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Posts tagged ‘wreath’

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Good day everyone!  What a beautiful day, not because of the sunshine, but because it is a brand new day. Another adventure to look forward to, more challenges to unravel and explore. Each and everyone of us is unique, we think and feel things in different ways. To live in harmony with  another, we have to first be at peace ourselves.


To the artist when creating, we strive for balance in our presentation. We often bring inanimate objects together to present a pleasing visual to the eye. In dealing with another human being, we are working with another person with feelings, and thoughts of their own.  Immersed in our own thoughts and ideas, we often neglect to consider that the person we are working or sharing time with can also be lost in thought.  Because we all have our own unique personality and lifestyle, the response or view  of our partner,friend can be completely different from our own.  Practice acceptance of differences, learn and grow together. It is through communication, and respect that bonds grow stronger.


When we choose to walk along a path with another, it is amazing how differently each takes in the landscape, both see different vistas even though walking side by side. What a blessing it is to share a horizon with another. There cannot be one without the other, if the head of the coin was not there, neither would the tail.  Positive/negative =1 (One)

Namaste   –  Oyashikiri











* weddingchicks.com

** Kaboodle.com (Barbara Zito)

*** Shore of Lake Kinnaret (sea of Galilee) by Adam Jones,Ph.D -Global photo Archive -Flickr

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