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Archive for the ‘song’ Category


Strive to overcome obstacles by changing your mind frame. Things don’t always go as planned. When that happens, try changing how you look at the situation or how you are doing things The outcome is in your hands. ( PL2020.17)

Bumped into a friend who I had not seen for a long time, yet we are often in the same area/place… we just don’t get to have a one on one. Of course the opening question is always, “how you doing”.. “doing great” was my reply…a voice inside my head asked,,… “is that really the right answer, or is it your polite answer”. Strange I thought, why was my inner voice popping up.. I was doing .. I am doing fine… Soon, I knew why I was being kept “present”… my friend was answering my “how are you?”

It is easy to give an automatic response, it can be “habit”… when we do that, we are not always “present” and hearing what the response is that we are getting from the friend we have just asked the same question to. The moment passes and the opportunity to be there for someone passes with it. Friendships are special, true some are fleeting.. but others last a lifetime… In making each moment one of “value” we never regret “missed opportunities”.

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a turning point,

Pl Precept #15 All is a mirror



Yesterday I looked up as I was walking back to my car, and saw a Benedictine monk standing behind a stand of trees, I got out my camera.. I had to look a few times, but yes… I saw him standing there as clear as day. As I put the camera into a different position, and moved to get a better shot, a big white van backed up and obstructed my view. The moment had come and gone.

The photographer driving the van offered to pull out so I could get the shot but you all know, if you don’t catch it when the light is just right and you are in the one spot where the “moment” appears.. its gone, lost.

Life is a series of moments.. no more.. no less.

Move forward with confidence. Experience you have acquired through efforts so far are wonderful. Give it all you’ve got.

Perfect Liberty 2023.20

. Happy upbeat music to start the day.

Why can’t we be friends. (Dave Renz)

Clear day

Respect the existence of each other. The world consists of people with different circumstances and different lifestyles. Respect and understand each other.

Perfect LIberty 2023.14
What is the meaning of the song on a clear day? (Google internet)

“It’s one of exuberance that not only accepts but overcomes the heartbreak everyone experiences at some point in life. If there were ever a popular song written about the experience of realizing universal consciousness, of attaining nirvana, of finding the bliss we are all seeking, “On A Clear Day” is it.”

Happy Week-end everyone.. enjoy the moment, share your smile with all around you, Happiness begins within.


A drive through a rural area that I had not visited in some time … a breath of fresh air, living in a bustling city with constant traffic, near 4 major hospitals, a baseball stadium, and bustling commercial areas, this was a drive that was soothing and restful. Hope you enjoy the doors that we passed along the way,

For more doors please visit Dan’s No Facilities site.. where other door/architecture enthusiast will be posting their doors for this week, https://nofacilities.com/2023/10/12/aug-sept-leftovers/ His post today outlines and gives information on Thursday Doors, should you be interested in posting yourself.

Everyone has their own way of seeing and thinking, There are different points of view and ways of thinking which makes it interesting and creates new ideas. Try to enjoy other’s expressions.

Perfect Liberty 2023.12

Have a good day everyone… smile …brighten your day and those around you,

Enjoy… loving hugs to all.


OK I resisted putting in a winter theme picture, but last night… I have no idea why, a song came up in my head, we have all been there, and nothing would do but I find the song and listen to it properly. Did I find it yes and no. I found all kind of versions, but the one I was hunting for. I did find this one, https://youtu.be/5Aa_9ruWPnA?si=7wTQRxR1f7fMU6BC … it was the sax part that I wanted to hear… Anyway, I searched for a good hour or more, in the end I did find a version I remembered but by then I was too tired and had missed my falling asleep moment. Not everyday/night is a perfect.. pleasant dreams night … where you wake up all sunshine bright next morning.

I should have had my scallop snack, they provide serotonin and magnesium .. my cooking pals out there.. I’ve become a scallop fiend I want them 3, 4 times a week, LOL Gail rolling your eyes… I simply rinse them. drop them in a pot of boiling soup stock, drain them .. cool them and pop them like popcorn. (the wee ones) the bigger ones I sear ..in butter and garlic. No.. I know, there is no hope for me.

Be grateful for everything.. If you see everything as material to express gratitude, you can encounter a number of opportunities you are grateful for.

Perfect Liberty 2023.21

Thanksgiving/appreciation service tonight at 7 pm eastern..

yummy yummy yummy

heat > cool temps

With wild fires happening in so many areas that the smoke travelled for miles blanketing areas for miles and miles in whatever way the wind was blowing, spreading particles of ash and heavy smoke filled air… it was recommended by officials that if at all possible to be safe staying out of the unfriendly environment … it was not a pleasant situation. Today the forecast is telling us it will only reach a high of ..maybe 60, compared to over 80 of the other day, that is a drop.

The nasty air of the last days, has not been good for the wildlife either… Poor avian population with their little lungs. Hark I am hearing the song of the cardinal this morning, for days now, the birds have been quiet. The other day needing to feel refreshed and wanting to hear the roar of water… I went to Hogs Back, you can see how two birds were getting some “chill” time in… I didn’t spend a lot of time there, I just needed a recharge. there is something about the roar of rushing water, and watching it cascade down over the rocks that I find refreshing, The sight of the two birds just relaxing and grooming, enjoying the moment was inspiring.

Small changes can bring about a fresh outlook. are you just living each day getting into a rut? By making small changes in the things you do, your day to day life can become fresh and exciting.

Perfect Liberty 2012.24


snow you say

This was yesterday ..and we are due to get a whole lot more starting tonight into the day tomorrow. It might have been relatively mild winter, but it has not been lacking in snow. We have had a lot of snow… so much so that the contractors who clean up the roads, laneways etc,. will exceed their contracted amounts of snow and patrons will be facing additional charges this year for snow maintenance.

To all our Brazilian readers, this is the area to the side and back of the church building. You can see how much snow has accumulated. In Japan there are areas that get snow, but in the parts where no snow falls, you can see what the church grounds are like here in Canada at this time of year.

Put Makoto even into small things. don’t let things go with “oh well” You will have a different outcome if you put Makoto (sincerity) into everything you do. Perfect Liberty 2023,27

A huge big snow smile just for you!

Sunday musings

Today I woke to a very cool morning. Cold .. in that it is only 40 something degrees F. which means it is cold enough to need a proper jacket if I am to get a walk in before church this morning. At 5 something it is also dark outside. the world might be bright with gold and crimson colours, but days are getting shorter… It is a more of an effort to jump up out from the warm comfort of the bed and make my way to the office/studio.

Inspiration will be that once up, I can share time with you before I actually leave the house .. drive to the woodlands, feed the birds, walk the bog (time permitting) and get to the church shortly after 9.. Service is at 10 a.m. Can you tell I am a morning person, Bom dia a todos!!!!

Express yourself clearly so others can understand you. When you can’t communicate clearly it can lead to problems. Always express yourself carefully to avoid any misunderstandings.

Perfect Liberty 2022.9

So many will be celebrating the Thanksgiving week-end here in Canada. Enjoy. Remember your smile can create an instant connection.



Being Thursday I realized it was Thursday Doors, this year I thought to maybe explore a door that grabbed my attention and discover why it did. Doors are needed to enter and leave a building but for me they also add character to the site/location. This door was off a main street of a small tourist town, I was taken by the owner’s use of natural woods to use in the window box in front of the big picture window. Decorative it allows light in, but gives privacy to the occupants inside. The door is an old wooden door with decorative trim, blending in with the other décor used on the façade… simplicity at its best.

Think of the timing before you say “but…” When stating your opinion, make sure you are being respectful of others’ opinions. Be mindful of this when you speak.

Perfect Liberty 2022.14

If you enjoy doors, you may want to visit https://nofacilities.com/2022/01/13/from-a-small-seed/ this link will take you to Dan’s site No Facilities, host of this “event”

You can only change yourself. Before you start telling people how they should do things, think of how you can be more flexible.

Perfect Liberty 2022.13

Every day we evolve, every day we face new opportunities, every day we get to make a decision on how we spend our time. What we want to do to accomplish this moment in time…is our decision… make it worthwhile.

for example — I ask myself why I only spend 5, 10 minutes with the crows, when I am on my own time table, they are giving me pleasure, why do I rush away.? Silly thought, random moment.. but there you have it.. caw caw caw….

and that is fact!

Jan 3

Your smile is what is needed. A smile invites happiness and cheer and is essential to energize others as well as yourself.

Perfect Liberty 2022.3

Yesterday a friend called who had just been told one of his/her parental units had covid. Symptoms were mild, never-the-less it was confirmed it was covid. The parent had both vaccines and the booster, never-the-less it was concerning. In PL. we try to accept everything that happens to us and around us, as a way to reinforce a positive way of creatively dealing with opportunities that come our way.

In the last couple of years we have been “reacting” to the word “covid” and any and all other references to this “disease” in our atmosphere. It isn’t always easy to be and stay positive.. but it is in being positive and appreciative that we will make changes that will benefit all of mankind.

Personally, I have learned to come to terms with negativity that has shadowed my world for some time. Time has opened my eyes to the knowledge that there are circumstances that are beyond my control or my ability to “fix”. Any change that is going to happen has to begin with “me” and my behaviour.

Love is a word that is brandied around and used for all kinds of reasons, people, places and things. is it a verb or a noun??? An emotion? a feeling? how many times in a day do you use the word, and how many times while using the word are you filled with passion, contentment, pleasure, joy and happiness.

How many of us live in a world filled with love – yet feel we are in a vacuum, or are totally alone even if we are in a room full of people.

When I read today’s calendar ” your smile is what’s needed”….. yes, I agree, but anyone can smile, you can mechanically make your face smile. what I want to know is do you feel it.. When you smile are you happy.

Covid is a word. It has history, it has meaning, but it is a word. If we don’t want to be cold when we go out in the Canadian winter, we wear appropriate clothes… If its raining and we don’t want to get wet, we bring along an umbrella. If my mate is hungry and wants to eat, it doesn’t mean that I’m hungry and need to eat. We are all individuals and unique in our needs/wants etc. It is important to recognize and realize that the same applies to how we respond to words that are used.

PL Precept # 3 God appears through One’s Self.

PL Precept # 1 Life is Art


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