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Posts tagged ‘flower’


Who knew! yesterday I heard a Cackling Goose, hmmm looked to me like the Canada Goose, but no… I eventually had time to look it up, Sorry I had to take a screen shot during a video to get this shot to share with you. It was migrating !!! and I got to hear it. Now I’m wondering if that is the bird I’m seeing with the Sand Crane some mornings.

Again I’m remined one should not take it for granted when we see a bird at a distance that it is not be dismissed as just another XYZ. I’m relatively new to the world of birds.. it is an adventure in learning.

I have been watching the growth of a red trillium… such a little beauty, I didn’t get to see one last year.. and this year it is my first find.

can’t wait to see how she is doing today!!!

PL Precept # 16 all things Progress and Develop

Everything that happens to you is material for growth. Approach everything with a firm belief that, “It will turn out for the best” Anything can be used as material for progress and development, PL 2015.4


alas Friday


Little flower look at you

bleached by the sun, with only rocks to protect you

how brave you are, standing there all alone

gosh I am so glad that I  came across you today

you’ve made me smile and given me pause

to reflect on how,  anything is possible*.

Thank you little flower,

thank you.



Have a happy start to a week-end friends.  Enjoy all the moments presented to you

PL calendar day 19

Value your Intuition !  When you suddenly have an A-ha! moment, or when a thought pops into your mind, it is God sending you a message.  As soon as you notice something, you should act upon it right away


a beetle bouquet

IMG_2112 beetle sent may 26

PL calendar day 29   Use what you need to use without hesitation

Your things, your money, your knowledge, and your strength are all part of you.  Utilize them to their fullest potential without hesitation.

Service this evening at 7pm.  This is a special day, and evening .. let us pray with great appreciation today, life is good.



photo -family traveller


Wordless Wednesday



The beauty of NOW


now is the moment

now here in the present is the time

this is when you can capture  the bloom

tomorrow, same time, same place

it just won’t be the same

we cannot retrace  our steps

and relive that moment

we need to experience today

for right now

this moment

will be with us always

till a new moment dawns

then my precious

my darling

my own

the excitement

the passion

will be reborn

namaste       –       oyashikiri

PL Precept # 11   Always be with God

text,photography my own (Q)

The bees knees

Here you go to all my friends and readers who have had me ask them, what is the meaning of the expression “you’re the bees knees”  Finally, dear loved ones, lazy me,  looked it up

Bees knees

For those of you who remember it from the distant past, but couldn’t recall the meaning .. except that it seemed to a favoured expression. This is one possibility…


Whatever, you can breathe a sigh of relief, I have found enough information, I will let it go now =^_^=  it just stuck in my craw, I didn’t have a clue.  I learned about bees though and have been impressed with what I learned. The bee is very valuable to our survival, AND, it is a positive energy, it lives to give life to others.  It is tireless in its quest, and lives a life of service.

bees polinating

It goes happily about its business, buzzing and collecting, visiting  1000’s of flowers in a day.

PL Principle #21      I will live with the spirit of Misasage (Devotion) working for the happiness of others.

bee happy

Bees are a work of art

PL Precept #1      Life is Art

Namaste      –      Oyashikiri



somethings simply are


one day, it simply happened

I looked up and there you were

obviously you had been there before

but .. somehow.. I missed seeing you there


nature has a way of reclaiming

what man has tried to take away

there is no tomorrow or yesterday

only today


one day you wake and find the floral essence of the bloom

enjoy it while it comes alive

for all too soon, the flower fades

to shrivel and begin its journey

to another space and time

no, not into  the gloom

it has come, lived, and gone

no more  no less


I am a tree

grow with me


Namaste      –      Oyashikiri

text mine

pics -Pinterest

gone fishing


Gone Fishing

Does that expression mean anything to you?  In days gone by, “Gone Fishing” meant just that, someone had put a shingle outside their business and had taken time to go fishing.

Going on a holiday, the phrase would signify that the person was taking time to get away from the city, their 9 – 5 routine was going to be on hold… they were “going fishing”.  Family was packed up and away they headed for a seaside vacation, time at the lake, river, anywhere but in the city.

My son goes fishing, once the season starts, he puts a kayak on his car and off he goes, he will fish whenever he has the time to get away. No he doesn’t live in a small town, or out in the country, he lives in downtown “Big City”  It his way of finding his quiet time, he dedicates his time to making time for something that brings him an inner quiet to recharge his batteries to tend to his day-to-day challenges/opportunities.

Opportunities don’t always just happen, we have to be proactive in working towards our goals,to ensure we remain, spiritually healthy.

leucospermum reflexum var.luteum   flickr  kelley macdonald

Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


*leucosperum reflexum var.luteum -flickr

Bom dia, Good morning !

inner peace 1  found sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net


Where are your thoughts today. When the days past have been busy and full, have you made time for you.  Have you made time to say THANK YOU for all you’ve received so far, yes whether for the challenges or the joys.  Does your heart rejoice at the end of the day?

inner peace2  via kristi dingwell morrison

When I first began a life of teaching and service I was a student of life, many decades later, I am constantly learning and relearning lessons that I thought I had learned already.  However, when I reflect on my most inner feelings, or when my emotions are being rendered senseless with constant chatter from my tattle telling mind, I realize that I’ve been forgetting that I am the captain of my ship.  Whatever the circumstance, it was through my choices over time that I am currently in the puddle I’m in.  Sigh, the quotes and sayings that are posted all over social media, and used in my blog and others,  are great, but reading them and acknowledging the truth of them isn’t enough.


We have to live the words we believe in, we have to acknowledge and give thanks to  the Universe for the learning we are acquiring. Live and learn brothers and sisters,this is life, this is living.  Express and live with full Makoto (sincerity)  Reach out and say thank you today when you can, even for minor matters, smile from the heart and have a blessed day.

lotus flower - flickr.com  Bahman Farzad

White Lotus -Sanskrit Pundarika – in Buddhism, the lotus flower resembles the purifying of the spirit which is born into murkiness. =^_^=

Namaste   – Oyashikiri

*** social media

Lotus -Bahman Farzad on flickr

Do you glance or do you read?

Good morning everyone..  earlier this week I received my PL Newsletter from Rev. Goto on New York.  In it, he has shared with us an article by Rev Toshio Suzuki*  His article began with a sentence that I read and re-read several times thinking that there was a typo.  It took a couple of readings and then going on and reading the next two sentences before what he was saying sunk in.  I am guilty myself at times of thinking I’m reading, but in fact my eyes are scanning and the brain is taking in what it is reading, but NOT necessarily  assimilating the information the way it is intended.

His opening paragraph is as follows.  Conviction and Faith, by Rev. Toshio Suzuki … If you want to see the truth of your faith, you should try to practice it very doubtfully,like “is it really true or not?”  Then you will come to the conclusion.  There is nothing more useless than neither doubting nor  believing.   To read more of what is said, please contact Rev. Goto in our New York church for a copy of this PL Newsletter.  His e-mail is goppoy@icloud.com   If you are in the NY area  (718)-424-8815.


While researching for a previous blog I found several interpretations or versions if you will of a photograph of the Mad Hatter as played by Johnny Depp. This is the one that struck me the most, and I went back to find it to use it today.  Since the picture had no explanation, as to how or why it was coloured the way it was, I can’t pass that information on to you.  I could only view it and  enjoy it from my perspective.  Most pictures I saw were in shades of black and white.  Like Rev. T.Suzuki’s words, this picture had arrested me in my search by making a statement that connected with something inside me.  I wanted more.  I really looked at it closely, the shading, the lace, the fingerless,frayed gloves, bandaged thumb,  the assorted pieces of accessories, everything.  All of the costume was very artfully pulled together to draw and capture the viewer’s attention.  When we are visual, which I am, the picture shouted at me, and I responded.  Words,are not as visual, they are a group of letters that come together to form a word.  We must read the words not necessarily by themselves, but with the words that come before and after them to really understand the intent of the writer.

floral Geranio by ceferreira on flickr

Sunshine Blessings to you on this 22nd day of April.  Oyashikiri

remember, we can all look at the same picture , read the same words, and come away with our very own story-line.


* Rev.Toshio Suzuki former principal of PL Elementary School, Japan  (40Years)

picture of flower, Geranio by cefferreira.flickr.jpg

picture Mad Hatter> Pinterest

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