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Posts tagged ‘story’

immerse yourself

a moment in time

You will find joy when you immerse yourself in your task. When you face your tasks with a can do attitude, you will be filled with enthusiasm and inspiration.

Perfect liberty 2020.22


come one come all

come one come all, come to the ball, it is open to all..

the winds whispered and sang through the trees,

hoping to catch someone, anyone’s ear,

but, the lazy river and the foliage basking in the sun

paid no heed, there was no rush, fall wouldn’t arrive for another couple of months.

Too soon, they awoke to found that the ground was covered in snow, and the cool wind that blew, was in no mood for a ball,

It had come in with the fall, ready to blow the leaves down, and was ready to whip itself up into all it could be, to ensure a clear path

for what was to be. High above from her vantage point above the snow queen polished her wand, making sure her stars were sharp and ready to dispense of all of her glittering diamonds of flakes. With a sweep of her wand, the land below would be covered in snow…

Then, what a glorious landscape it would be. she would call back the wind and open the days to the majesty of the winter sun… Only then would her handiwork be shown at its best. Her diamond flakes would sparkle and amaze, she loved this time of year…

Once more the call would go out, come one, come all, it is time for the ball.

Seasons come and go, we need to flow with the changes. In this way, we will always rejoice at what there is before us. Always be in the NOW.




PL calendar day 2

Live each day filled with hope

Even in those situations when you feel trapped with no way out, face every challenge with purpose and enthusiasm and you will find a way.

Nick, Mel and Craig rang the partially hidden little bell

Nick and Mel, sat down to wait a spell

While Craig wandered off to find the well

“oh look”, said Mel

both doors are open, front and back

“for sure” said Nick, “let us explore

Craig will find us when he gets back”

Inside they went to look around

Meanwhile Craig having found a  fast running stream

decided to explore a little more .. will the 3 friends,

end up back where they began? Although they started in one location,  each had his/her own story to tell when ….



doorways from the past………………… what stories they can tell.



Wednesday again

fright group pic 9 26

bom dia, este e um costume?  no no, the dolls are coming home for the October festivities. Are they ready, they have been jabbering all night about their experiences and the stories they want to tell.  The acts of kindness they have been able to participate in, now, with October just days away, they have made their way home to celebrate the month of the year, reserved for them.

They are aware that they are not like the rest, and stand out in a crowd.  But each one is unique and has his/her own story … Here they are not judged by their “look” LOL or lack of, they simply can enjoy letting down their hair, not replacing an eye, wearing what they want, and and and, the list goes on.  Who knows maybe one will have a story to tell that I can share with you. rubs hands with glee and gives a crackling chuckle.. “time will tell dearies”

Day 26  PL Calendar     Maintain a positive attitude and wisdom will come to you

Worrying will prevent you from having good ideas.  Stay positive and you will find a solution.




a spa day – really!

For real.  A special visit for 2 MapleLea dolls who got to visit an American Girl Salon at the AG Boutique at Chapters downtown Ottawa, right in the heart of the city. They were so thrilled..

First they got to pick their new hair styles, and then the colours of the bows they wanted.  There was even talk of nail polish for their nails, and having their ears done.  We did look at earrings, but when  roller skates were added to the want list.. it was agreed, we would come back on another day. I got to look around for new accessories for their wardrobes that to will wait for another day.

The staff is so courteous, and well-informed, they were able to answer all the questions, well most of them, the girls had about the history and back grounds for a couple of their friends.  Seeing where their friends came from was very exciting for them. they couldn’t stop talking about their experience all the way back home.

girls nite 4

There was a lot of excitement and giggling when it came time for the young ladies to get ready for bed.  I somehow think it will take a wee bit of time to get them to settle down.

Being positive,  sharing a good experience with friends, is always a good way to create happy memories

Appreciation for the uniqueness in each of our friends will build a stronger relationship

Friendships are blessings in our lives.

PL Precept #10  Love yourself and others.




scenes from today


field 2

pay attention, enjoy the view

the path

is some one watching you

flower landscape

stop,  look around,

face in rhe

Wonders abound

PL Precept # 1  Life is Art

Thursday surprise for Leonie

FYI The dolls still have not discovered the mystery connected to the chest of drawers, they were too excited to learn about Leonie’s surprise package.  It arrived shortly after the noon hour, they saw it being delivered, but of course were unable to bring it in themselves.

Leonie and her guitar 7.6.17

Leonie was thrilled when she got to go out, the parcel was for her!  Finally her guitar had arrived.  It is always nice to receive a gift, especially one you have been wanting for so long.

leonie guitar 7.6.17

To show her appreciation she would practice songs the others liked and play for them later when they gathered around before bedtime.  Silently she gave thanks, she remembered the lesson  in the PL Principles ..#3  Live with a mind of appreciation towards others and things.

Not everyone lives in a happy home, always share your happiness and joy with others, a smile goes a long way.


each and everyone one of YOU.




guitar and outfit -Mastermind (Our Generation)

Leonie is a Maplelea doll  http://www.maplelea.com

deck chair, Walmart

Lo Mein Monday

charm in Sharon SpringsRemember this picture, it was taken when we were traveling in NY State, I was so taken with the charm found in the small towns and villages.  This gentle façade brings to mind another period in time.  When I was in San Francisco I was drawn to the “Victorian ladies” that SF is known for.  Architecture that is visually poetic in its appearance.

I noted in the last year or so that my delight in finding a book that I really would enjoy and maintain the desire to stay with the writer, till the book’s end had all but disappeared from my “leisure” pleasures.  So, I didn’t read, I busied myself with other hobbies, and “passions”.

I’m not big on most television programs.. tending to watch a select few from time to time.  I like being entertained if I am going to sit down and watch something, I want it to be interesting, and provide “food for fodder”  while having a storyline that provides a balance of entertainment and drama … without the need to bombard me with sexual innuendos, connotations or half naked persons, oh and let’s not forget the bloody killings,  senseless murders and vicious attacks on an other  human being or beings.

Looking through row upon row of books to stage a photo scene with the dolls, I found copies of the Nancy Drew mysteries, and Hardy Boys.  What I was looking for were the books put out by the American Girl division of Mattel* for the American Girl dolls.  At first they were simply cute, adorable dolls, with clothes.  The more I found out about the company, the more interested I became in their purpose.  The marketing has been well researched and developed.

As an adult looking at this “doll culture” it has been a fun educational project, that I didn’t go looking for, but discovered it by accident, have found a “passion”.  I’m reading about the lives of young girls from very different backgrounds, who grew up in different eras.  Each doll has his/her own storyline.  The owner of the doll can learn about the doll’s cultural background, and what it was like to grow up in America during the various years she is purported to have been growing up in.

To quote from the book jacket of the book I am reading now, in the Beforever series, A growing Suspicion, A Rebecca Mystery American Girl celebrates a girl’s inner star  The Rebecca Doll is 1914…. I chose this book because it is a mystery that takes place in and around a Japanese Garden, (growing up with chopsticks, I hadn’t thought about what they look like to others, who see them for the first time, our foods are different in how they are served, and how to some, having to use a knife and fork is challenging =^_^=)

I am so enjoying it.  There are no murders, no vicious attacks, no sex, and it is written in a way that my imagination takes over, and I  am with the girls, as they learn about Japanese gardening, life, and friendships.

You can discover more about American Girl products, stories and games by visiting americangirl.com/play  If you are in Canada, you can find information on the Indigo.ca site.  Look up  Pleasant T Rowland the woman who dared to dream and then make them come to life.

For Canadians, YES there is a Canadian doll, the MapleLea doll, unfortunately she is not found in stores, the company based in Ontario, decided to sell only online.  This way, enabling them to concentrate on the quality of the doll and her clothes.  Again, the main dolls, come from different provinces, and thus you learn about growing up in Canada, what it is like in the different Provinces.

Whatever way you are celebrating this long week-end, Canada Day in Canada and Independence day in the United States., be happy, enjoy each and every moment of your day.  It only comes by once.





  • Mattel acquired Pleasant Company in 1999
  • for some reason Josefina Montoya 1824 us not sold up here.  Anyone out there, have her? Her pet goat is Sombrita…

Good Morning 6.26.17

vwlro 6.17

Good morning, this is our whippet trying to sleep last night, doesn’t matter its summer, and hot, he likes to be covered.  Usually his head is snuggled into his chest or he is on his back, but for some reason last night, he was sleeping with his head on the arm of the chair.  For those of us with a whippet or grey *Greyhound” even though we see their often,  odd way of sprawling out, it never ceases to amuse or endear them  Their ability to contort their length into weird upside down and twisted posses, and then fall asleep that way, is really amazing.

They can in a split second, wake and jump up from the most awkward of positions to a graceful and show-stopping pose.  Why, because he can, he doesn’t think about it, he just does it.


Furniture has to be covered, he owns every chair in the place.  Almost .. Canaille (our PWD) has hers,  but that doesn’t stop him from trying to horn in.  Extra loads of laundry are done, sheets, towels, and his blankies.  Oh dear, does he sound spoiled…. yes…. I guess they both are.

All this to say, dogs, cats, pets of any kind, are usually accepted for who they are, we can justify almost anything they do, or get up to, and we deal with it. Accidents happen, we deal with it.  As they age, we learn to live with an aging pet, who after years of unconditional love (on their part) and ours, we adjust and walk the path with them.  We do all this without questioning why, they don’t interact with us like another human would, so our compassion, and love seems to just happen.  Another human has a voice and thoughts, that will come out and create a different “reaction” from us.

Throw a penny into a quiet pond, it will sink or skip depending on how you do it, then it will fall into the pond and become one with the pond.  We see gentle ripples, or if we threw the penny, it might make a small splash.  If we throw a rock, we will get a different effect. Either way, once we “action” into, or at the pond, the “reaction” happens, then the pond returns to the state it was in prior to our interaction with it.

When we live in Perfect Liberty, we are like the pond, we hum with activity of our own, life flows.  When something/someone interacts with us,  how they interact, will dictate what our response will be.  We acknowledge the activity, let it go, and return to our
centre” our “core”PW

Living in a state of unconditional love.. is a work in progress, that we must always strive to achieve, if we are to achieve “World Peace”

roses 6. 2017

Life happens.  The roses are in bloom now, tomorrow or another day, they will relinquish their time in the spotlight, to allow the nourishment to feed the roots, so they can return again.  Life is a series of cycles.  Acknowledge and appreciate every day. Life is good.

There is Joy in simplicity!

PL Precept #11   Always be with God

PL Precept #10   Love yourself and Others


PWD = Portuguese Water Dog

lazy mind


A lazy mind can sit and ponder, wonder and consider her options for hours on end.  there is nothing wrong in daydreaming, or taking time out to unwind, de-stress, or as some of us say, just chill.  However, often it is after spending hours drifting aimlessly through imaginary and often lingering moments of “fantasy”, we emerge and finding that all the “stuff” we had waiting for attention in the “immediate” world, is still there, waiting …..


Sure, we can make a list, and we can plot out just how we will get to this project and that one, what materials we will need, even “see” it in our heads.  But all of this is not getting “it” done.


Maybe a walk will sweep out the cobwebs and give inspiration.  Wow, it is so nice out  here, such a pleasure to be out in the fresh air.  hmmm yes, hear those birds, and look… look at how white and fluffy the clouds are today.


Oh my goodness, look at the time, where did it go, it must be dinner time, and I’ve not even started to get things ready.  where did the time go.  Must have closed my eyes after the walk, it was only going to be for a few minutes.


Hello Mr. Crow, will you help me while I start preparing for supper.  I had a good day, thank you for asking, how was yours? hmmmm oh I see, you were busy with your pals clearing up left over seeds at the neighbouring farms.


Well compared to your day, I guess I didn’t get much done..  but then again, I was “busy” all day.

Can any of you relate….. to my “busy” day, shared with my “lazy mind” ??


PL Principle # 14  I will not have a mind to be lazy.  I will not have complaints while working nor be overly concerned and complain about others.

PL Principle #1  I will live paying careful attention, putting Makoto (sincerity) into all I say and do.


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