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Posts tagged ‘gratitude’

Keeper update

Thank you everyone for your support today, Keeper is back home, Mike (nephew) came with me to pick her up, thank goodness, she had to be carried to the car. The surgery was considered serious, she was heavily drugged. They called me during the procedure to ask me if they could remove two other lumps they found. One on her back, you can see where she was shaved, and one at the base of her ear. So she has two extra incisions, we were not expecting. Her foot due to the many stitches is wrapped with a special bandage that we have to go back in the morning to have removed, and the stitches checked.

Dr. advised that the growth on her foot .. when removed was the size of a small tangerine. No wonder she had so much difficulty with her foot/movements. She is currently resting beside me, she does not want me out of her sight. I’m going to get a little blanket to cover her with. She has to be so tired and relieved to be home

She has to wear the cone for the next 14 days. No strenuous exercise, walks … only light activities, due to the stitching.. because the growth was so large, they had to really pull the skin to close the opening.

I want to thank you all for your caring and concerns. We, Keeper and I appreciate all your prayers and healing energy you have been sending our way.

Our thanks to Sophia who came this morning to get her to the hospital for the procedure. Thanks everyone! Will keep you posted.. but we expect it will be clear sailing now!!


Trauma, drama, changes we have no control over, life is full of opportunities to “live and learn” on the 21st in PL it is a time for special dedicated time for renewing our determination to live “the PL Way

. Pl Precept #1 Life is Art.

During the Thanksgiving Service, (Day of Appreciation) we humbly express our appreciation for all the blessings of the past month and sincerely ask to be guided and protected in the coming month.

We all have had experiences and moments in life when we have been ”tested” “pushed to impossible limits” and we survived.. It is in these character building moments that we learn about ourselves and how we are able to “roll with the punches”. WE do! Every moment is a “gift”.

As long as you are motivated to learn more, you will continue to progress in life,


Even if you have done your best, there are times when you wonder if it is enough. that is when your prayers become most important. DO EVERYTHING WITH A PRAYERFUL MIND.

Perfect Liberty 2015.26

Smile are the world’s treasures, if you smile more, there will be more smiles in the world. Be one of those who makes more smiles. PL. 2023. 26

My heartfelt thank you to everyone who wrote over the past few days, it has been a bit of a blur, I appreciate each and everyone of you… I have over the years said many goodbyes…this month has been painful… your kindness and thoughtfulness has filled my heart with gratitude.


Saying goodbye is never easy. 18+ years of companionship and joy.

Whether you are happy or not depends on your perspective. The things that happen in your life are neither good nor bad, It is your perspective that determines whether the outcome is good or unfortunate.

Perfect Liberty 2015.17

The vet and his team, made a house call. Velcro got to be in his favourite place to be, watching over his domain and waiting patiently for his family to come home. Just as the procedure was taking place, a red cardinal came and sat outside the window in the living room where I saw.. looking in and where Velcro was with the vet, He stayed there till the vet walked away back to me to say, Velcro had passed. I knew, because just before he came to tell me, the cardinal flew away, It was 11 a.m. on the 21st. the day of appreciation and gratitude.

He was my husbands “buddy” they were constant companions., I like to think that they are back to hanging out now,.. It is a sad time for me even if intellectually I knew/know it was/is time,,.

Don’t be sad with me… Velcro is no longer in pain, his spirit lives on in my heart. Keeper (my ten year old) and I will soldier on. She best of all knew how much he suffered.



Years ago now I was given a copy of You can Heal your life by Louise L. Hay…. it took me awhile, but one day I picked the book up and opened it.. page 123… chapter 14 … the Body…” I believe we create every so-called “illness” in our body. The body, like everything else in life is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. The body is always talking to us, if we will only take the time to listen. Every cell within your body responds to every single thought you think and every word you speak”

Well.. what a surprise, the Universe is always a step ahead of us. I needed to hear those words, it is also my thinking and what I believe.. but having a total stranger to me, mirror that message back to me.. made me aware that I had gotten lazy, I was letting the world around me influence MY personal well being.

In PL… Precept 15 All is a mirror.

Today being the 21st. we will be holding the Day of Appreciation service (formerly Thanksgiving) we do this every month on the 21st. Today there will be a service at 10 a.m. and one at 7 pm.

Be Grateful for everything. If you see everything as material to express gratitude, you can encounter a number of opportunities you are grateful for.

Perfect Liberty 2023.21

True spirit of the holidays

I went out. All was going well until I encountered a tree knocked over by the high winds (over a hydro power line) to avoid the tree I maneuvered to the left to go around and slid off the road coming to rest against another tree. This tree prevented my opening the door of the car, and the car being on an angle I couldn’t get out the passenger side.. which is just as well since when the fire dept and police arrived, it was discovered it had fallen over a hydro line.

To say I was a tad “upset” … would define my reaction. I had just fed the crows, and had a satisfying visit with them… so simply sat in the car at first not knowing what to do first. It was a country round with few homes on it.. it led to a dead end (parking lot for the Mer Bleue bog) A crow flew over and looked into the car.. that startled me into action) I pushed the On Star button on my car, within seconds I had an operator on the line…The responding agent was very good, he stayed calm, and walked me through what he was going to do, and what he needed me to do.

Of course #1 was … was I hurt… did I require medical assistance. He already knew from my Gps exactly where I was, he was able to give the 911 agent, the coordinates in detail. That took away any of the anxiety or stress I was getting from the questions she was asking. He answered technical questions on my location, where I was in relation to the map she was looking at, how many kilometers I was in from the main road etc. Then he stayed with me while we waited for the emergency crews to get to me. It was very reassuring. He did not leave me till the fire department and police arrived.

I think it is the first time I have watched a fire truck approaching me with all its lights going and felt such a sense of relieve. The police car was right behind the fire truck. As soon as the fire personnel arrived and he heard them talking to me, only then did the ON STAR agent sign off.

The men who responded were so kind, calm and responding to the situation with such a professional yet warm manner that I was immediately at ease with them. My car was wedged tight against the tree in the ditch. I could hear them talking over their options. The police officer who took the lead in dealing with me (the “victim”) also asked me whether or not we needed the medical/ambulance to come.. I assured him I was OK, I did not need medical attention. the ambulance was canceled, it could be needed elsewhere after all, there were accidents all over the city.

With no damage to city property, it was decided I should call a tow truck, but…. bless their hearts the men (Fire Department) gathered around the car and together, got the car angled so it could be driven out of the ditch an unto the road. They were AMAZING. AND somehow while all this was happening a few of them managed to clear the tree from the road. They checked to make sure the car was ok to drive, and sent me on my way.

Then while I was at the feeders, I saw the truck drive by the round about slowly, turning itself around to get off the side road…. it made a second drive by, I waved and believe me… I was sending them a lot of love and gratitude. It is so easy to take for granted what these men/women do, we don’t engage with them unless we have a problem like I did today.

Their professional and effective/efficient way of dealing with would could have been a very serious and life affecting situation made the incident one I won’t forget, AND left me feeling very good about the world I live in. Too often we hear only of the negatives… The police and the firefighters do a lot we don’t see or hear about – they impact a lot of lives… we are richer as a community for their services.

Yes I had an accident, Yes, it was stressful, BUT I came away with a feeling of joy and happiness at having had that encounter with men who knew their jobs and were not only good logistically at what they needed to do, they were kind and generous of spirit.

They ( the operator at ON STAR, Fire Department, and Ottawa Police) were angels in disguise. For me it was a Xmas gift I will never forget.


a happy place

there is something special about photographs that recall a moment in time

pictures that take us back to another time and place. When I found these pictures yesterday, I wondered if I could ever find them again. Computers are amazing wonders. I don’t know how often I’ve changed computers since these were taken, I’ve lost count. Yet, here they were on my screen popping up from files that the software genie had compiled.

I no longer questions how these things happen, the Universe has a way of delivering these little “presents” when I least expect it. I say thank YOU and feel gratitude for the discovery.

With the Thanksgiving week-end having just passed (Canadian) I got to spend a lot of time with memories as i looked over all the pictures. The pictures dated back to the early 2000’s A lot has happened since then. Seeing my Mother, sisters, family pets, in-laws, gave me much time for reflection. Of course, constant in all of them was my husband, it was his love and dedication to our “lives” that enabled much of what i got to see and live during the years he was here on earth with us.

It was a reminder not to squander the time we have here on earth.. it is a beautiful environment, and meant to be enjoyed, Friends, family, people we meet all have a purpose…We are all ONE….

We are all represented in Nature, we can be different seasons, different species, but we are all here to co-exist. It is time to focus on World Peace.

When you think “I’ve got it” think again. It is easy to misinterpret the situation and jump to conclusions. Always have a humble attitude and double check to make sure.

Perfect Liberty 2020.13

end of a perfect day!

along the Ottawa river – going towards Petawawa, Ontario, CA

When something comes to mind, do it right away, the moment that you notice something is the best time to take care of it. If you react quickly, your life will be more efficient.

Perfect Liberty 2020.18

Had a wonderful “SPECIAL DAY”. my wonderful friend Eartha spoiled me, doing all the driving. We headed towards the Military base, taking side trips along the way…. all the while keeping the Ottawa river in our sights.

A “time out” day.. perfect in every way. Thank you for all the well wishes, and the birthday greetings.. I feel very blessed.. without you all … life would not be the same… Thank YOU.


August 17


Strive to Overcome Obstacles by changing your mind-frame. Things don’t always go as planned When that happens, try changing how you look at the situation of how you are doing things. The outcome is in your hands.

Yesterday was a day trip to Montreal to pick up supplies had ordered. Yes I could have had it shipped, but then I would have missed a wonderful long visit with a cherished friend I had not visited with these past months, due to “circumstances” Plus in Montreal at the shop itself, I got to see the owner and friend, who has been working very hard to keep us (her clients and friends) all in the loop of her activities in the stores, She just never stopped, bringing in the supplies we need and want. Even taping little workshops and showing us all the goodies that were there for us to ponder on.

She looked out for us, and now we are ensuring that she gets our support with the reopening of her shop .. still in a limited phase.. BUT people, Scrapbook Centrale is open, 7 days a week. check with Natalie for hours.. and appointments are still best. The doorbell kept ringing the whole time we were there. Her shop is a goldmine of paper art supplies that we can find no where else within miles.. Not under one roof.

Scrapbook Centrale

3349 Boul Des Sources
Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec H9B 1Z8 Canada
(514) 683-5558

English and French, check out her website …..

In the same plaza there is a pasta restaurant that you might want to try, if you like fresh pasta, homemade there, the pasta and their sauces. it is an unassuming plaza restaurant. We almost passed it by when we first saw it, now we drive anywhere near, and that is our choice place to eat. To the right of the Jean Coutu (pharmacy)

Every day is special, but when you get to spend time with a friend, it makes for an extra special day. I was one tired fortune cookie when I got home. my little fortune read.. Time for sleep.

Today, is another day… I welcome whatever comes my way. Have a grand day everyone… I send you all the warmest and brightest wishes -filled with love and colourful butterflies of hope.


a meditation in green

I started out for one place, was in the wrong lane, ended up in a totally different direction, and smack dab to the entrance (parking lot) for the Larose Forest.

Was I dressed for a hike through the forest trails, no. Being the trouper I am, I decided to hike down one of the trails to get some pictures. Hot, was it hot… yes, but walking along under the canopy of the trees, there was a breeze.

My day was planned out for me by a higher being. I would not have started out to visit the Larose Forest on a day when temperatures were going to give us a scorching heat, with a high humidity factor thrown in. But I end the day with gratitude in my heart. I had a lovely day, it was a productive day, the myriads of greens, and earthy tones, was a palette that not only pleased the eye, but soothed a weary “soul”

Live in the moment. Whether you are walking, having a conversation, or having a good time, it is important to be fully engaged. Remember to live in the “now”

Perfect Liberty 2017.10

I will live with a mind of appreciation toward others and things.

Perfect Liberty Principle #3

Good night everyone. May your night and dreams be filled with a heartfelt joy that has you drifting into a peaceful sleep with a smile on your face, and gratitude in your heart.


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