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tudo e obra divina

early morning cuteness

Tudo e obra divina. Everything is a diving act. When the tree fell in my backyard, I mourned, it has been with me since we bought this place in early 2000s When we moved here, there was nothing but a small flower bed and grass. I took it all away, no grass for me, and no flower beds, I wanted to replicate if I could the Chinese gardens I had when I had my house and gardens on the Quebec side of the river.

I soon learned that in life the only constant is Change. and what worked in Hull, was not going to work here, different property .. sunlight… etc. The Hazelnut corkscrew was one of the first trees I planted, in fact I planted two.. one several years later.. It was a show piece. the gnarled branches coveted by many for their floral arrangements. Then the neighbourhood started to change.. established homes were ripped out including old oaks .. lawns disappeared.. infill began.. and with infill, the focus was on buildings and not on having a lawn, or garden ..

I soon found myself surrounded by big block buildings that looked more like dental or office buildings and new neighbours didn’t have room to do anything but maybe put out a potted plant. or a box with earth raised off the ground on their patios … what trees were left were on city property ( size of a laneway) between the backyard neighbours and my yard. No one tended them and soon they overshadowed my beautiful serenity gardens. My vegetation/ plants were deprived of the full sunlight they had had.. and began to fade. I watched the slow death of many of the shrubs and plants in my yard.

I knew eventually I would have to say a full goodbye.. and that time arrived this year. Last year it was bravely still standing, but .. no.. this past winter it had its last hurrah, Like the passing of the many friends and family members who have “moved on” it is now another page in my memory book.

I’m at an age where I have lived through a lot of “goodbyes”… I’ve learned the process of “letting go” is something that comes with “time”… it is what it is,

There will always be a way. As long as you are serious, there is no reason for you to give up. Move forward one step at a time and things will always turn out for the best. PL2018.13

Nature is being neglected. Look around, listen to what is happening globally…. focus is on destruction, not on harmony…. I pray every day .. for the strength to continue to work towards love and universal peace.


Anyone else remember when we could play in the front and backyard, I was lucky Dad made a small rink in our yard.. there were trees to climb, an area for Dad to have his garden, Mom her flowers, Mom would hang the wash out on sunny days.. linen had that fresh smell when it was put back on the beds. Some where along the way, I heard that is not allowed in some communities. (hanging out your wash)…

Have a good day everyone.. do you have memories of times gone by?


Dance as an expression of joy , feel the freedom of movement

Your true self is revealed in the smallest of words and actions, Most people act and speak carefully when faced with an important situation. However, it is also important to put your sincerity into the simplest, seemingly minor tasks as well. PL 2011.18


HI my heartfelt thanks to you for your prayers ..your kindness/thoughtfulness and caring is very appreciated. Life is what it is.. one door closes, another opens.. Friends are one of life’s greatest treasures.


It’s easier to adapt to something when we find it interesting. No matter how enjoyable a situation is, a slight change in our attitude can make it boring. let’s face any situation with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Perfect Liberty 2022.10

Sometimes it is not what we see, but what we can’t see that speaks to us,

Photo, Dave Renz.


Contentment, is when you feel a peace that is filled with joy, happiness and a bliss that is beyond words … it can last a moment … it can be a second of awareness … … … when it visits … … you know the experience is to savor.

Discover something new today. Have a willingness and an interest, and start your day with excitement

Perfect Liberty 2023.22

Top photo by Shirley Keen, NZ

2nd. photo, Shauna M.

Tuesday 19

Change is in the air … “the only constant in life… is change”.

Strive to Overcome obstacles by changing your mind frame. Things don’t always go as planned. When that happens, try changing how you look at the situation or how you are doing things. The outcome is in your hands.

Perfect Liberty 2020.17


I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all of you who reached out and wished me a happy birthday. That is a huge positive in one’s journey when we are blessed with the kindness and thoughtfulness of others. Special hugs to you, filled with appreciation and gratitude.

um pouco mais?

Leaves have started to change, there is a new nip to the air that hints that it won’t be long, already the days are shorter. When I wake up now, 5 ish, it is still dark outside. There are still pesky mosquitos lingering, but soon I am hoping to see the last of them.. man they are annoying.

PL Principle #2 I will not have complaints about others, matters, nor the weather. I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions. (always a work in progress for me)

How is your start to a week-end? Hopefully you will enjoy not only good weather but some of the fall fairs and concerts that are happening around the city.

Your willingness to learn will make you shine even brighter. As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life.

Perfect Liberty 2020.16

Be creative in your efforts. If something is not going well, take a step back and look at how you are tackling the problem. There is sure to be something you can improve on

Perfect Liberty 2014.16

um pouco mais? a bit more?



Here I sit day after day, helping people make their way through another day.

Does anyone ever see me, can anyone relate to what it is to be ignored in every way.

Did you know that once I was a seed, and then I grew into a full grown tree.

Oh, I felt so free, my limbs reached to the sky.

In spring I would grow these beautiful leaves that would stay with me all through summer and most of the fall.

I had a multitude of visitors that would come to take shelter of just sit a spell, and share the day with me

All the changed for me, when one day someone noticed how strong and tall I was…

I felt so proud, I preened and spread my arms even wider.

To my shock and dismay, I was cut to the ground, my beautiful bark was ripped from my body and I was laid bare.

Oh this is a beauty I heard it exclaimed, then to my horror I was passed through a mechanical monster who cut me into pieces.

I was shipped with others who had met my fate into a large open space where we lay stripped of our dignity and actually ignored

What was my future to be, I heard the talk, in the yard I was in, I could become part of a floor, a wall, I was no longer a tree, I had become an object to be used.

Then one day, I was shipped off to an area that was filled with tall trees and vegetation .. I was back in the woods where I could hear and see the birds and animals who used to visit with me, I was so happy….

Here I was cut up again, so parts of me lay in one place and another further down the way, I was going to be part of a walkway that cut across an expanse of land called a bog.

I was going to be useful again, I was going to be able to feel the wind, and all the wonderful elements of nature again.

I soon realized that it wasn’t like being a tree where I stood tall reaching for the heavens, where people would gaze at me in wonder at my strength and beauty and take shelter under my many limbs when the sun got too hot, or if the rains were too unrelenting.

No, I was a convenience, and many never even glanced at me or my beautiful markings.. some even took pleasure in trying to disfigure me.

I’ve grown old, you can see the tired lines in my face. If you look even closer, you will see the acceptance of my fate.

Thank you for listening to my story, if even one of you looks kindly on one of my peers, then my life has not been in vain.

Should you come visit, I hope to still be around, I may have a couple of seasons left in me.. who knows.. life is what it is after all, I have lived a good life, .. and look I got to share some time with you today, so its a good day!

*as told to Q on a hot summer day...

Enjoy what happens. People who can enjoy anything happening to them receive wisdom for the next step. Try to work on things without being overly concerned.

Perfect Liberty 2023.10

door to remember

Good morning. Been awhile since I have been driving through an industrial park .. and been surprised by a doorway that shouted.. you have to stop and look at me! Tucked away on a back street of an area that is all large industrial buildings, tow trucks, repair shops.. and the like, there was this wonderful inviting doorway. Are these doors not beautiful, heavy carved wood. Simply a WOW factor.

Yes today is Thursday, and it is when I participate in Dan’s .. Thursday Doors.. here is the link to his site and more doors. enjoy! https://nofacilities.com/2023/08/17/wvu-doors/

Today’s calendar

The path to achievement is “to start” with what you can do.” Try to find out what you can do towards challenges in your own situation. This will pave the way for achievement.

Perfect Liberty 2023,16

Have a great day everyone!


wandering mind

Take a moment to just enjoy this visual. Let your mind capture the endless sky and the rippled beach.

Come sit by my side – we will travel the extensive universe by simply climbing on the breeze that is fluttering by

No, don’t try to speak, let the moment happen

For in this time and space, we can let go, letting thoughts come and go without hinderance or manipulation …think of the thought as only words without meaning, without sound

When we unclutter the mind, new possibilities and opportunities will come forward

a calm and mindfulness will settle over us … we will destress and unwind

This is a good visualization if you tend to work too hard or too long

Calmness involves bringing perspective to our day to day goals.

Acknowledge your strengths.

PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity,

photo-Shirley Keen, NZ

where am I

What happens when you know you are awake, but you think you are sleeping, or vice versa. Is there a name for this condition. I was actually having a discussion with Velcro (male whippet) about his food intake, and whether or not the food was fresh.. I know.. scintillating conversation,but it seemed to me (at the time) that the discussion was heartfelt.

I must have gone to bed and gotten up again a dozen times yesterday. Not because I was tired and couldn’t stay awake, but because, my body wanted to lie down. With the poor air quality of the past week, I was still out and about. one day we walked the boardwalk to identify the planks that needed replacing. The NCC take safety seriously, the next day we went back and replaced a couple of the damaged boards and secured others that were not secured and wobbly. Yesterday I went back on my own and picked up the boards we were not able to carry the day before and carried them back to the parking lot to be dealt with Monday when the mtc. staff are back.

There were no problems, in fact I felt good at having accomplished the tidy up on my own. Obviously my brain and my body were not on the same page. (it does happen) The city rated # 1 for worst air quality (in the world) on one of the days that I was out …. I don’t know where I got the idea that I was invincible, but yesterday I got a healthy dose of “wake up” … I wanted to know from nothing, I ate, slept, ate some more and lay down again. I did try to watch the silly box, but it was a failed attempt at being interested.

Here is one of my gems of wisdom… that came into my brain while the fog was clearing. my aching arthritis in my thumb joints… as I lay there thinking about what a pain it was having to deal with the “aging body” and my throbbing thumb joint. Like an insert on a telly show. my mother scolding me, telling me to stop bending my thumb back.. I thought it was so cute I could bend my thumb to touch my wrist (flexible joint) ..my Mother told me over and over again, that I would be sorry. Guess what… she was right. fortunately she is not around to gloat .. which she would never do anyway… she had too much class for that.

Today is the 11th, Ancestor’s Day. In PL we have a ceremony every 11th of the month, where we express our gratitude for the love and virtues of our ancestors …. service today sill be at 10. a.m. See you there!

Make today a “give back day” We can live our daily lives owing to our ancestors, our elders and the work of our predecessors. Above all, kindness for others is the best way to give back.

Perfect Liberty 2023.11

In PL, everyday is a new day. a new canvas… (thank goodness) PL Precept # 1 Life is Art. I’m ready for a new day and a new experience, how about you…

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