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Posts tagged ‘death’


Saying goodbye is never easy. 18+ years of companionship and joy.

Whether you are happy or not depends on your perspective. The things that happen in your life are neither good nor bad, It is your perspective that determines whether the outcome is good or unfortunate.

Perfect Liberty 2015.17

The vet and his team, made a house call. Velcro got to be in his favourite place to be, watching over his domain and waiting patiently for his family to come home. Just as the procedure was taking place, a red cardinal came and sat outside the window in the living room where I saw.. looking in and where Velcro was with the vet, He stayed there till the vet walked away back to me to say, Velcro had passed. I knew, because just before he came to tell me, the cardinal flew away, It was 11 a.m. on the 21st. the day of appreciation and gratitude.

He was my husbands “buddy” they were constant companions., I like to think that they are back to hanging out now,.. It is a sad time for me even if intellectually I knew/know it was/is time,,.

Don’t be sad with me… Velcro is no longer in pain, his spirit lives on in my heart. Keeper (my ten year old) and I will soldier on. She best of all knew how much he suffered.



Be grateful for everything, If you see everything as material to express gratitude, you can encounter a number of opportunities you are grateful for.

Perfect Liberty 2023.21

Silence/ Strength ” May the stars carry your sadness away, May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, May the hope forever wipe away your tears, and, above all, may silence make you strong.

Chief Dan George


I have been reminded lately of how with the passing of the seasons, there is also a change in our daily lives. Some are slow and gradual, while others come up suddenly and take us by surprise. Either way, they are happenings that we cannot divert from our lives. Challenges, opportunities, they come in all shapes and sizes.

This month there have been many beautiful, loved souls who have passed on from this world we live in to an eternal existence that leaves us with cherished memories of what was. I would ask today that we take a moment in quiet prayer. Let’s give thanks that we were so blessed in having been able to know/learn/grow from our connection to these beautiful souls.

In your prayer please include all the members in our community (near and far) and around us who are dealing with issues beyond their control, help ease someone’s pain. take time today to listen with an open heart, make time to reach out and call someone who lives alone or could be in “need” of a “friend”,

Begin each day with a renewed sense of appreciation. Always remember that you are here today thanks to God, and thanks to the many people around you. Let’s make each day meaningful by starting out with a feeling of gratitude.

Perfect Liberty 2014.6

will the circle be

broken, or … roll into eternity
once there was a strong bond
that with years of wear and tear compressed into
a band of steel so tight,so unyielding that
when time began to erode the composition
the reason for its existence started to fade
only the inner knowledge that once the fire that had forged that band
was slipping away. Soon when the dust returns to dust
the band of gold that once shone with meaning
will disappear .. into the eternity of time and space
and we will no longer be, you will be free
you always were you know
cages are created by the human mind
sadly when love is caged, it dies.
be free, love again
this time .. it will be forever. Q

Be thankful to your parents and to your ancestors. You are here today because the “torch of life” has been continuously passed down. always remember to be thankful.

Perfect Liberty 2020.11

Remain true to yourself… never be afraid to express your true feelings.


The hidden door

If not for the little touch of red on the latch, I would have missed this door. I did include this door in another blog it was among other doors, and thought it deserved a feature of its own.

There are days when I want to blend in and disappear. Yes it happens to me, and I suspect each one of us at some time has had that feeling.. Where you just want the world to keep rolling along, so you can catch your breath, or simply veg.

Instead of worrying do something about it. It doesn’t help to over think situations such as “what if this happens?” or “Things might up that way” Instead be proactive and change how you see and do things in each situation.

Perfect Liberty 3 2019

Sine my husband’s passing have found it very difficult to do some of the things that need doing. example. Going upstairs to his offices and going through paperwork. Clearing out furniture and objects has not been a problem, yet for some reason, the filing cabinets have been like the door above, I don’t seem them. If I do, I walk right by.

There are times in life, when we have to “see” the issue, and then do something about it. In my case I have asked for help. And today, I will go to church and pray, giving thanks for my blessings, and express my gratitude that I have friends to turn to, and of course, I KNOW that PL Precept # 11 Always be with God. God is always with me.

A friend passed on the other day, massive stroke, one day he was walking in the sunshine between tall trees on one of his favourite walking trails with a friend, the next day he was gone. He was liked by his friends because he always said, he was poor in material things, but had an abundance of riches spiritually and in his friendships. Caring, gentle and understanding, he will be missed by all who knew him.


mourning – Ancestors day

a lighthouse in the rain

My mind still talks to you

my heart still looks for you

My soul knows you are at peace

I thank God for having had you

but I still miss you so much!

My niece knew yesterday that I was in having a difficult time… she sent me this quote she found on all-great quotes.com.  I saw it only this morning.  and yes, the above is  all so true.

Ancestors day is celebrated on the 11th of every month in PL   Today is the 11th. Service is at 10 a.m.



PL calendar day 11 – Remember to be thankful and humble.  Appreciate the Makoto (sincerity) of the people who came before you.

But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you.  Love one another but make not a bond of love.  Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls   Khalil Gibran

April 24.

April 24, a date to remember, it was my husband’s birthday.Brian collage A day that celebrated his life. Now it is a reminder that I am a “widow”  In May it will be a year since he passed away.  His last birthday was one he so bravely wanted to celebrate.  His courage and determination saw him make that date and live to say he had achieved his goal.  He had his 70th. at home we toasted his achievements and his life, knowing there would be no more.

Over his years of  being successful at his chosen vocation – broadcasting, and the written media, he thrived at being a reporter of his many journeys and many observations as he travelled the world in search of stories, and new experiences. He never tired of sharing with others his enjoyment of the many interests he had acquired through his travels and his career.  History, geography, world affairs he could converse and debate at large.

PL calendar day 24

Things that happen to us all have a meaning.

Everything that happens to us happens for a reason.  Each and every occurrence is a chance for you to improve yourself.

We married late in life, he was determined that his wife would be  alright when and if he was not around.  That meant, he wanted me to have and maintain an independence that would serve me in good stead should he not be around.  He was so kind, considerate and caring, that I can say in all sincerity, he completed my life in a way that was so loving and dedicated to our togetherness that even though physically he is not here, he will always be MY husband, MY one and only … You were and are a blessing Brian, you are celebrated every day. R.I.P.

The traveller sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see -G.K Chesterton

roses 6.22.17


You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. – Mae West



a quiet moment


hwy to alfred1

Quiet, blue skies, puffy clouds, shadows, the dignity of dying, allowing for the next season to begin.  Gratitude and Acceptance.

hwy to alfred4

Some stay behind, some go on to reclaim their freedom, their work on earth is done.





The other day, this pond was quiet, still.

Yesterday it was populated with a gaggle of ducks happily enjoying the sunshine of an early fall day.


same location,   except in this picture I am on the other side of the little pond.

Before…  in  August


Taken Saturday Sept 22.


The only constant in life is change.   Life goes on.  Eliza’s post that I reposted to you just before writing this, caught my “mood” perfectly’.



As one life ends, another begins  ——— one door closes, another opens.  This is what life is all about. new beginnings.



death and dying

For me, mixed media 4.18.17

I was chatting with friend the other day,  since cancer is now factored into my life, we were discussing how people react to the word. It was interesting to note, that when I said that cancer was much like being told you are diabetic.  She did not agree.  Her reasoning was that cancer usually  meant death.  I understood that she felt that being diabetic your chances were much better. Diabetes is known as the silent killer.

We are born to die.  Death is something we all face.  A perfectly healthy person, can drop dead without warning.  Perhaps they were borderline.. high blood pressure, maybe it was cholesterol, or like my husband, out of nowhere, after living a lifetime with his heart, and never having a problem,  he was told, he  had an irregular heart beat and it was problamatic to his cancer treatments ?

I fail to see why cancer gets top billing, and why because someone gets the cancer card, it is deemed gloom and doom.  Sure there are difficult times, but someone with a gall bladder issue, will be driven almost insane with the pain that they endure till something is done about it.  A kidney stone,  is not a joking matter either.  And ladies, how about that 9th month party of labour pain and the utter joy of the delivery room.

Cancer is a wicked surprise, and it is a challenge, however, we still go to bed each night and wake every morning.  How we choose to make use of our time while we are awake and greeting the day, is our choice.  The love of life, and the understanding that this is not the time to squander our moments, means that life is full.  Love continues to grow and shine it’s light into our activities.

There is an appreciation of the blessings that we have been able to share, and continue to share.

There is no escaping death, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, we are alive, and we will continue to live until the day/night comes when we go beyond what is here and now.  Then, we will be forever/always.

No more, no less.




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