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Posts tagged ‘balance’

Dec 29

a page from one of my art journals

Use what you need to use without hesitation. Your things, your money, your knowledge, and your strengths are all a part of you. Utilize them to their fullest potential without hesitation.

Perfect Liberty 2019.29

Do things in Moderation. Whenever you overdo something, you will lose balance in your life. Express yourself appropriately without being overly attached or detached.

Perfect Liberty 2016.29

FYI the Chinese New Year this coming lunar year will fall on January 25th. For many the close proximity of the two new year celebrations will mean a lot of activity and energy. The Chinese new year is focused very much on “family”. Leading up to this important time of year, we “clean” our “homes”, physically and mentally.

For those familiar with the I Ching. Hexagon 58 Tui the top three lines mirror the bottom ones. broken line, followed by two unbroken lines.

Joy and Harmony! No doubt. Confidence. No regrets. Advancement. Happiness! Faith in the temporary causes disillusionment. Attraction!

I ching = a philosophical prophecy this book published 1972 Reiss

Smile it is contagious!


standing tall


PL calendar day 20 – Sunday –   Find a good balance between your Present and Past Experiences

Without forgetting your original intent, continue to develop your own path by also relying on your knowledge and experience.




it is all about the lines,

the patience of placing each rock and boulder, just so..

sun and shade..

soft and hard..








Disco Monday aka Wednesday

arriving for some disco

the clan start to gather

the fun began

at Pacifique (SL) the music, the atmosphere, the friends,

a musical interlude, a nice way to end the day.

Ok that was how I ended my day, but the start was just as great.  We drove out to visit with our new whippet, here she is spending some time with her soon to be brother.  Who is being as aloof and distant as he can be.  Real party poop.

Keeper 10.18.17b

Meet Keeper, she is 5 years old.

Keeper 10.18.17cOK she saying, I’ve done my few minutes with big brother, now let’s do something else. She is a sweetheart, can’t wait for her to be home with us full-time.

There is room in a day to do a lot of things, attend to what needs doing, resting, and having some “chill” time.

PL Precept # 20  Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter.

Sweet blessings to take you into the night.


SL http://www.secondlife.com



making friends

As I pondered my life this morning, my Mother in the hospital, cherished friends in far distant lands, others busy with their lives I reflected on the current project I’m working on.


This is another of the books I collected out of the throw away box.  It was published under the direction of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, The church of England, The church of Scotland,  the  list goes on.  It has maps and plans inside, along with the text of course.  The cover was rather battered, especially I don’t know how long it had been exposed to the elements or where it had been prior to being thrown away.

I’ve used masking tape to protect the center of the cover and I’m working at giving the rest of the cover some strength and I hope character back.

Our lives are lived pretty much like this book.  We are conceived, given birth to, presented to the world, and then……………  who knows where we will go or end up.  Each one of us  has our own  path, destination/goal, and how we achieve or get there.. is our own personal journey.

Facing the possibilities of my Mother’s journey, gives me plenty of time to reflect on my own journey.  Which brings me back to friendships.  Some friends you have known, have carved a place in your heart that will last forever, yet you may never see them again, for their paths have gone in different directions.  Or… the value of the friendship was not balanced, that happens too.

The one person, that is the most important person of all, is yourself.    When I’m working doing art projects, or creating, I’m allowing my self-expression to be seen or heard.  I may be the only one who sees it, but the act of BEING is…. in fact.. making friends with mySELF.

PL Precept #11  Always be with God.

PL Precept # 15   All is a Mirror

GOD is the constant in our lives.  When we are quiet, silent, STILL, we feel and hear from within, not the external machines and noises around us.

PL Precept 20  Live Maintaining Equilibrium between mind and matter

(Vivez en harmonie materielle et spirituelle)    this is so important for us to work towards achieving.

PL Precept #1   Life is ART


Thanksgiving Service tonight at 7 pm.  See you then =^_^=



It is the start of a new month.  A new beginning.  In PL (Perfect LIberty) on the 1st of each month we have a ceremony, we pray for World Peace and rededicate ourselves to live as peaceful human beings in our own worlds.  That means anywhere we are “present”

PL Principle #21  I will live with the spirit of “Misasage” (devotion) working for the happiness of others.

PL precept #10  Love yourself and Others

When I feel one thing, and do another, then I am not being true to myself or to the person or situation I am interacting with.  It is not always easy to think before we speak, and, unfortunately, once the words leave our mouths, they can’t easily be taken back.

Let us begin this month, with a prayer in our hearts that extends out to all whose lives we touch.  Let us work towards acceptance and understanding when we are faced with something that is unfamiliar to us, or not in our comfort zone.  In the end, we may decide that we simply will have to agree to disagree, but at least, we listened to the option.  BEFORE making our decision, (choices)

PL Precept #20  Live maintaining equilibrium between mind and matter

Snapshot_ Tondabyashi, Skip (78, 68, 29) - Moderate

at the end of the day,

we have to make peace

with ourSelves




SL location – Immaculatwe Perception http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA22/128/128/21

2nd picture – SL Linden home



some realities are very different from our own

we can never comprehend

until we walk in that other person’s shoes

Chika Qu July 4_002

other realities are lived in our daily lives

only they exist where not everyone

can participate or enjoy

gret grand daughter

we all have these very private moments

whether in a tree

or in a crowed scene

they belong to us.

we do live them

and they form the personality

that blooms and  is seen

by those around us

North - July 15.`14_002

our realties, when we are alone

can be disquieting

at such times,

we call upon our inner strength

we need only  recall the

happy times, and how we thrived

yin yang

we survived to live another day

to know happiness, means

we have known sorrow

Life is a balance

The only constant is change

Winnie quote 2

Namaste      –       Oyashikiri


English proverb

I have the huge honor of sometimes getting to read a Sr. Minster’s words, I’m always left with a new way or a different perception of one of the Perfect Liberty Percepts.  This minister lives in another country, so it’s not like I can just pick up and attend one of his services. When I have heard him, his messages have been insightful.

That is one of the ways we learn in life, by listening.  Not only to being aware of our own adventures, and understanding the values we learn and the blessings we receive.  We learn by “listening” paying attention, to verbal and non verbal communications that come our way.

Part of the PL culture is sharing our blessings and challenges.  We call them testimonies.  It hasn’t really caught on here in Canada, but in South America, and Asian countries, ie. in particular Japan, where PL was born, standing up and sharing what your faced during your week, or that day, and what you learned, not only acts like a cleansing in a way, but it gives others an insight on something in their own lives, that they relate to or with.

One of the Precepts that I have worked on and I imagine I will continue to work on, is PL Precept #4   Being Annoyed limites your expressions.

Or if you wish.. PL Precept #5, One’s Self is lost by being emotional.

The Sr. Minister, tells of how when he and his wife were travelling to a special event, they had a long way to travel, and he was driving fast.  He was doing 74 mph on a hwy that was usually 65 mph.  However he missed when it changed to 55 mph, and guess what.. he got a speeding ticket.  AND when he was stopped, the police officer gave him a notice .. the ticket and fine etc would follow.  We had a very unhappy Sensei.

In PL we reflect on what happened, and why……….what Precept we were not following.

In this case, he and his wife during the trip, had one of those marital moments we all know if we have ever coupled, where a quarrel happens and the response to that is silent stewing. He was not paying 100% on what he was doing,   Refer back to PL#4 and PL# 5.

19 miles over the limit, the disharmony cost him $211.

In telling of this expensive lesson, a church member said,  “you are lucky, 19 miles over the limit means you lost 4 points. Had you been going 1 mile more over the limit 20, you license would have been suspended.    Your insurance premiums will likely be affected in the next 3 years!… but here is a good thing to know, If you take a course at the traffic school, 4 points will be reduced, this would reset your points.”  Sensei was very happy to learn this,  the member was very kind to have explained this to him.

In this experience, Sensi learned a lesson, in sharing it, he was blessed with information he had not had before.  “Life depends on how we accept things”   PL Precept # 16  All things progress and develop.

PL Precept #1    Life is Art



Feelings -Thanksgiving

What comes to  mind when you think of Thanksgiving……….


A meal shared with friends and family………..


Is it the joy you take in gathering supplies to make colorful decorations that will please the the eye and delight the senses?  Small gifts for friends, or just to brighten your home.


 As the color titillates our awakening senses, we are open to new adventures   Where ever we are when the leaves start to change, we feel it in the air.  Our appreciation of life is aroused and we find ourselves more open to changes, in fact, our creative juices start to bubble with ideas that want expression.


This picture evokes the desire to explore, to walk down this sun filled path, to smell the autumn leaves as they progress through their cycle of change.  You know that the photographer who took this picture, felt the sun and heard the birds and wildlife that surround her/him. They managed to capture the moment beautifully.  If you listen closely you’ll hear the rustle of the leaves as a gentle breeze makes its way through the spectrum of fall colored foliage.

Life is to be enjoyed,  Thanksgiving is a time to express and give thanks for the bounty we receive in life, In Perfect Liberty, (PL) we give thanks each month for the many blessings in our lives.  We do so on the 21 st . of each month.  

Faith grows not only through intellectual understanding but also through actively participating in life, the PL WAY.


PL Precept 20.

Live Maintaining Equilibrium Between Mind and matter

PL Precept 21

Live in Perfect Liberty

Namaste            –            Oyashikiri

photos -Pinterest

female -male -partners


Good day everyone!  What a beautiful day, not because of the sunshine, but because it is a brand new day. Another adventure to look forward to, more challenges to unravel and explore. Each and everyone of us is unique, we think and feel things in different ways. To live in harmony with  another, we have to first be at peace ourselves.


To the artist when creating, we strive for balance in our presentation. We often bring inanimate objects together to present a pleasing visual to the eye. In dealing with another human being, we are working with another person with feelings, and thoughts of their own.  Immersed in our own thoughts and ideas, we often neglect to consider that the person we are working or sharing time with can also be lost in thought.  Because we all have our own unique personality and lifestyle, the response or view  of our partner,friend can be completely different from our own.  Practice acceptance of differences, learn and grow together. It is through communication, and respect that bonds grow stronger.


When we choose to walk along a path with another, it is amazing how differently each takes in the landscape, both see different vistas even though walking side by side. What a blessing it is to share a horizon with another. There cannot be one without the other, if the head of the coin was not there, neither would the tail.  Positive/negative =1 (One)

Namaste   –  Oyashikiri











* weddingchicks.com

** Kaboodle.com (Barbara Zito)

*** Shore of Lake Kinnaret (sea of Galilee) by Adam Jones,Ph.D -Global photo Archive -Flickr

Makoto (sincere effort)

Dancing June 19_005

In Perfect Liberty (Church PL) we say ” Life is Art” that is the #1 Precept of our 21 Precepts.

 # 2 is To Live Is to Express One’s Self,

#7 Everything Exists in Relativity.

 #18 Each Moment is a Turning Point

I have mentioned before that I visit Second Life which is a virtual world. To some it is a game and to others it is not.  To know what Second Life is all about, you have to experience it.  Much like if I am eating a peach and you see me with a big smile and peach juice at the corners of my mouth, you note the peach is fuzzy and looks moist and inviting, this will give you some information about what I’m eating, but if you ask me, what does it taste like, my answer will really not tell you anything.  Why, because you are not tasting it for yourself, and my taste buds and yours might be on totally different planets.

Why am I talking about SL today, mainly because I just finished doing the blog for this virtual reality world http://virtualluna.blogspot.ca/   and I was totally blown away by the creativity and artist  way of life many of the creators in SL lead.  The builders (artists/designers) recreate what they see, like and enjoy in our day to day world, which in SL speak is called RL (real life)  These people from all over the world, SL is played by people from all over the world if there is internet there is SL. The SL currency can be exchanged in most major markets. ie. we can trade SL currency for US dollars. (LOL if you have enough of it)

Many of the artists/designers make their living through sales in  this virtual marketplace.  They use their skills to design and build for the inhabitants of this world, and they  make enough to pay their” whatever” in real life.  In PL we recognize that each individual is a unique being, and we all have ways to express who we are.

One of the valuable lessons of this virtual world is that we have to look beyond the avatar we are speaking with, because behind each avatar is a real live breathing person.  So in life.. we meet someone and we see their outer shell.  How often do we forget that inside that body we are looking at, there is a person, with a heart and feelings.  We look at their appearance, the clothes they wear, how they stand, speak, and without knowing it, or even thinking about it, we form an opinion.  It is hard not to do.

I ask you today, to think of the PL Precepts I’ve mentioned above, and to put your Makoto into doing your best to value those Precepts and apply them to your daily living.  The truth revealed in their words applies universally to all humankind.

PL Precept 20 – Live Maintaining Equilibrium Between Mind and Matter.

helicopter aerospatiale AS 350BA squirrel

Aerospatiale AS-350BA Squirrel (Tom Meyer)

helicopter and military dog

Service dogs are an amazing  part of the armed forces (Jonathan Schout)(Alfonso Irene Jimenez)


namaste – oyashikiri

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