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Posts tagged ‘sadness’


korea 1

PL calendar day 15

Live with firm determination,  that “this will turn out for the best” Everything in this world progresses and develops.  Always be positive, knowing that everything will turn out for the best

Someone once asked me did I ever get tired of being a “Pollyanna”  for those of you unfamiliar with that expression, it usually was used to describe someone who was always cheerful and looking for positives.  I like being happy, and I work towards that goal.  I sometimes miss the mark by a long mile and another times it takes only a smile to bring my happy back.

That does not mean that I don’t feel disappointment, and at times, totally sad and have no choice but to live through my emotion of that moment.  It passes, meanwhile, my body, my mind needed that cleansing.   PL Precept #5  One’s self is lost by being emotional    Live the moment and move on.

PL Precept #1  Life is Art

PL Precept #7  Everything exists in relativity

PL Principle #2  I will not have complaints about others, matters nor the weather.  Rather I will always be creative and will look for shortcomings in my own thinking and actions.

My love and appreciation to you all.


PL Precept #10  Love yourself and others



inner travels


I lay watching the slow rotation of the ceiling fan, a very lazy start to the day indeed. Keeper (female whippet) lay sprawled out beside me.  She was showing her nurturing side, concerned that today might be a repeat of yesterday.

IMG_1358She gets very concerned when I cry and wail.  Velcro (male whippet) her older brother, takes it in stride, he saw and lived through my display of raw emotion, when my husband was in his final days, and Keeper got out and ran away.  Yesterday he simply got up from his favourite chair in another part of the house, to come  lie beside me, to lend me his support and quietly wait it out.

IMG_1360My son the other day, looked at me, and said, ” Mom, its OK to cry”  and of course it is, but for me, I can’t just cry, I have to be  totally shaken and depleted, the body has to over-ride my happiness and stubborn mind that tells me, that there is just so much to be thankful for.  And of course there always is, I am so blessed.

However sometimes, the sadness, and discontent of others is too much for me to bear. I feel their pain, frustrations and disillusion.  And I have learned that I cannot be happy for someone else.  You can not lift the happiness from your life, like a shawl and put it around someone else. You can be kind, listen, share in their “present state” and lend what-ever support you can.


In the end, the choice belongs to them.  Yesterday I cried, all the sadness, the disappointments that I have listened to for the last many days and months, welled up and demanded to be released. I wanted escape, and freedom from the continuous onslaught of negative news, the vicious nature that is surfacing in the world around us.  The curiosity we seem to have for the gossip tabloids, that thrive by reporting or should I say offering up gossip about cheating, lying and fornication.  Where we lust instead of love.

IMG_1365Time for some time out.  Quality time without a cell phone,  computer, laptop, or tablet. There is a reason, dogs (pets) are the best of friends.  They offer unconditional love. Nothing more, nothing less.

Cherish your family and friends, offer kindness and understanding to those around you, when there is unkindness, or dishonesty aimed in your direction. Deflect it, or let it pass you by.  Life is too short.

PL Calendar, day 26        Maintain a Positive Attitude and Wisdom will                                                   come to you.



mural is in Carleton Place, Ontario,CA

and then- sorrow

roses 6.22.17 PA

the wind blew

rain fell

still my heart

simply lay

like a heavy stone

the light had gone

the sun no longer shone

I was not alone

yet I know

I am still


and nothing

can be done

till the moment comes

that tears are done

you gave unconditional love

now you soar above the clouds

your wings the brilliance of stars

I miss your earthly presence

but for you, free of pain

and earthly ties

you are now free

you will always be

the forever angel in my heart



gave meaning to the word love

always my sunshine and light!


Tuesday – friendship!

hydrangea 3

When a friend lets you down

there is disappointment along with a frown

it won’t last long,

never-the-less it smarts

or hurts that someone you care for

so casually drops the ball

thinking nothing of how you feel

and appears not to care at all

hydrangea 8.20.17

on the surface

nothing seems changed

yet, I know now

that altho’ we had/have plans

my friend will again,

drop the ball

if a more attractive offer comes along

not a pretty reality, is it

I am thinking that

our definition of friendships

are not the same at all



PL Precept # 15   All is a Mirror

So I asked myself.. have I ever done this to my friend, answer no, never

PL Precept #17  Grasp what is most Essential

I’ll meditate and think on this..

meanwhile.. have a great Tuesday everyone… Have a great day wherever you are.




locked inside, looking out (this read is not for everyone)

7516320e8ae6a813a84102f561575b19 Again this could be upsetting.. if you are sensitive to  the plight of others.. read no further.

Depression is something that comes out of nowhere, and often it can go undiagnosed.  It isn’t till something unpleasant” happens that we are forced to face something we have not wanted to address.

Did you know.. that at one time if a woman was considered to not be taking care of her husband properly he could have her shipped out to a psych ward for an “attitude adjustment”

What the picture above is showing is a woman wearing a face mask that was part of the conditioning.  It was believed that if a woman saw herself smiling it would become natural… this was often accompanied by shock treatment.  I’ll let that sink it..  archaic ?  I’m sure some of us could really get into this subject alone.


I don’t think a day goes by where I don’t read or hear about some very negative incidents that happen in the world due to “”mental health” issues.  It is all around us, and it begins at an early age.  As a health care professional, we work with many many different forms of “health issues”  .. the unease of the mind & body are constantly surfacing around us. How do we cope, how do we adjust to the unhappiness, dis-ease- and negativity that plague society today.


Life is what we make it.. right?  Not always, when someone is depressed, anxious, and totally bummed out… they are not thinking with a clear health mind.. they are dealing with an illness, something beyond their control.   They are not in this state by choice, they are dealing the cards dealt them.  Whether young, or old, when they are placed in or on a ward that requires safety steps be put in place.  Double sets of doors.   Visitors can come in, and only allowed visitors at times, not just anyone.. Visitors can leave, but they are left behind the locked doors.


The pressures of life are never easy to juggle if you are bombarded continuously with one problem after another. What can we do, how can we help others to cope.. Before we can really benefit someone else.  WE really have to begin with ourselves.  No one, not one person , has ever been without a negative thought, a compelling lure of self-doubt.. or unease about something or someone.  Imagine if those moments had intensified, gotten out of control, IF we had not had someone to speak with, be with, or connect with.


A hospital is a hospital, no matter how nice you dress it up, paint the walls, or clean the floors.  It is a cold clinical environment.  If you have occasion to visit someone in hospital.. the best gift you can bring, is a genuine love and sincere wish for their recovery.  This is a precious gift, unique to you and the person receiving it.  Wrap it with a warm loving hug and a big heartfelt smile.


Love and laughter will fill a bleak room with sunshine, and thought you may think it is not noticed.. believe me, the receiver will feel it, and it will stay with them, long after you’ve left.

God,Nature,TAo, Divine HIgher Power, whatever you call the life-giving force within, is without measure, and without definition.  Love, pure unconditional love is force like no other.   a smile that begins from within and radiates out to the world……………………is awesome.  Share a smile today.  Please... today I missed my chance, I was in an elevator full of people, and i didn’t smile. it is not easy, I will try harder tomorrow.


Namaste     –     Oyashikiri


I cried


I cried today

I cried yesterday

I could not stem the tears

for they had been waiting years

locked somewhere deep inside

somehow they found a way

to have their say

they were not bitter

simply sad

was there pain in the tears that rained

down my cheeks, one by one

leaving  tear stains that betrayed

the sadness in my heart

I recognized the pain,

what I don’t understand is why…

norway, lofoten islands

why now ………

emotions, they are a way for the body to express feelings that have been locked away

we can hide from our”selves” for only so long, then when least expected, someone, or something touches the right button, and a door swings open.

the raw emotion of another time, place or experience comes to life and you are open and vulnerable to the lesson (challenge) you didn’t deal with before.

In life, we face a new day, every day, each one is unique and special, no two are the same, and no two people are alike.

It is when you admit to, and claim the pain, sadness, grief or sense of loss, that you finally regain a footing to understanding.

… we cope much better when have friends and loved ones who care, and lend support when we falter, they can’t respond to us though .. if we are silent about what is happening to us.

Crying is healing and revitalizing, it is part of life.

 Namaste     –     Oyashikiri

*quiet mountain by Giovanni De Gregorio

**Lofoten islands, Norway


Joy of Exprssion

Joy of Exprssion

Results are important, but let’s not lose sight of the true joy that can be found in the actual process.
Face every task with wholehearted enthusiasm.

The holiday spirit is everywhere these days, the creative expressions of the many artists around us is abundant and plentiful. Remember to show appreciation of their accomplishments, celebrate the season, and the friends and family that make life so worthwhile.
Best of all…. remember to tell people you care, don’t assume they know…. the holiday season can also be a lonely time, and a sad time…. Let us count our blessings.
Share the LOVE.

12.7_001Peace on earth begins with peace in our hearts.

Love and BlessingsJoy to the world!

Discover the Many Things for Which to Be Thankful

PL teaching for day 21 >  Look at the people around you, the things provided to you by Mother Nature, and all of the little things that bring you joy.  If you search carefully for them, you will find how much you have to be thankful for. > Discover the Many Things for Which to be Thankful  <

Count your blessings.  Oh what a joy felt thought.  I close my eyes and think of so many things that have touched me over the years, and all the friends who have at one time or another touched my “heart”.  My heart is a treasure chest of good memories.  Yes for sure I have known sadness, tears and heartbreak.  BUT the LOVE, happiness and highs that gave me immense and intense pleasures outshine the sadness.  

To know the shattering of  heart, the loss of love, one must first let go and allow love and joy in. The only constant in life is CHANGE, and with change comes new life, new adventures, new tomorrows.  Always live in the moment, enjoy today, now is what counts.

Our blessings are memories of yesterday, the wonders of today, =^_^=, tomorrow will be another today =^_^=

I’m going to try a share a memory with you now.  A rediscovery of a singer who touched my world at one time.. He will be coming to the Jazz Festival this month, it was such a WOW moment to hear this song again.  Blessings all – Have  super happy positive day where ever you are!

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