that they seem to be less the flavour of the day.

When she made up the giblets in a garlic and bit of honey sauce stir fried with the cabbage,  the sauce was oh so good over the steamed rice.

The icing on the cake, was when she would brown the rice that was stuck to the bottom of the pot… then carefully pour in some boiling water just as it got all crispy.  That was dessert.  We seldom had sweets for dessert till much later ..   This served me well, I don’t crave sweets, however, do admit to drooling for creamy butter filled buns from the Chinese grocers.

When I first started to cook for my own family, I recall gathering up cook books that showed us how to cook minced beef in hundreds of ways.  I’m thinking of this because today, I decided to do up a meat loaf for hubby.  While whipping it up, my thoughts drifted to when it wasn’t an unusual happening in the kitchen but rather a weekly dish that was served up in a zillion different ways, with either roast potatoes or rice.. and of course the obligatory side dish of a veggie.

Do I eat this way now. Nope, no, and no.  I can’t remember when I last had peas or carrots. a la frozen mixed vegetables sometimes with corn.  Now I overdose on brussels sprouts, okra, and tender green shoots from the Chinese grocers.

Oh how time changes… =^_^=    thanks for sharing the trip down memory lane with me.

My husband will have the meat loaf to himself (which he likes) ..  I am steaming pork ribs with Okra and red peppers for moi in a black bean and garlic sauce.  Can you hear the anticipation !!!

PL Principle #10   I will live in true harmony with my spouse.



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