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Posts tagged ‘awareness’


Macro shot of an ice crystal,,… by Dan Cadieux https://www.instagram.com/dancadphotography/

Good morning, yesterday I mentioned how sometimes it is hard to step out of the “past” and “let go” so that we can move on, relearn to live and begin new “adventures”. Dan who usually does a lot of wildlife photography also has a love of the inner beauty of “ice”…. In delighting in his “captures” the other day, I saw a couple of the macro shots he took of ice.

This one reminded me of a star burst against a midnight sky, In prayer/meditations of late, I have prayed on the memory /reflection of how so many “friends ” have come and gone over the years, Altho’ they are not physically here, I can’t just call up and come by or /drop over for a visit… the many hours we did have of sharing/ the laughter/ the anxieties as we coped with life, all come flooding back. Their imprint on my life lives on.

One of the positives I liked about photography was the ability to not just see the “surface” but with a good lens, patience and a steady hand, we could actually see beyond what the naked eye can/could take in, IF we took the time to “see” beyond the moment, and really look and immerse one’s self in the total connection we discover new realities. Even as we enjoy the crystals that formed that one piece of ice, it was in the process of changing, and that moment in time in seconds will/would be gone never to return.

Don’t be swayed by the past; It’s what you do from now on that counts. Your failures as well as your successes are now in the past. Always look towards the future and start with a fresh outlook.

Perfect Liberty 2015,9
this weasel was on a mission, visit Dan’s site to see what he was up to, see link above.

PL Precept #18  Each moment is a turning point.

8th day Feb

You can become more attentive with prayer. Live your life with a prayerful mind so that you can be more attentive and make the people around you that much happier.

Perfect Liberty 2020.8


urban fairy door found on Pinterest

Sands of Time

Sands of Time

Be a person who can recognize the sincerity of others, When you put your whole heart into things you will be able to notice the sincere acts of others in the subtle things they do and appreciate them that much more.

Perfect Liberty 2020.23

“Always there is much to see, and always, it is where we look, that we see what we take in, yet the picture is always so much more. Q “


Original expression -Q

a new day, new beginning

the bridge

The bridge was there, only I had never thought of actually crossing it. I loved the symbolism of the bridge, and the possibilities, it just never occurred to me to cross it.

my journey across

Today I saw it in a different light, and the road beyond. It was simple really, all it took was the realization that “today” is really here. I can travel and explore beyond what, and where I have been. Life does go on. It is not by looking behind that we free our minds, but by moving ahead, into the world as it is now.

today the door opened and I walked through

I thank my son and my friends for getting me to this part of my journey. Happiness is knowing you are loved. My husband will always be in my heart and part of who I am. That will never change. Today, he held my hand and opened the door, knowing the lessons and the love we shared will carry me through the tomorrows that are before me.


PL Precept #7 Everything exists in relativity

Dec 30

I dreamt I was sleeping……………….. I was

from same journal I used yesterday

Almost the end of another \calendar year. Except for the fact that we will flip open a new calendar, and sign 20 instead of 19. We will still all be here, waking up, and starting a new day .. One more sleep my dears, and a new year will begin.

October journal page

We can be pretty we can be merry – above all else, be safe and always remember, you are the most precious gift of all.




found VV July 10.18We begin our journeys with such innocence

so many dreams, hopes, genuine happiness

we find ourselves discovering something new every day.

Why do some of us stop discovering, and allow routine to take over..

found VV july 10These dolls I found the other day

Have been around, the top one probably more so than the other one

Where have they been, what stories could they tell.

These little treasures will come with me to the next Doll meeting

hopefully I will learn more there.

For the moment they have a new place to stay and experiences to  acquire.

IMG_3654Every day is a new opportunity to live another story line, every day is a new beginning.

Look down, look up, look around, pleasures abound, waiting to be found.

PL Calendar day 15

Being Attentive Makes Life More Enjoyable

Live life paying careful attention to every detail, be it big or small.  By doing so, you will be able to experience the subtle joy in things.


change – in spades

Bali Nov. 2015

Yesterday, driving home from a meeting at the funeral home, I was feeling good, a lot had been accomplished, when bump…. a car side swiped me.  Yes in my brand new car. I honked and indicated that the car pull overt, which it did, we drove to a safe place and pulled off away from traffic.

I got out to look at my car, and found that there was no scratch on the metal but there was one on the black trim over wheel.  I was not amused.  Turning I saw the elderly man getting out of the other car.  Dressed as gentlemen do … there was a time when a man would not be caught at any time away from home, without a dress shirt and pants .. the driver of the errant vehicle was slow, his hands a bit shaky.  He had come prepared, he had his wallet out, should he need to give me identification.  What I saw and felt was a man who dreaded what was possibly going to  happen.

He waited for my “reaction”

bali nov 2015

I felt like the empty beach, with the mist that hangs over the water, in the picture you see above this text,  I couldn’t erase the “damage”, turn back the clock, he was already upset, my words were quiet, and I explained that this was a new car, and that my husband had just passed away, I was not happy about the scratch on my new car.  I couldn’t believe I was being so “quiet”..

He did his best to assure me that a bit of shoe polish would hide the scratch.  He sighed philosophically and said, “a new car doesn’t stay new  forever”.  He offered to pay to have it fixed, however, except for asking for his name and phone number, I let it go.  My mind wanted to walk into the mist.

After apologizing again, he explained that he had lost his only set of keys and had been frantically searching for them, and had just found them, his anxiety, and stress, caused him to swerve into my lane.  I said goodbye and left.

It is a new car, and maybe later I will react differently, but somehow.. I don’t think so, life is very fragile, material things, can’t replace feelings. The news around the world these days is unsettling we are all human beings, we all bleed if we are cut, and we all hurt when someone is thoughtless or cruel.

Day 31 in the PL Calendar – Your World will change when you look at things in a positive light.

Everything you encounter is an opportunity for you to express yourself.  What you choose to make of the situation is entirely up to you.

May your day be filled with sunshine, and your nights calm and serene.


Bali Nov.2015

Photographer – Bonnie

Location – Bali




roller skates - Archie

PL 2 (calendar) The world is constantly in motion and never rests.  Keep your senses sharp and be ready to adapt to the ever-changing world.  BE FOREVER YOUNG AND SEEK NEW CHALLENGES.

Focus, don’t have an Oops day….



cartoon found on Pintrest

Chop Suey Saturday

background 7.29.17e

off in the distance,

under the afternoon skies

they saw the same grouping

that they were looking at

just down the path

half covered by vines

background 7.29.17

Neither spoke

they stood rooted on the spot

another mystery

to be uncovered

journey doll 7.29.17c

Yvette arrived earlier

Clementine was due next week

excitement was building

Rosie promised she would

let them explore her

chest of drawers

they still had no idea

where the music came from

it happened when she was

working in her room,

and now, double statues

3 maidens high above

and 3 maidens on the ground

somewhere there was a clue

quietly no words spoken

they turned

walking deeper into the gardens.

chest or coffin 7.22.17

neither saw the chest hidden further in

from where they had been standing.


PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a Turning Point


NB * ongoing

Wordless Wednesday 6.6.17




PL Precept # 15  All is a mirror

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