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Posts tagged ‘wonder’

Chop Suey Saturday

background 7.29.17e

off in the distance,

under the afternoon skies

they saw the same grouping

that they were looking at

just down the path

half covered by vines

background 7.29.17

Neither spoke

they stood rooted on the spot

another mystery

to be uncovered

journey doll 7.29.17c

Yvette arrived earlier

Clementine was due next week

excitement was building

Rosie promised she would

let them explore her

chest of drawers

they still had no idea

where the music came from

it happened when she was

working in her room,

and now, double statues

3 maidens high above

and 3 maidens on the ground

somewhere there was a clue

quietly no words spoken

they turned

walking deeper into the gardens.

chest or coffin 7.22.17

neither saw the chest hidden further in

from where they had been standing.


PL Precept # 18  Each moment is a Turning Point


NB * ongoing

happy happy

Precept #16    4.11_edited-1


Good afternoon everyone.  I had a wonderful time this past Sunday exploring the back roads from the city towards Sharbot Lake, it was a bright day, a bit of a chill in the air, but otherwise great.  Too soon after a cold snowy spell, for there to be a lot of day trippers out.  One of my finds, was this tree stump…. the colours, the recent cuts l seemed to dazzle with the afternoon sun.


These delights were found on a vacant lot of a house that is up for sale. 100 acres on a quiet country road (at an intersection)  The house had seen much better days, nothing of interest to me, it was the location..  What was sad to see was that the yard around the house was a catch-all for debris and clutter.  I had been drawn to the stumps because of the rich tones of the inner core.  What ever happened to their tops, was not evident. So I assume, that the rest of the tree will serve a good purpose.


My husband was drawn to the old television satellite dishes.  Some places tease me, and I want to hear their story.  Others, well, they just don’t hold my attention.  On this property it was the tree stumps.. they were my gemstones amongst the rubble.  AND the QUIET.  Further down the road ( a paved road, however it was well posted, that it was not a road that was maintained year round) we found this spot..


You likely had to have been there .. it was such a peaceful site.  What we  found was what was left of a building, that must have been part of the church that had  been in this location.  The lumber I didn’t think dated back to the 40’s but perhaps a makeshift building of sorts had been there and when that went, the community got together and put up the piece you see below. (1987)


How different life must have been life back when the church as in full attendance. 1893… the land in the surrounding areas you can tell had once been farmed.    The further we drove down this road, with the quiet around us, and the beckoning open fields, the more the happy glow of discovery surrounded me.


Life is ever-changing, what remains a constant in life is the natural world we live in. It grows, flourishes, dies, and is reborn.  The landscapes change, but the wonder of it all remains. GOD is living, GOD is life, GOD is Everything. and YES, GOD is LOVE

Namaste       –       Oyashikiri

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