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Posts tagged ‘water’


Always live with hope in your heart. With a clear image in mind, move forward with enthusiasm. Your dreams will surely come true with perseverance. PL2015.2

There is something very serene about seeing the trees mirrored in the calm waters of an early morning visit to the woodlands.

PL Precept # 15 All is a mirror

Share a smile today, be happy! Life is good when we are welcoming!


Good Morning!!

Letting you pick your own “theme” for the morning reflection. I liked the lesson I received in the early hours, will share it with you now.

{Let’s ask the guide} If you learn everything from a professional in that field, you will discover new things and improve your human power.

Don’t just ignore what you don’t understand even if you look it up yourself, but ask someone or an expert you understand.

PL lesson -original text Japanese 2021.09.26

PL Precept # 20 Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter.

Perfect Liberty Precept.

Life is Art – vida e Arte – Vida es Arte



I have a soft spot for rocks. There is something about a rock that seems to be so attractive and mysterious at the same time. I have never come across a rock that I have not enjoyed meeting. They come in all shapes and sizes, for sure some are more valuable than others.. depending on their composition… For me.. they are story tellers. Each one has its very own unique story line. This group with the water as a backdrop appealed to me, I studied it for some time. There was a seating area near by…

is this not inviting?

I dared not sit .. I wanted to badly, but I was not dressed for the brisk freshness of the early morning. It will be my “destination” on another day. the above rocks are just off to the left of this wonderful chair. I picture myself there on one of our famous “indian summer” days lazily allowing the day to wash over me.

Treat today as if it your first time around. Just because you succeeded in the past ti doesn’t guarantee that things will go as smoothly this time around. Every day, each moment, there is a new challenge to face.

Perfect Liberty 2011.7

I will get to see the rocks in a different light, I will be curious to see if the same images appear. Enjoy the coming week… Sleep sweet dreams this evening, and if it is morning when you read this.. have a stunning day!


once upon a doodle

rose and lion mixed media doodle

LOL I have no idea why the name.. well I guess I do. The rose is the fluff upper left. I had to rewind and ball of wool that was so tangled I was only able to save 4/5ths of it. Never one to waste a good piece of knotted and fluffy wool, I balled it up and put it on the doodle card I was working on.

While drying it took on the look of a wet rose. Of course the ultra matte gel used to sculpture it in place, changed the effect somewhat.. but in person, I can still see the outline of my rose. My lion is in the pieces of discarded paper that I ripped up from some notice or other… and layered it in a rolled ball that obviously flattened and mushed around. it is the Distress oxide inks that shade the papers that gave my Lion its life.

Beauty as you know is in the eye of the beholder. I can tell you with certainty that playing with mixed media.. making colourful messes is very therapeutic for me. =^_^= … A good night’s sleep works wonders too.

The everyday t hings you do will show when it really counts. If you have a tendency to be careless about everyday matters, you cannot expect to perform well at crucial times.

Perfect Liberty 2020.3


a little this and that… Eliza or anyone else out there, have you had experience with bromelaids? I found a beauty the other day, and brought it home.

for my other friends, I was up packing up a box of cleaning supplies shortly after 6 a.m. from under my kitchen sinks. I no longer have duplicates and half full containers.. Tidy now yes, but will I make use of the products??? ah… that is another matter.

lastly, Blues tonight 5 pm SL time.

artistic expression

is everywhere.
This was my song yesterday. Awesome. For me, Nature wins hands down



You have heard of writer’s block. The fall season for me unleashes ideas and thoughts like the rushing of water … such as you see above. It is the opposite to writer’s block, yet in some ways it is the same. Why. The ideas are so many and the desire to create so strong, nothing happens.

Time to step back and assimilate the many incoming thoughts and messages. Put some order into the thoughts so that you can process how best to express what is happening in your “head”

Your surroundings are a mirror of your thoughts. when you think “this is going to be hard” then your situation will become difficult \, instead think “let’s do this!” and face your situation with determination. then you will be surprised to see how smoothly things go.

Perfect Liberty 30,2019

I am so blessed with the thoughtful caring friends n my life. Two such angels arrived yesterday, seeing them, sharing with them and enjoying their so cherished gift of friendship, has already started to open spaces in my mind, allowing for some sense or order.

In stepping back from my “self” for awhile, how I want to express all these ideas that have come with the fall season and the various displays of colour, will start to appear in a way that I can explore and experiment.

It is exciting I have been gathering canvas, pulling out my paints, we shall see.

Meanwhile, this has not been a wordless Wednesday, but it is Wednesday the 16th. Have a wonderful day enjoy whatever you do… Share a smile,your inner beauty will shine through.


photo-Nick (twinkle-toes)

kayak fishing

steve kayak, june 14

Fishing, although I don’t fish, is something I think would be a quiet, comtemplative type of activity.  I have seen pictures of people kayaking along shorelines, alone, silently cutting through the water, seeing the lake, river, from a totally different angle.  If fishing, is there really a need to catch or “hook up” with a fish, or is it the very activity itself.

My son an avid kayaker, loves to fish.  Not to bring the outdoors home, but to communicate with nature in his comfort zone.  The water is still cold, we have not had any seasonally warm temperatures..yet already he has been in swimming.

steve kayak 6.14

IF I had a bucket list, a lazy drift in a kayak would be in the top twenty. =^_^=

PL Calendar day 15   Live with firm determination, thinking that “this will turn out for the best”

Everything in this world progresses and develops.  Always be positive, knowing that everything will turn out for the best.




PS  I don’t swim  (son’s kayaks)




The other day, this pond was quiet, still.

Yesterday it was populated with a gaggle of ducks happily enjoying the sunshine of an early fall day.


same location,   except in this picture I am on the other side of the little pond.

Before…  in  August


Taken Saturday Sept 22.


The only constant in life is change.   Life goes on.  Eliza’s post that I reposted to you just before writing this, caught my “mood” perfectly’.



As one life ends, another begins  ——— one door closes, another opens.  This is what life is all about. new beginnings.



looking back 2017

endings, beginnings

always another day

reality, there is only now

always is

this very moment



Wordless Wednesday 4.26.17

lady in the clouds 4.25.17

sit quietly with me

see my many faces

I can be anyone you want me to be

first, you have to find me


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