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Posts tagged ‘poetry’


Today, it was cold, damp and gray

what a wonderful day for a visit to the park

after all, with it being so brisk,

there would be little risk of finding a crowd

I bundled up, filling my pockets with roasted squash seeds

Didn’t take long before I made a new friend =^_^=

who couldn’t contain her happiness at her good fortune, so it wasn’t long

before I had several other chicks singing along …. two beautiful blue jays joined in, they truly made me feel like I belonged …

Dark menacing clouds soon began to push aside the sunnier skies, the wind that had been merrily drifting along beside me, began to pick up speed, nudging me back towards my car. The temperature dropped, icy chill seeped through my jacket, till I no longer felt like I wanted to stay.

The ornamental grass waved goodbye as I sped away. They know I will return on another day.

PL Precept #18 Each moment is a Turning Point!

shades of yesterday

When yesterday fades, only a memory remains

With the light of a new day

Comes the realization that come what may

I will never hear your voice again,

or catch you smile from across the room

when you notice that I’ve arrived home safe

Yesterday, forever seemed so far away

But when you took your last breath, those many months ago

I had no choice but to let you go to your final resting place

and now….. now I search in the changing colours of the autumn leaves

for the happiness we shared, as we crossed the miles of countryside

for Mother Nature’s fall palette of golden yellows, rusted orange and reds,

oh how we rejoiced, laughing and sharing in her glorious showcase of colours that shone in the sunlight, bright golds, bronze and tattered greens

the bark on the trees, changing with the shadows as the sun drifted across the autumn skies. Gnarled knots and open wounds showed off their textures on the aging trees, while the young saplings did their best to show they were full of promise.

Life does go on, and we did vow, we would love with no regrets,

I have no regrets … you are here in every colour Mother Nature puts on display

Love is pure and love is true, when you accept that love is here to stay.

Today was spent …missing you.


Always work to heighten your “inner sensitivity” Your life will take on greater dimensions when you are able to perceive your surroundings with more sensitivity. Let’s continue to learn and add to our knowledge and experience, and cultivate a fresh sense of beauty.

Perfect Liberty 2015.29


walk with me..

Welcome another day

walk with me, stay by my side

for I am here for you

a silent whisper of energy

traveling by your side

there is no right or wrong way

together we will stay, always side by side

like the pine and the oak

we share the “WAY”

it is in our togetherness

that the Universe will be sowed with love

and a lasting JOY of PEACE.

Love begins within

Our roots entwined

bound forever in time.

I Love YOU


Live today with LOVE in your heart, it is a HAPPY day! Live the PL WAY!


Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares

Hebrews 13:1-2

Offer your services instead of expecting from others. Take the initiative to do what you can to help others. Understand their needs and act swiftly.

Perfect Liberty 2020.14

Sharing ….. animals and humans mate …. there is animal lust and human cravings….. but when a heart beats as one, and two minds unite… the state of love… transcends all mortal boundaries

personal musing, Q (China Dream)
photo Dave Renz



the night was clear
it was time to fly into “slumberland”

the enchantment of the night

the desire to be free

my spirit soars into the beyond

knowing that out in the Universe

the calm and serenity of the night

would make my world alright.

landscapes so blue… so true

the moonlight colouring the land a gentle blue

a mesmerizing hue of all that is real

when in a dreamscape I am with YOU.


written by Q (aka me)

photography, Q

Location, Pacifique, SL (virtual)

come one come all

come one come all, come to the ball, it is open to all..

the winds whispered and sang through the trees,

hoping to catch someone, anyone’s ear,

but, the lazy river and the foliage basking in the sun

paid no heed, there was no rush, fall wouldn’t arrive for another couple of months.

Too soon, they awoke to found that the ground was covered in snow, and the cool wind that blew, was in no mood for a ball,

It had come in with the fall, ready to blow the leaves down, and was ready to whip itself up into all it could be, to ensure a clear path

for what was to be. High above from her vantage point above the snow queen polished her wand, making sure her stars were sharp and ready to dispense of all of her glittering diamonds of flakes. With a sweep of her wand, the land below would be covered in snow…

Then, what a glorious landscape it would be. she would call back the wind and open the days to the majesty of the winter sun… Only then would her handiwork be shown at its best. Her diamond flakes would sparkle and amaze, she loved this time of year…

Once more the call would go out, come one, come all, it is time for the ball.

Seasons come and go, we need to flow with the changes. In this way, we will always rejoice at what there is before us. Always be in the NOW.


life is art

I awoke and still you were gone

no more we, just me

there are days when the fog is so dense

so enveloping, I remind myself you are at rest

then do what I can, to do my best – Q

Live each day filled with hope, Even in those situations when you feel trapped with no way out, face every challenge with purpose and enthusiasm and you will always find a way.

Perfect Liberty 2, 2019




Poetry in vision, someone one day said, lets do something with these great pieces of rock we have .. and wow… they placed them, planted trees and let nature help them as the years rolled on.

Even the shadows that are cast when you visit, show form and beauty.  Silent poetry that fills me with wonder … brings feelings to the surface and calms weary  eyes.   The environment on the given day, can lift my spirits, and bring calm to the ripples that have begun to churn on the surface of my adventurous mind.

PL calendar day 22, 2019   Appreciate the strengths as well as the shortcomings in others

Even though you may not agree with someone, complaining about it doesn’t help.  Remember, “we are all human”, and accept each person for who they are.

Feelings are part and parcel of who we are.  Get to know yourself, you will like what you see =^_^=   You are pretty special to me.



I say

birds 3.7.17

*I say old bird

how are you today?”

the owl listened carefully

for the reply

Would today be the day

Chatty bird would get a reply

For he asked this question every day

and seldom got even a nod in response

“I am fine young man,” said Ms Tweets

“Young man, you say !”said Chatty bird

“You did call me old bird” said Ms Tweets

Chatty bird was quiet for a time,

then smiled, “I am fine Ms Tweet, thank you for today’s reminder”

“You are welcome,  Professor Chatty,” smiling back, she went on her way.


“Now” is always the start of something new.  -PL  day 24,2014



original art

no sense or nonsense

V Lock Ard Gorge 4.25.17

it was a restless dream

I heard my thoughts,

the challenges from various sections

of my overworked gray cells

the unfinished sentences

the words of wisdom

clashing with aggressive shouts

the voice of reason was not to be ignored

throught it all

a part of me sat unmoved

was this nonsense

or merely me

unable to make sense

of the prattle and the inner voices

that when all vying for attention

at the same time

make no sense at all


PL Calendar day 2

Live each day with hope   Even in those situation when you feel trapped with no way out, face every challenge with purpose and enthusiasm and you will always find a way.



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